
Apocalypse Anon in Equestria Ch5

Aug 24th, 2014
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  1. >AJ’s cooking was fantastic.
  2. >No really, the show vastly undersold how good she was at this.
  3. >Of course it was all very traditional apple or potato based food.
  4. >The conversation was non-existent; AJ wasn’t one for small talk and Anon simply didn’t have anything to say.
  5. >In the beginning of the meal it was obvious that AJ was still genuinely curios about Anon’s… inconsistencies.
  6. >But he hadn’t the mental energy to talk about it anymore.
  7. >Trauma and related conditions were fairly uncommon in Equestria and were largely undocumented.
  8. >Even events such as Tireks rise, Discords reign, and the changeling attack never resulted in deaths or any real lasting damage.
  9. >Couple this with the ‘magic of friendship’, which was an actual classification of magic in Equestria, and there was never a need for psychological sciences in this area.
  10. >The meal was finished, the dishes stacked and cleaned, Anon opened the door and ducked out.
  11. >He stopped himself on the porch, and stared out over the winter orchard.
  12. >While he may have felt like he made progress today, he was positive that it was going to be another near sleepless night.
  13. >He didn’t want to leave.
  14. >He didn’t want to be alone.
  15. >In the name of staying social acceptable he took a deep breath and began the walk home.
  17. >Five days had passed.
  18. >Anon had spent each one working with AJ on the orchard, once the irrigation pipes were cleaned they moved on to other jobs.
  19. >The work became more and more basic, to the point where Anon wondered if he was even needed.
  20. >But he never asked the question, he was thankful for a place to go, something to wake up and look forward to.
  22. >He reminded AJ of her brother, quiet, hard-working.
  23. >Once the rest of the Apples came back from their respective trips she had to convince them that Anon was indeed a good, if unreasonably jumpy, human.
  24. >After all they had only heard that he ‘attacked’ Pinkie and nothing more.
  25. >They were at least willing to give him a chance, even if Granny kept a pitchfork at the ready.
  26. >As a whole, things were slowly getting better, on the outside at least, sleep was still difficult.
  27. >Dealing with animals, namely Winona, had triggered a few incidents.
  28. >Small ones that Anon was able to deal with or walk off.
  29. >AJ really had no need to have Anon around once the other Apples came back, but she saw that it was good for him, and the extra help was always appreciated.
  31. >Usually Anon would come home after a day of work and go straight to bed, not that he would sleep.
  32. >But rest was rest, even if it wasn’t sleep specifically.
  33. >Tonight was different however.
  34. >It was the night before the big ‘Portal day’ celebration, which was also the day before Hearth’s warming eve.
  35. >So here Anon was, ankle deep in snow and standing in-front of the Ponyville castle.
  36. >He checked over the invitation one more time, before using the knocker.
  37. >The door is magically opened as a unicorn guard steps out into Anon’s view.
  38. >Anon handed over the invitation, the guard looked it over for a quick moment.
  40. >”Third door on the left.”
  41. “Thanks.”
  42. >He walked down the hall, his boots tapping sharply with the marble floor.
  43. >Third door on the left, this was a room Anon had never been inside before.
  44. >It was large, very large with a great vaulted ceiling that provided excellent acoustics.
  45. >His head came down to observe the rest of the room, a sound stage had been built along with a temporary bar.
  46. >Tim was standing on the bar placing decorations while Pinkie enthusiastically hoped up and down.
  47. >”A little more left! Now up! Up more!”
  48. >Tim followed the orders.
  49. >”How’s that?”
  50. >”Super fantastic!”
  51. >The tapping of Anon’s boots against the floor grabbed their attention.
  52. >He was still pale, tired, and worn down. I showed on his face and posture.
  53. >There was something else now, a flicker, a certain tint in his eyes that lessened the flatness ever so much.
  54. >Pinkie launched herself off the floor, it had only barely been a week, but to Pinkie it might as well have been a lifetime.
