

Jun 5th, 2014
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  1. 05:34 *** gio7sm joined #inlicentia Mibbit@CD0F1E5C.C3389A83.8F613949.IP
  2. 05:34 gio7sm hello?
  3. 05:34 --- Fluttastic is back
  4. 05:34 Fluttastic hi, gio.
  5. 05:34 gio7sm oh, hi
  6. 05:34 gio7sm i thought you were sleeping
  7. 05:35 gio7sm whats up Ry?
  8. 05:36 Fluttastic i should be sleeping by now
  9. 05:36 Fluttastic but i'm making bad choices.
  10. 05:37 gio7sm bad choices?
  11. 05:37 Fluttastic staying up too late.
  12. 05:42 gio7sm ok
  13. 05:43 gio7sm im planning for the site's big update
  14. 05:43 gio7sm new items, mega evo, legendaries, events and many more~
  15. 05:43 Fluttastic oh, good luck.
  16. 05:43 Fluttastic are you not going to come around IL as much because of viridis?
  17. 05:44 gio7sm no!
  18. 05:44 gio7sm i'll always be here at IL
  19. 05:44 gio7sm its my first RP site
  20. 05:44 gio7sm i love it here!
  21. 05:44 gio7sm
  22. 05:46 Fluttastic ah, that's good to hear.
  23. 05:48 gio7sm im surprised,
  24. 05:48 gio7sm Dana joined the site
  25. 05:49 Fluttastic yeah, i heard!
  26. 05:49 Fluttastic i heard you guys had a little, uh... tense/hard to understand chat in your IRC, too
  27. 05:51 gio7sm tense?
  28. 05:51 gio7sm umm... like wut?
  29. 05:51 gio7sm O.o
  30. 05:51 Fluttastic he was trying to get you to understand his gender
  31. 05:52 gio7sm oh!
  32. 05:52 gio7sm that
  33. 05:52 gio7sm yeah, i understand now..
  34. 05:52 gio7sm he was born a *girl*
  35. 05:53 Fluttastic yeah... and still has the anatomy of a girl because medical transition is very expensive and a rigorous process in america
  36. 05:53 Fluttastic and his mom doesn't approve
  37. 05:54 gio7sm ok
  38. 05:54 gio7sm i dont think its allowed in the Philippines... maybe?
  39. 05:54 gio7sm because we have many *Gays* here... :|
  40. 05:54 gio7sm i have like... 3 gay classmates
  41. 05:54 Fluttastic haha
  42. 05:55 Fluttastic well, at least you know better, right, dude? you have friends like us so you know that there's nothing wrong with being trans
  43. 05:55 gio7sm yeah, i think i understand gender stuff now...
  44. 05:55 Fluttastic if there are enough people like us, who understand that there's no issue, then eventually the world will change and people will accept us more
  45. 05:55 gio7sm its already accepted here
  46. 05:55 gio7sm in the Philippines
  47. 05:55 gio7sm like I said...
  48. 05:56 gio7sm many gays
  49. 05:56 Fluttastic mm
  50. 05:56 Fluttastic well, being gay doesn't necessarily mean you're trans
  51. 05:56 Fluttastic they're not necessarily related
  52. 05:56 Fluttastic but i appreciate the effort.
  53. 05:56 gio7sm yeah... but, i think you get the picture
  54. 05:56 gio7sm i have a gay cousin
  55. 05:56 gio7sm that is dubbed as "School Crush" by many girls
  56. 05:57 Fluttastic yes. i hope your society is forward-thinking!
  57. 05:57 gio7sm but sadly, his gay...
  58. 05:57 gio7sm or maybe its not negative at all
  59. 05:57 gio7sm if he wasn't he would have millions of GFs now!
  60. 05:57 gio7sm ah, yes, i hope so too!
  61. 05:58 gio7sm Philippines is dubbed as "Asia's most Corrupt Country!"
  62. 05:58 Fluttastic oh, uh... huh.
  63. 05:58 gio7sm yeah..
  64. 05:59 gio7sm i tried to install a chatbox in the forum, and it became LAGGY!
  65. 05:59 gio7sm my bad~
  66. 05:59 Fluttastic and here i thought that honor would belong to north korea.
