

Nov 20th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. [13:10] "Garling's Coat?" He scratched at his head.
  2. "Well, how did I manage to end up all the way up here? Perhaps someone near Achyon must've brought me back." At the very least, hearing the innocent sounds of nature's ambience were a nice retreat from the rather harsh and artificial screams of machinery.
  4. "Hmmm..." He hummed, finding himself lost in an awkward pause. "Well, uuuh.." He lowered his head, trying to think his thoughts through, before a realization struck him.
  5. "Oh!" His head propped up, but failed to look into Dorongar's eyes with the excitement they encapsulated.
  7. "Is Rosa around here? A mage with healing powers? She was supposedly running a tavern near here. I think she mentioned being able to heal me at one point. Perhaps she is still around."
  8. (Nathan Elbi)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [13:13] He looks around and asks, "Kirk..we got any Healer around 'ere right now?", while he's thinking how a guy that can't see is walking around alone, "I dunno if Rosa..is around, she was a few minutes ago tho!" He nods, knowing at least that and now, he waits for an answer.
  12. (Dorongar Hedor)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [13:19] The man's amber hues glance back to the two conversating. From what he gathered the person Hedor was speaking to was blind. By the sounds of it permanently so. None of the healers he knows can fix something like that. Nor has he seen any of the ones he knows either. He gave a shrug, not really able to help the guy.
  17. "If you've seen Rosa then she is probably in the café somewhere. --Other than that everyone I know who can heal isn't around right now. Apologizes for that."
  19. He said before going back to his fishing sorta leaving Hedor to handle that himself. Unless he wanted further assistance. Since he didn't know what he could do to help.
  20. (Kirk Simmons)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [13:25] Nathan frowned in reverence, before giving a defeated sigh. "Well, at least it's worth an effort to go there." He brought up, before giving a brief emulated scan of the area. Thereafter, a pause ensued, and assuming Dorongar didn't immediately prep to head back to the others, Nathan would speak up.
  25. "Would you mind guiding me to the café?" He asked outright. "If anything, getting this far without tripping on the bridge a little back, or falling off the cliff was a bit of patience and blind luck." He claimed with a smile and outreached hand -- likely an attempt to cuff at the drakan's shoulder for guidance.
  26. (Nathan Elbi)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [13:28] Dorongar Hedor says, "Aye."
  30. [13:28] Dorongar Hedor says, "Here we are at the cafe...and Rosa ain't here."
  31. [13:28] Dorongar Hedor says, "Just Vas and a friend."
  32. [13:30] Dorongar Hedor asks, "Got it?"
  33. [13:30] Nathan Elbi says, "Ah, I see."
  34. [13:30] Nathan Elbi says, "Well, if she isn't here."
  35. [13:30] Nathan Elbi says, "I suppose I'd best get going then."
  36. [13:31] Dorongar Hedor says, "Or ya can wait here."
  37. [13:31] Nathan Elbi says, "Hmm..."
  38. [13:31] Nathan Elbi says, "I suppose if she works here, she'll be back."
  39. [13:31] Dorongar Hedor says, "Aye."
  40. [13:31] Nathan Elbi says, "Her magic helps me see, so it'll only be a matter of time."
  41. [13:32] Nathan reaches out for a stool
  42. (Nathan Elbi)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [13:32] Dorongar Hedor says, "Mhm, good luck.."
  46. [13:32] Nathan Elbi says, "Thank you, stranger."
  48. [14:12] Fleur arrives downstairs, already feeling Nathan's pulse. Her wellspring magic fires out before she even greet him.
  50. "You've returned~" She chimes. "Hopefully you won't fall asleep on me like last time~" She teases, the boy seemed to have strained himself focusing on fishing and passed out on the balcony.
  51. (Fleurosa)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [14:21] Time was dragging on as he waited...
  55. Minutes... To what felt like hours...
  56. Perhaps, they WERE hours. Nathan hadn't much a concept of time when it came to waiting like this.
  58. All he could say for certain was that despite the dream-like sensation he felt with the events that took place prior, he still was plagued with a roaring headache that seemingly singed at the flesh like a worn burn that cooled through the blood seeping through his veins. The world sought to drag his topside down to it, for an intimate embrace -- one he repetitively declined the advances of with a seat on a stool and head resting on the table - face-down.
