
[Classic FR] Day of All-Twelves

Dec 12th, 2012
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  1. >Day of All-Twelves in Equestria.
  2. >Wake up.
  3. >Stand up and part your window's soft pink satin curtains.
  4. >Fluttershy would probably have a maregasm if she heard that phrase...
  5. >Peek outside.
  6. >Pinkie Pie is standing under cotton candy clouds drizzling chocolate rain.
  7. >Berry is lounging around bases of Truffula trees with wine bottles hanging from them.
  8. What in the buck is going on here?
  9. >Knock knock.
  10. >Well, at least there's some consistency to this day...
  11. >Slap on a pair of pants and go answer the door.
  12. >"Oh, h-hi Anon..." Fluttershy blushes and kicks a hoof into the ground meekly.
  13. >She sure seems to be taking this reality-bending well...
  14. Fluttershy, why aren't you freaking out?
  15. >"A-About what, Anon?"
  16. >You slap your palm to your forehead, dragging it down in anguish.
  17. This whole... Discord-esque chaos thing.
  18. >You gesture to the warped world around you.
  19. >"O-Oh... That's just All-Twelves Day."
  20. What the fuck is All-Twelves Day?
  21. >"Well, whenever the day, month, and year are the same number, Celestia grants each p0ny one wish."
  22. >Well that's... pretty cool actually.
  23. >"That's why I'm here, Anon."
  24. >She turns around and presents herself to you, craning her head to look back.
  25. >She wiggles her rump. "My wish is for that h-hot monkey dick."
  26. >Your recently-donned pants explode in a mist of fabric and bullshit magic.
  27. >Your traitorous dick immediately stands at attention and your body slides along the ground on a collision course.
  28. >Impact in t-minus 5 seconds...
  29. Houston, we have a problem!
  30. >You close your eyes tight and your mind races.
  31. >Think of something!
  32. >Quick!
  33. >Oh! Got it!
  34. >Better hope Celestia gave you a wish too.
  35. >With your eyes still pinned shut, you're milked dry.
  36. >Once you're done cumming, you open your eyes to a rainbow colored mane on a blue p0ny.
  37. >Looks like you got your wish.
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