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text 229.17 KB | Science | 0 0
  3. of the UNIVERSE
  4. The Endospheric Theory
  5. of the Field
  6. the
  7. Kemi, the name given to the
  8. mythical Land of Egypt, source
  9. of all knowledge and knowledge.
  11. - The hermetic truth of Ksiodo and Moses - first part by A. Gentili.
  12. - The Light of Kemi - The Sources of Alchemy - by A. Gentili
  13. - The hermetic truth of Hesiod and Moses - second part by A. Gentili
  14. - The Steganography of Abbot Trithemius - Translation and commentary first volume
  15. me by A. Gentili
  16. • Corpus Philosophicum totius magicae - restitutum to J. EM. KREM.ERZ
  17. - Aegyptiaco manuscriptum - vulgate of Ak Z Ur
  18. - The historical decay of the Brotherhood of Myriam - edited by Giammaria Kremmerz
  19. - Compendium of Hermetics - Propaedeutic Tables - by Giammaria
  20. - The Steganography of Abbot Trithemius - Translation and second commentary
  21. volume by A. Gentili
  22. - Marco Daffi and his work - Tables and comments - by Giammaria
  23. - Thesaurus medicoe Del - The rite of Hamzur - The hermetic Book of the Dead
  24. by Marco Daffi edited by Giammaria
  25. - The Tarot - A road to the self - The wet way and the feminine principle
  26. by Caria Razzini
  27. • 14 Alchemy Lessons - by Julius Cohén
  28. - Therapeutic and erotic hermetic alchemy * by Marco Daffi
  29. • The Flight of the Seven Ibis - Alchemical Herbal Medicine - by A. Gentili
  30. - Living to know how to be - by Marcomario
  31. • Alchemical echoes of ancient Roman times - by Julius Cohén
  32. - Spells of love - of Zingaropoli
  33. - II Serio di Iside - first part by A. Angelini
  34. - Sparks of the chemical fire - by Julius Cohén
  35. - II Serio di Iside II - second part by A. Angelini
  36. KEMI-HATOR bimonthly alchemy magazine since 1982
  37. Literary property reserved
  38. 1990 by Kemi Publishing
  39. Via Ughelli, 2 - Rho (Milan) - Tel. (02) 93.13.432
  40. Printed by Tipolitografia Landoni (Milan) in November 1990
  41. 4
  44. of the UNIVERSE
  45. The Endospheric Theory
  46. of the Field
  48. ' * *
  50. Amico-Roxas (surname), Paolo Emilio (name) born in Rome on
  51. 1907
  52. Academic Titles:
  53. Degree in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Rome.
  54. Honours:
  55. Lauro Accademico Tiberino in Campidoglio (1961).
  56. Acknowledgments: )
  57. Culture Award of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers
  58. (1961).
  59. Teachings:
  60. Mathematical Analysis at the University of Rome
  61. Matemática and Física in secondary schools.
  62. Special studies:
  63. Philosophy of Science and Cosmology.
  64. Main publications:
  65. Compendium of Rational Mechanics (2 ed.)
  66. The Space Problem and the Conception of the World.
  67. Conferences:
  68. Universities and Cultural Centers of Buenos Aires
  69. Popular University of Rome
  70. IX International Conference of Communications in Genoa
  71. (1961)
  72. IV and V International Congress of the Association for Sciences
  73. ze Astronautics
  74. 41st Milan International Fair.
  75. International Center for Comparison and Synthesis (1980), etc.
  76. At the CIDA of Genoa, October 1988 «Appearance and real-
  77. tá in the scenery of Heaven».
  78. 10
  80. The reader may wonder why a publishing house like the
  81. Kemi, who pursues strictly initiatory ends, has decided to
  82. publish a strictly scientific book.
  83. The continuation of this same preface will justify ample
  84. mind why.
  85. The hollow earth theory is nothing new.
  86. As the author will explain more fully, it has been supported
  87. by various writers, and has appeared in the last century and in this,
  88. peeping through the folds of science, “without infamy and
  89. without praise". She was considered more of a curiosity and therefore not
  90. worthy of being taken into consideration, also because it presents itself
  91. tava as too shocking and fantastic a theory.
  92. The Earth extreme limit of the Universe that contains everything in itself
  93. the creation!
  94. This conception, in addition to contradicting current scientific theories
  95. fíche, which postulate an immense, albeit finite, Universe in
  96. continuous expansion, towards undefined borders that our
  97. stra reason fails to grasp, ill agrees even with
  98. our psychology, which, based and elaborated on by the senses, takes us
  99. feel a completely different reality.
  100. But is what the senses transmit to us the true external reality?
  101. The author will answer the question about the vision in detail. There
  102. it is now important to point out, instead, how the hypothesis of a land ca¬
  103. va, with all its implications can respond to a rigorous
  104. scientific concept, based on the transformation for ver¬ rays
  105. The
  106. reciprocal tori already applied from mathematical analysis to theory
  107. of the Potentials, which allow the passage from the convex sphere
  108. concave sphere.
  109. This demonstration, summarily outlined by the author, yes
  110. can easily be found in any Higher Analysis book.
  111. Already the great Sommerfeld in his “Partial differential equations
  112. in Physic” published in Princeton, presage of the great possibilities that
  113. offered the Teoría regretted that the transformation had been
  114. applied only to the Theory of Potentials “Unfortunately, these
  115. mapping methods for the two and three dimensional case are en-
  116. terly restricted to potential theory.”
  117. Merit of Roxas is to have masterfully reworked the elements
  118. existing, helped in this by the studies of Morrow, building a
  119. theory which, unexceptionable from a mathematical and physical point of view,
  120. presents us with a new vision of the Universe.
  121. But are we sure that it is a new theory?
  122. Why this regurgitation at the end of an era?
  123. If we look into the distant past we can see
  124. see how the cosmological theory corresponds, in all respects,
  125. to the hollow world theory. It is the basis of all Cosmogony.
  126. For Orphism, as for the Chinese conceptions, as for the
  127. Egyptian tions, in the beginning there is the Egg, and when creation begins,
  128. the Fire, the Light, appears in it, not outside it. Panes yes
  129. manifest within, not without. With this act they create Heaven
  130. and the Earth and the worlds begin to rotate.
  131. In continuation the theory passes and stops in the initiatory centers, in the
  132. Templarism and in the later schools. It reappears in the light in
  133. 1700 and then back again in the dark.
  134. Purely theosophical conception but at the same time mate¬
  135. matic.
  136. The fact that now imposes itself is not whether to believe or not to believe it
  137. endospheric theory. No leap of faith is to be taken; Yes
  138. they only have to make a series of reflections and then make a
  139. act of courage.
  140. 12
  141. Mathematical proofs fully confirm its possible existence.
  142. test, geometric and physical tests too.
  143. Only now remains one's persónate conviction, or rather, the
  144. own orientation: whether to accept a universe where the void is there
  145. rule, against the alchemical "nequam vacuum", and where the Earth
  146. is a lost rock that sails into infinity, and where the conception
  147. ne cosmogónica is lost in a truly existential void, op-
  148. also accept the earth as the real boundary of the universe, where
  149. everything pulsates with energies and the Cosmos appears as a Living,
  150. in the real sense of the term and in the Neoplatonic sense, where the
  151. ze are the real rulers of the system.
  152. There a pessimistic conception of the world and in a certain sense
  153. nihilist, who dilutes everything into nothingness, born at the end of the Kaly
  154. Yugas; here a lively and palpitating conception, supported by the ma¬
  155. theme, heritage of the old mysteries, handed down in the
  156. medieval alchemical circles, and full of internal dishes.
  157. Herein lies the problem.
  158. Kemi
  159. 13
  161. Dear Doctor Angelo Angelini
  162. Of the Teoría Endosferica, with different titles, they treated several
  163. authors (See Introduction to the book «Suprema armonía delPUniver-
  164. so - The Endospheric Field Theory»).
  165. For fairness and greater precision, should a possibility arise
  166. sible matter of priority, and for better information for
  167. the reader, among other valid arguments I distinguish the discoveries
  168. due to my research work and what I call novelty.
  169. I mention here authors, especially American and German,
  170. who in the last century, and even more in this one, dealt with the ¬
  171. the endosphere of the Universe: the Americans Ulisse G. Morrow
  172. (deceased 1950) and Cyrus Reed Teed (Koresh) and the German Pe-
  173. ter Bender (Worms, died in Mauthausen concentration camp), Freder
  174. Van Holk (Bielmanner-Verlag, München), PA Müller-Murnau
  175. (1940), Bruno H. Bürgel (1946), Ernst Barthel (1940), Karl
  176. Schópffer (1869), Karl Neupert (Augusburg 1940), Johannes Lang
  177. (Schirmer Mahlau, 1941).
  178. The latter on p. 25 of his volume «Die Hohlwelttheo-
  179. rie» writes: «In the Tamarack mine in Calumet (USA)
  180. do not let plumb lines go down to 1300 meters. of depth.
  181. According to the measurements made by the operators, such lead wires
  182. bo in depth, instead of converging and approaching One to-
  183. the other, as was to be expected in a convex earth, diverged
  184. they insult the earth's surface in this way concave". This sin-
  185. very funny experiment, not confirmed at the time (no known
  186. 15
  187. know the exact date) from arguments of a physical nature, came
  188. come on more strangely forgotten.
  189. Of the geometric transformation for reciprocal vector rays
  190. dealt with the aforementioned authors and other rha, except Morrow, not
  191. in their diagrams they respected the punctual rigor observed in ¬
  192. instead of my writings (Tav. XIV and Tav. XV, and the text of Guido
  193. Castelnuovo). However, an essential point was overlooked therein e
  194. that is, the diagrammatic aspect obtained from the application of
  195. ta geometric transformation to the classical Universe (Tav. XIV e
  196. Tab. XV), an aspect that is identified with the physical one (Tab. III)
  197. of the electromagnetic spectrum (Marxwell) obtained by means of
  198. iron filings sprinkled on a sheet of paper placed on top of the two
  199. poles of a horseshoe magnet.
  200. This is the crucial point and it is a novelty: this identity
  201. tification leads to consider the diagram no longer as the
  202. structure (Table III) of the physical spectrum of the lines of force of na¬
  203. electromagnetic ture of light (Maxwell) as opposed to pure
  204. and unfounded hypothesis of universal «refraction».
  205. Another novelty is the demonstration of the physical impossibility
  206. of the light-year, as I pointed out in the article I published
  207. on p. 27 of no. 38 (February 1989) of the Kemi-Hathor magazine (Chap.
  208. III).
  209. The transformation by reciprocal vector rays, known for more than
  210. a century, applied to the image of the classical Universe, as it is
  211. known, it preserves the angles, i.e. the angles formed by two classic lines
  212. rectilinear Euclidean physics are equal to those formed by the corre-
  213. punctual shores non-Euclidean curves. This means that the observer
  214. earthly observer cannot distinguish, through pure observation
  215. ocular tion, between the classical Theory and the Endospheric one: in the
  216. Classical theory the lines of vision are supposed to be rectilinear eucli¬
  217. dee, while in the Endospheric Theory the corresponding lines are
  218. no curves, not Euclidean. In the classical theory the lines of vision,
  219. for a psychic phenomenon of the human optical center (Chap. III) are
  220. think rectilinear, while the endospheric lines of vision are con-
  221. 16
  222. form the fact of the isogonality of the transformation «Hypo-
  223. theses non fingo» said Newton. Therefore, since the light for-
  224. runs (See the proof of Chap. III) only curved lines, must
  225. rule out the classical hypothesis.
  226. Newton's Universe, brilliantly conceived, is imagined
  227. ne specular of the real Universe, to which one arrives through
  228. the application of well-known analytical and geometric formulas.
  229. Therefore, having excluded the classical hypothesis, one must necessarily
  230. put the endospheric one, which constitutes the scientific proof of it
  231. typification based on the facts of physical reality. This is the third novelty.
  232. Quite a novelty is the law of conservation of energy from
  233. treated me on p. 17 of number 39 (April 1989) of the magazine
  234. Kemi-Hathor (Cap. Fil). The novelty consists in offering an explanation
  235. scientific gation of the conservation of energy, which circulates
  236. from the Sun to the Stellar Centre, joined by a magnet, and then from
  237. Star Center at the Solé, as happens in the magnetic pro-
  238. ducted by a magnet where the lines of force of the induction field
  239. magnetic ions are directed outward to the magnet from the pole
  240. North to the South pole, and internally to the magnet from the South pole to the
  241. North Pole.
  242. The universal energies circulate in the Universe without any
  243. dispersion and therefore without any independent recovery phenomenon
  244. dently from possible nuclear processes within the Solé.
  245. There is the problem of the colossal quantities of energy that in the
  246. classical system depart from the Sun and the Galaxies and disperse
  247. not to infinity or, as Einstein writes, on the basis of Heve
  248. relativistic curvature of space (close to zero), it occurs
  249. would fy the return to the starting point of the energies after a
  250. path without a physical explanation as well as improbable,
  251. lasting billions of years. Such a problem with the new Teo¬
  252. ría is resolved.
  253. The four innovations do not appear in the aforementioned vast letter-
  254. ture. Therefore any possible discussion around the priority of
  255. new ideas can have no foundation.
  256. 17
  257. To you, dear Dr. Angelini, go the expressions of mine
  258. esteem and my grateful thought for welcoming you to your publishing house
  259. my writings; receive my cordial and sincere greetings.
  260. PE Friend-Roxas
  261. )■
  263. A new conception of the world?
  264. / great successes of Meccanica Celeste, the known confirmations-
  265. very popular, in the experimental field, of Newton's law appear-
  266. no to the mind of the modern physicist and, even more, to the man of
  267. road, as proof of the truth of the classical conception
  268. of the world (the modifications made by Einstein are quanti-
  269. tatively very mild).
  270. However, in this book a new conception of the
  271. world; the same facts, the same experiments can be
  272. interpreted in another way. It is, as Einstein said, in or-
  273. end to his own theories, of «new and original ways of thinking
  274. on experiments and phenomena that have been known for some time".
  275. The concept of field, established in the last century, both in
  276. experimental seat, both in the theoretical one, with the famous equations
  277. by Maxwell, is the fundamental concept of this new Theory.
  278. The world is conceived as a field: the latest developments and more
  279. impressive physics make the field appear as the form
  280. basic and most natural activity of energy.
  281. The Universe, this immense reserve of incessant energy
  282. activity, therefore appears to the modern physicist as a field.
  283. All those facts that the classical theory explains find an explanation
  284. equally comprehensive gation in the new conception of mon¬
  285. do, which, moreover, not only allows you to make calculations and pre-
  286. visions of celestial phenomena with the same exactness with which they are
  287. not carried out on the basis of the Copernican conception, but fills al-
  288. 19
  289. three important gaps in the traditional concept of the Universe.
  290. Moho we talk about the positive sides of the classical conception, po¬
  291. with its flaws.
  292. Many are those who know what a principle looks like
  293. that of conservation of energy is violated in a manner
  294. disconcerting from the classical theory, a violation that not even ¡a
  295. Einsteinian theory, admitting the elliptical space, as proof
  296. stra ArmelHni, managed to fill.
  297. Of the immense quantity of energy emitted by the Solé solíanlo
  298. About 20 billionths are used by the planets: everything else
  299. it is not recovered, but it is completely lost! edding-
  300. ton underlines the «strange combination» of the symmetrical fall-
  301. ta of cosmic rays on the earth's surface. Cosmic space
  302. is uniform (such can be considered practically also with the cor-
  303. relativistic directions), the motions in it are rigid: it is still Ed-
  304. dington along with others, who rejects a characterless space
  305. characteristics (curvatures), also noting: «The indifferent identity
  306. aunty hey! nothing cannot be distinguished in a philosophical way. The
  307. realities of physics are inhomogeneities, events, changes».
  308. The fabulous duration of light rays of billions of light-years
  309. cannot fail to leave the physicist perplexed, who sees himself forced to
  310. accept it not because it emerges from experimental facts, but because
  311. which follows from the premises from which the classical conception starts
  312. of the world. Armellini underlines two «singular» facts; The earth
  313. it is the densest of the bodies in the solar system and is, moreover, the favorite
  314. as to its habitability. Now, how come the Earth, which, in the
  315. classic concept, is an "any planet", presents such
  316. privileged situation?
  317. Planck notes the "single difference" between the behavior
  318. to of electrons, which can only circulate in ben orbits
  319. determined that they differ from each other in a discrete way,
  320. and that of planets for which no orbit seems preferred
  321. with respect to another: this is in contrast with the analogy, which is desired
  322. assert, between Tatomo and the planetary system.
  323. 20
  324. Still others are the weak points of the classic theory; and I'm
  325. scientists such as Eddington, Armellini, Planck and others of the same sta-
  326. scientific ture that have repeatedly detected them. A theory
  327. that to accidental facts, or unsatisfactorily explained, for-
  328. nishes a comprehensive and rational explanation seems to deserve the
  329. consideration of scrutiny and criticism.
  330. The identity between heavy mass and inert mass, which occurs
  331. is accidental in the classical theory (Newton himself had re-
  332. raised), in relativistic physics it appears instead as a fact
  333. fundamental, what made Einstein say: «A mystery novel
  334. 10 is judged to be of inferior quality if it explains strange facts such as ac-
  335. accidents; we find it much more satisfying if it does not deviate from
  336. a rational line
  337. Facts like the symmetrical fall of cosmic rays on the su¬
  338. land surface, the particular position of the Earth, as far as
  339. to concern the density, with respect to other celestial bodies, the non-uni-
  340. shape of the cosmic space and the non-rigidity of the motions, the lumin-
  341. darkness of the cloudless and moonless night sky, they descend
  342. from the new theory, without the need to introduce new hypotheses
  343. yes more or less artificial, more or less plausible, while in Theo¬
  344. classic ria appear «strange as accidentó>. The new Teo¬
  345. ría, where the same facts «do not deviate from a rational line
  346. le», appears more satisfactory.
  347. Classical theory involves surprising facts such as, for example,
  348. 11 rapid flight (3 km/sec.) of Antares, which has a diameter of more
  349. of half a billion kilometers and a density 2,000 times less
  350. re than that of the air, and as the speeds of tens of thousands of
  351. km/sec. of millions of «Suns», which have diameters thousands of times
  352. higher than the Earth-Sun distance and density of the order of 10 -21
  353. (20 corpuscles, atoms or free electrons, for each cubic centimetre
  354. bo), density, that is, billions of billions of times less than that
  355. of the air. These vo/s of gigantic bodies, having densities close-
  356. sime to zero and speeds not far from that of light, constitute
  357. unknown phenomena, in which one feels to believe. In the new Theory
  358. 21
  359. on the other hand, there are very high densities, reduced volumes and speeds
  360. referred to local units of length '. these phenomena significantly
  361. you more likely.
  362. * * *
  363. In my volume «I! Space Problem and Conception
  364. of the World» published in 1960, I developed the theory extensively
  365. ría Endosferica and subsequently I published some minor writings
  366. and held numerous conferences. Now I publish «La Suprema Armo¬
  367. nía delTUniverso» with some modifications (the earth is im-
  368. bile) and with some very important additions:
  369. 1) The geometric inversion for reciprocal vector rays is illustrated
  370. stra tae brings it back to the physical representation of a field
  371. electromagnetic. The inverted universe takes on the appearance of
  372. Plate XV, identical aspect to the representation of the cam¬
  373. electromagnetic po (magnétic spectrum) of Table III. That-
  374. This observation leads us to consider that the physical universe is
  375. an electromagnetic field.
  376. 2) Said geometric transformation is a biu-
  377. nivoca isogonal and conforming between two superimposed planes notis-
  378. sima to mathematicians; it enjoys the remarkable property of con¬
  379. keep the corners and change their direction. The two figures. Puna tra¬
  380. deformed in the other, are made up of the former by straight lines e
  381. the second from arcs of circle, and that is the rectilinear geodedics
  382. Euclidean change into non-Euclidean curvilinear geodesics and vi¬
  383. otherwise.
  384. The observer cannot distinguish between Euclidean space and spa¬
  385. non-Euclidean data because the observation data remain inva-
  386. riati, as in a mirror.
  387. 3) In Chap. III the physical impossibility of the year is demonstrated-
  388. light. The electromagnetic nature of light (Maxwell) re-
  389. leads to the curvilinear geodelics of the field.
  390. 22
  391. 4) All experiences and/fetluate to try the rotation of the
  392. Terra tested negative (Ch. X).
  393. 5) The swelling at the equator of the Earth is due to rotation
  394. internal tion of the cosmosphere from east to west, rice Ivendo an¬
  395. that the problem of the so-called continental drift.
  396. 6) The (minimum) depths reached in the so-called ter¬ crust
  397. rests may not end with a gradual attenuation
  398. of the field until it approaches zero.
  399. 7) Einsteinian curvatures are added to those of the new
  400. Universe: the relativistic radius of curvature measures approximately 30
  401. trillion light-years equal to about 3 x 10 23 kilometers eu-
  402. clideis (the space is almost flat) while the radius of curvature
  403. endospheric does not exceed 6,370 Euclidean kilometers.
  404. 8) The demonstration of the principle of conservation of energy
  405. (Ch. Vil).
  406. 9) The endosphericity of the Universe is based on a scientific proof
  407. pussy?
  408. In Chap. III the physical possibility of the year-
  409. light. I have not received the slightest objection to this from anyone
  410. showing.
  411. Notwithstanding the observational data regarding the
  412. behavior of light, only two hypotheses can be enunciated
  413. (the classic one and the endospheric one); the first being unacceptable
  414. but it is necessary to agree with the second. Since the transformation
  415. geometry well known to mathematicians is scientifically pro-
  416. vata with its isogonality, there is no doubt that the light, of natu¬
  417. electromagnetic ra, follows the lines of force of an electro-
  418. magnetic field with unaltered observation data and thus the Theory
  419. endospheric remains physically tested.
  420. Already in the past appeared in 1719 a book written in Latin and
  421. in German entitled "OpusMago" owned by AMORC,
  422. San José, California (Antica Mística Ordo Rosae Crucis) which treats
  423. tava of an Endospheric Universe, but unfortunately, in spite of one
  424. 23
  425. my polite request, I was not allowed to obtain even
  426. minus a photocopy, albeit partial. With news I had about
  427. a similar Chinese theory, but I could not find any trace of it.
  428. * # *
  429. The Endospheric Theory or Cosmocentric System had,
  430. several other proponents, who called it « Teoría del mon¬
  431. I give cable». They are, among others, the Germans Kart Neupert, Jo-
  432. hannes Lang and PA Müller and American Cyrus Reed Teed. Not
  433. I dwell, however, on the arguments with which said Authors
  434. they justify the Theory, because I consider them weak, and that is principally
  435. mind by the fact that they rest on the hypothesis of the Eucli- space
  436. god; moreover, it does not seem to me that scientific rigor is sufficed there
  437. ciently respected.
  438. Many years ago, I myself disclosed the Neupert Theory, but me
  439. I soon separated definitively from it. Of all the proponents of the new
  440. vo concept of the world of great mushroom the most considerable esteem
  441. both the American Ulysses G. Morrow, died on September 1950,
  442. at the age of 86 (he was born on October 26, 1864, in the village of
  443. Freedom, in Barren County, Kentucky); I had an inten¬ with him
  444. I knew correspondence from 1934 until his death. This correspondence
  445. Thu is divided into two periods: the first goes from 1934 to 1939 while
  446. I was in Argentina; the second since 1940, the year I returned
  447. in Italy, until 1950.
  448. Morrow is the author of the drawings, which appear, with some mo-
  449. modification brings by me, in the Tablets, less the last one, the qua-
  450. it is due to the ability of Mr. Br. Zimmerli of Zungo, taking over
  451. I do, however, through my work, a substantial modification. He died
  452. row found a method to practically carry out the procedures
  453. inversion ti; he did some experiments on the Flo¬ beach
  454. laugh, in the United States, to prove the concavity of the Earth, but
  455. then he realized his mistake (as he wrote me with dated leñera
  456. Nov 28th 1946), in the sense that the new concept of the world is one
  457. 24
  458. new Theory of space (a space in which the motions are not re-
  459. gidi): it is precisely, as he himself called it, «the Theory of
  460. Field". Morrow's work was essentially limited to the part
  461. geometry and the description, in broad terms, of the physics of
  462. The Universe, in the configuration of a field. There were, all-
  463. however, in Morrow's work there are many ideas for an organic development
  464. co and for a systematic reworking of the whole matter, that is
  465. which I have completed with this work of mine, with ap-
  466. foundations that deserve the most serious attention.
  467. Paolo Emilio Amico-Roxas
  468. Rome - October 1990
  469. 25
  470. Chapter I
  473. The transformation by reciprocal vector rays refers in
  474. general to three-dimensional space. I expose this transformation
  475. referring it to the plane, or rather to two superimposed planes.
  476. Each point of one of the two planes corresponds to another
  477. on the other floor, and vice versa. Points that overlap each other
  478. united, that is, they correspond to themselves. The dots of the are joined
  479. circumference with respect to which the transformation is performed.
  480. An important exception is the following: all points at infinity
  481. nite (ie the directions of the infinite straight lines) correspond to a
  482. single point, the center of the circle with respect to which the transformation takes place
  483. mation, and vice versa.
  484. The inversion for reciprocal vector rays is a transformation
  485. ne quadratic or Cremonian and enjoys the following properties: ri¬
  486. with respect to a circle it changes arcs into arcs, straight lines into passing circles
  487. through the center of inversion O. The line passing through O changes
  488. in itself.
  489. The inversion is an isogonal or conformal correspondence, ie
  490. it keeps the angles and changes its direction.
  491. The inversion extends up to 3 a coordinate fsphere) with the same
  492. if properties: the spheres change into spheres, the planes into passing spheres
  493. for the center of reversal and vice versa. On the floor to infinity, that is
  494. the O'delia center corresponds to all directions in space
  495. sphere with respect to which the inversion is performed. We will deal with the transformation
  496. mation referred to the plan for reasons of simplicity and clarity.
  497. Each point inside the inversion circle corresponds to one
  498. 27
  499. one external to it and vice versa.
  500. In Table I we have considered two circles (though considered
  501. superimposed): by superimposing the two circles we will have, in the same
  502. figure the internal curvilinear tangent and the external rectilinear one,
  503. that match; the two overlapping contact points cost-
  504. they form a single united point.
  505. On the left of Table II we have the geometric procedure
  506. inversion, to obtain the point inside the circle corresponding
  507. tooth to an external point and vice versa.
  508. Given a circle of radius eg. 1 meter, we consider the point
  509. 2 (2 m. away from the center of the circle) and we lead the two from 2
  510. tangents to the circle passing through the two contact points a and b, with¬
  511. let us now consider the point where the line joining a and b intersects la
  512. connecting 2 with the center of the circle: the point of intersection
  513. é 1/2 (half a metre) i.e. the inverse of 2 (hence the name inver¬
  514. sion or reciprocity for reciprocal vector rays).
  515. The internal point will correspond to the generic external point m
  516. - and viceversa. If the point is at infinity, they lead from it
  517. the parallel tangents touching the circle at the endpoints of a
  518. diameter of the given circle, at this generic point at infinity cor¬
  519. the center of the circle will answer, that is, as already said, to each
  520. point to infinity (direction) corresponds to a single point, i.e. the
  521. center of the turning circle.
  522. To search for the center N of an arc OP, arc
  523. corresponding to an external segment of the line C considereda¬
  524. we see on the right of Table II the small figure where the external segment
  525. undotted by C corresponds to the arc OP passing through O
  526. and for the joint point P.
  527. The sought center N is located on the intersection of the extension
  528. ment of the diameter of the circle with the perpendiculars at the point
  529. middle of the chord OP, Plate II.
  530. To the Euclidean segment of a dotted line inside the circle
  531. of inversion corresponds the completion of non-Eucleus arc
  532. deo outside the circle (see also Table XI).
  533. 28
  534. Let us consider Table IV; to each curved line in the figure
  535. the upper one corresponds to a rectilinear one of the lower figure. The
  536. two figures, as already said, must be thought of as superimposed. There
  537. upper figure represents non-Euclidean space; the figure in¬
  538. inferior represents the Euclidean space (where the 5th postulate holds)
  539. by Euclid. Alie straight tangents ab, be, cd of the Eucli¬ space
  540. deo (fig. inf.) correspond to the curvilinear tangents ab, be, cd of the
  541. space with variable curvature (fig. above); straight parallel wings
  542. the non-Euclidean curvilinear parallels correspond to Euclidean; The
  543. angles under which the Euclidean lines intersect and the corresponding
  544. t non-Euclidean lines are equal. The invertible formulas of tra-
  545. deformation of the classical exospheric cosmos into the endospheric one
  546. I am:
  547. y =
  548. r 1 y'
  549. . 1z
  550. where x 1 and y 1 are the inverse coordinates of x and y
  551. * * *
  552. Projectivity is a bijective algebraic correspondence between
  553. S 1 and S'i o, also a one-to-one and continuous correspondence between
  554. S, and S,', which preserves the bi-ratios. The case is called involution
  555. considerable amount of projectivity between two forms of the first kind in which the two
  556. whatever elements you want always match in duplicate
  557. way.