  67. 05:59 gio7sm no
  68. 05:59 gio7sm lol
  69. 05:59 gio7sm i found it while on history class
  70. 06:00 gio7sm we had to record statistical stuff like GNP gains and such~
  71. 06:00 Fluttastic ah, huh. how do they measure corruption?
  72. 06:01 Fluttastic money in politics, maybe?
  73. 06:01 gio7sm maybe?
  74. 06:01 gio7sm i really dont know~
  75. 06:01 Fluttastic hmm
  76. 06:03 gio7sm hmmm...
  77. 06:03 Fluttastic being trans is a tough boat to be in, y'know
  78. 06:04 gio7sm why?
  79. 06:04 gio7sm i never thought of it being that way...
  80. 06:04 --- Alice is back
  81. 06:05 Fluttastic well, trans people experience a phenomenon called dysphoria, where they have unpleasant feelings because their physical body doesn't match up to their gender
  82. 06:05 gio7sm dysphoria?
  83. 06:05 gio7sm doesn't Keda...
  84. 06:05 gio7sm WAIT!
  85. 06:05 gio7sm ok
  86. 06:06 gio7sm never mind that Keda one...
  87. 06:06 Fluttastic hmm
  88. 06:07 Fluttastic also, a lot of people will not hire you or treat you properly in society because you're trans.
  89. 06:07 gio7sm ok, have you experienced it before?
  90. 06:07 gio7sm and do you have a job?
  91. 06:07 Fluttastic i don't have a job right now.
  92. 06:08 gio7sm ok, past jobs?
  93. 06:08 Fluttastic i haven't experienced it yet, but the people around me don't know. i'm still keeping it a secret from everyone except for you guys on the internet.
  94. 06:08 gio7sm oh! ok
  95. 06:08 gio7sm but they know your dating a fellow girl?
  96. 06:08 Fluttastic eventually i will come out and start trying to medically transition, meaning taking hormones to change my appearance and hopefully give me a nice pair of breasts and all. and eventually, surgery
  97. 06:08 gio7sm wait...
  98. 06:08 gio7sm oh!
  99. 06:09 gio7sm silly me
  100. 06:09 Fluttastic dana and i are both trans.
  101. 06:09 gio7sm your a guy!
  102. 06:09 gio7sm im confused
  103. 06:09 Fluttastic well, um... i'm not a guy
  104. 06:09 Fluttastic here, gio
  105. 06:09 Fluttastic i was born with a penis, dana was born with a vagina.
  106. 06:09 gio7sm ok
  107. 06:09 gio7sm i get it now..
  108. 06:09 Fluttastic i was raised as a boy, dana was raised as a girl
  109. 06:09 gio7sm ok
  110. 06:09 Fluttastic but we both want to transition -- out of respect, everyone around us on the internet, the people who know
  111. 06:09 gio7sm i thought you were both girls!
  112. 06:09 gio7sm ok
  113. 06:10 Fluttastic they use girl pronouns and the like to refer to me, and male pronouns to refer to dana
  114. 06:10 gio7sm ok
  115. 06:10 Fluttastic and i'd appreciate it if you didn't call me a "guy" just because i was born with that set of traits, y'know? here's a tip:
  116. 06:10 Fluttastic when talking to a trans person, /always/ refer to them by their destination, not by their starting point
  117. 06:11 gio7sm ok,
  118. 06:11 Fluttastic if you really need to clear things up and reference the past, you can ask, for instance
  119. 06:11 Fluttastic "You're ftm?" which means "female to male" which refers to the direction of transition
  120. 06:11 gio7sm oh!
  121. 06:11 gio7sm ok
  122. 06:11 Fluttastic likewise, you can say "You're mtf?" which would apply to someone like me -- born with a penis, want to become a woman
  123. 06:12 gio7sm i was always curious about you... i wanna ask Dana
  124. 06:12 gio7sm ok
  125. 06:12 gio7sm but... i was scared
  126. 06:12 gio7sm :3
  127. 06:12 Fluttastic it's okay!