  55. >”Anon!”
  56. >Reflexively he threw out his left hand and defensively reached for his sig, Pinkie somehow stopped in midair.
  57. >Anon’s eyes quickly flickered around the room before resting on Tim, who had a hand in his coat as he sat on the bar, his expression uncertain.
  58. >His eye’s flicked over to lock on Pinkies, she was patiently hopping in place waiting for Anon, still beaming out simply happy to see him.
  59. >Breath in.
  60. >Breath out.
  61. >Anon released his grip and gave himself a light tap on the temple, nothing hard, just some physical stimulus.
  62. >His eyes opened and he threw his arms out as Pinkie launched herself for a second time.
  63. >Tim relaxed and brought himself off the bar as Anon put Pinkie down.
  64. >”Good to see you.”
  65. >Anon took his hand and shook, as he looked about the room for a third time.
  67. “This is gearing up to be pretty big isn’t it?”
  68. >Tim gave him a pat on the back, Anon’s hand clenched into a fist for a quick moment without his consent.
  69. >Pinkie saw it, Tim did not, she wouldn’t say anything.
  70. >She didn’t want to bring the mood down.
  71. >”Yep, the whole gangs comin’. They booked up half of the Canterlot train.”
  72. >Anon smiled and gave a contented noise of approval as Tim reached under the bar.
  73. “I haven’t seen Helen in a while… It’s gonna be nice.”
  74. >Tim came back up with a few bottles, setting them on the table with a clink.
  75. >Anon picked one up and read the label.
  76. “Red hoof’s Finest?”
  77. >”Supposed to be some of the best, a little gift from the crown.”
  78. >Tim opened his; Anon took it as permission to do the same.
  79. >Anon motioned to the bottle, gesture asking if Pinkie wanted any.
  80. >”No thank you Anon! I still have lots to do before tomorrow!”
  81. >With that she produced a construction helmet seeming out of nowhere and wedged it onto her head, little tufts of frazzled mane spilling over the edge.
  82. >It was pretty good larger, much better than most of the stuff back on earth.
  83. >Before he could put down the bottle the door opened again as Twilight walked in, a large checklist levitated in front of her.
  84. >It was probably past spikes bed time.
  85. >She lowered it for a second, looking on at the group, she smiled a genuine smile.
  86. >”Anon, good to see you.”
  87. “Good to be seen.”
  88. >”I was hoping you would get the invite.”
  89. “Well you could drop by anytime if you need to ask for something, just knock first.”
  90. >Anon hadn’t been paying attention to it, but Pinkie had dragged Tim away to help with more decorations.
  92. >Twilight slowly flapped her way up to the human height bar stool.
  93. >”I know, but I think part of you likes receiving the invitation.”
  94. “It is nice to have things planned out, some regularity.”
  95. >He took a sip from the bottle; the taste was growing on him.
  96. >”I also wanted to ask if you plan on showing up tomorrow.”
  97. “Of course? Why wouldn’t I?”
  98. >”You don’t really seem the type for crowds, and Pinkie does plan on bringing out the party cannon.”
  99. >It was one of these conversations.
  100. >God dammit.
  101. >”I just wanted to let you know… you know… just in case-“
  102. “Look, I’m trying… I really am… it’s been about a week and I can already stomach seeing dogs again.”
  103. >Another sip.
  104. “I personally believe that a night out might be good for me… Besides, it wouldn’t be a human celebration without all the humans right?”
  105. >He looked over, Twilight had a forced smile and her eyes shifted about unnaturally.
  106. “If something unexpected is going to happen, please let me know.”
  107. >”he ha… What, what makes you say that?”
  108. “Please, I don’t think I can take anymore surprises.”
  109. >The words were meant to come out as neutrally as possible, but instead, they came out in a sad and somewhat pathetic tone.
  110. >She sighed, shuffled her wings, and continued.