  558. The two elements are said to be conjugated in the involution, which
  559. 29
  560. has two joined or double points in each of which two elements
  561. conjugate minds coincide.
  562. A conic determines a correspondence, subordinate to the
  563. cónica, between the points and the straight lines of a plane: this correspondence
  564. cesi polarity; an involutory correlation between two superimposed planes
  565. places is a flat polarity.
  566. If a point P and a plane p correspond doubly
  567. in polarity, they are said respectively pole of p and polar of P.
  568. If of the two points the second belongs to the polar of the first, ¡1
  569. the first will belong to the polar of the second: the colons are called
  570. conjugate or reciprocal in polarity. A point is said to be self-conjugated
  571. gato if it belongs to its own polar.
  572. A polar correlation is represented by equations of the type:
  573. pu = a Mx + a, 2y + a 13x
  574. (1) pv = a 2t x + a 22 y + a 23 z A =LO
  575. pw = a 31x + a 32y + a 33z
  576. The condition for two points P (x, y, zyé Q (x', y', z')
  577. are conjugated in the polarity «(1)» is found by expressing that Q
  578. belongs to Polar P, that is, it is
  579. vx' + vy' + wz' = O
  580. where u, v, w are homogeneous Plückerian coordinates ex\ y', z'
  581. Cartesian homogeneous coordinates.
  582. Substituting au, v, w the expressions «(1)» we have
  583. a,, xx' + a 22 yy' + as 33 zz' + a, 2 (xy' + x'y) + a l3 (xz' + x'z)
  584. + a^yz' + y'z) = O
  585. Setting x = x', y = y', z = z' we have the condition why
  586. P (x, y, z) is self-conjugate, i.e. belongs to the proper polar.
  587. The locus of self-conjugate points in a polarity is a curve
  588. of the 2nd order given by the equation.
  589. 30
  590. a,,x 2 + aay 2 + a 33 z 2 + a 12 xy + 2a, 3 xz + 2a 23 yz = O
  591. which is the fundamental equation of polarity.
  592. With extension to space, a quadric (of discriminant
  593. not null) determines in space a correspondence, which
  594. changes each point in its own polar plane and each plane in! pro-
  595. first pole; in particular every point of the quadric corresponds
  596. to its tangent plane, and vice versa.
  597. Inversion or transformation with respect to a circle by vector radii
  598. mutual bulls
  599. If the fundamental equation of polarity is a circle, yes
  600. it has the quadratic transformation called for reciprocal vellorí rays
  601. There. Given a circle with center O and radius r, at every point P is external
  602. let that point P' of the straight line OP correspond to the circle
  603. which makes OP.OP' = r 2 (also in sign). P' is the intersection
  604. of the line joining the two points of contact of the conducted tangents
  605. te from P to the circle and the straight line OP. The correspondence between PeP'
  606. is exchangeable and bijective except for P coinciding with
  607. Or, to which point no point corresponds to the finite, or the point
  608. to conventional (oo, oo), i.e. the points of the infinite plane (see
  609. «Reversal Process»).
  610. Between P (x, y) and P' (x\ y')y and r = 1 the formulas hold
  611. ( 2 )
  612. x'
  613. x
  614. x 2 + y 2
  615. y
  616. x 2 + y 2
  617. The inversion does not alter the angles, ie it is isogonal or con¬
  618. forms.
  619. If the point P describes a curve, the inverse point P' describes
  620. an inverse curve of the first.
  621. The inverse of a straight line is a circle.
  622. If the line passes through O, then its inverse is itself.
  623. Each circle changes by inversion into a circle or into a
  624. 31
  625. straight line if the pitch circle passes through O.
  626. With a procedure analogous to that already applied for the pia¬
  627. no one has an obvious extension for the sphere (particular quadric).
  628. of the «(2)» at the third z coordinate. Inversion changes spheres into spheres
  629. etc.
  630. Therefore inversion is a projectivity (or product of projects
  631. activity) which, through «(2)», allows to go back from space
  632. outside to inside a circle (or sphere). We will say cosmic
  633. this projectivity which, similarly to the projectivity in the mirror,
  634. allows to interpret the external space as an apparent space
  635. Euclidean and internal space as real space.
  636. If we apply «(2)» to the transformation of the Universe,
  637. which appears flat to us, in straight lines of the Universe, we go back to the Uni-
  638. real verse, projected precisely on the flat space, made
  639. abstraction from metric properties.
  640. By assimilating the ellipses (orbits) to circles, the figure Universe Co-
  641. mostcentric (v.) 2 is only the result of the transformation of
  642. The Heliocentric Universe (v.) apparent, Euclidean, in the real universe
  643. without prejudice to observational data.
  644. 32
  645. Chapter II
  647. In the previous chapter we developed the transformation
  648. geometry for reciprocal vector rays. The geometry does not go with¬
  649. fused with physics; it is all abstract. We'll see what the point is
  650. starting point that allows us to apply geometry to a fact
  651. well-known physicist.
  652. We owe Maxwell the discovery of the nature of light and the laws
  653. who already govern it. We now turn to examine the experiment
  654. of the magnetic spectrum, of which Table III is an illustration.
  655. A sheet of paper is placed on the North and South poles of a magnet
  656. paper, stretched over a stretcher frame, and some filing is spread over it
  657. of iron; its orientation is facilitated by giving light strokes with the finger
  658. more on paper. You will see the filings arranged in curved lines
  659. (lines of force) as shown in the figure.
  660. The figures obtained in this way are called ghosts
  661. magnetic ; their appearance varies with distance and quality
  662. of the magnetic poles considered and with the shape of the magnet.
  663. Maxwell (1813-1897), with his famous equations, demonstrated
  664. that the lines of force of a magnetic spectrum have an electrical nature
  665. tromagnetic, in the sense that the apparent variety of fields ma¬
  666. genetics is traced back to a single genesis of atomic physics, yes
  667. according to which magnetism is always electromagnetism, that is
  668. it is due to electric currents (moving electrons).
  669. Given the electromagnetic nature of light, the lines of force
  670. electromagnetic waves of the aforementioned magnet also highlight the
  671. electromagnetic behavior of light in the presence of two
  672. 33
  673. poles: so light travels along curved lines.
  674. The electromagnetic field theory was born with Maxwell;
  675. in 1886 Heinrich Hertz demonstrated, using his oscillator,
  676. The existence of electromagnetic waves confirming the Theory of
  677. Maxwell. The behavior of light, described by the great físi¬
  678. co Scottish, through mathematical formulas, becomes a phenomenon
  679. experimental, real, physical. The «visible» lines of force in the cur¬
  680. ve of the filings, in the presence of two magnetic poles of opposite sign
  681. place, constitute the magnetic spectrum (Tab. III).
  682. By means of the procedure described in chap. I got-
  683. I have the inverted image of the classical universe: let us remember that
  684. the inversion involves the constancy of the angles so if you apply
  685. I call in Table XIV the inversion for reciprocal vector rays, obtaining
  686. we keep Table XV, a result that is identified with the phenome¬
  687. no physicist of the magnetic spectrum. «Hypotheses I don't pretend» he says-
  688. Go Newton, I don't construct hypotheses.
  689. The physical identification of Table III with Table XV is obvious
  690. tooth with the important result that the classical universe is inverted
  691. reminds us of the physical image of Max¬'s electromagnetic field
  692. well.
  693. The new cosmology is based on this observation which con-
  694. he feels he sees objects, people, the sun, the stars along lines
  695. curves receiving our retina F identical image of who observes
  696. serves the sky supposedly exospheric in the belief that the light
  697. is transmitted in a straight line.
  698. Table I illustrates the shape of the earth according to the
  699. classical theory, i.e. the Esospheric Theory, on the basis of the hypothesis that
  700. the ray of light that departs e.g. from the sun and rays anoint ours
  701. eye spreads in a straight line, with the alleged "observation"
  702. that the earth is convex, and therefore the universe would be exospheric.
  703. Except that if we start from the hypothesis that the ray of light that par¬
  704. te from the sun and reaches our eye is propagated in line cur¬
  705. goes, the concavity of the Earth is ascertained with equal right.
  706. The two interpretations, from an optical point of view only, are
  707. 34
  708. equally valid due to the fact that the two light propagations
  709. they are i) the result of an isogonal geometric transformation e
  710. according to which the image of the celestial body appears to us in the
  711. same way: the telescopic sight.
  712. It is a matter of establishing which of the two identical images for
  713. ccite ​​corresponds to physical reality. That's what we'll try to do
  714. see on the following pages.
  715. the
  716. 35
  717. Chapter III
  719. PHYSICS
  720. Before getting to the heart of the subject, I repeat a few points
  721. cctti on vision already developed in my volume: The Problem of
  722. Space and the Conception of the World.
  723. The phenomenon of vision must be examined in its two foundations
  724. mental moments: the reception, by the retina, of radiation
  725. luminous ctions and the process of vision proper
  726. operated by the optical centers of the brain.
  727. The first moment is known: light radiations penetrate
  728. through the pupil, until it reaches the retina, which constitutes
  729. the most noble part of the eye comes out. The retina arises from tissue
  730. nerve and represents the sensory portion of sight, that is
  731. which, in a camera, is the sensitive film; has the
  732. form of a segment of a hollow sphere and extends from the ucyte of the bulb
  733. of the optic nerve up to the pupillary orifice; it is not uniform but
  734. undergoes profound modifications that allow it to be divided into
  735. two fundamental portions: a rear one, which has the
  736. characteristics of sensory organ, having the ability to transform
  737. sea ​​the light energy in nerve impulse, and an anterior devoid
  738. of these characteristics.
  739. The retina has a layer of sensory cells made up of cones
  740. and from the rods and a layer of ganglion cells adapted to transport
  741. transfer the nerve impulse produced by the rods and cones to the centres
  742. higher nerves, where the sensation of vision is processed
  743. neither. This last layer, the cerebral portion of the retina, is a
  744. sort of outpost of the brain, which selects and leads everyone
  745. 37
  746. impulses derived from sensory cells. This is the second
  747. aforementioned moment: the elaboration of the optical centres.
  748. The psychic mechanism with which the images received by the re¬
  749. tina are transmitted to the outside, it is not known, by the way
  750. gua of many other brain functions, such as hearing, smell,
  751. the taste, the touch which constitute subjective cerebral responses to the
  752. stimuli from outside. This circumstance leads
  753. however to a consideration of the highest importance: the images
  754. gini that we see, are a mental product: we prolong in
  755. linea retía radiation processed by the brain.
  756. Projectivity in the mirror: apparent space and real space
  757. An example of this process is constituted by the images vi¬
  758. you are in the mirror. An object that is projected onto a surface
  759. specular, it appears to us in a different place from the real one: the ra¬
  760. diations of light depart from the real object and arrive on the su¬
  761. surface of the mirror, deviate due to Descartes' law from li¬
  762. nea line and penetrate into our eye, which, due to det¬
  763. mental, psychic process, extends the radiation in a straight line
  764. tion of light that reaches it.
  765. And we see the object "in" the mirror! Such a phenomenon
  766. no it also happens when we look at a photograph; the machi-
  767. na fotográfica fixes on the plate not a movement but Pimma-
  768. instantaneous generation of single frames starting from an initial stroke
  769. infinitely small and is therefore always the brain of the ob-
  770. servant who interprets the phenomenon.
  771. We have perianth an apparent space with line of vision
  772. rectilinear, and a real space, seen along the real path divided
  773. tion of radiation, and that is what the sense of touch and mo¬
  774. movement allow us to observe. Between the apparent space and
  775. the real space there is a relationship defined by rigorous formulas
  776. mathematics.
  777. 38
  778. Kunt said «The head is in space and yet space is
  779. lydia head».
  780. Cosmic roictlivity: apparent space and real space
  781. An analogous process we can attribute to the observation of
  782. cycle, from which we receive information through radiation
  783. coming from us, we perceive them and mentally, we prolong them
  784. mo in a straight line. We propose an interpretation of the sky of¬
  785. different from the traditional one, driven towards the search for explanations
  786. more reliable than those which the classical science of
  787. the universe such as that of having to admit a phenomenon
  788. implausible, i.e. light path times in the billions
  789. of years at a speed of 300,000 km per second, with wavelengths
  790. from equal to 0.4-0.7 micron and a frequency calculated from 400 to 700
  791. trillions of oscillations per second. We formulate the hypothesis of one
  792. real space that is projected onto an apparent space (designed by
  793. mind) similarly to the phenomenon of the mirror, where the space
  794. it is projected onto the apparent plane space, reflected from the su¬
  795. specular surface. This projection of real space in one
  796. apparent (mental) space has the characteristics of projection
  797. of a real object on the mirrored surface: preserve angles
  798. and change its direction. The apparent sky, like a projected object
  799. tato on the mirror, keep the angles and change the direction of the sky
  800. real, that is, an inversion or geometric correspondence with¬
  801. forms, called transformation by reciprocal ray vectors, such as
  802. I have shown in other writings. Applying to the physical universe such
  803. geometric transformation the light radiations perceived by the
  804. The eye follows curvilinear paths, for which the celestial bodies observe
  805. vati are apparent rather than real as situad tungo le
  806. reí te tangential to the curves traversed by the striking rays of light
  807. our eyes all the time. We see celestial objects
  808. along these tangent lines, i.e. in a (mental) space where the lines
  809. 39
  810. nee of universe are rectilinear (Euclidean space). The spa-
  811. The real cosmic space is analogous to the space determined by the poles
  812. of a magnet on iron filings sprinkled on a sheet of
  813. paper with its characteristic electromagnetic curves (Maxwell).
  814. Geometric distances and duration of light
  815. The light-year corresponds to a length of km 9.463 x
  816. 10 to the twelfth = km 9 billion and 463 billion, or the distance
  817. za that light is animated by a constant speed of 300 x 10 alia
  818. third km/sec, it would travel if it could have the duration of an
  819. no. This route, considered "straight" is the unit of measurement with
  820. which astronomers calculate (not measure) the distance from
  821. we of a star.
  822. Attention must be paid to the meaning of the word di¬
  823. room and the word light. Distance is the geometric space between
  824. one point and another point. Light is the set of discrete elements
  825. called physical quanta of light (photons) or animated particles of energy
  826. from speed.
  827. A physical train of propagates along a geometric distance
  828. innumerable photons, distributed non-uniformly (elec-
  829. Maxwell's magnetic field).
  830. A distance is measured by means of a geometric unit called
  831. metre, whose standard (international metre) consists of a
  832. platinum ruler, kept in the Museum of Arts and Crafts of Paris
  833. gi, equivalent, with great approximation, as is known, to alia
  834. 40 millionth part of an earth meridian.
  835. Astronomers, to calculate a stellar distance, combine
  836. divide the geometric unit of measure with the physical unit of measure
  837. of light (k photons) as if they were compactly distributed.
  838. The light-year arises from the fact that in the triangulations of the cal¬
  839. cólo of the stellar distances the rectilinearity of the sides is assumed
  840. calculate, and the photon distribution uniformity, related to
  841. 40
  842. physical impossibility of the endless durations of the light itself, so
  843. I'll see right away.
  844. But first let us specify with an example our ordinary mi-
  845. surc or distance calculations with the caveat that a beam of radiation
  846. tions of light, starting from the source, are fading
  847. for the divergence between the rays of each pair, and for the always
  848. less compactness of photons of the same radius.
  849. If, for example, a light source is 10 meters away
  850. of geometric distance from me, I assume geo¬ as the unit of measure
  851. constant metric the metre; but if I take as a unit of measure
  852. physical constant, e.g. 100 million photons (quanta of light), in
  853. first stretch (let's say 1 cm) of the light beam are contained
  854. ti 100 million photons, but this second stretch is geo¬ long
  855. metrically half of the first and so on from half to half the photos
  856. towards the source they are becoming more and more thickening (that is, they
  857. distribute non-compactly and non-uniformly - Law of
  858. Lambert). Therefore assuming constant fí¬ as unit of measure
  859. physically 100 million photons, my physical distance from the source,
  860. with innumerable halves it is almost infinite, while úmanc fini¬
  861. ta (10 metres) is my geometric distance. It is concluded that the di¬
  862. Terra Solé physical-geometric room in the classic measure system
  863. 150,000,000 kilometers in physics-geometry-, in the Teoría Endo-
  864. spherical, since at each straight exospheric kilometer cor-
  865. small arches respond, which gradually become shorter and shorter
  866. towards the source, there are still 150 million Km. but with
  867. physical meaning being constituted by trains of photons, not supe¬
  868. rando the geometric paths of sunlight and stars 10,000 chi¬
  869. geometry meters with a probable duration of the journey
  870. light of hours, not of years. Alia half line «rectilinear solar rays»
  871. corresponds in the transformation for reciprocal vector rays, the
  872. semicircle «curvilinear rays».
  873. To the geometric kilometre, transformed «increasing» from partiré
  874. from the source, on the semicircle corresponds the kilometer (with si¬
  875. physical meaning) decreasing in accordance with the physical law of
  876. 41
  877. lighting intensity inversely proportional to the square
  878. to the distance from the source. It could be said (to understand) that
  879. the lengthening of the geometric kilometer is compensated by the
  880. decrease in intensity of illumination. Match the mon-
  881. geometric length of a ray with its decreasing intensity
  882. of illumination stands at the root of the light-year.
  883. If you want to measure the length of a stretch of river, use
  884. we will lose the meter; our result has nothing to do with it
  885. with the flow rate of the river water as well as the distance of a
  886. star has no relationship with the train of photons that travels through it.
  887. Distances are geometric entities; the flow of water and the
  888. train of photons are physical entities.
  889. \
  890. Distance law
  891. The intensity of illumination of a screen is inversely
  892. proportional to! square of the distance from the source.
  893. In fact, the amount of light that comes from a point lumi¬
  894. noso O falls on a square ABCD, at a distance double ca-
  895. d would be on a square A' B' C' D' of double side and therefore of
  896. area four times greater than the first. Perianth the amount of
  897. light that would fall on A' B' C' D' would be the same as that which
  898. falls on ABCD but with an illumination intensity equal to 1/4
  899. than that which falls on ABCD.
  900. The splendor, that is the luminous intensity of the unit of surfaces
  901. ie, a double distance is 1/4, a triple distance would be 1/9 etc.
  902. The intensity of illumination E is directly proportional
  903. alF emission intensity and cosine a formed by the normal
  904. to the ray incident with the struck surface and vice versa
  905. proportional to the square of the distance from the source:
  906. _ -eos a
  907. (Lambert's first cosine law).
  908. At given distances of m 3, 4, 5, etc. the intensity of illumination
  909. produced by a source decreases by 9, 16, 25 times. In fig.
  910. two rays of light leaving the source at a given instant are
  911. separated by an arc AB, at a later instant by an arc A'B',
  912. etc. The light spreads throughout the spherical space; every surface
  913. spherical each receives the same amount of light, but the intensity
  914. of lighting on each square meter. decreases inversely by
  915. square of the distance. When the latter reaches values
  916. of millions of kilometers the intensity of illumination decreases rá¬
  917. gradually tending to zero, until extinction. The same quantity
  918. tá of light emitted by the source illuminates an extended sphere 4n r
  919. where r is the increasing radius of each sphere and figure squared
  920. to. If the radius of the sphere is 1000 km, the radiated surface
  921. is 12 times 1,000,000 square km; if r is equal to 1,000,000
  922. km the spherical surface is about 12 million square km.
  923. If r is equal to 150,000,000 km, the illuminated surface has a
  924. thousands of trillions of square kilometers.
  925. In the figure, observe for example the arc AB, the arc A'B'
  926. and the arc A”B”. These three arcs are sectors of the circumference;
  927. the corresponding spherical surfaces each receive the same il¬
  928. lighting, the intensity of which, as the extension increases, goes rá¬
  929. gradually attenuating in the inverse ratio of the square of the di¬
  930. room until it vanishes.
  931. 43
  932. THE
  933. For the classical theory the nebulae whose light would employ
  934. 200 million years to reach the Earth, it would be rp ad
  935. a distance of 2,000 trillion kilometers: the figure is: 2,000,000.-
  936. (21 zeros). The fabulous duration of propagation-
  937. tion of light rays (light-years) is not the result of experience,
  938. but it necessarily follows from the premises from which Gastro starts
  939. classical nomía and that is: Euclidean cosmic space, convex Earth
  940. and the attribution, extrapolating, to the cosmic space of characters
  941. of the earth's space. The light of the Andrómeda nebula im¬
  942. would take 2 million years to reach us, that of the
  943. galaxies more than two billion years away. The light with a fre-
  944. frequency which is calculated between 400 and 750 billion vibrations per second
  945. do, each ray constituting a very tenuous «thread of energy»
  946. in motion with a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second is so
  947. the ¡Ilusorio that could last for billions of years!
  948. The speed of light
  949. The speed of propagation of light (electromagnetic waves)
  950. which in vacuum) is taken as the fundamental universal constant
  951. and is usually indicated with C, even if the escape velocity of a qua-
  952. sar is hyper-c.
  953. 44
  954. The first determination was made in 1675 by the astro-
  955. dáñese name Olaf Roemer who calculated the periods of the satellites of
  956. Jupiter in different eras, obtaining different results. Know-
  957. I give this difference in distance and the time taken to travel it
  958. (about 1000 seconds) Roemer calculated for the speed of light the
  959. value of 307,200 km/sec.
  960. The determination of the speed of light, performed by Ja¬
  961. mes Bradley in 1728 based on the aberration of the stars, con-
  962. led to equal results (except for negligible differences); the same
  963. the same applies to other researchers such as Anderson, Essen, Bergrastrand,
  964. Alakson. These calculations are based on the hypothesis of correctness
  965. of the propagation path of the light.
  966. It is necessary to clarify the concept of speed of light in the system
  967. heliocentric and the same concept in the cosmocentric system. There
  968. distance in the endospheric system is the length of a trajectory-
  969. rectified curvilinear air, whose geometric unit of measurement (me¬
  970. tro) does not coincide with the physical unit of measurement (k photons). This
  971. the physical unit of k photons is not known, therefore it is not calculable
  972. the travel time of the physical body k photons is not known. Perian¬
  973. to the speed of light is not calculable.
  974. The average diameter of the molecules has been calculated, with various
  975. systems, reaching a value of the order of a few Angstroms
  976. (1 Angstrom = 10 -8 cm), or one ten-thousandth of a microm; there
  977. classical Earth-Sirius distance is 9 light-years; these va-
  978. lutions, however, cannot be accepted because the photons of a
  979. ray of light, unlike classic assessments, does not spread
  980. distribute uniformly, the photons or quanta of energy do not travel
  981. jano compact but they are distancing until annulled
  982. of their action (see figure) moho time before reaching
  983. the observer.
  984. The concept of heliocentric speed refers to paths of light
  985. physical-geometric with a constant unit of measurement, in the system
  986. cosmocentric instead the same concept is referred to units of mi¬
  987. variable geometric suras containing each unit of geo-
  988. 45
  989. metric is the constant physical quantity of k photons. The light travels
  990. I make an enormous number of variable geometric units in parti¬
  991. ré from the source it fades until it tends to zero. That-
  992. this path implies a non-calculable variable time, but ve¬
  993. similarly ultra-short in the geometric vicinity of the source,
  994. but gradually increasing as it travels towards the observer
  995. land carrier.
  996. The Teoría Cosmocentrica formulates the hypothesis of variable times
  997. li of path of the light from the source to the observer, holding
  998. note that illumination, as already said, is inversely pro-
  999. proportional to the square of the distance.
  1000. The calculation of C was carried out in the hypothesis of unit of time
  1001. po constant per unit of travel constant. From these assumptions
  1002. the classical value of C is enjoyed even in the depths of space
  1003. cosmic, except that Lambert's law leads to a progressive
  1004. vo dimming of lighting intensity up to its an-
  1005. nothing long before reaching the ter¬ observer
  1006. rest. As for the famous experiment of Fizeau la
  1007. speed of light was, yes, constant, but obviously for a duration
  1008. fractions of a second subsequent to the instant of emission of the
  1009. light, whose route from Suresne to Montmartre, round trip,
  1010. it was only 8.633 km x 2 = 17.266 km. Therefore, taking into account
  1011. than previously said, it is absurd to assume for the speed
  1012. tá of light the constant C value for durations of «billions of years-
  1013. ni". The light-year is therefore absolutely impossible.
  1014. 46
  1015. Chapter IV
  1019. With the advent of Einsteinian theories, they developed
  1020. developing new cosmologies.
  1021. The classic universe of Newton was followed by that of Minkow-
  1022. skiing; the non-static (pulsating and hyperbolic) universes of
  1023. Friedman; Einstein's system of General Relativity, Fan-
  1024. Piattié introduced his Final Relativity using the model
  1025. by De Sitter; stationary cosmologies proposed by Hoyle and Bondi-
  1026. Gold, Gamow and Lemaítre evolutionary cosmologies.
  1027. Fundamental problems are associated with this rich mass of theories.
  1028. mental as the meaning of hyperspace and curvature of space
  1029. and of time, the problem of the reality or appearance of phenomena
  1030. predicted by relativist theories, the meaning of stationarity and of
  1031. expansion, model of the Universe, the concept of relativity and the
  1032. Einsteinian theory of gravitation, then focusing on the di-
  1033. distinction between the relativist conceptions of theoretical universes a cur¬
  1034. constant nature based on group theory and conception
  1035. of the real Universe with variable curvature, not related to this theory.
  1036. Hyperspace
  1037. To explain what a four-dimensional space is, yes
  1038. resorting to various expedients, the most significant and close to intuition
  1039. tion being that of the bianimal which, linked to a space a
  1040. two dimensions, he cannot imagine a three-dimensional space.
  1041. 47
  1042. Analogously, it has been said, a three-dimensional, bound being
  1043. to a three-dimensional space, it cannot conceive of a space
  1044. at four. This juxtaposition between the behavior of the white
  1045. animal and that of the three-dimensional being appeared to satisfy
  1046. the need for intuition.
  1047. But was intuition really satisfied? A short
  1048. reflection suggests a negative answer. We can petó do-
  1049. send us if such a problem really exists or is hiding in it-
  1050. de The mistake of confusing between geometric abstraction and physical reality
  1051. approx. The space n dimensions in geometry to be well known
  1052. it does not need to be illustrated. What needs to be investigated is
  1053. why we speak of physical space with more than three dimensions. Among the
  1054. first responsible for this is Minkowski, who, with Einstein, introduced
  1055. came up with the term "four-dimensional" to mean space-
  1056. real time.
  1057. It is true that these authors take care to specify that the three
  1058. spatial variables x, y, z and the time variable t could be
  1059. merged but not confused, but this did not prevent the most famous texts
  1060. brad still linger to illustrate the events of the bianimal.
  1061. The idea of ​​geometric representation that Minkowski has
  1062. datum of Special Relativity arises from observing that the transformation
  1063. Lorentz's mation works similarly on spa¬ coordinates
  1064. tials x, y, xe over time f, hence the opportunity to interpret
  1065. mechanical phenomena, rather than in ordinary space, in a spa¬
  1066. four-dimensional space in which time functions as a fourth coor-
  1067. dinate. However, since in space-time it doesn't happen at all
  1068. that a three-dimensional being faced the problem of con¬
  1069. perceive the fourth spatial dimension, is completely out of place,
  1070. in the question in question, consider the bianimal not having
  1071. the possibility of conceiving the third dimension, and this because in the
  1072. space-time real space dimensions are three and do not go
  1073. confused with the temporal dimension that a character takes on
  1074. analogous to the spatial ones only in the geometrical representation
  1075. ca : in reality space and time cannot and should not be
  1076. 48
  1077. confused.
  1078. It is known, in rational mechanics, that the ellipsoid of inertia is one
  1079. geometric representation of the moments of inertia, but it is
  1080. only one interpretation: to insist on the vicissitudes of the bianimal
  1081. aforesaid is equivalent to believing that the ellipsoid of inertia, instead of
  1082. be a mere geometric interpretation of the moments of iner¬
  1083. aunt, "identify" with them.
