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Dec 8th, 2017
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  1. As long as you love yourself you can have sex whenever you like, with whomever you like, the key is realizing your partner might as well not exist.
  3. You guys ever think about what it'd be like to be me? To love yourselves as much as I love myself?
  4. It really is a different level of existence. I realized some time ago that I don't feel attraction to others. When I have sex I don't enjoy that person's body, I enjoy being observed by them, and observing myself performing. I'm quite simply, attracted to myself, and since I discovered this my life has been radically changed. It all turns into a spectacle about myself and for myself to watch.
  6. I don't pretend to be a sociopath, faking grandiose mental illnesses is for slightly less mentally ill folks.
  7. What I'm trying to say is than most people are always yearning for something exterior, and their lives are aimed towards seeking this something / someone. A life time in their own company has dulled down any sense of self love and admiration they could have for themselves, after all, they know the weakness that looms in their hearts better than anyone; in other words, they have rejected the role of the protagonist in their own lives, for they're obsessed with the concept of "the other".
  8. But when you're like me, you already have the greatest thing you could possibly want, and you goal is to enjoy it, and preserve it, and enhance it.
  10. Speaking truthfully, it seems to me that people who use terms such as "the one/ my oneitis" have a lot of fears, expectations and overall emotional baggage tied in with the prospect of sex.
  11. in my experience, those who live in fear of failure experience disappointment threefold, for the first time when they imagine their future self, for the second time when they are going through the ordeal an it looms on them, and for the last time when their future self reminiscences about their past self.
  12. A view as romantic as the one these people hold is worthy of a proper don quixote, and they are in need of their sancho panza, a lady who despite sharing those ideals will never present itself, cause she will still be attracted to the the mainstream male attributes also, and in the almost impossible case the connection is made, you'll have a picture perfect folie a deux.
  14. Before we start, remember, whores are human shaped stepping stones in your narcissistic pursuit, even if she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch she is still worth nothing , with that said if you still whant to score for your pleasure:
  15. The first thing to do with any woman you want to penetrate is assert a distance between you. Do not let her get close. Keep her at arm's length and only very rarely make it clear that you want and desire her. People in general (and women in particular), are arrogant and self centered, they DO NOT want to worship a human being other than themselves; they want an image, a reliable, powerful, consistent force that they can attach themselves to, shade themselves under, and live vicariously through. By being a cutesy idiot sending lengthy texts to her explaining your pleb-tier opinions you are begging for her validation and feedback, you are basically oblivious to the fact that this submissive, masochistic little cunt wants a sexual partner, or a boyfriend and not some entry-level "my first playground romance" cuckboy.
  17. Women enjoy the dynamic of tension and then relief, intimidation, the utter debasement of themselves in service of a man who represents brute force and who apparently gets as much of a kick out of choking her, destroying her dignity and violently using her body and forcing her to admit her utter inferiority as she does in allowing a guy to do that to her. Very few women are looking for some dumb nerdy nice dude with tenuous philosophical positions.
  19. But there must be some initial spark, based on physical attractiveness or power-orientated competence to provide the initial impulse in her desire of you. Girls simply do not fall in love with you "over time", or feel indifferent towards you at first only to suddenly become overwhelmed by desire after overhearing you tell your buddy about how exiting was that video game tournament you watched last weekend. The initial phase of inter-gender attraction is the most important, and the way you conduct yourself at that stage sets the tone for any relationship you may have.
  21. Be too distant and you risk her losing interest or judging you to be oblivious and / or capable of simply "ignoring" your own instincts. Be too forward and you are admitting that you are needy, non-repressive and indifferent to high-tension dating rituals that women love. You should assert your attraction by an exchange of glances alone. This tells her you notice her and feel strongly about her, but are at the same time aware of etiquette and too appreciative of the aesthetic ritual to simply ask her to let you use her hole You must tempt her and maintain the intensity between you two. Make her feel impatient with you for not simply grabbing her and taking what you want from her. Make her ashamed of her intense desire and physical yearning for you. Make her touch herself at the thought of you, make her want to fuck her dog just to get rid of this burning urge that you have kindled. Make her view any woman you talk to as the potential ruiner of her entire life.
  22. And THEN, when her inner turmoil is at its summit, when the delusional self-aggrandizing image she holds of herself starts to crumble under the weight of her instinct that compels her to be bred, only then you will ram her with your cock, and from that point onward with the outer layer of her persona shed from existence, she will be forced to stare into her real self and admit herself a slut, and she will be less human for it.
  23. With a single swift thrust of your hips, their entire lives up to that point validated; your meat rod falls upon them, striking their soft flesh like the whip of the very same Martin Luther during his daily session of self-flagellation, and much like the pain freed him from the guilt of his past sins, the pleasure of your instrument will quickly wipe away their feelings of self-loathing.
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