  111. >”You know Daniel’s going to come right?”
  112. “And?”
  113. >”Anon… I’ve been talking with him… he wants to make amends.”
  114. >Anon rubbed his forehead with his left hand, showing the stubs of fingers gone.
  115. “Twilight. Not everything can be fixed, sometimes things are just… well… sometimes things are just fucked and there’s nothing anyone can do.”
  116. >”Well as the princess of friendship it’s my duty to try everything in my power to fix this situation.”
  117. “Whatever you have planned, just… just… please don’t.”
  119. >Anon laid out his clothes for the night, hoping to pick the best pair for the celebration.
  120. >Upon doing so he realized that he only had a couple changes of clothes, all the same as well.
  121. >He made a mental note to get some nicer clothes as he put on the least worn set.
  122. >The street was pretty quiet, some of the slower humans and ponies just now making their way to the gathering.
  123. >Anon joined the foot traffic, getting a few nods and waves from the few humans who were also running late.
  124. >Finally he made it to the castle doors, they were wide open, the guard having no need to take attendance at an open invite function.
  125. >Anon followed the jubilant noises and music to the third door on the left, there was a small group outside the door, conversing and drinking.
  126. >Most of them were humans, caravaners and shut-ins alike, a rather short woman pushed her way out of the group.
  127. >”Anon! How have my favorite scav guys been?”
  128. >Helen looked good, her hair was no longer thinning, her eyes had regained a fair amount of energy, and her skin now showed signs of regular sun exposure.
  129. “Good, good, just taking things easy… looking for regular work and the like.”
  130. >Helen could tell it was lie, but she wouldn’t speak of it.
  131. “…So, did your… ‘special somepony’ come as well?”
  132. >”Why of course! I believe he left for the bathroom a little bit ago… I won’t keep you, I’m sure you and Danny both have some shenanigans planned.”
  133. >Anon had to work hard to keep a straight face, she still didn’t know what had happened.
  134. “Y-yeah… um… Just make sure to stop by before you leave. I wanna meet this guy.”
  135. >”Make sure he’s treating me right?”
  136. >Dear lord had she changed ever since they came here, probably for the better, she seemed a good deal happier.
  137. “Sure I guess… see you inside, alright?”
  138. >Helen just raised her wine glass as a response, the red liquid reflecting in her thick wire framed glasses.
  140. >With some difficulty Anon made his way through the crowd into the main area.
  141. >Tim and Pinkie must have been up all night putting this together, the place was brilliantly decorated with a wide array of colors.
  142. >The stage had a half human half pony band playing, large and well-populated dance floor, and a few tables and chairs in the back areas.
  143. >Anon made his way to the bar, getting himself a ‘Red Hoof’ from the pony tending the bar.
  144. >He turned around, stood up on the tips of his toes and spotted AJ sitting with Dash and Fluttershy
  145. >Anon gave a small waved to AJ, she waved back, gesturing for him to join them.
  146. >It took some skill to navigate the crowd with an open container, but he managed.
  147. >What’s more is he managed to overhear the table conversation before he made it there.
  148. >”What the hay Apple Jack! Now’s he’s coming over.”
  149. >”Will ya’ll jus calm down, he’s been workin’ at the farm fer a few days now.”
  150. >”And?!”
  151. >Anon slid into an open seat around the table, out of the corner of his eye he could see Flutters begin to slide down her seat.
  152. “And what? I consider Apple Jack a friend wand wish to talk to her, it’s up to your judgment if you talk to me or not.”
  153. >Dash let out an exasperated sigh and threw up her fore hoofs, giving up the argument.
  154. “So, AJ, you get Applebloom a hearths warming present yet?”
  155. >”Does a pig like mud?”
  156. “We’ll don’t hide it, what did you-“
  157. >Anon heard a series of ‘sproings’ behind him, it was Pinkie, who immediately gave him a hug around the chair.