  1084. A convenient proposal could be to not do it
  1085. more use of the term "four-dimensional" when referring to it
  1086. to the real world: it will be granted that such suppression spares
  1087. would obscure conceptual and useless efforts and how many forward
  1088. in the shifting sands of relativity.
  1089. Strange, just about the Minkowski diagram,
  1090. notes that «he soon forgot this original diagram-
  1091. matic and an absurd reality is almost generally attributed to this
  1092. this representation... the hypothetical continuum became a semi-
  1093. four-dimensional space." But to the enigma of the «four-
  1094. spatial dimensionality» is associated with that of the curvature of the
  1095. space and time.
  1096. Curvature of space and time
  1097. Also to explain this "mystery" well-known authors are
  1098. resorts to approaches similar to the previous ones. Like a plan
  1099. it curves in a three-dimensional space, it is explained, so a spa¬
  1100. three-dimensional space "curves" in the fourth dimension. But not
  1101. only space "curves", but also time!
  1102. What a "curved time" could mean no one knows, neither
  1103. will ever know, except perhaps the authors, the critics and the merchants
  1104. than 99 percent of abstract paintings.
  1105. Here too the rigorous and recommended distinction is imposed
  1106. by Veronese, between geometric representation and reality. Until
  1107. we remain in the interpretative field offered to us by geometry
  1108. 49
  1109. analytical, space-time can take on the suggestive aspect of
  1110. a cone (Minkowski), a cylinder (Einstein) or a hyperbo-
  1111. loids (De Sitter).
  1112. To allow the tracking of Einstein's chronotope (fig.
  1113. 1) the spatial coordinates are reduced to two (circumference)
  1114. the third coordinate being time. For the representation of
  1115. De Sitter's Universe (fig. 2) is the third coordinate, being lo
  1116. expanding space, looks curved. As you can see it is not
  1117. of the "curvature" or "flatness" of time, but simply
  1118. of its geometric representation, what is sensitively
  1119. more understandable.
  1120. As for the «curved space» we must distinguish: 1) the spa¬
  1121. uncle geométrico, which is: flat if the Pythagorean theorem is valid in it
  1122. ra (Euclidean geometry); curved if, on the other hand, the re-
  1123. Pythagorean action (non-Euclidean geometries); 2) the physical space,
  1124. which is defined: plane, if admitting the hypothesis of propagation
  1125. rectilinear tion of electromagnetic waves, for description
  1126. Euclidean geometry is applied to the phenomena of nature; cur¬
  1127. vo se, admitting a curvilinear propagation of light, for
  1128. the description of the phenomena of nature applies a geome¬
  1129. non-Euclidean tria.
  1130. Newtonian space is flat because the trajectory of lu¬
  1131. ce, supposedly rectilinear (in the Euclidean sense), requires the application
  1132. ne of Euclidean geometry; the Einsteinian space of Relati-
  1133. 50
  1134. General life is curved because gravitational electromagnetic waves
  1135. /.ional, undergo the action of the gravitational field and therefore
  1136. gcodetics traveled by light, not being Euclidean, requires
  1137. the application of a non-Euclidean geometry.
  1138. Depending, therefore, on the physical theories adopted to explain
  1139. the phenomena of nature we apply a type of geometry or
  1140. re another: it is the type of geometry that we apply that makes us
  1141. I will define flat or curved (in the Euclidean sense) the physical space, that is
  1142. the set of material bodies and energy fields that constitute it
  1143. they understand.
  1144. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider the curvature as a ca-
  1145. intrinsic nature of physical space. To say that «space or time
  1146. or space-time is curved", and worse, "curves" is an expression
  1147. which should be abandoned in favor of rigor, of pre¬
  1148. cision and clarity.
  1149. Reality or appearance of the phenomena predicted by reiativist theories
  1150. Perhaps the most discussed problem, linked to the transformation of
  1151. Lorentz, is that of the variation of length, of duration
  1152. and the mass of the body as a function of its motion.
  1153. Are these real or apparent phenomena? We have to be precise
  1154. first of all what we want to understand by real and what we want
  1155. mean by apparent.
  1156. If an observer K sees a ruler pass before him, he travels
  1157. with uniform rectilinear motion at a speed, with respect to
  1158. him, comparable with that of light and proceeds to measure it
  1159. length, the result of its measurement carried out (with only half
  1160. zi optics) differs from a similar measurement carried out (with prin¬ means
  1161. typically tatíili) from another observer K', united with the re¬
  1162. goal and precisely the length l obtained from the first observed¬
  1163. re is less than the length /' detected by the second.
  1164. We will have, according to the Lorentz transformation.
  1165. 51
  1166. where v is the speed of the rod and c is the speed of light. os-
  1167. servant K the ruler appears shortened. What does this mean?
  1168. It means that the length detected by K\ traveling jointly
  1169. te with the ruler, is true: K detects a shortening of this lun¬
  1170. true length, i.e. detects an apparent length.
  1171. This is the crux of the matter and so it was considered by
  1172. Enrico Fermi, from Straneo, from Castelnuovo and from many other
  1173. all scientists: this has not prevented and still does not prevent that
  1174. still discussing a problem that the same invertibility of the equations
  1175. tions of Lorentz puts us away from any doubt. Indeed,
  1176. if it were K' to judge the length of a ruler identical to that
  1177. the previous one but now in solidarity with K, would be K' to detect for
  1178. this ruler has a smaller length than that detected by K.
  1179. From this it follows that the rule traveling with rectilinear motion uni¬
  1180. shapes in a supposed pseudo-Euclidean space (with only the inter¬
  1181. physical wind of light) empty like Euclidean space, the ruler
  1182. really does not shorten at all, does not suffer any contraction
  1183. tion inherent in its molecular structure, such as erróneamen¬
  1184. Lorentz himself thought of you at first, then changed his mind
  1185. definitively.
  1186. We therefore conclude that the true length is the measured one
  1187. mainly with the intervention of touch (tactile space ), while
  1188. the apparent length is that measured with the intervention only
  1189. of vision (optical space). I omit a similar reasoning
  1190. to be done for the «dilation» of time, a purely ap¬ phenomenon
  1191. relative.
  1192. These fundamental notions and findings must always be
  1193. pre kept in mind when considering events from a point of
  1194. relativistic view, that is, with the use of founded transformations
  1195. on group theory, such as the Lorentz transformation of
  1196. Special Relativity and other relativistic transformations, including,
  1197. in particular, that of the Final Relativity of Fantappié, developed
  1198. hopped by Giuseppe Arcidiacono.
  1199. The journey imagined by a distinguished Physicist is famous, such as
  1200. was P. Langevin: he assumed that one of two young twins
  1201. it spun with fantastic speed from the Earth, pushing itself up to one
  1202. distant star and returned with the same inverted speed to Ter¬
  1203. ra and stopped there.
  1204. Assuming the translation speed v sufFjciently large
  1205. de (next to that of light) the twin who had traveled
  1206. he could have been still a child, while the other remained
  1207. constantly on Earth, it should have been very old!
  1208. That this is only an absurd paradox is proved by the fact
  1209. which, due to the invertibility of the Lorentz transformations, is the ge-
  1210. aged traveling mello that would have found child, to his
  1211. return, the twin who remained on Earth.
  1212. Add to this the serious circumstance that illicit use has been made of the
  1213. Lorentzian formulas which predict only uniform rectilinear motions
  1214. (otherwise the transformation would not leave unchanged even
  1215. not the form of the law of motion), while the traveling twin,
  1216. reversing the course for the return, it is animated by an accelera-
  1217. rat.
  1218. The problem of the reality or appearance of phenomena in
  1219. the Special Theory of Relativity should be considered in an ana-
  1220. loga in other relativistic theories, based on group theory
  1221. especially in Final Relativity.
  1222. The unification of the electric and hydrodynamic fields
  1223. it has an apparent and not real character, because it depends on the distance
  1224. za from the observer. «It will have to happen, writes Arcidiacono, that a
  1225. purely hydrodynamic phenomenon, which occurs on a Ga-
  1226. lassia distant, it will have to appear to us, due to the effect of the distance, of
  1227. magneto-hydrodynamic nature. Alie small distances from the bone
  1228. vator... the electromagnetic and hydrodynamic fields result
  1229. are independent of each other. Alie great distances instead... the two
  1230. fields come to merge intimately, through the constant uni-
  1231. versal r, in a single magneto-dynamic field».
  1232. 53
  1233. Whether a conducting fluid (e.g. mercury) or a gas
  1234. ionized (plasma) is immersed in a magnetic field, a
  1235. coupling between electromagnetic field and hydrodynamic field
  1236. mic, in the sense that a hydrodynamic motion gives rise to cor-
  1237. electric currents. which, in turn, generate actions that alter
  1238. the state of motion of the fluid.
  1239. If, however, the hydrodynamic field is the electromagnetic one
  1240. are independent of each other (that is, the first is not immersed in the
  1241. the other) and yet to a distant observer the phenomenon is
  1242. has a magneto-hydrodynamic nature, it is clear that it is
  1243. not of a real phenomenon, but only of an apparent phenomenon.
  1244. This clarification around the problem of reality or
  1245. The appearance of the phenomena predicted by relativist theories develops
  1246. pate in the group theory scheme of rigid movements
  1247. highlights the fundamental character of these theories, namely
  1248. the fact that their genesis is linked to purely material needs -
  1249. matic, as Arcidiacono warns regarding the Re-
  1250. the activity of Fantappié and as Straneo warns (1, pag. 81) for quan¬
  1251. to regards Special Relativity.
  1252. It is known in fact that, to write a transformation that gave
  1253. reason of the experimental results obtained by Michelson-Morley,
  1254. Poincaré, wanting to achieve a transformation that was not alone
  1255. approximate as the one Lorentz had found, but it was
  1256. if exact, he resorted to the mathematical theory of groups, based on the
  1257. which it could be rigorously demonstrated that the only transformations
  1258. tions, which left the shape of the optical laws unchanged, were
  1259. given by certain equations where a magnitude and de¬ figured
  1260. terminate according to some particular condition of the problem
  1261. that it was placed. In the search for a law of transformation
  1262. uniform, which leaves the form of the fundamental laws unchanged
  1263. electromagnetic fields, the mentioned equations are applied to a ca¬
  1264. so experimental, that of Michelson-Morley, and equaling it
  1265. the results it will be possible to determine the numerical value of the constant.
  1266. 54
  1267. case we find for c the value of the speed of light.
  1268. So the cusíante c was born from a mathematical need for
  1269. account for certain phenomena. Whether it be theories that associate-
  1270. no to the simplicity of mathematical formulas a structure of
  1271. moho world simpler and more schematic than the real one proves it
  1272. also the fact that, for example, while the value c is insurmountable in
  1273. In the sphere of Special Relativity, in Final Relativity it is seen
  1274. the speed of light is no longer a limiting speed, whereas there is
  1275. its entry a time limit r/c.
  1276. All this takes away only the transformations of Relativity Ri¬
  1277. strict, within the limits of the field of their validity, represent one
  1278. very valuable tool in science: the modern gigantic machines
  1279. china, which are used in nuclear physics laboratories for this purpose
  1280. to produce high energy particles (synchrotons, betatrons,
  1281. etc.) must be designed in order for them to function,
  1282. based precisely on the laws of Special Relativity; and can-
  1283. we are likely to expect very useful applications of the
  1284. relationships of other theories based on group theory.
  1285. But when from the effects foreseen by the aforementioned relations
  1286. lativists let us move on to an objective structural vision of the Uni-
  1287. towards real (cosmology), then we must abandon the abstraction
  1288. of a space-time with constant curvature of relativist theories
  1289. based on the group theory of rigid movements (roto-
  1290. translations), to introduce into our equations the characteristic data
  1291. characteristics of real space, which has variable curvature: it is what
  1292. did Einstein in his theory of General Relativity, where
  1293. the space considered is the real one, at least in the first approximation
  1294. mation, a space, that is, gravitational.
  1295. "The gravitational field, Einstein points out, deforms my
  1296. stiff throats". In the Endospheric Theory we consider a space,
  1297. which is even more approximate to the real one: it, as well as gra¬
  1298. vitational, it is electric. The variable curvature (with the consequent
  1299. 55
  1300. non-rigid motions) of the Universe in General Relativity is linked
  1301. due to the presence of matter as well as the curvature of the Universe
  1302. Endospheric is linked not only to the presence of matter ( actions
  1303. graviiational), but also in the presence of the springs of a cam¬
  1304. universal electric po.
  1305. It is necessary to specify the entity of the difference between the curvatures of
  1306. Einstein and those of the EndosJerica Teoría: the former are neglected
  1307. bilities being linked only to the gravitational field, while the se-
  1308. conda are related to both the gravitational field and the electric field
  1309. tromagnetic; the former have a radius of curvature of billions
  1310. of Euclidean kilometers (the limit of the Universe is approximately one
  1311. plane) while the second ones have a radius of curvature not greater
  1312. day of 6370 Euclidean kilometers (Earth radius).
  1313. 56
  1314. Chapter V
  1317. "Relativism"
  1318. An objection, which has been raised against the Teoría Endo-
  1319. spherical, is this: the hypothesis of the curvilinear propagation of light
  1320. (field theory) can be done, as well as by the observer ter¬
  1321. restre, even by an observer from any other planet, for
  1322. e.g., of Mars. He too could imagine an endo-universe
  1323. spherical, of which the concave surface of Mars would constitute the
  1324. side.
  1325. It is therefore absurd to think that the universe is cosmocentric
  1326. is real, because otherwise they would have equal right to be with
  1327. real siderad the different universes observed and, like that, inter¬
  1328. pretad by the observers of the various planets. So it's puree
  1329. abstractions, of pure mathematical structures, which cannot cor-
  1330. respond to physical reality!
  1331. So far the objection.
  1332. We shall immediately observe that the hypothesis of the existence of a habit
  1333. many on the external convex surface of Mars is done by analogy
  1334. already with the inhabitant on the supposedly convex terrestrial surface; in
  1335. In other words, the hypothesis that Mars is inhabited immediately implies one
  1336. second, which is twofold, namely the hypothesis that the surface of Mars
  1337. whether inhabited externally or internally. The first hypothesis is po¬
  1338. stands for analogy with the Earth, whether concave or convex; the i¬
  1339. second possibility, which it implies, is doubly analogical: if
  1340. the surface of Mars is supposed to be externally inhabited.
  1341. 57
  1342. this is done by analogy with the convex surface of the Earth
  1343. classical system; if it is assumed instead that the surface of Mars
  1344. is inhabited internally, this is done by analogy with the surface
  1345. concave of the Earth of the cosmocentric system.
  1346. The aforementioned objection, therefore, implies the following circumstance
  1347. te: the objector starts from the implied affirmation of dwelling on the ¬
  1348. the convex surface of the Earth, from the statement, that is, that
  1349. the system of the Universe is the traditional one and therefore concludes
  1350. that the hypothesis of the curvilinear propagation of light is a pure one
  1351. hypothesis to which a real physical law cannot correspond, even though it satisfies
  1352. undoing to a coherent mathematical structure of the Universe.
  1353. From this it follows that such a propagation hypothesis curvilated
  1354. idea of ​​light can be formulated, and only as a mere exercise
  1355. intellectual quotation, even from an observer located on the su¬
  1356. external, convex, surface of Mars.
  1357. The objection in question is therefore vitiated by a prejudice
  1358. tial, that is, that the Universe certainly has the structure
  1359. traditional: one objects, in short, prejudicially, to the assertion-
  1360. re of the cosmocentric system that the Universe is not cosmocentric
  1361. co, but Copernican.
  1362. It is therefore not a real objection, because
  1363. derives prejudicially from the affirmation that the true system is
  1364. but of the world it is the classic one: to be a real objection
  1365. the argument raised should be independent of any
  1366. any concept of the universe, be it Copernican or cosmocen¬
  1367. trico, so as to let us see that the argument itself carries
  1368. to affirm the validity of one or the other of the two systems
  1369. me. Instead we pretend to proceed in the exact opposite direction:
  1370. in fact with the objection it leads to validate one of the two systems
  1371. mi, but one of the two systems, prejudicially stated as
  1372. The only true one leads to the objection!
  1373. Then follows the obvious admission that the observer assumes
  1374. I'm located on a "certainly" convex earth surface can
  1375. you represent an endospheric but certainly abstract universe
  1376. 58
  1377. to, certainly not corresponding to the real world; it's the same
  1378. what can the hypothetical inhabitant of Mars do, located by analogy
  1379. with the Earth's surface, on the outer surface of that planet.
  1380. Both observers, the terrestrial and the Martian,
  1381. could make the same speech and say: I am situated with cer-
  1382. height on the convex surface of my world, but I can build
  1383. some abstract structures, mathematically valid, certainly not
  1384. corresponding to reality, but such as to allow me to configure
  1385. re in my imagination a hypothetical universe enclosed by hypotheses
  1386. concave walls of the surface on which I stand.
  1387. The hypothesis of the habitability of Mars by analogy with the su¬
  1388. terrestrial surface can be associated with the other hypothesis, that is that Pos-
  1389. Martian servant is found, again by analogy with the surface
  1390. cie terrestrial, not already on the external, convex surface of his
  1391. globe, but rather on the inner surface, concave, and this does not apply
  1392. worth considering the Endospheric Theory of the Universe.
  1393. The objection raised at the outset is vitiated by the circumstance that
  1394. two opposing hypotheses are mixed in it: the Copernican hypothesis and that
  1395. cosmocentric.
  1396. We do not perceive in this objection that it is tautological to say
  1397. sea ​​that the Copemican system leads to... the Copernicus system
  1398. dog. The preliminary ruling from which we start excludes that the hypothesis of the
  1399. The cosmocentric universe can correspond to reality and therefore
  1400. of the objection which it is believed to oppose to the cosmocentric system
  1401. it is pleonastic, superfluous, because the precondition that the universe
  1402. it is certainly not cosmocentric precedes the objection itself.
  1403. In this objection only the Coperni hypothesis is actually made
  1404. cana: the two hypotheses are not compared impartially.
  1405. The hypothesis of rectilinear propagation of light leads to
  1406. to assert that living beings inhabit the external surface either
  1407. of the Earth and of Mars (allowing however the habitability of these
  1408. this planet).
  1409. The hypothesis of the curvilinear propagation of light (teoría del
  1410. field) made by the terrestrial observer, leads to assert that
  1411. 59
  1412. living beings inhabit the inner surface of both the Earth
  1413. that of Mars (allowing anyway the habitability of this planet-
  1414. ta). The analogy with the Earth (and not observation), which has
  1415. once the scientist has been educated to make the hypothesis of the habitability of Mars, he must
  1416. be conducted to the end, without mixing the two opposites
  1417. hypothesis.
  1418. The terrestrial and Martian observatories are either alPe-
  1419. sternum or both within the surface of their world e
  1420. this is because the only reason that led to the hypothesis of the ahi-
  1421. stability of the planets is the analogy with the earth's surface. No-
  1422. no one has ever observed any inhabitant on the surface of the plains
  1423. ti: these are just analog conjectures. The objection then posed
  1424. at the beginning it has no foundation, because, as he said
  1425. Poincaré, «there is no paradox that cannot be demonstrated when
  1426. mix two affirmations in the premises of the proof
  1427. ni (or hypothesis) contrary".
  1428. Whether the Universe is cosmocentric or not, it must be
  1429. decided by the consequences that this admission entails.
  1430. If the hypothesis of the Endospheric Universe involves the explanation
  1431. of all the observed facts already explained by the old theory, and furthermore
  1432. three the solution of even a single weak point of the old con¬
  1433. I concede, this hypothesis is more valid than the old one, this structure of the
  1434. The universe is more valid (more true) than the structure of the universe
  1435. traditional.
  1436. Admitted the greater validity of the super Endospheric Universe
  1437. placing an «external» Martian observer would mean formu¬
  1438. make a hypothesis not even supported by analogy, a hypothesis
  1439. yes completely arbitrary, devoid of any foundation an¬
  1440. than purely theoretical.
  1441. However, we must add a further consideration.
  1442. When the Theory of Relativity appeared, there was opposition
  1443. slow rose up against it.
  1444. Men of science, even well-known, cursed them
  1445. Einstein. Vincenzo Cerull, then President of the Astro-
  1446. 60
  1447. nomica spoke of a "degenerative crisis" that had occurred in the camp
  1448. scientific.
  1449. Michele La Rosa wrote: «We feel a breathless sense
  1450. of bewilderment, a deep and acute unease, which comes from
  1451. I will feel the very foundations of our ra-
  1452. region". Then things changed. Objections to Einstein's ideas
  1453. niane turned out to be more psychological than rational: to understand
  1454. to understand relativist ideas it was necessary to change a certain way of translating
  1455. dictionary to think. A certain tradi-
  1456. tional mental attitude, Relativity asserted itself triumphantly
  1457. mind.
  1458. Then, as often happens, he went even further, he became di¬
  1459. re alia Relativity what Relativity did not say and they were born
  1460. absurd "interpretations", like the pleasant story of the twins of
  1461. a physicist, albeit an eminent one like Langevin was.
  1462. "Relativism" was born, a deteriorating mental attitude
  1463. re in the shadow of a Theory that nevertheless has a great scope
  1464. but, both in the scientific and in the speculative field.
  1465. The síoria offers us many examples of these "schools" that arose on the
  1466. trail of great masters: "schools" that often distort Palto con¬
  1467. keeping to the original doctrine. "Relativism" is rampant!
  1468. You do not strictly abide by the terms and conditions below
  1469. which it is permissible to speak of relativity and pleasant paradoxes arise, but
  1470. worthless, interpretations and arguments apparently
  1471. suggestive, but without rigor in their premises.
  1472. Relativity teaches that for an observer located in a three¬
  1473. no in motion the images of the places, which it crosses, are identi-
  1474. than to those that he would contemplate if the places were moving
  1475. verses and he stood still. Omitting, now considerations a lot
  1476. important, around the meaning of motion and rest, it does not seem
  1477. that it can be doubted that it is the train and not who moves
  1478. the landscape! The Lorentzian reports are of the highest interest
  1479. and of greater fecundity, as we all know, but we don't admire ourselves
  1480. we are sick of "relativism" falling from the frying pan into the fire!
  1481. 61
  1482. The "privileged" role of the Earth
  1483. A second objection to the Endospheric Theory has been formulated
  1484. mulated by a famous French scientist in a letter, to me
  1485. sent from Paris on 20 January 1961, which reads: «The geoperipher-
  1486. ism of Theory restores a privileged role to the Earth and this
  1487. this is the point for which I don't agree with the theory».
  1488. The critical arguments to this second objection are
  1489. similar to those already opposed to the objection already discussed above.
  1490. Here too the objection does not lead to validating either of the two
  1491. systems, but one of the two systems, prejudicially stated thus
  1492. me valid Púnico, leads to the objection. It is coming from the system
  1493. but Copernican that one can possibly speak of a private role
  1494. envoy of the Earth, is admitting that the Earth is a "planet"
  1495. that its privileged role cannot be considered justified
  1496. compared to the "other" planets.
  1497. If the Earth were a planet, if, what is the same, the system
  1498. of the world were Copernican, precisely it would not be at all
  1499. justified to attribute a privileged role to the Earth.
  1500. But what does it mean, for our objector, to attribute to Ter¬
  1501. ra a privileged role?
  1502. It means referring to the Earth's "role" of being the boundary
  1503. of the Universe, means, that is, to refer to the Cosmocentric system-
  1504. co, in which precisely the Earth is not a planet and therefore not
  1505. it makes sense to speak of a privileged role.
  1506. Two opposite hypotheses are mixed again, which are resolved
  1507. in a contradiction. Also in this objection we start from
  1508. Copernican system to reach the... Copernican system: pu¬
  1509. ra tautology.
  1510. If we can speak of privileges, it is, on the other hand, precisely by analyzing
  1511. the classic system.
  1512. In it, among all the paths attributable to light waves, yes
  1513. must admit the most singular path, the rectilinear one. Between
  1514. all the infinite lines, the straight line is the most particular case, it is Pec-
  1515. 62
  1516. perception, it is the behavior that clearly distinguishes it from all
  1517. te the other lines; the straight line is privileged over all straight lines
  1518. constructible or conceivable due to its very particular character, which is not
  1519. it has nothing in common with all other lynxes: it is the only lynx
  1520. which has an infinite radius of curvature at every point.
  1521. That the real universe is dominated by a law of propagation
  1522. tion of electromagnetic waves so singular, "privileged",
  1523. is less probable than the opposite hypothesis, that is, the hypothesis that always
  1524. obeying a certain law, the light rays take on
  1525. no different curvatures at each point and for each direction, curva-
  1526. tures ranging from values ​​that tend to zero to infinite values.
  1527. There is no reason to bind the propagation of light
  1528. to a geometric law as singular as that of the straight line
  1529. Euclidean: Euclidean geometry, in the new concept of the world,
  1530. it no longer has that privileged role it had in the classical concept.
  1531. Another singularity or «privilege» we find, in the classi-
  1532. co, in the rigid motions to which bodies are subject. Of all the
  1533. sible laws, to which bodies in motion may be subject, from those
  1534. involving very slight deformations to those involving de-
  1535. sensible formations, the law of rigid motion is a limiting case,
  1536. a privileged case. Nature is probably not subject
  1537. to laws of this singularity, but albeit to more general laws. If by
  1538. privileged roles can be talked about, therefore, it is precisely by analysing
  1539. the classical system, where one must admit, as a consequence
  1540. necessary za of the same structure of this system, rigid motions (dei
  1541. bodies) and straight paths (of light).
  1542. 63
  1543. Chapter VI
  1545. An observation usually comes from someone who comes across
  1546. the new theory: «Based on calculations according to the classical theory
  1547. space probes go just how and where they have to go, re-
  1548. returning how and where they have to return».
  1549. Let us now consider that from the experiments of American satellites
  1550. ni and Russians some important data emerged:
  1551. a) The space between the planets cannot be considered empty, so
  1552. Newton supposed me. The concentrations of the electrons emitted
  1553. yes from the sun lead to consider a greater extension
  1554. of the solar corona; said electrons must possess a
  1555. energy corresponding to very high temperatures. The gas in¬
  1556. terplanetary is a part of the solar atmosphere, which is much more
  1557. extensive than previously assumed.
  1558. b) At a distance of more than 5 terrestrial radii the magnetometers of the different
  1559. satellites recorded systematic field differences
  1560. magnético from the data calculated on the basis of the teó¬ magnetic field
  1561. rich.
  1562. Particularly impressive achievements in this field were
  1563. no recorded by the Pioneer V launched on March 6, 1960, which achieved
  1564. a distance of 5 million kilometers.
  1565. These observations seem to confirm the existence of nu-
  1566. magnetized plasma bi emitted by the Solé and traveling through
  1567. 65
  1568. I know space producing storms upon its arrival on Earth but-
  1569. gnetic and other geophysical effects.
  1570. In a statement released by Tass, the Soviet expert on
  1571. astronáutica Sternfeld on April 21, 1959 announced that the Lu¬
  1572. nik III had revealed in its movement some particulars in con¬
  1573. contrast with the Newtonian laws of Celestial Mechanics. The variety
  1574. condensations of spatial energies caused speed drops
  1575. tá to Vanguard I, Sputnik III and other satellites.
  1576. All this offers justified reasons for criticism of the current Theo-
  1577. theory of the Universe: Newton's law presupposes empty space
  1578. to, while the latest experiments lead to exclude it. A pro
  1579. repository of the «emptiness» Louis de Broglie (Journal de Phisique, dec.
  1580. 1959) stated: «The void appears quite paradoxical to us
  1581. mind endowed with important physical properties. M. Bohm calculated
  1582. a formidable amount of energy, 10 27 joules per centimetre
  1583. cube".
  1584. As for the temporal coincidence of the rockets going and returning
  1585. I return the concordance with the calculations made was not, how
  1586. you think, exactly.
  1587. In 1959 the Russians launched the Lunik II which landed near
  1588. the Sea of ​​Serenity on September 12, 1979. For a trip of
  1589. 381.203 kilometers the aircraft took 83 seconds longer than expected
  1590. i'm. By means of easy calculations an average speed of approx
  1591. 3 kilometers per second. Multiplying 3 by 83 gives 249
  1592. kilometers behind the calculations made at the table.
  1593. As regards the affirmed precise concordance therefore between the forecasts
  1594. obtained through classical calculations and actual experimental results
  1595. mentalities we have to surrender to the fact that this precise concordance
  1596. it has not been verified. On the other hand, consider that in the
  1597. train journeys often the calculated times and the actual times do not coincide
  1598. they give. But the discussion does not end here.