  128. 06:12 Fluttastic dana can get a little testy when he thinks that someone isn't understanding
  129. 06:12 Fluttastic but i'm pretty patient at explaining things
  130. 06:12 Fluttastic as for the job thing...
  131. 06:12 gio7sm ok, thats good
  132. 06:12 gio7sm :3
  133. 06:13 Fluttastic things are even harder for dana because he's deaf, so he can't get a job as... for instance, a cashier or something
  134. 06:13 Fluttastic something where you'd need to hear a person
  135. 06:13 Fluttastic that leaves lots of jobs open, but it also closes lots of doors.
  136. 06:13 gio7sm deaf? oh right!
  137. 06:13 gio7sm yeah...
  138. 06:13 gio7sm full-on deaf? or just semi deaf
  139. 06:15 Fluttastic dana is full-on deaf in one of his ears and only almost entirely deaf in the other. in the ear that he's fully deaf in, he has a device called a cochlear implant that lets him 'hear,' but it's far from perfect and it takes years to learn how to understand speech with such a device
  140. 06:15 Fluttastic Show YouTube video (
  141. 06:16 gio7sm oh, ok
  142. 06:17 gio7sm ok
  143. 06:17 Fluttastic you can see how it'd be tough to understand, yeah?
  144. 06:17 gio7sm yeah, but how did you ask him out?
  145. 06:18 gio7sm how did HE ask YOU out
  146. 06:18 Fluttastic i asked him out, haha
  147. 06:18 Fluttastic we met on the site we were on before IL, PP.
  148. 06:18 gio7sm lol
  149. 06:18 gio7sm ok
  150. 06:18 gio7sm PokemonParadise?
  151. 06:18 Fluttastic yep, that's the one
  152. 06:19 Fluttastic we haven't met in person yet, but we live four hours away, so we hope that sometime soon we can... maybe plan a little road trip in the summer to see each other.
  153. 06:19 gio7sm did he start of as a member?
  154. 06:19 Fluttastic i'm also learning "american sign language," which is... as you might guess
  155. 06:19 gio7sm oh thats great :3
  156. 06:19 Fluttastic a language using hand signs and gestures to communicate!
  157. 06:19 gio7sm thats was ASL stand for
  158. 06:19 gio7sm yeah
  159. 06:20 Fluttastic yeah, most people use "ASL" to refer to "age, sex, location," but to us it's american sign language.
  160. 06:20 gio7sm like on Omegle?
  161. 06:20 Fluttastic yeah, haha
  162. 06:20 gio7sm lol!
  163. 06:20 gio7sm NASL?
  164. 06:20 Fluttastic the... north american soccer league?
  165. 06:21 gio7sm Name? Age? Sex? Location?
  166. 06:21 gio7sm LOL
  167. 06:21 Fluttastic oh, oh
  168. 06:21 Fluttastic i've never heard the name part
  169. 06:21 gio7sm its real y'know *wink*
  170. 06:21 Fluttastic things are tough, and dana thinks that because he has so much stuff going against him, that he'll never be able to transition, because it's so expensive and arduous. however, i believe in us and i'm hopeful for the future. i want to be able to help him transition -- i'm getting a degree in psychology, which i hope will be an accepting field of work where i
  171. 06:22 Fluttastic can make enough to help us both get the medical help we need.
  172. 06:22 gio7sm i never met any internet friends
  173. 06:22 gio7sm oh! planning for the future? thats great!
  174. 06:23 gio7sm maybe you'll be wife and husband
  175. 06:23 Fluttastic hehe, we can hope
  176. 06:23 gio7sm *crosses fingers* hope the baby's name will be Gio
  177. 06:23 Fluttastic you'll be cheering for us, right? for our lives to go great and for us to transition well
  178. 06:23 gio7sm hell yeah i am!
  179. 06:24 Fluttastic oh, well, we don't have the technology to let trans ladies have babies yet. :<
  180. 06:24 gio7sm (my first time saying that~ i feel alive!)
  181. 06:24 Fluttastic haha, i'm happy for you
  182. 06:24 gio7sm maybe for the *bed* part, you can switch to your normal genders?
  183. 06:24 gio7sm :]
  184. 06:25 Fluttastic well, i don't think he's very interested in having a baby before we transition.
