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Sep 14th, 2017
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  1. ITT we discuss the fact that soon the West is going to go thru massive social upheaval, either because of engineered civil war (purple revolution) by people like George Soros to be kicked off by leftists, or caused by the collapse of the soft socialist system in the West when Sovereign Debt Crisis hits
  5. "Anyone with a brain in the West has been morbidly depressed since at least the 1920s, with the most perceptive beginning to feel the queasiness in the 1820s or earlier. However, they know that a transition to anything else will involve massive carnage and possibly failure, so they hang on, patching up society like a leaky boat and hoping for the best instead of letting it sink while they build a new boat. These people, who are complicit in continuing the decline because they have rationalized the decay as positive and are afraid of anything else, collaborate with the government and other captive industries to further the narrative: We Can Fix This. They want us to think that Houston flooding is merely an aberration, a glitch, or a deviation from the norm, instead of the norm itself. The truth is that we cannot fix this and even if we could, it would be doom for us, a slow death by a thousand cuts that makes us existentially miserable and prone to abuse our families, friends and coworkers as it drives us mad. We are locked in a train heading toward a ravine where the bridge is out, keeping ourselves distracted by fighting over the distribution of food in the restaurant car while the abyss grows steadily nearer. We all want off the train, but there is no way to jump from a speeding train without risk of death or serious injury, so we huddle closer, in public keeping up the charade by focusing on any issue other than the one real issue of civilization collapse, and in private always wondering exactly when the crash will come."
  7. ------------ [NEXT POST]
  9. Past breads: >>141164141 >>141360822 >>141498953
  11. Also take into account this:
  13. Liberals and the media are literally 1-2 steps away from calling for the extermination of all white people.
  15. Literal concentration camps -- run by liberal minority groups with full support from the media and all of our elected officials.
  17. It's the clear next step for liberals and the media - calling for all whites to be killed -- that white people are too toxic to be allowed to live.
  19. We are maybe 2-3 years away from that step.
  21. And if they can't do that in your country, they'll just say "racism" (not going with their rotten agenda) is a mental illness and will medicate you and commit you to mental health institutions.
  24. "We will most likely see these type events explode peaking out in real bloodshed by September 21/22nd, 2019 (2019.725). So expect to see this civil unrest continue to rise especially after 2017."
  26. So, bravely fight the 3 wars to save the West:
  27. 1- the war on our individual personal weaknesses (fought by becoming better each day physically, mentally and financially)
  28. 2- the cold war on the leftists and traitors (fought by waging defensive and offensive memetic and deplatforming war on the enemy, online and AFK)
  29. 3- the hot war against the traitors and enemies of the West when the anti-white oppressors of the West kick it off (to be fought in the future, and to be fought right now by means of SHTF prepping)
  31. after the Great Western Global Civil Wars we’ll need to remain vigilant and make the correct changes to our way of governing our people in order to prosper again, instead of facing another cycle of 300 to 600 years of dark age era on the West again.
  33. Fight on these 3 fronts each and every day and you’ll reach satisfaction. Do it for yourself and do it for your family. Do it for your community and for your country. And last but not least, do it also for your race and the whole West.
  35. ------------ [NEXT POST]
  37. The main take away I want to pass on with this thread is that:
  39. - The West and Western people and values are under attack by its enemies: the muslims, the progressive globalist jews and the anti-white anti-West anti-secure borders traitors.
  40. - We would be able to fix the problems we have peacefully if our corrupt treasonous politicians would let honest open discussion about the problems and solution to said problems was allowed. Instead, they choose to silence, jail and incite violence against all who dare speak the truth.
  41. - Given both points above, the most sane solution is to use the SHTF that'll eventually hit and the lack of rule of law that'll result from hit to purge the West from all kikes, all muds and all traitors.
  42. - We do this by learning as much as we can about SHTF prepping, refuse to start any shit, but when SHTF, we capitalize the fact that the corrupt system that has been protecting the enemies of the West is no longer in place to take out as many of them as possible. We do this ruthlessly, targeting men, women and children, like they do to us right now with the blessing of our rotten treasonous "leaders".
  43. - Until SHTF and we are allowed to get to work, we prep, we train, we redpill as many people as we can. We do not start anything, we prepare to take full advantage of SHTF when it comes, because it will come, its not a question of if, but when.
  46. Be smart. Be strong. Be brave. Be ruthless.
  47. The enemy is all of those.
  48. Feel thankful we have such worthy enemies, it'll make us value again all we'll conquer back from their dead cold hands.
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