  158. >”Iwasgettingworriedthatyouweren’tgoingtoshowupbecasuelastnightyou-“
  159. “Slow down… I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”
  160. >All this said with a smile, he was slowly coming to appreciate her energy more and more.
  161. “So, Pinkie, tell me, how did you get the streamers to hang off the roof?”
  162. >”Silly, I didn’t do that, Twilight did.”
  163. >Right, magic, it often slipped his mind.
  165. >The night progressed, there was a constant stream of ponies and humans.
  166. >At one point Twilight and Tim came over, so did rarity.
  167. >As the night went on and things wound down, the music shifting to fit the mood.
  168. >Around 11 Tim climbed up the stage and motioned for Helen to join him.
  169. >The band put down their instruments, as Tim helped Helen onto the stage.
  170. >In one hand Tim had rather large stack of notecards, he seemed nervous.
  171. >Out of the corner of his eye Anon could see Twilight give Tim a huge smile, the ‘I know you’ll do fine’ one.
  172. >Tim took a deep breath before starting, for Anon that was the cue to get another drink.
  173. >”So, heh… Long year guys! We’ve crossed the US, fought literal monsters, and even other people…”
  174. >Great, the bar was unmanned… unponied? Whatever.
  175. >He reached over the counter to the rack of bottles, turning his head to watch Tim give his speech.
  176. >”But we have come a long way, we have our own company, our own homes, I understand many of us have families or… at least the beginnings of a family.”
  177. >With his tilted head Anon could see Tim give a little nod to Twilight who started to do the happy dance things the ponies did sometimes.
  178. >There it is, his hand closed around the bottle.
  179. >”While we may have a long way to go before we can safely say that we are self sufficient, I believe -”
  180. >Helen stepped in front of him, cutting Tim off again, it brought a smile to Anon’s face to see the quick flash of discontent on Tims face.
  181. >”We all believe that we’ll do fine Tim… oh, sorry I did it again.”
  182. >The bottles weren’t twist tops, so he was back to rummaging around behind the bar.
  183. >”It’s fine Helen, I’d like to take a moment to -.”
  184. >While his head was down Anon heard a human come down.
  185. >”Bro, we need to talk.”
  186. >Breath in.
  187. >Breath out.
  188. >Anon slowly drew his head out and straightened his spine before turning to Daniel.
  190. “For christs sake, you can’t just leave well enough alone can you?”
  191. >”Well enough? Bro, we used to be hella tight.”
  192. “Yeah, well… I don’t take kindly to being left to die.”
  193. >The voices were hushed, neither of them wanted to draw attention from Tim’s assuredly heartfelt speech.
  194. >”Dude, I want to make amends, things have been like, hella shitty.”
  195. “Oh, my god, stop talking like that.”
  196. >Daniel produced a bottle opener from his back pocket and held it out to Anon, who aggressively took it from him.
  197. “Besides, what does it matter to you? Things get bad, you and fuckin’ Daring hightail it.”
  198. >”Bro, me and Daring, has no bearing on our camaraderie.”
  199. “So why don’t you go take your wise cracking Indiana jones knock off and piss off.”
  200. >Daniels face moved from regret and sadness to one of heightened vexation.
  201. >Anon looked over the crowd, Twilight turned away from the stage and looked over at Anon and Daniel for a second.
  202. >Her gaze quickly jumped back to the stage, well, she went against Anon’s request.
  203. >This was going to go poorly.
  204. “You didn’t come here by choice did you?”
  205. >Daniel sighed and reached over the counter to grab a drink for himself, having calmed himself down.
  206. >”I only asked her to find out if you were coming bro.”
  207. “So, you got your drink… Now piss off!”
  208. >This drew the attention of some of the humans and ponies in the back rows of the audience.
  209. >The two of them remained quiet for a couple of moments, listening to Tim’s speech.
  210. >”We all played our part, and we will continue too as we move forward to a bright future. So let’s hear it for Helen and…”
  211. >Without listening to the rest of the speech they had no context, but the attention was off of both Daniel and Anon.