  1599. The classical space is considered uniform while the space
  1600. endospheric (electromagnetic field) uniform is not.
  1601. About the durations of the journeys in the spaceship it is necessary to bear in mind
  1602. that bodies moving towards the sky in the endospheric space are subjected
  1603. jets with an increasing intensification of the universal magnetic field
  1604. versale, which, by opposing a growing resistance, slows down, delays
  1605. 66
  1606. the motion as well as the occurrence of expansion and contraction phenomena
  1607. tion.
  1608. Einstein said: «The field deforms my rigid rules». There
  1609. speed therefore varies without this being able to be warned or from
  1610. earth, neither by travellers, nor tampoco is easy (if not impossible-
  1611. bile) calculate the entity of such delays; however such slowdowns
  1612. partly compensate for it and balance the duration calculations, carried out
  1613. assuming that the space is uniform, and this by the equivalence (equal
  1614. mass gliance) between the endospheric and exospheric spaces.
  1615. The further one goes towards the sky in cosmic space,
  1616. the more the concentration of energy increases.
  1617. They correspond to constantly increasing endospheric densities
  1618. almost zero density in the classical space. From space to media
  1619. almost empty (Lámmel, Eddington) and featureless (cur-
  1620. vature) one passes to the natural space of variable curvatures; in
  1621. any field of nature the geometric straight line (a di-
  1622. mensione) is never observed.
  1623. 1 two physical systems, connectable by geometric transformations-
  1624. that flawless have the same mass, but each has infinite extension
  1625. sion and enormously rarefied matter, the other immense power
  1626. za and spatial concentration tending to infinity.
  1627. One more consideration about inertia. It is stated that the
  1628. spaceships follow many inertials, i.e. without acceleration. In the
  1629. new system there can be no inertia in the classical sense. Already the
  1630. famous Faraday in 1837 gave a new address to the studies of
  1631. electrical phenomena that occur in the medium (whether it is empty or a
  1632. dielectric) attributing to lines of force ("tubes of force") which
  1633. they ply the middle, a real existence and not a simple value
  1634. geometric representation of the field.
  1635. An endosphere "inertia" corresponds to the Newtonian inertia.
  1636. pattern that the ship follows due to the nature of electromagnetic space
  1637. gnetic along the curved lines of the same spectrum ma¬
  1638. gnético (lines of force that are formed, for example, in a filing of
  1639. iron sprinkled on a sheet of paper arranged over the two poles
  1640. of a magnet). As for the joined starting points (see chap. I).
  1641. and upon arrival on the land of Sonde, they are the same with the me-
  1642. same directions in the two concepts of the world, given resogonality
  1643. 67
  1644. of the geometric transformation, i.e. the angle with respect to the ground
  1645. lo under which the object both departs and arrives on earth e
  1646. the same in the two systems; the probe is going just as it should go
  1647. returning how and where it must return (Table XI).
  1648. 68
  1649. Chapter VII
  1653. The law of conservation of energy states that in no
  1654. in the process, energy is created or destroyed, remaining unchanged
  1655. ta the total energy (Mayer, Helmholtz, 1847).
  1656. The lines of force of the magnetic induction field produced
  1657. by a magnet they are directed from the North (N) to the South (S) pole,
  1658. outside the magnet and from the South (S) to the North (N) pole
  1659. internally.
  1660. In the Endospheric Theory, in the magnetic spectrum, at the pole
  1661. N is the Sun and at the S pole is the Stellar Centre.
  1662. The universal energies go from the Sun to the Stellar Center con-
  1663. arrived by a magnet (externally) and continue to the Centro Stel¬
  1664. lare and al Solé (internally). Energy circulates and this explains
  1665. the "eternity" of solar energy independent of any pro-
  1666. nuclear fusion cessation inside the Solé. There is a circular
  1667. tion of energy without any dispersion and without any phenó¬
  1668. less recovery.
  1669. In violation of the aforementioned energy conservation law
  1670. yes, in the classical system the energies start from the Sun and the Stars
  1671. and they disperse to infinity.
  1672. In Einstein's system, then, the Universe presents a curve¬
  1673. ture, albeit small; the infinite and unlimited space of the cosmos
  1674. logia Newtoniana is replaced by a still unlimited space
  1675. but finite in the sense that, starting in one direction, it
  1676. back to starting point.
  1677. Eddington defines the classical space as "empty" by noting that
  1678. 69
  1679. there is an average of one star every 20 parsecs, one parsec being one
  1680. length of 30 trillion kilometers.
  1681. So the radius of curvature of the Einstein universe has a
  1682. length of trillions of kilometers, while the radius
  1683. of curvature of each of the lines of force of the electro-
  1684. magnetic (Endospheric Teoría), which permeates the universal space
  1685. le, has a maximum length in Euclidean terms of 6370 km (rag¬
  1686. terrestrial) and that is a curvature K = 1/r enormously greater
  1687. bigger than that of Einstein's universe.
  1688. If we consider the time that the energy of a force line
  1689. takes to return to the starting point, this duration is billions
  1690. of of years that is almost infinite; the law of conservation of e-
  1691. energy appears improbable, but this law is fully respected
  1692. in the Endospheric Universe where the eternally cir-
  1693. breakfast takes place in stark contrast to the dispersion of colos-
  1694. salt quantities of energy emitted by the Sun, the Stars and the Ga-
  1695. lassie in the classical system.
  1696. As can be seen in the drawing of the magnetic field pro-
  1697. drawn by a magnet, a field which, enormously enlarged, al-
  1698. tro is nothing but the universal space, the energies go from the Solé N
  1699. to the Stellare S center (externally) and continue from the Stellar Center
  1700. lare S al Solé N (internally).
  1701. Now in Einstein's system the return to the is not explained
  1702. starting point with a physical reason as it happens instead
  1703. in the Endospheric System, nor much less is the disper¬ explained
  1704. infinite fusion of universal energy. With this consideration-
  1705. tion can be affirmed that in the new system the circulation of the ¬
  1706. the universal energy, in harmony with the dictation of the law of con¬
  1707. conservation of energy, has an incontrovertible physical basis.
  1708. As to greatness in the new universe, we need to pause
  1709. on the word greatness.
  1710. For example, if we show a farmer an orange and he
  1711. we ask if its peel or its seed is bigger, he
  1712. he will say that it is the largest peel. But if we consider the seed in-
  1713. 70
  1714. its potency, in its genetic content of innumerable plants
  1715. of oranges, then it will be better to accept that the seed is enormous
  1716. bigger than the peel.
  1717. It is a question of distinguishing in the word "greatness" the meaning
  1718. to of extension and that of power.
  1719. In the Endospheric Theory the Stellar Center has a magnitude
  1720. infinite za. Aristotle's act and potency return: Pinfini-
  1721. extremely large potential coincides with infinitely small
  1722. extend them.
  1723. If we refer to the center of the universe, we see it in his
  1724. geometric representation of Table XV, where the arrows ver¬
  1725. if the outside they indicate the Earth which is "smaller" than the center Sun-
  1726. Stellar Center, where all the energy of the Universe is concentrated
  1727. i know. We are used to a geometric conception, i.e. abstract,
  1728. of space, so it is unusual to see an extended center
  1729. sionally small, but, potentially, enormously large.
  1730. We cannot therefore use the compass to find the cen¬
  1731. tro of the Earth, which surrounds the universal space. We have to detach-
  1732. carci from the geometry that is used in the « uniform » space
  1733. me » which belongs to it, and therefore cannot be used for lo
  1734. concentrated, non-uniform space of the Endospheric Universe.
  1735. The Center of the Universe is the bipolar field Sun-Centre Stel¬
  1736. where Sun and Star Center are, with respect to the usual con-
  1737. classic concept, relatively close, but loses meaning in the new
  1738. concept of space The habitual idea of ​​geometric distance.
  1739. The geometric figure needs to be interpreted. He returned
  1740. born to the idea of ​​the size of the seed compared to the peel. observe-
  1741. do the terrestrial layers, those reached so far, one might think
  1742. that one proceeds in depth towards ever greater densities, se-
  1743. as well as in the Endospheric Theory the opposite is stated, because
  1744. energy densities and vitai are considered.
  1745. The greatest density, in this sense, is met with hand a
  1746. as we advance towards the Stellar Center and the Sun, in which
  1747. enormous amounts of physical energy and vitai are concentrated, such as
  1748. 71
  1749. happens eg. in the seed of an orange, where we detect in the main
  1750. physical and vital signs, harbingers of innumerable plants, enormous sizes
  1751. memente greater than the size of the peel: inside the
  1752. seed germinate, like the human embryo, those energies
  1753. physical and vital that give rise to the prodigious phenomenon of life.
  1754. The Universe is a living organism where we find the power
  1755. Aristotle's tense and act: the infinitely small in extension
  1756. coincides with infinitely large in power.
  1757. Magnetic field produced by a magnet (Magnetic field of
  1758. to magnety. the lines of force of the magnetic induction field
  1759. produced by a magnet are directed from the North Pole (N) to the South
  1760. (S) extremely to the magnet and from the S. pole to the N. internally.
  1761. At the pole pieces the field is very in¬
  1762. tense.
  1763. 72
  1764. Chapter VIII
  1766. Solar energy and its conservation
  1767. The Endospheric Theory allows us to solve the problem of
  1768. the constancy of universal energy, in perpetual circulation: the pro¬
  1769. problem of the energy emanating from the universal center and spreading
  1770. loses in the old system almost everything indefinitely remains instead
  1771. Resolved.
  1772. The amount of energy was calculated using the pyroheliometer
  1773. gía (solar constant) which reaches one cm 2 in one minute
  1774. of surface placed at right angles to the sun's rays and ap-
  1775. penalty outside the earth's atmosphere: a quan has been obtained
  1776. amount of heat equivalent to 1.937 calorie-grams.
  1777. The sun emits more than 100 billion energy every second
  1778. of billions of kilowatt hours, according to the classical system.
  1779. The flow of energy that the sun radiates in a year amounts
  1780. to 2.88 x 10 33 calorie-grams. «Near the center of the Solé, he writes
  1781. Deutsch, at a temperature of 20 million degrees Celsius,
  1782. atomic nuclei collide with such violence as to transform into
  1783. in each other.
  1784. The most important of these processes produce helium nuclei2
  1785. starting from those of hydrogen 1. They are the so-called cycle
  1786. of carbon and the proton-proton reaction.
  1787. By means of these thermonuclear reactions, 564 million
  1788. tons of hydrogen are transformed, every second, into 560
  1789. million tons of helium. Most of the 4 million
  1790. 73
  1791. tons of helium which is thus dispersed every second, is con-
  1792. converted into radiant energy, and this flows, outside the su¬
  1793. incandescent surface of the Solé, at the rate of half a million minutes
  1794. billions of billions of horsepower. Of this colossal quantity
  1795. tá of energy the Copernican Earth receives a tiny fraction, even
  1796. less than two billionths; planets receive a few dozen of
  1797. billionths. «Where does the radiated energy migrate, writes Lámmel
  1798. from the sun? Only a very small fraction reaches the Earth
  1799. and on other planets. Energy really sinks into nothingness
  1800. infinite and unreachable?…».
  1801. The problem of the solar energy source and its refuelling
  1802. classically remains unsolved. And so it remains for Armellini too,
  1803. while resorting to the Theory of Relativity, which for reasons
  1804. we are not here to develop complexity. This dispersion-
  1805. ne of energy, which we have already dealt with, is in contrast with the
  1806. great "law of the parsimony of nature" as he called it
  1807. Maxwell.
  1808. According to the endospheric theory the energy of the magnetic field
  1809. co universal, like the lines of force of the induction field
  1810. magnética produced by a magnet, circulates externally and in¬
  1811. ternately to a magnet connecting the Sun and the Stellar Centre:
  1812. an indisputable solution.
  1813. The chlorophyll synthesis
  1814. What makes all manifestations of life possible on the
  1815. earth, says Mezzetti, is the continuous replenishment of solar energy
  1816. re, which is utilized through the chlorophyll synthesis.
  1817. We now proceed to a brief scientific description of these
  1818. this process.
  1819. When a body has the ability to do work, yes
  1820. he says he has energy.
  1821. The master builder has energy in his muscles, the drawn bow has the e-
  1822. 74
  1823. energy in the elasticity of its fibers, the car engine has
  1824. energy in the petrol in your tank.
  1825. Energy is the ability to do work; then the energy
  1826. turns into work and work turns into energy, lnte-
  1827. we give the height from the ground by position, i.e. the relative height
  1828. to a pre-selected quota considered as «zero quota» of reference
  1829. chin.
  1830. The energy of position possessed by a body depends on: the
  1831. quantity of matter of which it is made, i.e. by its mass, by
  1832. so-called «attraction of gravity» to which it is subjected, by
  1833. the height at which the body is with respect to the reference system
  1834. chin. An example of a cycle of transformations of a certain quantity
  1835. type of energy in work is that of a «roller coaster», a yes
  1836. stem which, like the pendulum, transforms the energy of position into
  1837. kinetic energy and vice versa.
  1838. However, we see that perpetual motion is impossible. If an-
  1839. let's touch the wheels of the roller coaster we discover that they are
  1840. if, during running, they have heated up due to the effect of friction. That-
  1841. This in turn produces heat, which is an energy called ener¬
  1842. already thermal.
  1843. For the same amount of positional energy lost from
  1844. weight, a certain amount of water heat is always produced
  1845. stopped by the water in which this weight is immersed. Joule got
  1846. this result by measuring a certain quantity of water falling
  1847. ta, the rise in its temperature and the distance covered
  1848. from the falling weight.
  1849. Even in the case of the pendulum or the Penergy roller coaster
  1850. position of the trolley or of the rails is transformed into energy ci¬
  1851. netic and this, due to the effect of the friction of the air (pendulum) or of the ¬
  1852. the rails (cart), is transformed into heat, i.e. into thermal energy
  1853. approx. Energy, like matter, is conserved: it is not created, neither
  1854. it is destroyed but it is transformed. The principle of conservation of
  1855. Energy can also be expressed like this: in a closed system, that is
  1856. without relations with the outside, the sum of all forms of energy
  1857. 75
  1858. already remains constant.
  1859. A direct source of heat is wood combustion, but
  1860. it must exist within the wood before burning. The-
  1861. Thermal energy is released from wood when it transforms
  1862. into ashes (salts) and smoke, that is when its large organic molecules
  1863. niches are reduced to simpler molecules such as C0 2 (anhydri-
  1864. de carbonica) and H 2 0 (water). Big molecules have
  1865. another form of energy: chemical energy. To possess energy
  1866. Chemistry is the combination of wood and oxygen. The combination of ash and soul
  1867. dride carbonica, which results from combustion, is free of oxygen-
  1868. geno and can no longer burn or produce heat.
  1869. One of the characteristics that distinguish living beings is theirs
  1870. possibility of "making an effort". A being is alive if he can
  1871. release energy by performing certain actions. Even the stones on the tor¬
  1872. kings have energy, but they don't go up there spontaneously
  1873. and when they fall to the ground they remain inert.
  1874. Heat production is a hallmark of life.
  1875. From his accurate measurements Lavoisier, observing that a topoli¬
  1876. no or a lighted candle (inside a closed bell) consumes
  1877. the same amount of oxygen while also producing the same amount
  1878. tity of heat, he came to the conclusion that « breathing is in
  1879. actually a form of combustion, constituting a process for
  1880. exactly similar to the burning of a candle, and therefore it seems that
  1881. we breathe feeds the inner flame of life that sustains us
  1882. neither hot».
  1883. What is burned in the animal organism? Lavoi replied
  1884. whey: Foods. All foods are compound substances that
  1885. contain carbon and, when burned in the laboratory, they produce
  1886. dride carbonica and water, i.e. the same gases produced by respi¬
  1887. animal ration.
  1888. Foods possess chemical energy: with the contribution of os¬
  1889. sigen introduced with respiration, the transformed organisms
  1890. turn this chemical energy into heat and into work. Where did it come from
  1891. nor the chemical energy of foods? The wood, the sugar, the
  1892. 76
  1893. organic rooms on which the food feeds are produced by the
  1894. plants. With their roots, plants absorb water from the ground;
  1895. with the leaves they absorb carbon dioxide from the air.
  1896. Starting with small molecules like PH 2 0 and C0 2 I plan them
  1897. Green teas build the more complex molecules of the or¬ substances
  1898. ganiche. From this manufacture or sirtthesis remains the oxygen which
  1899. is poured into the air. Small molecules H z O and C0 2 do not
  1900. they have energy; the large organic molecules on the other hand possess
  1901. I donate chemical energy. The production of oxygen only takes place
  1902. when the plant is illuminated (it does not emit oxygen in the dark).
  1903. Light is also a source of energy; the sun is an im- phone
  1904. table of energy that only reaches the Earth in the form of light
  1905. through space. Leaf cells contain green granules
  1906. of a substance called chlorophyll (in Greek chloros = green). In
  1907. presence of light, chlorophyll favors the «disassembly» of
  1908. small molecules of H 2 0 and CO z by recombining the atoms of
  1909. C, O, H in larger molecules of organic matter.
  1910. This process of fundamental importance takes the name
  1911. me of chlorophyll synthesis or photosynthesis: this is the mechanism
  1912. by which green plants produce organic substances
  1913. that are necessary for all living beings.
  1914. But it is also the mechanism by which green plants
  1915. store the energy of the sun in food, transforming
  1916. la in chemical energy. The various forms of energy are transformed
  1917. one in the other but they are neither created nor destroyed; they in certain
  1918. transformations produce mechanical work or muscular work.
  1919. In the chlorophyll synthesis the energy of the sun plus carbon dioxide
  1920. bónica organic substances produce more oxygen than possible
  1921. sit chemical energy.
  1922. In respiration organic substances have more oxygen
  1923. gift chemical energy that produces muscle energy, tér¬ energy
  1924. mica (heat) plus carbon dioxide, plus water.
  1925. This is the biological cycle.
  1926. What makes all manifestations of life possible on the
  1927. 77
  1928. Earth is the continuous supply of solar energy. This energy
  1929. already is transformed by chlorophyll synthesis into chemical energy
  1930. ca, which is available to plants and the animal kingdom.
  1931. Therefore the continuous supply of energy necessary for the
  1932. life comes from the sun, which is experimentally and scientifically
  1933. you are the giver of life.
  1934. The universal balance
  1935. Not only does the rebalancing and constancy of the united energies
  1936. versali, but this also happens in terrestrial nature. Yes pro
  1937. however, there is a tendency towards an imbalance on the horizon: im-
  1938. many resources are destroyed or left unused.
  1939. The riches annihilated by the debauchery of vast sectors of the
  1940. society, which aim only at their material well-being, with the re-
  1941. a result that more than half of mankind literally lacks
  1942. the bread. Science has provided formidable tools to make
  1943. life to large human masses is more acceptable, but the politics man¬
  1944. he holds in the hands of the exploiters immense goods, leaving them as prey
  1945. to fame huge crowds of men and children abandoned to alia
  1946. more ñera misery.
  1947. Is all this really inevitable?
  1948. Is all this really a fatal disharmony?
  1949. The ancients looked to heaven as the kingdom of happiness
  1950. and harmony, just think of Pythagoras. It overlooks that the sky,
  1951. with its superior harmony not only in its functioning,
  1952. but also in the supreme supply of energies, it is a harbinger of life.
  1953. It is necessary to look to the sky to recompose the peace and harmony of the
  1954. world. An example, one of many, which is offered to our attention
  1955. tension, is the destruction of boundless goods due to egolatria
  1956. individuality and the ruins of wars.
  1957. A relevant example is the existence of inexhaustible sources of
  1958. tá consisting of animal and human waste which, instead of being
  1959. 78
  1960. used wisely for the fertility of the earth, are ac-
  1961. accumulated and rendered not only useless but harmful and polluting. Come
  1962. huge quantities of waste are introduced into the seas, rendered useless in¬
  1963. instead of being used for fertility that the earth is always ready
  1964. ta to provide with an unmatched generosity. Humanity is limited
  1965. tata to look at the sky in its significant symbols, in particular
  1966. the Sun which comes to express itself in the symbolic manifestations
  1967. that of the cleric and in the tonsure of priests, in the headdresses of
  1968. the other prelates, in the Postia, in the monstrance and on the head of the goddess
  1969. Hathor of Dendera Temple. The Sun is there, always generous,
  1970. to enrich the crops, to make beautiful in the eyes of humans
  1971. the spectacles of nature, to give us the true wealth that is there
  1972. life lived according to nature. We must abandon the imbalances
  1973. perverse and contemplate the supreme example of harmony, offered to us
  1974. from the sun.
  1975. 79
  1976. Chapter IX
  1978. SEISMIC
  1979. Table XI illustrates day and night in the two systems. Like the
  1980. Rectilinear rays of the exospheric sun illuminate only one hemisphere of the
  1981. Convex earth, so the curvilinear rays of the endospheric sun illu¬
  1982. they undermine only one hemisphere of the concave Earth.
  1983. The other hemisphere of the convex Earth is not illuminated
  1984. because it is not reached by the sun's rays; the same happens
  1985. in the other hemisphere of the concave Earth, which remains in shadow however
  1986. because the sun's rays fall vertically at noon and gradually
  1987. pre more oblique until tangentially touching the ground in the points
  1988. corresponding to the hours of 6 am and 6 pm; beyond these points not
  1989. they no longer touch the ground but spin in space until they reach
  1990. the other source of the universal field, which is the Star Center.
  1991. From the night side, due to the curvature of radiation
  1992. bright, a large funnel-shaped area with walls is observed
  1993. curves (similar to a double point pseudo spherical surface
  1994. conical) which remains devoid of solar rays: these radiations, which surround
  1995. flow into the high spaces of the night side, explain the luminosity
  1996. tá of the night sky with no clouds and no moon.
  1997. Table X illustrates the horizon system or the method
  1998. to coordinate the celestial degrees with the degrees of the vault's arc
  1999. sky. The construction of an astronomical system of the European space
  2000. clideo requires only one circle or concave arc on the vault of the sky.
  2001. In the endospheric space we must instead employ two yeses
  2002. stems of degrees, one connected with the observation point and the other
  2003. connected to the Cosmic Centre, from which the radial lines extend
  2004. 81
  2005. gift on the surface of the concave Earth. So there are degrees
  2006. celestial and degrees on the arc facing the celestial surface.
  2007. The stars, located in the depths of cosmic space appear
  2008. not projected, in different points, on the great vault of the sky, which
  2009. it seems to cover the world.
  2010. Thus, for example, the small semicircle ABCD appears
  2011. re enlarged and extended in the semicircle A'B'C'D', whose
  2012. degrees are the same as the concentric minor semicircle
  2013. king; thus, for example, if the Solé is placed in A it appears to arise in A'; alie
  2014. 9 am will be in B but appears projected in B';CeC' is found-
  2015. compartment at zenith.
  2016. Any object seen in space appears to be in the dis-
  2017. direction with which rays enter the eye or darkroom
  2018. of a camera.
  2019. In this way a star in B appears to be in B' at an altitude
  2020. 45 degrees above the horizon. This happens because the star, finding
  2021. doses at 45 degrees in the starry sky, sends its rays downwards and ver¬
  2022. know the exterior by penetrating these into the eye of the observer below
  2023. 10 same angle. Having as a fundamental line of observation
  2024. tion the curvilínea tangent, together with a complete and precise
  2025. system, which coordinates the celestial degrees with the terrestrial degrees, can be
  2026. I am now applying this geometry to the Matemática astronomy with
  2027. the certainty of obtaining results that are not only exact, but correct.
  2028. The phenomenon of seismic waves whose effects are known is known
  2029. felt at the antipodes (or anticephalous) and almost at all in the areas in¬
  2030. term. Suppose the underground explosion occurs
  2031. in point 12 (Tab. XI) with a significant extent of its effects
  2032. not before / and not later than 11\ within this space pass the
  2033. lines of force of the electromagnetic field and are reached by
  2034. lines of action of the explosion by which they are warned
  2035. at the antipodes (or anticephalia) around 12 (see in Table XI
  2036. 11 circle passing through 11). Before and beyond the interval 1-11 passes
  2037. no lines of force with greater distances and therefore are not rag¬
  2038. arrived from the signals of the explosion felt between 1 and 11.
  2039. 82
  2040. Chapter X
  2042. OF THE EARTH
  2045. The motion of "revolution" of the Earth - For the purpose of rendering
  2046. the "revolution" motion of the Earth was evident, were devised
  2047. different experiences. Famous that of Michelson and Morley, pro ¬
  2048. position of which Francesco Severi (6) observes: «That the thought
  2049. of Einstein received the last decisive impetus to build
  2050. tion of the Theory of Relativity is due to the desire to explain
  2051. re the negative result of the famous experience of Michelson and Mor¬
  2052. ley and has very little importance all the more so that a more detailed
  2053. Examination shows that experience itself cannot discriminate
  2054. The basic hypothesis of Special Relativity from the contrary hypothesis,
  2055. called ballistics, of the composition of the speed of light with
  2056. that of the source".
  2057. Trouton and Noble proved with great accuracy the non
  2058. existence of a rotary pulse on a suitable capacitor
  2059. suspended, which the classical theory of electrons predicts al
  2060. moment of charge as a consequence of the translational motion of the
  2061. Earth. Orienting in an oblique direction, with respect to that of the motion
  2062. of the Earth, a plane capacitor, charged, according to the theory of
  2063. tronics, one should observe a force couple tending to
  2064. move the surface of the capacitor parallel to the motion of the
  2065. Earth, which instead is not observed at all.
  2066. Trouton and Rankine set out to highlight the
  2067. presumed change in electrical resistance of a conductive wire
  2068. tor oriented now parallel, now normally, alias dire¬
  2069. tion of the motion of the Earth. Also this experiment, like all
  2070. 83
  2071. the previous ones, had a null result.
  2072. In the Endospheric Theory it makes no sense to propose the hypothesis
  2073. thesis of the motion of «revolution» of the Earth. The negative result
  2074. of all the experiments devised to prove this supposed «ri¬
  2075. volution” is entirely predictable.
  2076. The stable Earth is the frontier of the Universe.
  2077. The Solé, together with the endospheric sky, revolves around the center
  2078. stellar, but does not complete closed circles, but a spiral of
  2079. about 180 rounds. At the two extremes of this spiral we have the two sol-
  2080. stices; halfway the two equinoxes (see Plate VII).
  2081. The movement of "rotation" of the Earth on itself - In my
  2082. volume II Problem of Space and the Conception of the World,
  2083. published 25 years ago, on p. 274 I mentioned the relativity of
  2084. ti which could lead one to think that it was the inner sky rotating
  2085. re remaining stable the Earth. This hypothesis I wanted to neglect for
  2086. avoid a further «shock» to the reader, especially since the rotation
  2087. At first it didn't seem to me that classical music involved tea
  2088. but fundamental of the Endosphericity of the Universe.
  2089. The book came out with the admission of the classic rotation. But more
  2090. later I had second thoughts: the stability of the Earth and rotation
  2091. of Heaven I not only deemed them admissible, but capable of explaining,
  2092. moreover, the phenomenon of falling bodies towards the east and the oscillations
  2093. actions of Foucault's pendulum.
  2094. The Earth, in the Endospheric Theory, does not move: it rotates in¬
  2095. instead the inner Heaven from east to west.
  2096. As for the flattening of the Earth at the poles, Ein-
  2097. stein wrote: «As in uniform motions there is no way to know
  2098. who is at rest and who is in motion, we can say that also
  2099. in accelerated motions there is no possibility of establishing who accesses
  2100. ra and who stands still.
  2101. Thus we come to generalize the principle of relativity.
  2102. We can then say that the bulge of the equator is not
  2103. caused by the rotation of the Earth on itself, but that instead
  2104. the celestial cap, rotating in accelerated motion with respect to one
  2105. 84
  2106. Firm land, it causes the equatorial bulge».
  2107. Free fall of bodies towards the east (Galilei) and the oscillations
  2108. of Foucault's pendulum
  2109. If on any given day we observe the Sun and the Moon, we will see,
  2110. eg, at a given point in the sky come the Sun followed by the
  2111. Moon and if we observe the phenomenon the following day we will see
  2112. still the Long come after the Solé, but, than the day
  2113. previous, its distance from the Solé has increased; the moon there
  2114. seems to have lagged behind; its westward path is slower
  2115. of the same westward journey made by the Solé. This re-
  2116. lagging behind the Solé determines the phases of the moon.