  60. That was until... Her voice wrought through the darkness, and a slight pang of the heart followed suit. Alas, happiness clung at his soul for once in his miserable descent. "Huh?" He whipped his head up a little too fast, wincing at the grogginess that took him off-guard before uttering out to her.
  62. "Rosa? It's been so long."
  63. Come to think of it... Was it her that fished him back here? No, she would've referenced that then. Such an odd series of events, but when it came down to it, sometimes it wasn't worth questioning.
  65. "Sorry, my head has just been pounding like a drum."
  66. That magic that cascaded from her confirmed any possibility of doubt, flooding through his body to permit the faintest shadows to give dimensions to an otherwise blank visual canvas.
  67. The magic that permitted him vision only irked at his mind further, conflicting with a foreign presence that kneaded its thorns through mind and soul.
  69. Its venomous taint was unpleasant, but resisted nonetheless.
  70. "I- uh..." It rattled his world, "Yeah, I'm..." He attempted to pick himself up from the table before leaning on it to keep himself upright.
  71. "Sorry... I don't know how I ended up here, but I'm happy to hear your voice." He turned to analyze her faint silhouette: courtesy of her magic.
  72. (Nathan Elbi)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [14:28] The woman offers a smile on her vermillion painted lips, not that he could see it unfortunately. "Oh, I'm sorry dear. George~ Be a dear and offer Nathan here a lemon and mint tonic on me~?" She chimes over towards the barkeeper.
  77. The former butler nods and prepares Nathan a remedy for his headache.
  79. "While we get that sorted, how have you been~?" Asides from blindly bumping into things, she hoped he was staying out of trouble... There'd been thieves and robbers of late coming up the mountain to harass the café staff. "I think I heard a drakanite help you earlier~ One of your friends wasn't he Priya~?" She asks the kitsune tailing her around.
  81. "Herdor?" She never got his name and was just making a guess. "Anyways~ Let's take a look at your eyes shall we~?" She chimes, pulling medicinal herbs and solutions from her satchel. "Shouldn't take too long, I'll figure out shortly if your eyes can be cured~" The woman seemed rather upbeat today.
  82. (Fleurosa)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [14:35] George...
  86. That was the name of the barkeep, was it not? It had been a few months since he had been back here. Adventures throughout the wilderness and various settlements made his memory fuzzy.
  87. "I- uh.." He took pause to really mull over the question, "I think I've been alright." Some uncertainty still hanging in his voice, as he brought himself upright and rubbed at the dulling headache.
  89. "Admittedly, I got lost for a while and ended up on an adventure I didn't expect myself on. Got attacked by direwolves, was almost eaten and stumbled into Achyon, then eventually got myself hospitalized and woke up here. It's been a bizzare time to say the least."
  90. So many details lost in the mix, and so much pain he hid from his visage that blurred the lines from one event to the next.
  92. "Yes, of course!" He picked up, excitement getting the better of him as he put himself upright.
  93. "Where do we start?" He asked, attempting to listen closer to his surroundings. The other silhouette earned his curiosity, but not a word further.
  94. (Nathan Elbi)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [14:42] George comes by shortly with a glass of bubbling water, lemon syrup and freshly mashed mint oil and juice stirred in. Fleur places a few more botanicals, some lavender and sage, along with a few sprigs of thyme to really help ease his headache.
  99. "Drink this first, you'll feel better in about ten minutes~" She chimes, the glass offered to Nathan, another pulse of wellspring magic fires off, more concentrated this time allowing the boy to see colors and details.
  101. Fleur shuffles through her bags for some things to help her diagnosis while she waits for him to drink the tonic.
  102. (Fleurosa)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. [14:57] Enta entered the large building with little difficulty, hi sandals clapping against the wooden floor beneath him. Rather than simply... walk in, however, he quickly sped around the establishment, before coming to a full stop.
  107. "Ey!"
  109. Speaking to no one in particular, simply attempting to get the attention of anyone nearby.
  111. "Is this where the maids are or was there a change?"
  112. (Enta)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [14:58] The barkeep made their way to the table, with the smells of the glass making it to Nathan before it'd make it there. Without much thought in the matter, he reached out for the offered glass to sip at it, digressing from the sharp taste only for a "Thank you." before gulp it down. The glass was put down only with a complementing "Aah" in reverence.