  213. >”Look, bro, I really want to make this right. I want to go back to the pub and play some darts, it’s been li-“
  214. “There is no way you can make this right. So why don’t you just leave.”
  215. >”There’s has to be something I can do bro, something that at least is a star-“
  216. “No. Fuck off. Why doesn’t the perfect couple leave the party. Coat check for one abandoning asshole and shallow wise cracking whore!”
  217. >That last remark struck a chord in Daniel, the angry face was back.
  218. >Anon looked up to see if his words had the desire effect, only to receive a right hook to the jaw from Daniel.
  220. >Anon stumbled back, catching himself on the bar, the speech stopped for a moment as everyone looked back at the pair.
  221. >”It’s okay guys, just a few too many.”
  222. >Anon put on his best drunk smile and gave a thumbs up.
  223. >A few chuckles rose up as Tim started wrapping up the speech.
  224. >Breath in.
  225. >Breath out.
  226. “What the shit. I carried you through a fucking bandit encampment, saved your ass from ferals, twice, and then took ten shots of buck so you could go first through the portal! I lost two fingers for you!”
  227. >”Yeah and I kept us from getting shanked by the goddamn shut-ins, did all the heavy lifting when you were out on injury, then dragged you across the winter wonder land wh-“
  228. “Heavy lifting? The Caravaneers did most of that!”
  229. >”Well at least I don’t resort to low blows bro.”
  230. >That was it, Daniel had the audacity to abandon him and then talk about low blows after hitting him.
  231. >Breath in.
  232. >Breath out.
  233. >Not working, it came up fast like vomit, a delayed reaction, but still all encompassing.
  234. >Anon stomped down hard on Daniels foot, as his head came down out of reflex, Anon pulled his knee up and pushed Daniels head down.
  235. >His knee smashed into Daniels nose, and he fell back onto the floor.
  236. >”You piece of shit, I think you broke my nose!”
  237. >His voice came out high and nasally, his nose was broken.
  238. “I’m the piece of shit, I spent somewhere around 48 hours in pitch black be-“
  239. >With his back on the floor, Daniel kicked out his leg; he was still wearing his snow cleats.
  240. >The kick knocked out his balance; he fell forward, cracking his chin on the bar top.
  241. >Daniel quickly scrambled back up to his feet; Anon pushed himself up, a little trickle of blood coming off his split chin.
  243. >Anon managed to stumble up to his feet in time to see Daniel grab his bottle, he was definitely punch drunk.
  244. >His arm shot out and grabbed a bar stool as Daniel swung.
  245. >The bottle connected with his head, shattering against the thick part of his skull.
  246. >Anon fell back still holding the stool, Daniel reached for a second bottle, his hand now bloodied by broken glass.
  247. >Anon pushed out his stool, striking Daniel in the diaphragm.
  248. >He stumbled back as Anon brought himself up to his knees, and launched himself into Daniel.
  249. >Anon had Daniel pinned, he moved one hand to Daniel’s neck and balled up his other one into a fist.
  251. >There was something brutal about watching two none magical entities fight each other.
  252. >Twilight had been in plenty of fights since she came to Ponyville, but there was always the magic involved.
  253. >Magic tended to turn the battles into showy grandiose events ,trades of spells, shields, and counter spells, but this was somehow more brutal.
  254. >Well her plan to mend an old friendship was going swimmingly, maybe they just have to work it out of their system?
  255. >Mostly she was just disappointed, Dash had started cheering at one point, Helen seemed to be having a panic attack.
  256. >AJ and a couple other humans kept trying to get close to break it up.
  257. >Tim was yelling at a couple humans close to him for a dart rifle, two of the humans took off running.
  258. >Tim himself jumped down and started pushing his way through the crowd.
  260. >Daniel placed his hands on Anon’s head and thumbed at his eyes, causing him lose grip on Daniel.