  2117. In the new conception the entire internal Universe (remaining
  2118. stable the Earth) rotates from East to West, Moon and Sun com-
  2119. taken; but the predicted phenomenon makes us see the Moon stay in
  2120. behind the Sole; the Moon appears to move eastward.
  2121. Análogo fenómeno takes place in the free fall of heavy ver¬
  2122. so oriente , where the vertical thread of Galileo's experiment has
  2123. the role of the Sun and the grave the role of the Moon. All space
  2124. endospheric rotates from east to west, vertical thread and grave com-
  2125. taken, but the grave with respect to the wire remains behind towards the east,
  2126. and that is, it appears to move away from the vertical animated by a motion
  2127. East-West a little slower than the motion of said vertical, which is solí
  2128. dale with the universal space equal to the plane of oscillation of the
  2129. Foucault pendulum.
  2130. 85
  2131. Chapter XI
  2136. Neir/po/esf of the uniform cosmic space and, therefore, in the
  2137. hypothesis of the rectilinearity of light radiations astronomers
  2138. classics have come to the so-called discoveries of new and extraordinary
  2139. dinars stellar objects, such as «pulsars» (neutron stars forming
  2140. ti of hyperdense matter and rotating on themselves at high speed) i
  2141. «quasars» (which are found at the extreme limits of the cosmos and emit
  2142. tone of the enormous quantities of energy) and the Black Holes of Gra-
  2143. vitation (in which matter becomes invisible); the professor. Below-
  2144. seppe Arcidiacono writes on the subject: «everything calls into question
  2145. sion the current laws of physics and requires new and more advanced
  2146. theories capable of explaining everything that is 'observed' in the sky».
  2147. On the assumption that a star runs out of fuel
  2148. nuclear power, three possibilities can arise depending on the
  2149. its mass; if the star has a mass of less than 1.2 solar masses i
  2150. we have a "white dwarf" with a density in the center of the order of one
  2151. ton per cm 3 .
  2152. If the mass is between one tenth and double the mass
  2153. sa solar the star turns into «pulsar» or neutron star
  2154. with density equal to at least 1 billion tons per cm 3 (pa¬
  2155. rí to the density of the atomic nucleus).
  2156. If the star has a mass much greater than that of the sun
  2157. gravitational collapse will occur with consequent formation
  2158. tion of a Buco Ñero.
  2159. Giuseppe Arcidiacono relates what Zichi has shown
  2160. who: «if Black Holes exist...» and since a physical law must
  2161. 87
  2162. valid forever and for everything, and therefore also for the Universe, if
  2163. this undergoes the collapse and disappears into thin air where they end up
  2164. physical laws? Archdeacon wonders.
  2165. The phenomenon of gravitational collapse can occur at three le-
  2166. levels: 1) on a cosmic scale, 2) for individual stars or galaxies; 3) a
  2167. microphysical level, i.e. at the Planck wavelength (10 —33
  2168. cm).
  2169. In case 1) the collapse of the entire Universe is the process of
  2170. Buco Ñero, that is the inverse of the White Hole of the great explosion
  2171. sion or Big Bang. In the hypothesis of a cosmic evolution we have
  2172. two processes, mutually inverse, i.e. the process of "expansion"
  2173. resulting in the dispersion of both matter and energy ed
  2174. a contraction process that produces a concentration of
  2175. matter and energy.
  2176. These processes would take place at high speed and would give rise to
  2177. go to the Buchi Bianchi formation with sudden and continuous
  2178. «appearance of matter and energy from nothing». In nature there would be
  2179. drink three types of particles, the brads with speeds sub-c (protons,
  2180. electrons...), luxons with speed c (photons, neutrons...) and ta-
  2181. kions with hyper-c speeds like quasars.
  2182. Let us now dwell on the expansion of the Universe and on the law
  2183. by Hubble.
  2184. The immense swarm of galaxies is not static, but continuous
  2185. expansion : this phenomenon is the most "bewildering" discovery
  2186. of the 20th century and constitutes the debated point of the various theories
  2187. cosmological.
  2188. Using the Doppler effect, between 1912 and 1917, Slipher re-
  2189. scl to calculate the radial velocity of 15 galaxies and found that it al-
  2190. they were far away from us at the speed of several hundreds of Km.
  2191. per second. In 1928 the comparison of Hubble's calculations of
  2192. galactic distances and those of Humason on the displacements' spec-
  2193. among them led to the discovery of the Hubble-Humason law based on the ¬
  2194. ia which is the velocity V of a galaxy, i.e. the entity of the displacement
  2195. ment towards the red, it was not random but it was proportional
  2196. 88
  2197. le at its distance from us:
  2198. V = ox
  2199. and the factor o of direct proportionality is called Hub constant-
  2200. ble or recession constant.
  2201. In 1957, the maximum recorded escape velocity was 120,000
  2202. km. per second, which is 2/5 of the speed of light. The law
  2203. of Hubble, writes Professor Giuseppe Arcidiacono, «results
  2204. thus established on solid experimental bases».
  2205. We cannot share that conclusion: all the talk
  2206. which antecedes is not based at all on «experimental» bases, however
  2207. because everything is based on the hypothesis and the conviction of the reality of
  2208. straightness of light and spectral radiation, what has-
  2209. proved to be unacceptable.
  2210. No «solid» experimental basis, therefore, no «expand-
  2211. sion of the Universe» but rather a phenomenon of concentration
  2212. energy towards the Stellar Center. The interpretation of the
  2213. The red shift of the spectral lines is only a hypothesis based on
  2214. sata on a flat Euclidean space of the classical world.
  2215. The same can be said of the "observed" masses and of all
  2216. consequences that such "observations" entail.
  2217. In Chapter XII we will speak of Newton and his theory with con¬
  2218. sequences acceptable by a reconstruction of the space not
  2219. Euclidean of the Universe. The appearance of matter and energy «since
  2220. nothing" is absolutely inadmissible. The new space, as you see
  2221. we'll say again, it's not inertial.
  2222. The idea of ​​the Big Bang tends to describe the beginning and the end
  2223. of the Universe reaching the singularity of maximum expansion
  2224. and then reversing its motion towards the other singularity, the massi¬
  2225. but compression (black hole). But the Universe truly has a
  2226. beginning and an end? The law of conservation of energy (Chap.
  2227. VII) would exclude it.
  2228. The idea of ​​the Big Bang tends to describe the beginning and the end
  2229. of the Universe reaching the singularity of maximum expansion
  2230. 89
  2231. and, then reversing its motion towards the other singularity, the maximum
  2232. but compression (black hole). But the universe really has a
  2233. beginning and an end? The law of conservation of energy
  2234. excludes it.
  2235. In the prestigious volume by Jacques Merleau — Ponty «Co¬
  2236. smology of the 20th century". (II Saggiatore, Milan, 1974) reads:
  2237. «a certain disappointment is experienced in realizing that it is right in the
  2238. cosmology that we find the most disparate and contradictory theories
  2239. stories and that there is complete disagreement on fundamental points
  2240. such, such as e.g. about the question of finite age or in¬
  2241. finite nature of the Universe and of the law of conservation of energy».
  2242. Space-Time or Chronotope
  2243. A contradiction is detected in ascribing reality or ir-
  2244. reality in space-time or chronotope. We need to refer to the pa¬
  2245. role of the well-known physicist Percy Williams Bridgman on p. 16 of his
  2246. «The logic of modern physics» Ed. Einaudi: «Ragionamenti
  2247. purely mathematical can never give physical results, what if
  2248. something physical comes out of mathematics, it must be there
  2249. previously introduced in another form. A mathematical formula
  2250. ca by itself says nothing.
  2251. Mathematics is only logic.
  2252. Mathematical passages are subject to the laws of logic.
  2253. E.g.: ax + by + c = 0 does not say anything if it does not first assign-
  2254. mo ad x and y the variable size character and aa,b,c the ca-
  2255. character of constant values; The aforementioned expression can mean
  2256. a straight line or a plane depending on the meanings we give to the
  2257. lative variables and constant ones, and moreover if we refer to a
  2258. geometric entity in one or two dimensions.
  2259. The Pythagorean relation, characteristic of Euclidean space
  2260. l 2 = x 2 + x 2 + x 2
  2261. it can be extended to abstract hyperspaces in 4 or more dimensions
  2262. arriving for example at the space-time invariant with the addition
  2263. 90
  2264. of a new independent coordinate from the other 3 and proportional-
  2265. nal at time ct = x 4 where c is the constant speed of light. 11
  2266. new 4-dimensional invariant also Euclidean é
  2267. (1) P = x 2 + x¡ + X* + x{
  2268. to express the constancy of the speed of light Einstein and Min-
  2269. kowski the following condition
  2270. ( 2 )
  2271. xj + x2 + x2 = ^
  2272. c 2
  2273. expressions and that, multiplying both sides by c 2 , can write
  2274. verses
  2275. x2 + x2 + x2 — x2 = 0
  2276. Einstein admitted the expression,
  2277. (3) s 2 = x 2 + x 2 + x 2 — x 2
  2278. where s is the distance, squared, of the space-time of two points;
  2279. except that this new invariant differs from the classic (1) by
  2280. the sign of the time interval, squared, x 2 . The two invaded
  2281. rianti (1) and (3) have a very different meaning. The annulment
  2282. della (1) says that: two events coincide (occur in the same
  2283. place and at the same instant), while the vanishing of (3) says that
  2284. the two non-coinciding points can be joined by a radius
  2285. day of light.
  2286. Let us dwell on the relation ct = X 4 and examine one
  2287. contradiction inherent in (3). The x< assumes only apparent-
  2288. mind analogous character to the other 3 coordinates, characterizing
  2289. spatial distances while x< is given the character of an in¬
  2290. time interval, even if it is interpreted as a distance for
  2291. the fact that it is the product of a constant number «understood» as
  2292. the constant speed (of light) for a time.
  2293. Equation (3) tends to make spatial quantities considered homogeneous
  2294. 91
  2295. tials and the temporal one in spite of the the clarification that space is
  2296. time there are fused but not confused. Space and time are great
  2297. dexterities of a different nature even if the mathematical formulas alone
  2298. they do not specify this difference.
  2299. These formulas have led to erroneous interpretations per¬
  2300. because space is obviously something other than time. It is said: «lá do-
  2301. where there is space there is also time» and concludes with Vente qua-
  2302. Minkowski dimensionality. In the word «four-dimensional»
  2303. there is a serious error: by size we mean the extent
  2304. of homogeneous entities, while in fact (3) is not constituted
  2305. from homogeneous entities having the first 3 terms spatial significance
  2306. and the 4th term temporal meaning while imposing the meaning
  2307. of a space to the product of a constant number c by t «just
  2308. stificato" from the circumstance that this constant number is the ratio
  2309. to numerical between the measure of a space and the measure of a time,
  2310. that is, the "held constant" value of the speed of light.
  2311. This velocity, the basis of Special Relativity, is contradicted
  2312. ta by the same supporters of this Relativity who introduce
  2313. the so-called «multi-temporal universes» in which one considers
  2314. given increasing values ​​of c: c, c', c”...; moreover it is attributed to the
  2315. tachyon particles a hyper-c speed, higher than «insu-
  2316. perable" of c. The fact that «where there is space there is also time
  2317. po» does not modify this contradiction; there is not only time,
  2318. where there is space, but also a temperature.
  2319. If a «four-dimensional entity» could make sense, it wouldn't
  2320. sees why the time dimension has, as such, a position
  2321. of privilege compared to other quantities of a different nature:
  2322. of the term four-dimensional I would propose not to make more use of it. There
  2323. Minkowski diagram cannot be accepted in the context of
  2324. a physical truth. There is a geometric need to identify in the
  2325. 10 space-time a certain privileged temporal direction.
  2326. The fact of assuming a fundamental physical orientation of the
  2327. time variable establishes a limit to the recognition of time
  2328. as a geometric entity since there is an insa-
  2329. ninety two
  2330. a notable contrast between the irreversible orientation and the substantial one
  2331. typical reversibility of all spatial relationships.
  2332. It will be said that if space-time is not real, one cannot
  2333. understand why it is a useful mathematical representation.
  2334. In fact, modern and large machines (betatrons, synchrotrons, ci-
  2335. clotrons, linear accelerations of resonance, etc.) which are im-
  2336. bent in the laboratories until they are given corresponding speeds
  2337. teeth at high accelerating voltages, would seem to constitute a
  2338. confirmation of (3) of special relativity.
  2339. It is a "modus operandi": in other words, the big ones
  2340. accelerator machines only work if designed according to
  2341. laws of relativity. In these laws, however, keep in mind that
  2342. it is about the reality of an irreversible time and that the experiments
  2343. are necessarily carried out on short journeys.
  2344. There are relations of Special Relativity that cannot
  2345. be tested for laboratory experimentation. Consider-
  2346. mo e.g. the relativistic relationship
  2347. where x and x' are the times computed by two operators located on two
  2348. set Fuño in motion with respect to each other, there is the speed of light,
  2349. v is the speed of which one of the two mobiles is animated with respect to the Fal-
  2350. tro. When v assumes the value of c the expression of the radical
  2351. becomes equal to zero, therefore the first member is also cancelled.
  2352. This is the reading of the (abstract) mathematical formula. How much
  2353. expressing a reality is another matter. Time did not arrive
  2354. never stay!
  2355. Relativistic space-time or chronotope constitutes an element
  2356. useful, but not true.
  2357. 93
  2358. THE
  2359. Chapter XII
  2361. The image of the Universe has been developing and changing
  2362. singing over the centuries. Neglecting the primitive images, in IL se¬
  2363. cólo after Christ the geocentric system of Claudius To-
  2364. lomeo. In the 15th century Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish from Thorn
  2365. (1473- 1543) reproposes the heliocentric system, already proposed in
  2366. IV century BC by Aristarchus of Samos. In the sixteenth century almost
  2367. temporary arise Galileo Galilei of Pisa (1564 - 1642) and Gio-
  2368. vanni Kepler of Würtemberg (1571 - 1630). Galileo, father of
  2369. physics and modern natural sciences, founder of the spe-
  2370. remental, it promotes Copemican ideas. It was he who discovered the law
  2371. of inertia and that of the free fall of bodies in the gra-
  2372. vitation.
  2373. 1) Kepler
  2374. Kepler discovers his three famous laws of motion of the planets. The el-
  2375. planetary life had required an enormous effort from Kepler to
  2376. emerge from the chaotic mass of data on the motion of Mars, which he
  2377. he had inherited from Tycho Brahe. Kepler's task was the following
  2378. following: on the basis of Thyco data, which is the simplest curve
  2379. What is it that inludes them all? In all theories of Mars, up to this one
  2380. of Kepler included, there was only one focus for the orbit. We have to
  2381. distinguish between Kepler's physical hypothesis, i.e. that Mars describes
  2382. there is an oviform figure around the Solé, and its maternal hypothesis-
  2383. 95
  2384. tics, which involved calculations with a perfect ellipse.
  2385. Kepler's decision to treat observed physical phenomena
  2386. as approximations to mathematically exact conceptions yes
  2387. transformed after him into a typical property of scientific investigation
  2388. typify. Kepler had initially identified the orbit of
  2389. Mars in an oval with one fire, and only after keeping
  2390. unsuccessfully to directly find the quadrature of the
  2391. oviform curve he conjectured that assuming the sensitive ovoid
  2392. mind equal to an ellipse of the same eccentricity, the lúnu¬
  2393. the cropped from it would have been little different from the one cropped-
  2394. from a perfect ellipse: the defects of the upper part are com-
  2395. thought almost exactly from the excesses of the lower part of the
  2396. Povoide Plate VIII. Since ancient times men have imagined
  2397. born the curves as responding to laws as far as possible
  2398. plici: between them, near the retia and the circle, Pellisse and the hyperbo-
  2399. the. With Kepler we see these shapes made in the trajectories
  2400. described by celestial bodies, at least, as Einstein writes, with great ¬
  2401. of approximation.
  2402. 2) Newton Isaac of Woolsthorpe
  2403. In 1642 Galileo died and Isaac Newton was born. Before New¬
  2404. ton there was no well-defined system of physical causality,
  2405. capable of grasping the deepest features of the world of experience
  2406. za. Kepler's laws explain the motion of the planets around the
  2407. Solé (elliptical shape of the orbit, equality of the areas described
  2408. in equal times, relationship between the major semiaxes and the duration of the
  2409. route), but these rules did not satisfy the condition
  2410. necessary of causality. They are three logically independent rules
  2411. teeth one from the other, with no internal correlation; refers-
  2412. they respond to the motion taken as a whole and not already in the sequential way
  2413. according to which the state of motion of a system in a given time
  2414. ment derives from the state of the motion which immediately pre-
  2415. 96
  2416. succumbed.
  2417. They are integral laws but not differential laws.
  2418. The differential law is the only form which fully satisfies
  2419. to the necessary condition of causality of the modern physicist. There-
  2420. had the clear conception of the differential law, as written
  2421. ve Einstein, is one of the greatest merits of Newton's genius.
  2422. An admirable effect also had the observation that the cause
  2423. of the movements of celestial bodies is identical to gravitation. Three
  2424. moreover, they were the weak points of the Newtonian theory: space
  2425. absolute, the introduction of direct forces acting instantaneously-
  2426. mind at a distance, the absence of an explanation as to why I weigh
  2427. and inertia of a body are determined by the same magnitude,
  2428. the mass.
  2429. 3) Maxwell James Clerk of Edinburgh
  2430. Newton's theory of motion, taken as the foundation of
  2431. all of theoretical physics, received its first blow from theory
  2432. of Maxwell's electricity. It was found that the reciprocal actions
  2433. exerted between bodies by electric and magnetic bodies are not de¬
  2434. terminated by forces acting instantaneously at a distance, but
  2435. by phenomena that are transferred in space at a speed of
  2436. finished.
  2437. An ele¬ has been added to the material point and its movement
  2438. physical ment, the «field», a fundamental concept in a pri¬
  2439. We spend some time on mechanical conceptions but then the «cam¬ is conceived
  2440. electromagnetic type» as the last irreducible keystone
  2441. of physical reality.
  2442. 4) Einstein Albert of Ulm
  2443. f
  2444. The three weaknesses of Newton's theory disappeared with
  2445. 97
  2446. the advent of Al¬'s ingenious Generalized Relatívitá theory
  2447. berto Einstein which implies a complex matemᬠdevelopment
  2448. tico, which can be read in numerous treatises.
  2449. 5) Validity of Kepler's and Newton's laws
  2450. In the endospheric concept we have the same quantity of mass con-
  2451. siderata in the exospheric concept with the relevant circumstance that
  2452. the mass of the Exospheric Universe has an enormous density on average
  2453. less than that of the mass of the Universe Endospheres¬
  2454. co. Kepler and Newton saw the sky the same way that
  2455. we all see it, including of course the theorists of the En¬ Universe
  2456. dospheric.
  2457. We have given the example of the flat mirror: the image
  2458. that we see in the plane mirror is apparent. Among the objects redi
  2459. (neighbors) and virtual ones intercede the well-known Cartesian laws
  2460. of reflection.
  2461. The reflected image of an object has the same size and
  2462. the same shape of the object itself, but it is reversed. The tra-
  2463. geometric shape technically leads to the same results
  2464. tati: we see in the sky the images of celestial bodies which, however, are
  2465. not only virtues; to have redi images apply the procedures
  2466. geometrical elements developed by us and the analytical technique that is
  2467. read on p. 238 of the book «The problem of space and the concept
  2468. tion of the world" no. 12. The sky is not a mirror but his
  2469. images can be assimilated to those reflected by the spec¬
  2470. chio, with some important considerations: the space you see
  2471. mo is not Euclidean; it undergoes phenomena of expansion and con-
  2472. traction, which is not felt directly, because what
  2473. we feel it is only the Euclidean image of celestial objects.
  2474. But from the Euclidean virtude image one can pass via geo¬
  2475. metrics and analytics to the corresponding redi images.
  2476. When Newton contemplated the sky, he clearly configured
  2477. 98
  2478. he keeps in his mind not the real images but the virtual ones of the gods
  2479. celestial bodies whose distances, masses and volumes had to be re-
  2480. conducted to their representation of crimes.
  2481. The transformation by reciprocal vector rays and the corresponding
  2482. teeth real phenomena could only be considered in partiré
  2483. since the last century with the advent of Maxwell and other famous mathe-
  2484. math and physics. The real masses as well as the real distances are obtained
  2485. they are applied by applying the geotransformation to the virtual images
  2486. metric. Therefore Newtonian laws are still valid in the new
  2487. vo concept, but this validity occurs after submitting the
  2488. Newton's formulas to the aforementioned transformations, both geometric and
  2489. physical. The Big-Bang phenomena of the expansion of the Universe,
  2490. and of the expansion-concentration of virtual zones.
  2491. The second law of dynamics
  2492. F = me
  2493. it is the sum work of Newton who with this mathematical formula
  2494. expresses the concept of strength. The constant ratio m between F and
  2495. acceleration a comes from Newton's ingenious intuition as well as from
  2496. experimentation.
  2497. When the acceleration of a body is zero, as assumed
  2498. neva were in the classical cosmic space, there is inertia; in the new
  2499. vo concept instead the path of objects thrown into space
  2500. they never have inertia due to nature itself in space
  2501. cosmic, chap. YOU.
  2502. Binet's dinámica formula (known to Newton) says that the
  2503. force acting on a Planet is given by
  2504. f = _ mc2 [ 1 + d21 i
  2505. v 2 lr d0 2 J
  2506. which expresses the radial acceleration multiplied by the mass m
  2507. in the case of central motions by means of geometric elements of the trajectory
  2508. history. With mathematical developments that we don't report, we move on to alia
  2509. 99
  2510. formula
  2511. ,, me 2
  2512. from which Newton drew the famous formula of Gravitation
  2513. Universal
  2514. _ r mM
  2515. F = — f-=7
  2516. Y 2
  2517. I omit the complete technical development leading up to this form
  2518. mula limiting myself to giving only these few passages.
  2519. The validity of Kepler's and Newton's laws in the en-
  2520. dospheric arises from the fact that those laws are based on a con-
  2521. perception of virtual phenomena which, translated into non-Eucli-
  2522. gods, provide us with the corresponding real phenomena. The mass of
  2523. exospheric cosmos is quantitatively equal to the mass of the co-
  2524. endospheric smo. The mass of the exospheric bodies reaches the den-
  2525. sity of distant bodies with values ​​billions of billions of times smaller
  2526. ri than that of the air. Flights of bodies are classically considered
  2527. giants with densities close to zero and velocities greater than that
  2528. of light (quasars). These incredible values ​​of density and speed
  2529. cities are calculated, not measured. The masses of the bodies endo-
  2530. spheres reach very high densities with expansions and con-
  2531. concentrations of matter due to the nature of the universal field
  2532. (Plate X). In the classic concept we get to conceive «the creation
  2533. tion of matter of nothing»! In the new concept, celestial phenomena
  2534. instead they are linked to the nature of universal space. This
  2535. is one of the aspects that radically differentiate the two concepts
  2536. tions.
  2537. I cannot close this chapter on Copemico, Kepler and New¬
  2538. ton before mentioning more closely the exceptional personality
  2539. of Isaac Newton who emerged in the group of eminent scientists co¬
  2540. me Boyle, Halley and Hooke known for their works on the wire¬
  2541. natural sofia.
  2542. 100
  2543. After spending a few years at Cambridge, Newton had
  2544. held the first degree and a scholarship returning then in the
  2545. his small Woolsthorpe property where for the first time
  2546. he tried to know the forces that regulate and govern the movements
  2547. of celestial bodies. From his first works on the problem of gravity
  2548. tion around 1665-66 Newton will keep a moving remembrance
  2549. do: “I was then at the apex of my creative force and I never tried
  2550. plus such a passion for philosophy”. The fall of the apple, done
  2551. banal in itself, brought that mind, sharpened by the study
  2552. god, from meditation and from the numerous discoveries, to elaborate
  2553. tion of one of the most extensive syntheses in the history of science. An¬
  2554. that that apple was subject to the same force of gravity as yes
  2555. opposes the flight of the boldest birds. So why is his effect
  2556. fect shouldn't have been heard even much further away-
  2557. no, even in the orbit of the Moon? The Moon could be considered
  2558. rate as a land projectile launched horizontally with a
  2559. enough speed not to make it fall back to Earth and push it
  2560. further and further away. What was true of the Earth and the Moon
  2561. Couldn't that also be true of the Sun and the other planets?
  2562. This question had not been considered by Galileo. Newtons
  2563. he then set about calculating the attraction that held the Moon ed
  2564. the planets in their respective orbits. Taken as a starting point
  2565. proof of Kepler's discovery that plants revolve around the Sun
  2566. according to elliptical orbits. But for this reason their movement
  2567. generates centrifugal forces directed towards the outside of the ellipse. huy-
  2568. gens in 1659 had already provided the mathematical expression of such
  2569. forces relative to the simplest expression of movement
  2570. circulated, but only published the result in 1673 in the work Hor-
  2571. logium oscillatorium. Newton calculated these forces and realized
  2572. tó that to hold the planets in their elliptical orbits around
  2573. the Sun needed other forces, such as directed centripetal forces
  2574. towards the interior of the ellipse, more precisely towards the Sun, we managed
  2575. I try to give them a perfect balance. But since he was not able
  2576. do to calculate the centrifugal force of the movement according to a
  2577. 101
  2578. ellipse, studied the simplified system of the circular orbit, then cal-
  2579. the centrifugal force that was supposed to hold a plane
  2580. ta in its orbit, based on Kepler's third law. I find
  2581. that this force is inversely proportional to the square of the
  2582. distance from the planet to the Sun. New calculations would allow him
  2583. I know I find that gravity wasn't enough to determine
  2584. exactly the central force needed to compensate for the force
  2585. centrifuge exerted on our satellite by the rotation around
  2586. On Earth, Newton temporarily set aside the calculations he had begun
  2587. to devote himself again to the studies of light. Around 1671 Fa-
  2588. French astronomer Jean Picard measured the length of one degree
  2589. meridian, work undertaken on the initiative of Louis XIV in se-
  2590. following the founding of the Paris observatory in 1667.
  2591. I was aware of the results observed by Picard, discussed alia
  2592. Royal Society in 1672, Newton returned to Cambridge to redo
  2593. his calculations. Realizing that he was about to reach a conclusion
  2594. sion his emotion reached such a paroxysm that he asked a
  2595. friend to finish them for him. This time the value of the force it
  2596. held the Moon in its orbit was exactly determined:
  2597. indeed if a stone could be carried sixty
  2598. terrestrial radii away from the Earth, would fall in the same
  2599. so point and with the same speed of the Moon, if it were
  2600. suddenly arrested in its course. Newton was convinced
  2601. thought that only the force of gravity held the moon in his
  2602. orbit, even though already then presenting the law of universal attraction
  2603. pour them. He did not possess any evidence at that time.
  2604. general situation and well appreciated the importance of what he did
  2605. resembling Earth and Moon to point-like massesL It was, however
  2606. to decide whether to calculate the distance between the Earth and the departing Moon
  2607. do from the respective centers or from their surfaces or if necessary in¬
  2608. instead use another derived quantity.
  2609. In 1673 Newton's attention was drawn to the studies of Huy-
  2610. gens, who had formulated the laws of circular motion. The-
  2611. expression of the centrifugal force proposed by the great scientist
  2612. 102
  2613. Dutch was essential to solve the problem of gravity
  2614. universal tion. Already the knowledge of this expression is the third
  2615. Kepler's law, which describes the proportionality between the squares of
  2616. times of revolution and the cubes of the great axes or the radii, in the case
  2617. of circular orbits, allow to draw the formula of the law
  2618. of force inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
  2619. We wanted to ascertain the link between the force that causes us to fall
  2620. objects towards the center of the Earth and the movements of the Moon
  2621. and the planets.