  185. 06:25 Fluttastic maybe one day we'll adopt, dude.
  186. 06:25 Fluttastic if i do finish transition, then i'll have the genitals of a lady but i won't be able to become pregnant or have a child, haha
  187. 06:25 gio7sm ok
  188. 06:25 gio7sm Dana can have the child
  189. 06:25 gio7sm and no adoption :3
  190. 06:26 Fluttastic well, we're crossing fingers that one day he'll have a dick instead of, y'know
  191. 06:26 Fluttastic all the parts you need to birth a child. :u
  192. 06:26 *** gio7sm quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) Mibbit@CD0F1E5C.C3389A83.8F613949.IP
  193. 06:27 *** gio7sm joined #inlicentia Mibbit@CD0F1E5C.C3389A83.8F613949.IP
  194. 06:27 gio7sm hi, im back
  195. 06:27 Fluttastic hi!
  196. 06:27 Fluttastic here's what i said just before you left
  197. 06:27 gio7sm oh.
  198. 06:27 Fluttastic 06:26 Fluttastic well, we're crossing fingers that one day he'll have a dick instead of, y'know 06:26 Fluttastic all the parts you need to birth a child. :u
  199. 06:27 gio7sm :] ok
  200. 06:28 gio7sm im thinking dirty right now...
  201. 06:28 gio7sm have you ever tried "M-ing?"
  202. 06:28 Fluttastic hm?
  203. 06:29 gio7sm like...
  204. 06:29 gio7sm umm..
  205. 06:29 gio7sm ma--u--b--t--j
  206. 06:29 gio7sm *i
  207. 06:30 gio7sm i dont know if im allowed to say that
  208. 06:30 Fluttastic gio, i think that's an inappropriate topic for us to talk about, y'know.
  209. 06:30 gio7sm ok, just forget about it
  210. 06:30 gio7sm but.. have you tried it?
  211. 06:30 Fluttastic gio, seriously
  212. 06:31 Fluttastic i said it's an inappropriate topic for a reason
  213. 06:31 gio7sm OK O.o
  214. 06:31 gio7sm im sorry
  215. 06:31 gio7sm *bows repetitively*
  216. 06:33 gio7sm
  217. 06:33 gio7sm check it out
  218. 06:34 Fluttastic ah... i'll delete it and talk to him about it
  219. 06:34 gio7sm ok~ i was the one who was referring too
  220. 06:34 gio7sm :|
  221. 06:35 Fluttastic oh, i was reading up on your native language -- the one that isn't filipino or english
  222. 06:35 gio7sm ok :3
  223. 06:36 gio7sm what did you learn?
  224. 06:37 Fluttastic it's interesting that it shares some parts with spanish! i know a decent amount of spanish, myself
  225. 06:38 gio7sm oh! ok
  226. 06:38 gio7sm Lamesa means table
  227. 06:39 Fluttastic mm, and i noticed verbs in particular had a, uh...
  228. 06:39 Fluttastic tendency to bleed over
  229. 06:40 gio7sm lol
  230. 06:40 gio7sm yeah...
  231. 06:40 gio7sm i can teach you if you'd like
  232. 06:41 Fluttastic hm, maybe sometime! i have a big interest in languages, so perhaps i'll ask for lessons in the future
  233. 06:41 Fluttastic i should really go to bed for now, y'know. i've been up for too long
  234. 06:41 Fluttastic thank you for listening and thank you for your respect, though, gio.
  235. 06:41 gio7sm nah, its ok
  236. 06:41 gio7sm bye
  237. 06:41 gio7sm good night~
  238. 06:41 gio7sm umm, how does that expression goes?
  239. 06:42 gio7sm Dont let the bed bugs murder you?
  240. 06:42 Fluttastic hahaha
  241. 06:42 gio7sm lol
  242. 06:42 Fluttastic my bed is broken, anyway! everyone knows that bedbugs can't next in a broken bed, it's their one true weakness
  243. 06:43 Fluttastic oh, and
  244. 06:43 Fluttastic ... huh
  245. 06:43 Fluttastic i forgot what i was about to say. oh well
  246. 06:43 --- Fluttastic is away (zzz)
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