  117. "If only time would speed up." He whined through his breath. The pulse felt like sonar, reminding his vision of where everything was between the past and the now. "I don't know if I'm too much a fan of mint, but... I don't complain." He complained, with a soft smile.
  119. "So how have -you- been?" He asked, surely that was... Odd. The question of the matter to himself was... Did he really care about anything outside of his own dream to see again? After that, perhaps he could be permitted to feel anything but sunken in this never-ending nightmare.
  121. "I-uh... Got better on my fishing! I don't really know what I've been catching but, it seems to sell well." He shrugged, though this was small talk and he knew it. It was hurting him on a level he couldn't voice... Or maybe that was something else.
  122. (Nathan Elbi)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [15:04] The masked woman gathers her things and begins the medical examination. A few tests to see if his eyes could heal on their own with some assistance or if surgery was required.
  127. She mixes a few medicinal herbs with a solution that would grant his eyes increased sensitivity to light. Just two drops, one for each eye. "Hold still I'm going to drop this into each eye okay?" She warns. A gentle bandaged hand opens his eye lids to see the rather pale irises... There was certainly something there obstructing his vision, possibly grown over time or invasive.
  129. The solution is dropped into each eye and Fleur shakes a torch light potion to get it glowing. She holds it up behind a piece of parchment to screen it incase its too harsh. Her wellspring magic fades, and with it his vision. "Tell me if you can see this light?" She asks, holding it up around head level.
  130. (Fleurosa)
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [15:27] Nathan took to silence, following through with absolute compliance. It was time to see exactly how this would play out. Time to hold still, held breath and nervousness took him whole.
  135. What if this didn't work?
  136. What if, his vision would never return?
  137. That was probably why so many people pitied him so greatly.
  138. A droplet fell over an eye, followed by yet another...
  139. Then the other eye would receive the same treatment.
  141. He blinked, but otherwise nothing.
  142. "I, uuuh…." Without the magic of Wellspring magic though? "No." He admitted, "I can't really see... Anything." It was as though something blocked the world from him. A sheath he never sought protection within, but rather left him lost within himself.
  144. His own thoughts took the void, where the outside world once did: An introverts dream come true. To one's misfortune though? The real world still existed, and his body acted upon it like a golem he held no true coordination for.
  145. (Nathan Elbi)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [15:59] Fleur learns that there was indeed something blocking light from entering his eyes... Her first educated guess of cataracts was becoming more likely the case. She puts the torchlight potion away and tries a few different minor treatments first.
  150. "I need you to start taking this medicine twice a day, once when you wake and once before sleeping for the evening." She slings a satchel with a few jars, and a simple sponge like fibrous ball. "Soak this in the solution and gently ply it to your eyes before resting and when waking... I'll check on you again within a month and see if any progress is made."
  152. "It's perfectly safe, it should feel just like water." That's because it was, wellspring waters with small amounts of her own mana poured in, mild astringents that would with each application, peel away a thin layer from his eyes. Her hope being that after a month remedying him with it, they would allow light to pass through oncemore and grant him the very least ability to see silhouettes again.
  154. "If anything feels wrong or happens please seek me out." She chimes. The woman then hands him a hollow cane made from a stalk of bamboo. "Use this to help you detect things in front of you... Be sure to listen and use this cane as an extension of your arm... It pains me to see you constantly stumble into things..." She advises.
  155. (Fleurosa)
  156. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. [22:51] A diagnosis and probable solution was at hand! At least, Nathan brought himself to assume of such. "Medicine?" Well, at least that meant he'd see the results mull over slowly, right? He didn't exactly know what to expect from a medic confronting blindness.
  160. Though, without much thought he accept the sachel provided to him and felt the jars inside. They were obviously filled with a fluid, probably the same fluid used on his eyes a moment ago. No, it was likely something else to fix the problem. Right?
  162. Alongside it, something squishy and fibrous in the shape of a ball: something to apply to the fluid before being used on his eyes? Perhaps, it'd make sense with time.
  164. "Thank you." He answered, before slinging the satchel over and arm and accept the bamboo stick.
  165. "This will make exploring a lot less unpleasant." He chuckled some bit, "Maybe, a bit more entertaining too." He smiled, but to some degree he felt as though it wouldn't last.
  167. It never did.
  168. (Nathan Elbi)
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