  2622. Hooke as early as 1666 had submitted a mo¬ to the Royal Society
  2623. nography on the movement of the celestial bodies in which the
  2624. goddess of a force that attracted the planets towards the Sun and the satellites
  2625. of the planets to their planet. Hooke specified that this force
  2626. it was not constant, but depended on the distance of the planet from
  2627. Sun and, in the case of a satellite, by the distance of the planet; all-
  2628. however he acknowledged that he was unable to give the exact form of
  2629. this law. Three years later, in 1670, Hooke made a breakthrough
  2630. of capital importance in the elaboration of his Teoría: for the
  2631. first time it expressed the idea of ​​a universal attraction; write-
  2632. It was evident that the force of attraction initially attributed to the Sole e
  2633. to its planets it is not only them, but that it was one
  2634. universal force that does not limit itself to uniting the bodies of the so¬ system
  2635. but is also identified with gravity, i.e. with heaviness
  2636. itself. He heralded a new world system, built
  2637. on between presuppositions, according to the laws of mechanics: I o ) it is am-
  2638. puts first that all celestial bodies have a force
  2639. of attraction or gravitation towards its center. Sun and moon
  2640. they are not the only ones to have an influence on the body and movement
  2641. of the Earth, and the Earth upon them, but also Mercury, Mars,
  2642. Saturn and Jupiter have a considerable influence on movement
  2643. ment of the Earth, thanks to their strength and equally the strength
  2644. attraction of the Earth has a considerable influence on everyone
  2645. the movements; 2 o ) the second assumption expresses the law of
  2646. inertia force; 3 o ) the third assumption is that these forces of
  2647. 103
  2648. attraction are all the more powerful the more the body on which
  2649. they act near their centers.
  2650. Hooke then acknowledged that he had not verified experimentally
  2651. the value of the third assumption. Further on Hooke puts it this way-
  2652. goes: “He who will devote himself to this task - I dare to promise-
  2653. tell him - he will find that this principle influences all the great mo-
  2654. vicissitudes of the world and that one will have the perfection of astronomy
  2655. when this principle is fully understood.”
  2656. Hooke had not yet discovered the inverse square law
  2657. I know, but he had certainly taken a big step forward. You understand-
  2658. then Hooke's assertion on his right of priority is known
  2659. and the accusations of plagiarism made against Newton a few years later. New-
  2660. ton defended himself by claiming that he was unaware of the research
  2661. made by Hooke and not having read his studies on attraction;
  2662. in fact, since then he had identified the subject with the same number
  2663. Hooke's precision and had used mathematical systems that
  2664. they dig in Hooke.
  2665. The fact that Hooke had become secretary of the Royal Society
  2666. ty did not encourage Newton, while it was Hooke who pushed
  2667. Newto to deal again with the problem of gravita-
  2668. ne: research that this time Newton brought to a conclusion providing
  2669. I give the exceptional synthesis set forth in the Principia.
  2670. Newton returned to gravitation a short time later by demonstrating
  2671. the following propositions about the orbital motion of a point ma-
  2672. material: Kepler's second law or law of areas, stated
  2673. in the case of planetary ellipses, it is true for any motion, even though
  2674. that the force exerted on a material point is one / force
  2675. central, that is, you pass from a fixed point; if this force is inverse
  2676. proportional to the square of the distance from the center of at¬
  2677. traction to the material point, the movement of this will have se-
  2678. according to a conical section, i.e. according to a circle, an ellipse,
  2679. a parabola or a hyperbola, considering the center of attraction
  2680. ne in the center of the circle or in one of the foci of the cone; inver
  2681. ly a material point that describes an ellipse around
  2682. 104
  2683. one of its fires, as in the case of the planets, is subjected to
  2684. a central force directed towards the fire and is inversely pro-
  2685. proportional to the square of the distance.
  2686. A short time later the astronomer Edmond Halley, taking into account
  2687. of Kepler's third law he had come to the conclusion that the
  2688. centripetal force that holds the planets had to be inversely
  2689. proportional to the square of the distance from the Solé.
  2690. A series of lectures written by Newton between 1686 and 168
  2691. form the body of the treatise Philosophiae naturalis Principia
  2692. mathematica. In the same 1686 Dr. Vincent presented alia
  2693. Royal Society the manuscript of the Principia and on 9 May the
  2694. tá decided the publication of the manuscript and the then president
  2695. appointed gave the imprimatur. Following Hoo-
  2696. ke Newton nearly suppressed the third book on the system
  2697. but of the world, by far the most important because it completes
  2698. goes Toopera. She didn't do it mostly so as not to harm Halley
  2699. responsible for the publication and financing of the work to which
  2700. the profits from the sale were reserved. From the correspondence between
  2701. Newton and Halley it transpires that there were other difficulties and others
  2702. dissensions, but finally in the summer of 1687 the Principia came out (500
  2703. pages). The work entirely written in Latin and preceded by a
  2704. honors in Latin hexameters written by Halley and dedicated “A1P¿Ilustre
  2705. Isaac Newton and his work in the fields of mathematics and ¬
  2706. physics” and “to this man dear to the Muses who approached the
  2707. Gods more than any other moríale.”
  2708. The Principia consists of three books dealing respectively with
  2709. the problems of the movement in resistant means, in non-resistent means
  2710. sistent and finally the system of the world. The law of attraction
  2711. universal properly so called rightly associated with the name of
  2712. Newton and the deductions drawn from this law relating to masses
  2713. of the sun and the planets occupy only the tenth part of the work.
  2714. The first book begins by proposing definitions and axioms or laws of
  2715. movement, first codified presentation of mechanics. You
  2716. the concept of mass according to Newton, the momentum, is revealed
  2717. 105
  2718. (mass times velocity), the vis insita (inertia of the mass), the vis im-
  2719. press by which the state of motion of a body can change,
  2720. produced by impact, pressure or centripetal force ver¬
  2721. I know a center and who acts at a distance. Then Newton pronounces three o'clock
  2722. famous laws of motion, recognizing Galileo the honor of discovering
  2723. loss of the first two. The second law modernly states
  2724. that the derivative with respect to time (mass times acceleration)
  2725. is equal to the applied force. The equality of action and reaction
  2726. ne (third law) was extended from actions of contact to actions of
  2727. distance. In the first book Newton demonstrates that the motion of
  2728. a material point, under the effect of a central force more ge¬
  2729. néral, takes place following Kepler's second law or ¬ law
  2730. areas and that this force is inversely proportional to the qua-
  2731. square of the distance if the curve described by the point is an ellipse
  2732. such that the center of the force occupies one of its foci. In the
  2733. second book opens the way to the development of hydrodynamics
  2734. approx. In the third book Newton expounds the system of the desen¬ world
  2735. selling and explaining the movements of the planets and their satellites, ex-
  2736. explaining for the first time the reason for Ke¬'s three famous laws
  2737. pler, which some scientists still doubted. It was also collapsing
  2738. Descartes' theory of vortices; the attraction replaced the impulse
  2739. i know. The work for the breadth of the discoveries described demonstrated
  2740. one of the most prestigious events in the history of science.
  2741. Newton will express his attitude on the concluding hypotheses
  2742. I thus give the Principia with a true leap of positivistic faith: Hypothe-
  2743. ses non fingo (I don't imagine, I don't pretend).
  2744. All celestial mechanics can be derived from the law of at-
  2745. universal traction and the laws of mechanics. This work for-
  2746. places today to have the complete description of the movements of the
  2747. solar system and the prediction of astronomical phenomena, due
  2748. to gravitation.
  2749. Newton's theory is valid only in a Euclidean universe
  2750. and the movements, discovered and denounced by the Theory of Relativity
  2751. General are plausible, solar system-wide, explaining
  2752. 106
  2753. the residual fraction of the secular advance of the perihelion of the pla¬
  2754. neta Mercury.
  2755. Newton's greatness is universally recognized; in this-
  2756. my work completes the research on the nature of space
  2757. of the solar system: the validity of the Newtonian world system
  2758. it is linked to the supposed Euclidean nature of universal space. Such
  2759. validity is confirmed by the Endospheric Theory as soon as we co-
  2760. that transformation by reciprocal vector rays which allows us
  2761. feels confirmed everything asserted by Newton with the warning
  2762. tendency to refer his great work not to the supposed reality of the
  2763. the Euclidean universe but to the reality of the non-Euclidean universe which,
  2764. as we have amply demonstrated, it is reached through the
  2765. predicted transformation that does not alter the non-observation data
  2766. that is, it alters the data considered by Newton to arrive at its greatness
  2767. godly construction, but which is only the similarly mirrored image
  2768. part of the real universe.
  2769. The transformation formulas are as follows:
  2770. x = v 2 * 1 ;
  2771. X' : +. y ' 2 + z ' 2
  2772. y = v2 *'
  2773. x' 2 + y' 2 ​​+ z' 1
  2774. x' 2 + y 2 + z' 2
  2775. The transition from the Newtonian school to the Endospheric Theory is
  2776. the fundamental point of the new concept. Shakespeare did
  2777. tell Hamlet: “I could be encased in a nutshell and
  2778. while believing myself king of infinite space.” With these words one puts
  2779. 107
  2780. tone compared The concept of extension and that of gathering
  2781. chin; from the infinite open world we go towards the one collected in the
  2782. Endosphere; the Euclidean sky image is projected onto the
  2783. non-Euclidean real space.
  2784. James Clerk Maxwell, a century after Newton enters
  2785. among the immortals: the new is born with the electromagnetic field
  2786. non-Euclidean space. Newton's imperishability remains unchanged.
  2787. ra glory of the structure of a Euclidean world that opens, with
  2788. the Endospheric Theory firmly based on experience, al sa¬
  2789. of many classic weaknesses starting from the year-
  2790. light and by the law of conservation of energy, and to describe
  2791. tion of universal reality.
  2792. 108
  2793. Chapter XIII
  2795. ABOUT - Suppose we are, as astronauts, in space
  2796. at an average distance between the earth and the moon, so as to see one and Pal-
  2797. between as spherical bodies. How can this conformity of
  2798. uta and that is how it can be seen as a body in space so much there
  2799. Moon (so far it is fine) than the Earth which - according to Theo¬
  2800. ría Cosmocentrica — would contain within its surface
  2801. spherical cie the entire Universe?
  2802. R1 - The impact of new ideas creates something certain in the mind
  2803. mess. The classic concept is only partially overcome
  2804. illicitly peeping out where the new con¬ is concerned instead
  2805. piece of the world. He will refer to the Tablets of the new book.
  2806. The transformation by reciprocal vector rays allows one
  2807. reverse worldview to the classical one with the condition of
  2808. assume the vision in function of a behavior of the light
  2809. related to Maxwell's discovery of the electromagnetic nature of
  2810. light. This circumstance is fundamental. Comparing the Tab.
  2811. XIV (Classical Universe) with Table XV (Endosphere Universe-
  2812. co), that is passing from the first to the second by applying said tra¬
  2813. geometric deformation, one immediately notices that Table XV has everything
  2814. The aspect of Table III, image of the magnetic spectrum of
  2815. terminated by the action of a magnet.
  2816. The basic nucleus is therefore the vision: carrying out this tra¬
  2817. deformation the angles remain unchanged, i.e. the observation data
  2818. service will remain the same.
  2819. Table V illustrates the phenomenon whereby the surface
  2820. 109
  2821. the concave cié of the Earth is seen as convex (see also Tab.
  2822. THE); in the figure on the left of Table V, placed the observer in the
  2823. point H, the Copernican Earth is seen at points i, k, j (la
  2824. mind interprets the path of light as rectilinear, as it is exposed
  2825. in Chap. III, as roughly in short courses. Instead of points
  2826. i, k, j we actually see the points F, B, G, due to alia
  2827. curvature of the ray of light and that is we see the real shape cón¬
  2828. earth quarry.
  2829. This is a consequence of the electromagnetic nature of lu¬
  2830. which runs through the vast universal spaces. An identical effect ab-
  2831. We are observing the figure to the right of Table V, where the
  2832. illustrated how the concave Earth appeared to the seated astronaut
  2833. in H on the Moon. Even in photography the Earth appears conve¬
  2834. knows how it is explained in Chapter III.
  2835. Q2 - How would the Earth be «born»? The Solar System? the U-
  2836. niverse?
  2837. R2 - These questions have more of a philosophical character than
  2838. scientific.
  2839. The new theory, observing that the magnetic spectrum (Pl.
  2840. III), has the same aspect as the inversion of the Covered Universe
  2841. Nican (Tav. XV), concludes that the geometric orientation of the
  2842. the inversion mirrors the physical orientation of the lines of force
  2843. electromagnetic waves of the universe.
  2844. Bearing in mind that geometry is abstract and physics is con¬
  2845. clay The abstract geometric design can be interpreted like this
  2846. me the physical behavior of electromagnetic waves (Tab.
  2847. III). Since light has an electromagnetic nature (Maxwell) follows
  2848. that its path has the same behavior as the Universe in-
  2849. vert.
  2850. As for the "birth" of the Earth, the Solar System and the ¬
  2851. the Universe are problems of a not precisely physical nature.
  2852. My thought is that of Lavoisier: «Nothing is created, nothing
  2853. it is destroyed, everything is transformed».
  2854. 110
  2855. I don't see how the electron can be created out of nothing and neither
  2856. as well as how it can annihilate itself.
  2857. As regards the theory of the Big-Bang or that of the
  2858. the ever-expanding Universe or that of the Universe in
  2859. expansion-concentration, we talked about it in Chap. XI.
  2860. D3 - Data in km. 6.370 the Earth's radius:
  2861. I or km. 6.370 and no more should be the radius of the universe;
  2862. 2 or therefore all the other known quantities should be reviewed
  2863. know;
  2864. 3 or km. 6.370 should be the thickness of the earth's crust
  2865. stre in decreasing density until tending to 0.
  2866. R3 - In Chap. III the problem of the measurement of is studied
  2867. a length. We measure a street with a yardstick, that is
  2868. the 40 millionth part of an earth meridian. How it works
  2869. ra? Bringing a meter back to the road and noting how many times
  2870. it is contained along the road itself.
  2871. So the meter is a unit of length with which we can measure
  2872. measure homogeneous sizes per metre, i.e. lengths.
  2873. Measuring the length of a ray of light is another matter, though
  2874. because I don't know the length of the unit of measurement, that is of each
  2875. each photon that makes up light.
  2876. This is a physical entity whose length of each is unknown
  2877. s single constituent, namely the photon.
  2878. The meter is the submultiple of a terrestrial meridian; the photo¬
  2879. it is a submultiple of a ray of light, but its value is not
  2880. it is known nor perhaps it is possible to get to know it.
  2881. Of the luminous radiation we would need to know the lun¬
  2882. length of a submultiple of its extension. Then measure¬
  2883. re the length of a road and measure the length of a rag¬
  2884. days of light are two different operations; I need it first
  2885. know the submultiple length unit of a meridian that
  2886. I can establish; for the second operation I need a unit
  2887. 111
  2888. of length submultiple of a light radiation that does not
  2889. I can establish.
  2890. In Table XI I can consider the line segment that from
  2891. sun reaches the point 6 pm (rectilinear solar ray) whose lun¬
  2892. length is calculated at about 150 million km. (then use-
  2893. z or the meter as a unit of measurement); this segment corresponds
  2894. de in the geometric transformation the semicircle that goes from the so¬
  2895. lé at point 6 pm To measure the length of this semicircle
  2896. I divide this by 150 million to get unequal segments
  2897. decreasing towards the Sun being in relationship with the va-
  2898. riable of light.
  2899. Then 1km. non-Euclidean is worth 150 millionth part of
  2900. such a semicircle, but these parts are not equal to each other but
  2901. rapidly decreasing in the direction of the Solé.
  2902. Make the geometric length of a spoke coincide with the
  2903. its decreasing intensity of illumination lies at the root of the co-
  2904. so-called light-year.
  2905. It is therefore concluded that the objection has no foundation: al rag¬
  2906. classic terrestrial thu in the transformation matches the value
  2907. of the length of the Endospheric Universe in terms of km not
  2908. Euclidean, i.e. in terms of non-uniform variable lengths of¬
  2909. differently from what happens in the Euclidean measures of space
  2910. exospheric. The objector points out: «they should therefore all meet again
  2911. other known quantities. We reply that in the absence of the ¬
  2912. the knowledge of a unit of length all the quantities co-
  2913. characteristics need to be revised to adapt to the nature of the new spa
  2914. and the electromagnetic nature of light according to which
  2915. the measures are taken.
  2916. How much of the thickness of the so-called earth's crust remained
  2917. I give in the final part of Chapter VII.
  2918. D4 - In the Endospheric theory, of a ship in the distance
  2919. you see, as in the classic concept, first the trees, then
  2920. the hull; this reason cannot apply to the camera-
  2921. 112
  2922. gráfica that «does not suffer» from the mental process that determines the
  2923. vision.
  2924. R4 - When observing an object (far away) the mind interprets
  2925. the luminous radiation joining the object in a straight line
  2926. with Pocchio (Chap. III).
  2927. Plate I illustrates the classical proof of the shape of the earth (ra¬
  2928. rectilinear diation that goes from the sole to the eye) and the endosphere test
  2929. of the concavity where the curvilinear radiation, transformed
  2930. of the previous one, it shows the same image, the same view as you
  2931. lescópica, the mental interpretation of the classical image.
  2932. The camera fixes on the plate not a movement
  2933. to but the snapshot of single frames starting from
  2934. an enormously small initial stroke, so it is always the cer-
  2935. fleece of the observer who interprets the phenomenon.
  2936. The development of the movement is but the rapid succession of
  2937. images (frames) projected onto a screen; such projection
  2938. is linked to another mental phenomenon on the part of the observer, which
  2939. it is the persistence of the retina, an outpost of the brain.
  2940. D5 - There is evidence of greater curvature of light waves
  2941. lesser according to the Endospheric Theory with respect to the curvatures
  2942. do I accept the Theory of Relativity?
  2943. R5 - The Einsteinian spatial curvatures are due to the pre-
  2944. without the gravitational field. The infinite and unlimited space
  2945. of Newtonian cosmology is replaced by Einstein by one
  2946. still unlimited space (that is, without a limit), but finished in the
  2947. meaning that by going in a certain direction one returns to the point of
  2948. departure.
  2949. Eddington defines the spa as "empty" (on average almost empty).
  2950. classic uncle by noting that there is a star every 20 cubic parsecs
  2951. a parsec being a length of 30 trillion kilometers.
  2952. The radius of curvature of Einstein's Universe is lun¬
  2953. length of trillions of kilometres, while in the
  2954. the Endospheric Universe at the gravitational radius of curvature yes
  2955. 113
  2956. adds the much less relevant one of the electromagnetic field
  2957. co, i.e. the magnetic field (spectrum) that permeates the universal space
  2958. versal having a maximum length in Euclidean terms of 6.370
  2959. kilometers (terrestrial radius) or rather a curvature of k = 1/renor¬
  2960. mind major.
  2961. D6 - Why, given the hollow Earth, the seas and oceans do not pre-
  2962. do they cite inside?
  2963. R6 - In the old concept the reason consisted in the action
  2964. of gravitation, (gravitational attraction), in the new system
  2965. but phenomena of cosmic repulsion are considered (also Ein-
  2966. stein admits it) by the Solé. The effects are evidently
  2967. yourself the same.
  2968. Furthermore, the swelling of the equator, caused by the rotation
  2969. tion of the universal system around the axis//S50 of the Universe-
  2970. Earth (the Earth is motionless) also explains the greater distance from
  2971. metrical of the opposite points of the equator with respect to that of the po¬
  2972. there, as it is also classically known.
  2973. Q7 - Why space probes launched based on calculations
  2974. according to the current theory they go right where and how they have to go
  2975. dare, returning how and where should they return? The time factor
  2976. should be influenced in the conception-description of the U-
  2977. cosmo-centric universe in which at greater curvatures it should run
  2978. answer a time — a duration — different.
  2979. R7 - Chap. VI on spa trips responds to this objection
  2980. aunts.
  2981. Q8 - How would the planets of the solar system be arranged if ¬
  2982. Do I agree with the Endospheric Theory? As well as the exospheric one that is
  2983. around the sun? It wouldn't appear from a photo of his drawings.
  2984. R8 - Read chapter XV on planetary orbits
  2985. D9 - If the earth is the least dense "body", at the limits of the Uni-
  2986. 114
  2987. towards Cavo it is possible to calculate the density of at least the Solé and the
  2988. the other planets and the Moon — according to your Theory?
  2989. R9 - According to the Endospheric Teoría it is necessary to reflect on
  2990. sa and density of the Solé because the Solé is not considered as
  2991. a massive sphere, but like a sphere that has a
  2992. cell-like structure; however outside or inside the
  2993. masses are the same, even if the densities vary, and therefore they are valid
  2994. Newton's laws based on the entity of the masses (see Ch. XII).
  2995. The classical astronomer determines the mass of the Solé by applying the
  2996. Kepler's third law, which refers to the "orbit" of the
  2997. Terra, that is, to a reference that does not make sense in the new con-
  2998. perception that the Earth does not travel in any orbit
  2999. I am stable (Chap. X). The annual orbit shown in the table
  3000. XV is the perpendicular to the curvilinear trajectories of light without
  3001. a physical meaning since the Earth is stable (isogonality).
  3002. As to the density of the Sun the classical astronomer refers
  3003. to the mass and radius of the Sun considering this density 1.4
  3004. gm/cm 3 (gm = gram mass); the radius of the Sun is calculated
  3005. classically considering the Solé not as a solid body
  3006. do, but gaseous to its core.
  3007. The question of its diameter, always considered
  3008. by the Copernicans, is complicated by the fact that we cannot tell
  3009. exactly where the atmosphere ends and the Solé field begins
  3010. CIA. There is the brilliant surface that impresses the photographic plate
  3011. fica and appears to us as a disc that is observed when the Sun comes
  3012. glimpsed among evanescent clouds. This is the surface (ref-
  3013. rita to the photosphere) that the traditional observer has in mind quan¬
  3014. do talk about the diameter of the Solé. Seen from Earth this surface
  3015. it averages 32 minutes of arc. From this and from the knowledge
  3016. za of the value of the classical astronomical unit (semimajor axis
  3017. of the «earth orbit 149,600,000 km) the «real» radius is obtained
  3018. of the Solé through an equation that I am not going to develop and which
  3019. provides precisely the radius and therefore the real diámetro of the Solé class¬
  3020. physical. I omit the explanation of the minute of arc that measures the
  3021. 115
  3022. small angle a subtended to the eye by the ray of the observed Sun
  3023. from the earth.
  3024. I mention a consideration, the most important: the astronomical
  3025. The classical model considers space with its straight lines Euclidean,
  3026. for example. joining the Earth to the Sun.
  3027. Another consideration is the hypothesis of the gaseous Sun, which is not
  3028. is admitted by the Endospheric Theory.
  3029. We can identify for the new concept the unit astronó¬
  3030. not by applying to it the transformation for reciprocal vector rays-
  3031. proci, bearing in mind that in the new theory space is not
  3032. neither uniform, nor flat, but non-uniform and curved.
  3033. The universal lines are curved like the shape of the lines
  3034. strength of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the new concept yes
  3035. admit the same classically calculated masses.
  3036. The Sun, the planets, the celestial bodies actually have an extension
  3037. sion much lower than that calculated by astronomers, but han-
  3038. no, but a much higher density: the masses do not change. The
  3039. Newtonian laws hold equally. The new concept sees
  3040. in the seed of an orange an enormous size compared to the buc-
  3041. cia, because it is in the seed that the physical and vital principles are concentrated
  3042. which, substituting itself for the mere illusory extension of the classical Universe
  3043. physicist, embrace the existence of innumerable living subjects such as
  3044. occurs in the human and animal embryo.
  3045. GOD - The greater curvature (compared to that of Relati-
  3046. vitá General) of light is an experimental fact or rather not
  3047. itself a hypothesis? And not experienceable?
  3048. RIO - In General Relativity, among the experiences on which it is
  3049. sa rests, there is that of the deflection of light rays. Such
  3050. experimental deflection is predicted by Einstein's Theory, la
  3051. which is also based on the famous experiment of the elevator me¬
  3052. by which the equality between heavy mass and is proved
  3053. inert mass.
  3054. One can consider what has been observed by astronomers
  3055. 116
  3056. mi: given the position of a star seen in a certain point in the sky
  3057. lo, when its luminous radiation (light) passes close to a
  3058. body such as the Sun, this radiation deviates from the straight line by a
  3059. angle a calculable. This observation is expressed through
  3060. Einstein gave her a curvature, albeit slight, as shown
  3061. in Chapter VII «The law of conservation of energy...». The pre-
  3062. said deflection of General Relativity is an experimental fact
  3063. such ; the Endospheric Teoría, as well as admitting the said defles¬
  3064. sion, rests on the physical basis of the electromagnetic field.
  3065. Dll - Given Hollow Earth description as explained
  3066. the formation of the universe?
  3067. Rll - Read Chapter XI on the Big-Bang.
  3068. Q12 - How to explain the tides?
  3069. R12 - First of all, an idea about it needs to be corrected
  3070. moho and that is that this phenomenon is explained by the law
  3071. Newton's gravity.
  3072. The phenomenon of tides has been studied by many physicists and
  3073. astronomers but it has not yet been fully explained. New¬
  3074. ton had to admit that the distance affects according to the cu¬
  3075. bo to account for the greater influence of the Moon in comparison
  3076. with that of the Solé, but did not explain why in this case
  3077. the force of attraction is proportional to the cube rather than to the qua-
  3078. drato, as in the other cases.
  3079. Other aspects of the problem are uncertain in the explanation between-
  3080. ditional. Even applying the new rules in the new concept
  3081. the problem is not fully explained.
  3082. DI3 - How do you explain the formation of the Universe, the for¬
  3083. tion of the cosmic electromagnetic field on which essentially
  3084. mind the whole theory of the Cosmo-Universe is held up and explained
  3085. centric?
  3086. R13 - Read Chapter II and Chapter XII.
  3087. 117
  3088. D14 - How do you explain Foucault's experience with his pen-
  3089. malice?
  3090. R14 - Read Chapter X.
  3091. D15 - It is acquired that the verification of General Relativity
  3092. it concerns the slowing down of clocks in the gravitational field.
  3093. Time, that is what clocks measure, runs much slower
  3094. the stronger the gravitational force is. But then
  3095. It is correct to say that in the gravitational field, in fact (slow down
  3096. rhythms), do you age more slowly than in the absence of gravity?
  3097. In the order of the Cosmocentric Theory there is an intensification
  3098. density as you enter towards the Centro Stel-
  3099. with a metric shortening and a slowing down of the ve-
  3100. locality. So it is correct to say that as we get deeper into
  3101. would it age less?
  3102. R15 - Let us first mention the phenomenon of ageing-
  3103. lie after a journey through the cosmos in relation to Relativity
  3104. Restricted. Let us pass over the analytical developments of the formulas but
  3105. themes. We limit ourselves to the principle of Relativity: «If KeK' are
  3106. no two coordinate systems with respect to each other with straight motion
  3107. uniform tilinear, the development of natural facts (mechanical ed
  3108. electrical) is regulated by the same general laws as much if referred to
  3109. K as referred to K'».
  3110. This means that if it takes 3 minutes to cook an egg
  3111. ti in an inertial system K, an identical time interval oc-
  3112. it will run for an egg to cook on any other inertia system
  3113. le K', even if to the observer of K the cooking of the egg in K' ap-
  3114. seems to be of different duration.
  3115. This reciprocity is essential.
  3116. The formulas leading to this result are invertible
  3117. so that if an observer, located in K, observes in his watch-
  3118. Thurs that the cooking of the egg takes place in three minutes, another remarked
  3119. vator located in K\ in uniform relative motion with respect to K, va¬
  3120. lutes a longer duration (dilatation of durations), but he knows
  3121. 118
  3122. that physical phenomena obey intrinsic laws and are indi-
  3123. hanging from the inertial system in which they take place; knowing then-
  3124. of experience the real duration of such cooking, recognizes that
  3125. his evaluation of the cooking time in K is only apparent -,
  3126. in fact by inverting the relative formula he finds the real duration of ta¬
  3127. le cooking time (3 minutes) of the egg in K. Therefore the question arises
  3128. of the reality and the appearance of the dilatations of the durations and of the
  3129. shortening of the lengths (Chap. IV).
  3130. The famous physicist Langevin, a great friend of Einstein, imagined
  3131. ginó a journey of one of two twins, who pariendo from
  3132. térra and pushing towards a distant star then returned with
  3133. the same speed reversed on the Earth and stopped there. Suppo-
  3134. making the translation speed v sufficiently large (next
  3135. sima to that of light) the twin who had traveled would be
  3136. could still turn out to be a child, while the other, remained constant
  3137. terly on Earth, it should have been very old.
  3138. This paradoxical effect of the apparent flow of time
  3139. between systems in relative rapid translational motion is envisaged
  3140. as real by Langevin, violating a fundamental element on
  3141. which the structural validity of the formulas is based, i.e. the assumption
  3142. tion of a uniform relative motion; now to a motion that is not
  3143. uniform (the traveler goes back) may not apply
  3144. formulas based instead on the hypothesis of uniform motion given that
  3145. the motion of our uniform traveler is not.
  3146. Therefore the story of the twins is baseless because
  3147. incorrectly set. Now let's move on to:
  3148. Generóle Relativity - Between Special and Ge¬ Relativity
  3149. nally there is, as is known, a fundamental difference: in the first
  3150. but we consider a Euclidean or pseudo-Euclidean space, where the e-
  3151. The physical element is limited to the constant C of the speed of light,
  3152. while the second Relativity is essentially based on the ¬
  3153. Gravitation.
  3154. By means of a machine, which we are not going to describe, the físi¬
  3155. co Waltenhofen, with regard to induced currents, he demonstrated that
  3156. 119
  3157. the excitation of an electromagnet abruptly brakes the oscillations
  3158. actions (Waltenhofen pendulum). The more intense the cor-
  3159. induced forces, the more intense is the braking.
  3160. Gravitational actions have an effect on the rhythm of the atoms
  3161. vibrating, identifying the gravitational actions with the acceleration
  3162. tion. These brakes are therefore real.
  3163. As for time and temporal durations, there is a question to be done.
  3164. distinction analogous to that made between space and distances
  3165. spatial.
  3166. It is not accurate to say that time is measured by clocks;
  3167. the rhythm of time is not time, but reflects physical conditions
  3168. che (rhythm) of the clock that measures it. If in a room A I have
  3169. a pendulum swinging with a certain rhythm and in room B I have
  3170. a pendulum swinging at a slower rate is incorrect to assert
  3171. that time flows in B more slowly than in A!
  3172. There is no «time itself», a Kantian idealistic concept, aná¬
  3173. logically to the «space in itself»; as there is no empty space,
  3174. but things, bodies, fields of force, so there is no «time
  3175. in itself», an empty time, but the events, the processes and therefore
  3176. of a method to measure them.
  3177. Not space "in itself", but spatial distances are traversed
  3178. from bodies in motion; not time "in itself," but temporal durations
  3179. they mark the flow of events. There is no time itself, but the tools
  3180. minds (clocks) that measure the fluiré of said processes-events, which
  3181. we call durations', only differences in durations are observed, differ-
  3182. temporal rences, not time "in itself", an idealistic abstraction
  3183. connected to that of space «in itself».
  3184. That said, especially on the basis of the Waltenhofen experiment,
  3185. it can be concluded that in the gravitational field, since the rhythms yes
  3186. slow down, it would age more slowly than without gra¬
  3187. life. All this is admitted by the Endospheric Theory in addition to the fe-
  3188. names of contraction and dilatation due to the non-rigidity of the bodies.
  3189. Even Einstein noted: «The field deforms my rules
  3190. rigid bodies, and Pérsico: «Solid bodies are never perfectly
  3191. 120
  3192. gidi, as it is often convenient to consider them in mechanics».
  3193. D16 - We talk about Black Holes and actually talk about them in ter-
  3194. mini theorists; now the Buco Ñero figure is compatible with the
  3195. Endospheric theory?
  3196. R16 - There is theorization on the apparent phenomenon of implosion (col-
  3197. lasso) of Black Holes, a phenomenon linked to the classical interpretation
  3198. physics of the nature of space.
  3199. The Universe would first appear expanding to games from one
  3200. point (White Hole), then reached a maximum initial extension
  3201. would collapse by reducing to a point (Buco Ñero). This
  3202. would imply a creation and disappearance of matter, con-
  3203. concept that is rejected by the Endospheric Theory, in which yes
  3204. configures an electromagnetic cosmic state in which the class mass
  3205. physically interpreted is in reality enormously less extensive and
  3206. enormously denser than it appears.
  3207. Regarding the inertial motions in the new Teoría it should be observed
  3208. vato that, instead of straight lines, the bodies travel naturally
  3209. te the curved lines of the field; perianto the astronaut who descended on the
  3210. moon walked, without being able to visually notice it, the curves
  3211. electromagnetic fields and not Newtonian straight lines.
  3212. Q17 - What lies beyond the concave Earth?
  3213. R17 - Read the end of Chapter VII. The progressive decrease
  3214. tion of the field density has no end. It's a weakening
  3215. towards the indefinite. The question is related to the classic concept in
  3216. contrast with the new concept.
  3217. DI8 - How to conceive time?
  3218. R18 - Read question 15 above.
  3219. D19 - The Endospheric Teoría should be considered as one of
  3220. scription or even as an explanation?
  3221. R19 - It is customary to use the words description and explanation
  3222. 121
  3223. an indifferent use. Accurately the description is a representation
  3224. minute sensation, a geometric layout while an explanation
  3225. tion is rather an interpretation.
  3226. The drawing of a house is a description, its explanation
  3227. tion is a clarification about the arrangement of the rooms, of the
  3228. stre for a convenience or other purpose. The design of the Uni-
  3229. towards Endospheric is a description, but if they are brought to light
  3230. the relationships, the connections of the various parts, such as e.g. the behavior-
  3231. ment of the lines of action of the electromagnetic field, then
  3232. you have an explanation.
  3233. D20 - What exactly is meant by curvature, radius of
  3234. curvature, flat space and curved space?
  3235. R20 - We already talked about flat space in Chapter IV
  3236. and curved space.
  3237. Here we specify further. As already said, it doesn't make sense
  3238. consider the curvature as an intrinsic character of the spa¬
  3239. physical uncle. There is no "space in itself" (see General Relativity,
  3240. R 15 ), nor «time itself», i.e. there is no empty space of
  3241. jets, nor time empty of events, but things exist, bodies,
  3242. events and processes.
  3243. As long as we remain (Chap. IV) in the interpretative field offered
  3244. According to analytical geometry, space-time can take the form
  3245. suggestive aspect of a cone (Minkowski), of a cylinder (Ein-
  3246. stein) or a hyperboloid (De Sitter). In this representation
  3247. ne geométrica of the chronotope the spatial coordinates are re-
  3248. ducts to two (circumference); the third is the representation of the time
  3249. bit. This third coordinate in De Sitter's universe showed up
  3250. ta curve; it is not about the curvature of time which has no other
  3251. no sense, but a mathematical requirement to represent
  3252. the universe itself.
  3253. It has already been said that geometric space is flat if it holds in it
  3254. the Pythagorean theorem; if this doesn't apply to you, geome-
  3255. non-Euclidean tries. It is now necessary to add what is meant by cur-
  3256. 122
  3257. vature null or different from zero. If on a straight line we can
  3258. however fix three points, they will always be aligned. Self
  3259. on a curved line (like a circle) we fix three points anyway
  3260. these are never aligned.
  3261. The radius of the circle passing through a triad of non-aligned points
  3262. neati has a certain non-zero length that it characterizes
  3263. non-Euclidean space.
  3264. If K is a curved line and its radius of curvature we have
  3265. the relation K = 1/r. A space in which each of its lines (geodeti-
  3266. ca) has an infinite radius of curvature, it is called flat. A space in
  3267. which we have (geodesic) lines that have radii of curvature fi¬
  3268. nid is said to be curved.
  3269. Q21 - What is a black hole?
  3270. R21 - It is an invisible body because of gravitational actions
  3271. that collapse there are so large that they do not allow the
  3272. any radiation leakage; that is, there is an absence of light, i.e
  3273. a «black hole», this is a purely hypothetical interpretation
  3274. of celestial phenomena in a uniform space (see R lé ).
  3275. D22 - What does «time dilation or compression» mean?
  3276. ral»?
  3277. R22 - In Chapter IV we mentioned the transformation
  3278. of Lorentz 1 = 1' \¡ 1 - v 2 /c 2 referring to a special treatise
  3279. lysed of Special Relativity.
  3280. Analogous is the expression x = x' - v 2 /c 2 relative to time
  3281. x whose explanation is linked to the development of Special Relativity
  3282. (See Ch. IV and R,j). It is understood that from a physical point of view
  3283. Special Relativity has great practical importance; in the-
  3284. nuclear physics laboratories, in which, for the purpose of producing
  3285. high-energy ticells (Synchrotrons, Betatrons, etc.), it is used
  3286. they created gigantic machines based precisely on the laws of Re¬
  3287. Restricted lativity.
  3288. 123
  3289. This important experimentation, however, takes place in distances
  3290. relatively short terrestrial, where the space is still approximate-
  3291. matically uniform while remaining acceptable the speed of light
  3292. c, calculated by Fizeau (Ch. III).
  3293. D23 - Why is the concave earth seen as convex?
  3294. R23 - Table X shows the vault of the sky in the two
  3295. systems.
  3296. The observer sees a celestial object, e.g., in B', but Pog-
  3297. jet is actually located at B. The 45° angle under which P observes
  3298. sees the celestial object is the same both with respect to B' and with respect
  3299. a B (isogonality of the inversion) because the observer is not in
  3300. able to establish where the object actually is, despite being
  3301. led to affirm that this object is found in B' by attributing
  3302. in space a Euclidean nature; except by attributing to the spa¬
  3303. uncle a non-Euclidean nature, the observer claims instead that Pog-
  3304. jet is found in B. Since the physical impossibility is proved (Chap.
  3305. III) of the Euclidean behavior of light, the real object
  3306. is found in B.
  3307. It is the same phenomenon by which it is said that the earth is concave
  3308. appears convex (Pl. V). The astronaut in H sees the earth as
  3309. pernicana at points i, k, j of the convex part through which the Earth
  3310. that he sees is convex only in appearance, because, for the demonstration
  3311. strata circular reversal, he sees instead, even by taking a
  3312. photography, under the same angle the points F, B, G of the surface
  3313. concave of the Earth (see Chap. XIII, R,).
  3314. D24 - How can it be explained in the context of the Endo-
  3315. spherical the "proportionality" of the Doppler effect which demonstrates
  3316. Would the galaxies escape?
  3317. R24 - Hubble's law would prove a continuous expansion
  3318. sion of the Universe, considered by official science as the
  3319. most "bewildering" discovery of the 20th century, while the point remains
  3320. most discussed of the numerous exospheric cosmological theories: yes
  3321. admits a recession constant of direct proportionality.
  3322. 124
  3323. In the book of a cosmologist we read: «This law is established
  3324. lita on solid experimental bases», except that this is not, because it is
  3325. Euclidean space is just a hypothesis connected with multiple points
  3326. weak points of the classical theory, in particular the «light-year».
  3327. No "expansion" therefore of the Universe, but rather a
  3328. phenomenon of gradual energy concentration towards the Centre
  3329. Stellar.
  3330. The interpretation of the redshift of the re-
  3331. spectral ghe is only a hypothesis together with that of flat space
  3332. no of the classical world and of the rectilinearity of such radiations.
  3333. Q25 - How do you explain the absence of gravity in space?
  3334. R25 - All celestial bodies have a force of attraction
  3335. (Newton). Such actions, as in the case of Earth, are intense
  3336. close to the earth's surface and gradually more intense at mi-
  3337. sura advancing towards its center. Outside these actions
  3338. they fade as you move away from the Earth.
  3339. The same happens with the Solé, which has very strong attraction actions.
  3340. to more intense than those of the Earth whose mass is much lower
  3341. to that of the Sun.
  3342. However, there is an intermediate space closer to the Earth than
  3343. to the Sun, in which the solar and terrestrial actions are equal and of
  3344. opposite direction and therefore balance and cancel each other out;
  3345. in that space there is no gravity. Beyond that space takes the
  3346. windward of the solar attraction. The same happens with lines
  3347. curve action, in the Endospheric Theory.
  3348. D26 - We read that «the distance in space-time is zero».
  3349. What does this mean?
  3350. R26 - It is necessary to explain more fully the page. 145 of the million
  3351. volume of 1960. The characteristic property of the eucli¬ space
  3352. deo b given by the Pythagorean relation
  3353. (1) l 2 = x 2 + x 2 + x 2
  3354. 125
  3355. This property can be extended to abstract hyperspaces at 4 o
  3356. more dimensions. The space-time of classical physics is constituted
  3357. from the Euclidean space characterized by the invariant or absolute
  3358. ( 1 ), with the addition of an independent coordinate proportional
  3359. nal at time ct = X 4 (c speed of light). The new invariant
  3360. te is also written Euclidean
  3361. ( 2 ) l 2 = x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2
  3362. where l 2 is no longer the squared distance of two spatial points
  3363. but of two events.
  3364. To express the constancy of the speed of light c, Einstein
  3365. and Minkowski posed the following condition
  3366. (3)
  3367. X 2 + X 2 + X" 2
  3368. x| 4 X 2 4 X 3 _
  3369. c 2
  3370. in which the new coordinate ct = x 4 is not independent of the other
  3371. three spatial coordinates. The new invariant of space-time
  3372. relativistic is (3) which can be written like this
  3373. (4) x2 + x2 + x2 — x2 = 0
  3374. Einstein admitted the expression
  3375. (5) s 2 = x] + x 2 + x 2 — x 2
  3376. where s is the space-time squared distance of two points;
  3377. but this new relativistic invariant differs from the invariant
  3378. classical ( 2 ) for the sign of the time interval squared x 2 .
  3379. The two invariants (2) and (5) have a very different meaning.
  3380. The vanishing of (2) says that the two event-points coincide (ac-
  3381. fall in the same place and at the same time), while he canceled it
  3382. larsi of (5) coincides with (4) which can be written like this
  3383. ( 6 ) x2 + x2 + x2 = x2
  3384. where the first member is a space squared distance and the
  3385. second is a distance squared in time, therefore the distance
  3386. 126
  3387. space-time za is zero, as results from (4). The two points
  3388. non-coinciding, however, can be joined by a ray
  3389. of light.
  3390. Relativistic space-time arises from the condition (3) im¬
  3391. posed by Einstein: this condition is hypothetical, as is the «co-
  3392. universal room» c of the speed of light.
  3393. However, it should be noted that in the context of Special Relativity
  3394. ta and limited to the terrestrial spatial region of the laboratories
  3395. the resulting formulas are of great practical importance
  3396. technology for the production of high energy particles (synchrotro-
  3397. ni, betatrons, etc.).
  3398. See R 22 - In the Endospheric Theory the perianth chronotope
  3399. it is a reality limited to the terrestrial space of the laboratories, where
  3400. the paths traveled by the radiations are minimal and the space is almost
  3401. yes Euclidean.
  3402. 127
  3403. Chapter XIV
  3405. In Tables VIII, XII and XIII the well-known fe-
  3406. names of solar and lunar eclipses and lunar phases. To these fe-
  3407. nomeni seen classically the transformation for is applied
  3408. mutual vector rays. For reasons of clarity, they are not
  3409. respect the proportions.
  3410. In Table VIII on the upper right the phases of the moon are represented
  3411. ri according to the Euclidean nature of space. By applying the pre-
  3412. said transformation the real phases of the moon are obtained, still
  3413. remaining the observational data.
  3414. No further explanation is needed: just observe that each
  3415. Euclidean line changes into the corresponding non-Euclidean curve.
  3416. Around the classical Earth, the images can be seen externally
  3417. seen by the terrestrial observer; internally we represent the
  3418. actual stages like the play of light, shadow and penumbra at all
  3419. known. The same applies in the figure below where the observer
  3420. terrestrial (see arrows) is located on the earth's concavity.
  3421. Let us pass to the classical eclipses of Table XII: the eclipse of the sun
  3422. occurs when the moon is placed between the Sun and the convex Earth
  3423. know, while the eclipse of the Moon when the earth is interposed between the Sun
  3424. and the Moon. Note the games of shadow and classical penumbra¬
  3425. well-known mind. In Tab. XIII, with our procedure of
  3426. inversion, we have the same images seen classically. How many
  3427. where the moon crosses the pseudo-funnel with pseudo-spherical walls
  3428. between the terrestrial observer and the Stellar Center we have the eclipse of Lu¬
  3429. na which penetrates the shade and penumbra determined by such
  3430. 129
  3431. pseudo-funnel and the same images appear to the observer
  3432. visual gins, whether he is on the convex Earth or not
  3433. you find instead on the concave Earth. The eclipse of Solé occurs when
  3434. do the Moon crosses the other pseudo-funnel placed between the So¬
  3435. lé and the terrestrial observer.
  3436. 130
  3437. Chapter XV
  3439. Demonstration that in the endospheric system the outer planets,
  3440. although they orbit around the stellar center, from any point
  3441. of space appear to orbit around the Sun. This demonstrates
  3442. tion was carried out by Mr. Mario Pavone.
  3443. — The observation point O is given, on the plane of the orbit,
  3444. of CO' and O'O coordinates in a rectangular system with
  3445. the origin in the reversal center C and with a through axis
  3446. for the sun O'.
  3447. — Consider a generic point P on a line of sight
  3448. coming out of O.
  3449. — The distance OP and Pangólo «a» that the view forms with
  3450. 131
  3451. the normal 00' alia joining the Solé with the center of inversion
  3452. are considered as polar coordinates in a system
  3453. but with the pole in O.
  3454. — These coordinates are transformed into straight coordinates
  3455. tangential in a system with the origin in O: are obtained
  3456. OP' and P'P.
  3457. — O'P” and O'P' are the coordinates of P in a straight system
  3458. tanangular with the origin at O'.
  3459. — CO' is added to O'P”: we have the coordinates CP”
  3460. and P”P of P in a rectangular system with the origin in C.
  3461. — These coordinates are transformed into a po-
  3462. lare with the pole in C: the distance CP and Pan¬ are obtained
  3463. golo «b».
  3464. — The point P”' corresponding to P in the inver-
  3465. sion by dividing the square of the inversion radius R by
  3466. the CP distance.
  3467. — The distance CP'” and the angle «b» are taken as
  3468. polar coordinates in a system with the pole at C.
  3469. — These coordinates are transformed into a system ret¬
  3470. tantangular with the origin in the center of the mechanical limits of
  3471. machine tracking, corresponding to infinity.
  3472. The axes of this system are parallel to the trac¬ plane
  3473. challenge.
  3474. The figure accompanying said demonstration has the purpose
  3475. to ¡Illustrate all the operations of the procedure, while being
  3476. only approximate (P and P'” for example, which correspond
  3477. in the geometric transformation, results are not located in points
  3478. exact); the plates made with the help of sus-
  3479. HEWLETT PACKARD electronic sites and on which follow here
  3480. some important clarifications.
  3481. We consider the case of a hypothetical observer who, alio sco¬
  3482. po to verify the validity of the Endospheric Theory, put in
  3483. a point in space to ascertain whether Mars orbits the
  3484. 132
  3485. Solé or around the Stellar Center.
  3486. We start from the heliocentric configuration by considering three
  3487. several observation points lying in the plane of the orbit of the
  3488. net:
  3489. 1) a point outside the orbit;
  3490. 2) a point inside the orbit;
  3491. 3) a point on the Solé.
  3492. For each of the three cases a bundle of visual lines is considered,
  3493. which in the Copemic conception are obviously straight lines,
  3494. departing from the observation point and directed towards various points of the
  3495. the orbit of Mars (similar to a circle).
  3496. Here the curved lines are built which in the System Co-
  3497. smocentric correspond to these visual straight lines.
  3498. To do this, one is considered on each visual line
  3499. series of equidistant points starting from the observer up to the
  3500. net. For all the points of the same straight line they have been calculated
  3501. the corresponding points in the drawings of the observing Computer is in-
  3502. pronounced with O; the Sun and the Stellar Center with two dots.
  3503. The exospheric situations have: numbers 1,2,3 with which
  3504. the corresponding endospheric situations are indicated.
  3505. 133
  3506. jjr;
  3507. 1 *ij
  3508. t<*
  3509. ■r¿K j ^ír.r'- r:;..Air:
  3510. »wi
  3511. ¿V-. «¿4*# i *Jk l't 51 p<!* ^ -
  3512. WFJJWP*
  3513. , J Í' »k U #'
  3514. • TO"
  3515. '
  3516. »• ,
  3517. m
  3518. L
  3519. f?”..,
  3520. THE
  3521. .**«**.
  3522. Chapter XVI
  3526. 1) Cepheids and their common behavior
  3527. De Sitter wrote: 'All our knowledge about breadth
  3528. of the galactic system and on the dimensions of the Universe are
  3529. fundamentally based on the variable stars called Cepheids».
  3530. Miss H. Leavitt derived a fundamental law for the deter-
  3531. mination of celestial distances, which binds absolute greatness
  3532. M of a Cepheid in his period P. Armeilini observed that
  3533. bra demonstrated that the Cepheids are pulsating stars, depending
  3534. the duration P of their pulsation from their mass and therefore from
  3535. their absolute magnitude M.
  3536. Out of 171 Cepheids Margaret Güssow found about a hundred with
  3537. period ranging from one day to one month. Among these there are
  3538. not a group of 40 or 50 of approximately equal period
  3539. (on average 5 days); «the Cepheid variables of the same period»,
  3540. writes Eddington, they are all very similar; then a Ce¬
  3541. feide of the period of 5 days, wherever discovered, goes practically
  3542. regarded as a copy of 5 Cephei.
  3543. These common characteristics would lead one to think of a
  3544. what a physical link, to reciprocal actions due to proximity, but
  3545. astronomical calculations tell us that the distance between star and star
  3546. it is immense.
  3547. To a question of mine addressed to Prof. Leonida Rosino of the
  3548. Padua Astronomical Observatory, on 12/17/57 he answered me
  3549. deva: «That there are in other Cepheid Galaxies having the same
  3550. 135
  3551. period, but not physically associated, it is possible, but it would be
  3552. a purely random event.
  3553. Now, while Euclidean kilometers measure constant distances
  3554. and, the space being homogeneous and isotropic, the energy in them is di¬
  3555. stribuya uniformly, the non-Euclidean kilometers of space
  3556. non-homogeneous and non-isotropic endospheric, they measure distances
  3557. rehabilitated functions of the local radius of curvature; the more you ac-
  3558. they burn the more dense is the energy distributed in them.
  3559. Gathered towards the cosmic center they predictably are
  3560. not physically associated: their great similarity attributed
  3561. «to chance» in the classical system, in the new system it is susceptible
  3562. of a rational explanation.
  3563. 2) Cosmic rays and their symmetrical fall on the earth's surface
  3564. rest
  3565. «The Earth, writes Vercelli, is constantly immersed in one
  3566. incessant hail of very fast atomic particles, which pro-
  3567. they come from all over the Universe, enter the atmosphere, ur-
  3568. the molecules causing conspicuous effects by reaching many
  3569. of them to the ground.
  3570. About 20 particles entered the atmosphere from free spaces
  3571. cm 2 and per minute. Most of these particles are
  3572. protons with a small percentage made up of nuclei more pe-
  3573. saints.
  3574. The earth, a gigantic magnetic field, deviates from their course
  3575. cosmic rays and allows only particles to enter the atmosphere
  3576. which have energy above certain limits, measured in electro-
  3577. volt (ev) equal to 1,6.10— 12 erg, very small units for which we use
  3578. often the multiple mega-electron-volt equal to a million ev.
  3579. Cosmic rays pass through our bodies every day and pass
  3580. healthy unnoticed". Armellini writes: «These radiations cannot
  3581. they are from the Sun and not even from the Stars. I'm prob-
  3582. 136
  3583. due to the processes of formation of the elements that have
  3584. no place in the nebulae or in the very tenuous matter diffused in the
  3585. interstellar space". A circumstance of the highest interest is revealed
  3586. Eddington: "Since cosmic rays fall symmetrically through
  3587. I go back to the earth's surface, astronomy reveals nothing to us
  3588. which presented the required symmetry.
  3589. Perhaps we could find in cosmic rays an argument a
  3590. favor of closed spherical space, because in a non-closed system
  3591. it would be a strange combination for the earth to be located
  3592. cata so centrally as to receive the rays in equal measure from each
  3593. part". It would undoubtedly be a strange combination!
  3594. In the Endospheric Earth this symmetry of fall, being
  3595. do the source of cosmic rays in the center of the Universe, it is a fact
  3596. entirely predictable and natural.
  3597. 3) Planck and the analogy between the atom and the planetary system
  3598. Lámmel writes: «we live in an immense space in which
  3599. finds relatively little matter, so we can with reason
  3600. call it desert. Even Eddington, referring to the universal space
  3601. pour them, he says empty, deserted. «There is a star for every twenty par-
  3602. cubic secs» informs us Armellini.
  3603. Recall that a parsec is a length equal to 3.085* 10 12
  3604. Km, i.e. more than 30 million million kilometres.
  3605. Supposed stars distributed evenly, imagining of
  3606. find us on a star, to reach me another, traveling to the ¬
  3607. the speed of light (300,000 km per second) will take longer
  3608. of 6 years.
  3609. Eddington calculates an initial average density of matter
  3610. of the Universe equal to 1,05*10“ 27 gr. per cm 3 , i.e. an atom of
  3611. hydrogen for every 1580 cm. For Armellini, if all matter
  3612. stellar were evenly distributed in space, one would have
  3613. a density of matter equal to one gram for each cube it has
  3614. 137
  3615. 100,000 kilometers sideways.
  3616. An important circumstance is revealed by the great German physicist Max
  3617. Planck (1858-1947): «According to the very fertile theory of Niels Bohr
  3618. (1885-1902) the electrons of an atom move around the nú¬
  3619. cleo according to laws very similar to those according to which the planets yes
  3620. move around the Solé. In place of gravity takes over
  3621. here the attraction of the opposite charges of the nucleus and of the electrons.
  3622. But there is a singular difference: electrons can surround
  3623. only in well-determined orbits, and differ from one another
  3624. the other in a discrete way, while in the case of the planets no or-
  3625. bita seems to be preferred over another.'
  3626. This does not happen in the Endospheric Universe, where the planes
  3627. equipotential surfaces, i.e. discrete levels of the
  3628. non-Euclidean space of the field. Perianth called singular diffe¬
  3629. resistance with respect to the electronic orbits of the atoms disappears: in
  3630. planetary system the planets travel across equipotential surfaces
  3631. i.e. energy levels, the analysis being fully acceptable
  3632. logy between the atom and the planetary system.
  3633. 4) Rigid and non-rigid motions - Inertia - Gulliver - Measurements
  3634. The rarity of the material cannot fail to surprise you. This is
  3635. a show of uniformity, for which, except for a few points since
  3636. formed by some celestial bodies, the classical space can
  3637. consider oneself «empty», «desert», so that each of its points, each of its own
  3638. position, does not differ in anything from any other point, from any
  3639. either in another position, in stark contrast to the multifaceted variety
  3640. of nature, which is change, constant renewal, pro-
  3641. incessant toilet: never repeats itself.
  3642. «Physical space cannot be devoid of characteristics (cur-
  3643. vature)» says Eddington. It is usually repeated in physics that all the
  3644. Normal state hydrogen atoms have the same size
  3645. or the same range as their electric charge. But what
  3646. 138
  3647. do we mean by that? Or, to put the matter into form
  3648. conversely, what would it mean to say that two atoms of hydrogen
  3649. no they are of different sizes, similar in structure but
  3650. built on a different scale? In «Gulliver's Travels» the Lilliputians
  3651. they were about 15 cm. high, their tallest trees reached 2
  3652. m., animals, houses were large in proportion. To Brobdin-
  3653. gnag people were as tall as our steeples, a cat look-
  3654. it's three times bigger than an ox.
  3655. Intrinsically Lilliput and Brobdingnag were exactly that
  3656. same; this was precisely the principle on which Swift had co-
  3657. constructed his story. We needed a Gulliver who came from outside
  3658. — an extraneous length sample — for it to be detected
  3659. the difference. As for our comparison of the two atoms of hydro-
  3660. geno the case of Lilliput and Brobdingnag is repeated: to give a si-
  3661. meaning to the difference it takes a Gulliver who possesses the ubi-
  3662. quit.
  3663. Einstein said that what he called a meter is a fraction
  3664. constant tion of the radius of curvature of space-time for that
  3665. place and that direction; measuring in meters equals measuring
  3666. in terms of the local radius of curvature that is the real Gulliver
  3667. having the gift of ubiquity; and that is the constant submultiple of
  3668. radius of curvature of the place where the object to be measured is located.
  3669. Two hydrogen atoms have the same size as quan¬
  3670. to, although they are in two different places, yet they have the same
  3671. submultiple of the local radius of curvature.
  3672. In all our measures we do nothing but compare
  3673. lengths and distances by the same submultiple of the radius
  3674. of curvature which is locally. Every point and every direction of the¬
  3675. the endospheric space are characterized by the local curvature
  3676. of space.
  3677. Eddington finds a space endowed with character more plausible.
  3678. characteristics (curvatures) than a flat space. The space is not
  3679. clidean of the endospheric world is of variable curvature, what com¬
  3680. brings the non-rigidity of the motions. The ordinary experience at first
  3681. 139
  3682. approximation presents us with rigid movements, but not just
  3683. reflect eg. to the common phenomenon of temperature, which con¬
  3684. draws and dilates the bodies, and to the fact that, if you move from one point
  3685. at another the temperature undergoes variations (large or small
  3686. that they are) it must be admitted that even in ordinary space,
  3687. and limiting ourselves only to the temperature, the motions are never rigid.
  3688. Einstein asserted: «The gravitational field distorts my regulations
  3689. you stiffen them." The endospheric space is not inertial because it is in it
  3690. acceleration is never zero.
  3691. 5) The light years
  3692. A previous chapter is entirely devoted to the so-called
  3693. «light-year», of which we have demonstrated the physical impossibility
  3694. with a wealth of valid arguments to which we refer the reader
  3695. bull.
  3696. 6) Dispersion of almost all of the energy emitted by the sun
  3697. and from the stars of the classical system
  3698. Also on this important topic we have dedicated a
  3699. previous chapter, «the law of conservation of energy», in
  3700. which is emphasized that the enormous quantities of solar energies
  3701. and stellars in the Exospheric Universe go largely irremediable
  3702. devilishly lost in contrast with the principle of the mínima
  3703. action, which Maxwell called "the great law of parsimony
  3704. of nature".
  3705. Said colossal quantity of energy, Lammel noted, in yes
  3706. classic stem "one sinks into the infinite and unattainable nothingness".
  3707. Such radiations, on the other hand, travel in the endospheric spaces without both
  3708. even minimal dispersion.
  3709. 140
  3710. 7) The Earth is the densest of bodies in the classical solar system
  3711. Internal planets are the planets that are on this side of the zone
  3712. of the asteroids, i.e. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars being these
  3713. st the last one both superior and internal.
  3714. We will thus distinguish the planets: the superior ones beyond the zone
  3715. of the asteroids, called external, while the others are called internal. With-
  3716. let us now consider the following table in which the upper row in¬
  3717. say the density with respect to water of the sun and the planets and the line
  3718. lower the minimum distances of the planets and the Sun from the Earth (le
  3719. distances are expressed in millions of kilometres):
  3720. Earth
  3721. Venus
  3722. Mars
  3723. Mercury
  3724. Sun
  3725. Jupiter
  3726. Saturn
  3727. Uranus
  3728. Neptune
  3729. 5.5
  3730. 4.9
  3731. 4
  3732. 3.8
  3733. 1.41
  3734. 1.3
  3735. 0.7
  3736. 1.3
  3737. 1.6
  3738. 0
  3739. 42
  3740. 78
  3741. ninety two
  3742. 150
  3743. 629
  3744. 1578
  3745. 2692
  3746. 4351
  3747. The table of distances has been obtained, for the superior planets
  3748. by subtracting from their average distance from the Sun the Earth-
  3749. Sun; for the lower planets by subtracting from the Earth-Sun distance
  3750. their average distance from the Solé.
  3751. In the increasing succession of distances (Solé included) cor-
  3752. answers a decreasing sequence of densities (except for Sa¬
  3753. turn and Neptune). In the classical solar system, therefore, the planet
  3754. the denser the Earth.
  3755. The outer planets and the Sun have a much lower density
  3756. than that of the inner planets.
  3757. The celestial bodies of the solar system, the farther they are from
  3758. Earth the less density they have. It is striking that the Earth
  3759. has a very particular, privileged situation in this field
  3760. ta. We would have always expected a position of this kind.
  3761. never for the Solé in the classical system; instead the Earth is the star of the
  3762. denser classical solar system.
  3763. To this is added another circumstance: as the
  3764. distance from the Earth the density of the celestial body decreases (with slight exceptions
  3765. 141
  3766. tions). This fact also places the Earth in a unique position
  3767. regular compared to the other stars.
  3768. It's a "strange combination," Eddington would say.
  3769. In classical theory the Earth is a planet like any other,
  3770. to the point that, by extrapolating, a physicist like Castelfranchi has re-
  3771. raised The consistency of «the geometric clock of the inhabitants of
  3772. our tiny planet. Of privilege, therefore, not even the shadow
  3773. bra.
  3774. In the new theory a more rational line is always followed
  3775. agree with the observed facts. The same fact follows from
  3776. same structure of the world. Said succession in the new concept
  3777. to reverses.
  3778. The Earth, constituting the peripheral zone of the Universe, is a lot
  3779. less dense than the celestial bodies found near the
  3780. people of the field, where the spatial curvatures are very sensitive,
  3781. the energy is very concentrated and the masses of the celestial bodies are very dense
  3782. self. The facts revealed in the new conception no longer have a
  3783. accidental character as in the old system, but satisfying
  3784. to the principle of sufficient reason, they are explained rationally. Me
  3785. I have already referred to the density of the Earth in chap. VIL
  3786. 8) Comparison between the seasons in the two systems
  3787. Recall that the classical Earth, when it is in the peri-
  3788. lio, is closer to the Solé by about 5 million kilometers than quan¬
  3789. do is found at the aphelion (northern hemisphere) in the winter season,
  3790. contrary to what might be expected.
  3791. Said difference (5 million kilometers compared to almost 150)
  3792. is basically explained by official science through
  3793. the cosine law, for which the incident intensity decreases with
  3794. the increase of the obliquity of the rays on the constant unit of surfaces
  3795. hit here. The effect of continentality of the emi-
  3796. northern sphere, which prevails over that of the determining radiation
  3797. 142
  3798. a lower mean winter temperature in the northern hemisphere
  3799. than in the southern one. Another cause is the action of the oceans
  3800. extended daily in the southern and northern hemispheres.
  3801. The causes of temperature differences in the various seasons
  3802. are: in the summer semester in each hemisphere the day is longer
  3803. It is night time, and the Earth receives more heat than it loses
  3804. (vice versa happens in the winter semester). The main reason
  3805. however, it is related to Lamben's first law of the cosine, general
  3806. use of the inverse square law of distances
  3807. _ i what
  3808. E = -^
  3809. And it is the intensity of illumination directly proportional to the
  3810. the emission intensity ie at what formed from the normal to the
  3811. th incident with the struck surface and is inversely proportional
  3812. tional to the square of the distance from the source.
  3813. The famous physicist Fred Hoyle builds a model that reproduces
  3814. there is the disposition of the Sun and of the planets by making a reduction
  3815. of scale of about one billion. And he got this result: II Solé
  3816. having m. 1.4 in diameter and the Earth a diameter of about 1.5 cm.
  3817. If we place this Solé at a distance of m. 150 from a ball
  3818. line of diameter cm. 1.5 it will certainly not be possible to re-
  3819. heating the ball to 50 degrees above zero in the area
  3820. equatorial and at 70 degrees below zero in the polar areas of the sphere
  3821. straight.
  3822. In Table VII it is represented with the upper figure
  3823. the phenomenon of the seasons (a figure familiar to all students)
  3824. with a grave mistake: the earth is represented at a distance
  3825. za from the sun enormously closer than it actually is
  3826. he wants it to happen. Observing Table XI, it can be observed that the difference
  3827. difference between the half-line rectilinear solar rays reaching the point
  3828. to 6 pm passes the half-line that reaches the 12th point of solo
  3829. 6,370 km., i.e. a negligible difference compared to 149,600,000
  3830. 143
  3831. Euclidean km (Earth-Sun distance). The intensity with which the radiation
  3832. solar radiation reaches both the equator and the poles in the classical system
  3833. so it can be considered identical. Not the same happens in the new
  3834. vo concept.
  3835. Numerically the distances and the differences of distances above
  3836. considered in the two systems are almost identical. In the world
  3837. do endospheric but the calculated Km are not Euclidean. That meant
  3838. fica which, as can be seen in tables XI and XVI when the Solé
  3839. is found eg. alio zenith of the equator its radiation reaches
  3840. the equator, point 12, perpendicular to the poles, point 6 pm,
  3841. tangentially (and so far nothing different happens in the system
  3842. classic); but now we will feel an important difference: the ra¬
  3843. endospheric diaction which at point 12 reaches the equator, has
  3844. a geometric length (see Table XI) equal to 2/3 of the length
  3845. za of the radiation reaching the pole (point 6 pm). So
  3846. The solar energy that reaches the pole is more rarefied (weaker
  3847. therefore) of that which reaches Pequator.
  3848. In an electromagnetic field (Plate XI) the radiation that reaches
  3849. The equator arrives is more intense (the energy is less rarefied) than
  3850. the one that reaches the pole, while in the classical system the ra-
  3851. Solar effects are admitted almost all equally intense!
  3852. We examined the scaling of about a billion
  3853. do carried out by the physicist Fred Hoyle who builds a model re-
  3854. producing the classical arrangement of the sun and planets. Such
  3855. model highlights, while understanding the space requirements
  3856. uncle, the error of the relationships, the enormous disproportion of the real figures
  3857. Sun-Earth rooms as taught in schools (see di-
  3858. sign at the top of Table VII).
  3859. In the cosmocentric concept, things change profoundly.
  3860. as shown in the lower part of the table. VII where
  3861. the endospheric seasons are represented there. The figure represents
  3862. feel the spiral path of the Sun in the sky. The line that unites
  3863. detects all points around the stellar band where the sun is observed
  3864. at noon, during all the days of the year, it is the ecliptic, lo
  3865. 144
  3866. zodiac or the apparent path in an entire year. For a
  3867. observer at point N the upper turns represent the inver-
  3868. no, those in the center for spring, the lower ones for summer, and then
  3869. again those in the middle of autumn, and again high school
  3870. We'll tell you. The daily circular route of the sun can be seen in form
  3871. expanded by the earth as we see the whole area also expanded
  3872. helical mino.
  3873. 145
  3874. Chapter XVII
  3876. Archimedes
  3877. In geometry one can easily study the solitary figures
  3878. de with straight edges. Archimedes undertook to find a way
  3879. mula to calculate the area of ​​the spherical surface, except that
  3880. struggled with the difficulty of developing this surface on the plane, unlike
  3881. ference of other developable solids.
  3882. He arrived at his famous formula by seeking a solid development
  3883. pable on the plane equivalent to the non-developable surface of the ¬
  3884. the sphere. He achieved his goal by building with uni sheet metal
  3885. thickness forms the surface of a sphere and a circumscribed cylinder
  3886. to the sphere whose base is a circle equal to the great circle
  3887. mo of the sphere.
  3888. Archimedes ascertained - and this is his discovery
  3889. - that the sheet metal of the spherical surface and that of the cylinder surrounding
  3890. conscripted to the sphere they had the same weight.
  3891. By developing the surface of the cylinder on the plane, he obtained a
  3892. rectangle with base equal to the aforementioned great circle and other
  3893. height equal to the diameter of the sphere:
  3894. 2 rrr (base of rectangle) x 2 r (height of rectangle), and wrote
  3895. the famous formula 2nr x 2r = 4nr 2 . Since the sheet metal of the
  3896. sphere and that of the cylinder had the same weight assumed as
  3897. surface area of ​​the sphere The above formula A = 4nr 2 (which
  3898. found confirmation about 1800 years later in the related calculus inté¬
  3899. Newton's grain).
  3900. 147
  3901. Developable and non-developable solids
  3902. The cylinder can be developed on the plane; to its development is applied
  3903. Euclidean geometry is bile, while the sphere is not developable e
  3904. geo¬ is not applicable for the search of its surface area
  3905. Euclidean metric.
  3906. The two geometric figures of equal surface areas (measures)
  3907. li, i.e. equivalent, have a different structure, Tuna eucli¬
  3908. goddess and the other non-Euclidean. The two theories of the universe, exosphere
  3909. co and endospheric, similarly have two equivalent spaces,
  3910. seat both of a cosmos having equal amount of matter,
  3911. but with different physical structures: the first has straight lines of force-
  3912. nee to which Euclidean geometry applies, the second has lines of
  3913. curvilinear force, to which a non-Euclidean geometry applies, pur
  3914. being equivalent to each other (they have the same amount of matter).
  3915. Geometric transformation
  3916. The two equivalent spaces are linked by a geo¬ transformation
  3917. métrica that allows you to pass from one space to another (and vice versa
  3918. sa) regardless.
  3919. The difference between them lies in the way in which they are distributed
  3920. matter varies: in the first enormously rarefaría, except for a certain
  3921. number of singular points, in the other enormously concentrated.
  3922. Both two spaces match each other so that each
  3923. point of the first corresponds to one in the other (and vice versa). Ta¬
  3924. the geometric correspondence is supported by an algébri operation¬
  3925. ca and geométrica called transformation by reciprocal vector rays.
  3926. In the annexed figure (Plate II) at point 2 outside the cor¬ circle
  3927. the point 1/2 inside the circle answers. In fact leading from
  3928. point 2 two tangent lines to the circle at points a and b the conjunction
  3929. 148
  3930. People of these two points cut the line joining at the 1/2 point
  3931. point 2 with the center of the circle.
  3932. Similarly, the corresponding points 3 and 1/3 are obtained,
  3933. etc.... Since a 1/2 is the reciprocal of 2, the correspondence takes ¬
  3934. de the name of transformation for reciprocal vector rays. The infi-
  3935. nite exterior points correspond to the infinite interior points and vice versa
  3936. pour.
  3937. It can be shown that two line segments even of different length
  3938. length are both equally made up of infinitely many points.
  3939. Galileo and the infinite
  3940. In his «Dialogue» Galilei wrote: «An infinite greater than
  3941. the infinite seems to me a concept that cannot be understood in any way.
  3942. These are difficulties that derive from the discussion that we make
  3943. let us with our finite intellect go around the infinities, giving them
  3944. those attributes that we give to finished and completed things... To them
  3945. infinite, one cannot be said to be greater or less than or equal to-
  3946. the other... When I am asked, give several lines of unequal length
  3947. length, how can it be that in the major ones there are no more points
  3948. that in the minor ones, I reply that there are neither more nor less,
  3949. nor as many, but each infinite».
  3950. Comparison between exospheric space and endospheric space
  3951. In the aforementioned transformation the straight lines of a figure do
  3952. change into curved lines. The entire exospheric universe dominated by
  3953. straight lines changes into the whole universe dominated by curved lines;
  3954. in the first dominates the Euclidean geometry, in the second a geo¬
  3955. non-Euclidean metric.
  3956. Given the homogeneity and isotropy of the exospheric space two
  3957. Euclidean kilometers represented by straight segments equal in
  3958. 149
  3959. length between them change into non-Euclidean kilometers represented
  3960. feel yourself in a non-homogeneous and non-isotropic endospheric space
  3961. by equal or unequal arches depending on whether they have equal or
  3962. unequal finite radius of curvature.
  3963. The measurement of a length always involves comparison with
  3964. a sample length. In a space to which we apply the geo¬
  3965. Euclidean metría straight lines have zero characteristics because in each
  3966. point have an infinite radius of curvature. In a space where
  3967. we apply the non-Euclidean geometry to the arcs or sectors of
  3968. circumference have a finite radius of curvature.
  3969. The international meter is the same everywhere in Spain
  3970. uncle, Euclidean, while in a curved, non-Euclidean space,
  3971. the meter is a submultiple of the local radius of curvature. To say
  3972. that two hydrogen atoms have the same size means
  3973. that the size of each of them is the same fraction of the radius
  3974. curvature of space in the place where they are.
  3975. Rigid movements are typical of a space devoid of character
  3976. teristics which is the Euclidean one, while the non-rigid movements
  3977. are proper to a non-Euclidean space of variable curvature in
  3978. which bodies, moving, do not numerically change theirs
  3979. size; changes however the unit of measurement with respect to which the bodies are
  3980. not measured, since this unit of measurement is not a submultiple of the
  3981. local radius of curvature, i.e. of the place occupied by the body,
  3982. instant by instant, during its motion. The endospheric field
  3983. is subject to processes of contraction and expansion.
  3984. Einstein said: «The gravitational field deforms my
  3985. stiff throats". An observer following a moving body
  3986. could in no way verify such contractions or di¬
  3987. latations, since he too, together with his E¬
  3988. sura, would be subject to the same laws to which this body is subject.
  3989. Whatever the definition accepted by the pure geometra, the
  3990. physicist must define space as something that is characterized
  3991. established at each point by an intrinsic greatness that can be
  3992. used as a basis for measuring the objects placed there. The spa-
  3993. 150
  3994. physical uncle cannot be devoid of characteristics. In terminol¬
  3995. gía geométrica the characteristics of the space are designated thus
  3996. me curvatures.
  3997. Ser i ve Eddington: « Undifferentiated identity and non-nothingness
  3998. they can be distinguished in a philosophical way. The realities of physics are
  3999. no inhomogeneity, events, changes». The uniformity of spa¬
  4000. uncle and the consequent rigidity of the motions constitutes one of the points
  4001. weaker than the exospheric conception of the Universe.
  4002. 151
  4003. -■»
  4004. Chapter XVIII
  4006. Kant said: «The head is in space, and yet space
  4007. it's in the head." The great philosopher meant that he fascinated her
  4008. greatness of the universe has an essential foundation
  4009. subjective you.
  4010. What does it mean to say that the universe is large?
  4011. Let's see what Lammel (4) said: «We live in an ¡inmen¬
  4012. I know space, in which relatively little matter is found, so that with
  4013. reason we can call it desert.
  4014. Also Eddington (1), referring to the universal space, the
  4015. it says "empty", "desert". Armellini notes (9): «One has a star
  4016. every 20 cubic parsecs. Recall that a parsec is a length
  4017. length of 30 million million kilometers. Imagining of
  4018. find us on a star, to reach me another at the speed of the
  4019. light (300,000 km per second), it would take more than 6 years. An¬
  4020. Cora Eddington (1) calculates an average density of matter in the
  4021. the Universe equal to one atom for every 1500 cubic centimeters. There
  4022. star Antares has a density 2000 times less than that of the
  4023. ria: this means that if we wanted to go to that star not
  4024. we would not even find it because we would almost sail in it
  4025. more extreme emptiness!
  4026. When, therefore, the man in the street is fascinated by the ¬
  4027. the greatness of the classical Universe is not fully realized
  4028. that for him greatness means extension; as to matter in
  4029. the Universe, on average, there is very little. The charm, therefore, of the ¬
  4030. the grandeur of the universe is reduced to the fascination of the unlimited
  4031. 153
  4032. almost deserted extension!
  4033. Let's move on to this other consideration: if the man on the street
  4034. we asked if he thinks the zest of an orange is bigger
  4035. or its seed, he would probably answer: the rind. Per¬
  4036. because for him the extension is great. But the philosopher would answer:
  4037. the seed. Because in the seed there is the genetic code of countless
  4038. orange plants.
  4039. For the philosopher great is the content, it is the creative power,
  4040. the development, the vastness of the vital force. If we consider the sco-
  4041. loss of the energy contained in an atom, energy that has signifi-
  4042. fied the destructive capacity of an atomic bomb (let's think of
  4043. Hiroshima), if we consider the dimensions! of the nucleus of an áto¬
  4044. mo calculated around one millionth of a millionth of a centí¬
  4045. metre, we will understand that magnitude cannot be evaluated in the sense
  4046. I know of the extension, but in that of the potency.
  4047. Therefore whoever suspected that the gigantic walls of the con-
  4048. terrestrial cavities enclose a tiny universe should re-
  4049. believe and reflect on the psychological nature of an evaluation
  4050. subjective view of the acclaimed extensional greatness of the Univer-
  4051. so classic, a grandeur which corresponds almost to an unlimited desert!
  4052. The endospheric Universe, with its hyper-central firmament
  4053. dense and its immense potential energies, must appear to the eye
  4054. attentive servant infinitely great, because I am in it
  4055. in potential and in act an endless number of living beings, of
  4056. animals, plants, cells and atoms.
  4057. This firmament that dominates us and leaves us in awe has
  4058. an infinite greatness. In place of the "empty" extension, of the
  4059. dissipation and dispersion, inherent in the classical system, we have,
  4060. in the cosmocentric system, conservation, concentration
  4061. and the power.
  4062. The new idea of ​​the world suggests concepts of collaboration
  4063. tion, solidarity, union, synthesis. The infinitely great
  4064. de potential coincides with the infinitely small geometric.
  4065. Aristotle's potency and act seem to find a
  4066. 154
  4067. physical reason in the cosmocentric system. The Universe is an organ
  4068. living smo. Laplace said: «Nature has the same models in
  4069. different sizes". The Earth is an immense cell that it encloses
  4070. The universe, where life sprouts and where greatness is identified
  4071. with the absorbed thought of the man who aspires to knowledge
  4072. za and alia truth.
  4073. 155
  4075. 1) Eddington Arthur Stanley, The Expanding Universe, Ed. Zani-
  4076. chelli, 1934, p. 5, 17 and 101; and Lucí from infinity, Ed. Hoepli,
  4077. 1934, p. 114.
  4078. 2) Einstein Albert, The Evolution of Physics, Ed. Einaudi, 1948, pag.
  4079. 46.
  4080. 3) Carlson Paolo, La Física Moderna, Ed. Hoepli, 1940, pag. 452.
  4081. 4) Lámmel Rodolfo, The foundations of the Theory of Relativity, Ed.
  4082. Zanichelli, 1923, pp. 31 and 104.
  4083. 5) Hoyle Fred, The Nature of the Universe, Ed. Bompiani, Milan, 1959,
  4084. p. 22.
  4085. 6) Severi Francesco, in Fifty Years of Relativity. 1905-1955, Edi-
  4086. trice Universatira, Florence, 2* ed., 1955, p. 314.
  4087. 7) Straneo Paolo, in Fifty Years of Relativity. 1905-1955, Publishers-
  4088. ce Universitaria, Florence, 2* ed., 1955, p. 80.
  4089. 8) Castelnuovo Guido, Lessons in Analytical Geometry, Editrice Dante
  4090. Alighieri, 1938, p. 324.
  4091. 9) Armellini Giuseppe, Astronomía Siderale, Vol. II, 1931, Ed. Za¬
  4092. nickels, p. 292.
  4093. 10) Vercelli Francesco, L'aria, UTET, Turin 1952, p. 499.
  4094. 11) Norwood Russell Hanson, Models of scientific discovery, Ed.
  4095. Feltrinelli, 1978, p. 96.
  4096. 12) Amico-Roxas Paolo Emilio, The problem of space and the Conce-
  4097. tion of the World, Isa University Library, Via dei Mille 24,
  4098. Rome 1960.
  4099. 13) Archdeacon Giuseppe, Beyond the 4th dimension, Ediz. Studium Christian
  4100. stis Rome, p. 136.
  4101. 14) Stephen Hawking, From the Big Bang to Black Holes, Rizzoli 1989, Mi¬
  4102. wool.
  4103. NB Address of the author of the volume: Via Paiz 3, 00162 Rome;
  4104. tel. 06/8385334
  4105. 157
  4106. INDEX
  4107. Information sheet. pag. 10
  4108. Preface. pag. 11
  4109. Letter to the editor .p. 15
  4110. Endospheric Field Theory.pag. 19
  4111. Chap. I Geometric transformation for
  4112. reciprocal vector rays .pag. 26
  4113. Chap. II The electromagnetic field...pag. 33
  4114. Chapter III The light-year and its impossibility
  4115. physics. pag. 37
  4116. Chapter IV Flat space and curved space
  4117. Hyperspace - Special Relativity e
  4118. Final Relativity.pag. 47
  4119. Chapter V «Relativism» and its role
  4120. «privileged» of the Earth .pag. 57
  4121. Chapter VI Space travel - Inertia .pag. 65
  4122. Chapter VII The Law of Conservation
  4123. of Energy - Terrestrial Depths -
  4124. Spatial Curvatures .pag. 69
  4125. Chapter VIII II Solé giver of life. pag. 73
  4126. Chapter IX Day and night e
  4127. seismic waves. pag. 81
  4128. Chapter X «Revolution» and «Rotation» of
  4129. Earth - Foucault's pendulum
  4130. Immobility of the Earth. pag. 83
  4131. 159
  4132. Chapter XI Big-Bang, Pulsar - Quasar -
  4133. White and Black Holes
  4134. Hubble's law and expansion
  4135. of the Universe - Chronotope.pag. 86
  4136. Chap. XII Copernicus, Kepler and Newton.pag. 95
  4137. Chapter XIII Questions and answers. pag. 109
  4138. Ch. XIV Solar and Lunar Eclipses e
  4139. phases of the moon .p. 129
  4140. Chapter XV Planetary orbits. pag. 131
  4141. Chapter XVI Classic Weak Points of the Theory
  4142. Exospheric in the light of
  4143. Endospheric theory. p. 135
  4144. Chapter XVII The two systems. p. 147
  4145. Chapter XVIII Magnitude of the Universe. pag. 153
  4146. Bibliography .pag. 157
  4147. 159
  4148. 161
  4149. 160
  4150. TAV. THE
  4151. The exospheric Tangente Rettilinea and the endospheric Tangente Curvilínea.
  4152. The "evidence" of the shape of the Earth.
  4153. 0 j SL Jfl _r ont_e_^*entibiIe"
  4154. c
  4155. Angle of
  4156. depression
  4157. dt'horizon
  4158. give of
  4159. definition
  4160. de H'or monte
  4161. -- OR-
  4162. The two interpretations
  4163. and the two "tests"
  4164. 161
  4165. Fig. top : Alaltric charge, tltlfric field t quipoftential surface.
  4166. fig. inf.: Magntlic poles, magnificent field t suptrficia tquipoftnziali.
  4167. 163
  4168. Methods for finding the inverse positions and centers of solar ray arcs.
  4169. Geometric space and physical space - Euclidean geometry and non-Euclidean geometry.
  4170. •>»*» <* Jti eponu - romisuoio 3AHU0 r7
  4171. Non-Euclidean geometry
  4172. top fig. : Spotio with variable curvature
  4173. Fig. ¡nf. : Spoiio flat, uniform — Goomotria Fuclidta
  4174. 167
  4175. The two spaces.
  4176. Alie straight tangents ab, be, cd of the
  4177. Euclidean space (fig. inf.) correspond to the
  4178. curvilinear tangents ab, be, cd of the space
  4179. non-Euclidean with variable curvature (fig. above) ;
  4180. alie parallel rectilinear Euclidean correspond¬
  4181. give the non-Euclidean curvilinear parallels;
  4182. the angles, under which the lines intersect
  4183. Euclidean and the corresponding non-Eucli¬ lines
  4184. goddesses, they are the same.
  4185. Table V
  4186. Because the concave Earth appears convex.
  4187. 169
  4188. follows TAV. v
  4189. What the concave Earth would look like seen from the Moon or the Sun.
  4190. TAV. YOU
  4191. 171
  4192. An infrared photograph of Mount Aconcagua was taken in 1931 from an airplane at a distance
  4193. Infrared photography of Mt
  4194. Aconcagua.
  4195. Assuming the propagation hypothesis
  4196. straight line of electromagnetic waves
  4197. photography proves the convexity of the Earth.
  4198. Assuming the propagation hypothesis
  4199. curvilinearity of electromagnetic waves the
  4200. photography proves the concavity of the Earth.
  4201. follows TAV. VII
  4202. The parallax problem.
  4203. 174
  4204. TAV. VIH
  4205. Newton's law applied to Euclidean exospheric space.
  4206. / motions of the stars in the classical system
  4207. The path aicoidala or expiring from the farra returned to the fixed star
  4208. Full moon
  4209. The mato from the Moon returned to the Sola
  4210. «V
  4211. Fig. sup.: An object, located at a distance of 6,400 Km- from
  4212. farra, aa puesta linked by straight attractive lines.
  4213. Fig. right: The same lines of attraction, in the endospharic concept,
  4214. are curved, the angles under which they intersect the remain unchanged
  4215. concave surface of the Earth.
  4216. follows TAV. IX
  4217. The attractive lines in the two systems.
  4218. 178
  4219. AV. x
  4220. THE SYSTEM OF THE HORIZON _ The molodo p»r coordinated the Colosti degrees with the degrees
  4221. dolí'orco dolía volta appeared dol dolo.
  4222. Poincaré's non-Euclidean world.
  4223. 179
  4224. TAV. XI
  4225. Day and night in the two Systems.
  4226. 180
  4227. Solé eclipse and lunar eclipse in the Heliocentric System.
  4228. 181
  4229. Solé eclipse and lunar eclipse in the Cosmocentric System.
  4230. TAV. XV
  4231. TAV. XVII
  4234. 79,000,000 KM j
  4235. onm of mars /
  4239. SIGHT LINES! /
  4241. AD1ACENTI- 20 OrAd!
  4244. 186
  4245. TAV. XVIII
  4246. 187
  4247. _-
  4248. =r
  4249. JtSi
  4250. 33,000 lire (...)
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