  261. >With Anon’s grip broken, Daniel maintained grip and pushed Anon’s head into the bar right next to them.
  262. >Daniel got back to his feet, shakily and slowly, having to balance himself against the bar.
  263. >Anon pulled his head out of the bar, and started clawing his way back upright.
  264. >Daniel saw this and reached into his coat pocket, Anon saw Daniel reaching into his coat and followed in suit.
  265. >The crowd that had gathered around them took a step back at this.
  266. *pftck pftak*
  267. >Daniel drew out a flick knife and Anon drew his sig.
  268. >Not that it mattered as Anon reflexively pulled out the dart in his chest.
  269. >Daniel dropped the knife with a clatter as the toxin took its effect.
  270. >The last thing Anon saw that night was Tim walking forward with a .357 leveled at him, flanked by two other guys with pneumatic rifles.
  272. >Anon came too quickly and with a rush of unwelcome energy, forcing himself upright out of the cot.
  273. >Right into the metal caged light fixture, he fell back into the cot now holding his head.
  274. *pained tired groan*
  275. >He could feel his that his head had been shaved, and that the cuts from the glass had been stiched shut.
  276. >There was a lack of weight on his body, showing that he had been stripped of his clothes. Left only with a undershirt and his pants.
  277. >Slowly he opened his eyes; it was a prison cell if he’s ever seen one.
  278. >It was obviously meant for ponies, having a squat toilet in the corner, the cot was also pony sized.
  279. >Eventually his attention was drawn to the door, more specifically, the little opening set around pony height.
  280. >He slowly moved himself upright and stood up, everything was sore, with a dull thudding emanating from his head and ankle.
  281. >The cot creaked as he lifted his weight off of it spurring some movement behind the door.
  282. >There was the sound of metal running over metal and the low thrum of magic as the locks on the door disengaged.
  283. >It opened and Tim strode in, his clothes were disheveled, eyes blood shot, and expression flat.
  284. >He also had a cigarette; it was the first time Anon had ever seen Tim smoke.
  285. “I…*groan* didn’t think you smoked.”
  286. >”I don’t… but thanks to you two I just spent the better part of my day- and last night- trying to convince the royal three to both reduce the sentence and not publicize this event.”
  287. “Royal three, why wasn’t Twilight included?”
  288. >”She’s too close to me, and I’m too close to you. Celly deemed it biased.”
  289. >Anon motioned for a cigarette, Tim complied.
  290. >”Look, long story short you two really screwed the pooch on this one. Helen’s actually still up there trying to reach a publicity agreement.”
  291. >Tim took a long drag and rubbed his eyes before continuing.
  293. >”And Daniels in another cell, Twilights probably giving him a shorter version of this. You two really pissed her off.”
  294. >Tim sat down on the cot, seemingly having trouble staying upright, he must have not slept.
  295. >”Both of you are charged with aggravated assault, or at least that’s the closest translation I can get.”
  296. >Tim rested his head in his free hand.
  297. >”First incident of that particular one in almost 40 years.”
  298. >Anon couldn’t help but let out a little chortle, Tim’s head shot up, silencing Anon.
  299. >”It carries a 50 year minimum sentence- but I managed to convince the crown that what you and Daniel did was a ancient human tradition or some other such gobbly gook.”
  300. “So?... What was the end verdict?”
  301. >”I was just getting to that, on the grounds of cultural sensitivity they have reduced the sentences to a month in ‘semi-solitary’ confinement.”
  302. “40 years to a month, how did you swing that?... I mean, thank you, really.”
  303. >”I’ve been up for a long time now, I’m not quite sure how I did it, I don’t even know how I’m standing.”
  304. “Uh… You’re sitting.”
  305. >Tim looked down at the cot for a second.
  306. >”… Right…”
  307. >Tim slowly got to his feet, Anon put out a hand to help him, but Tim swatted it away.
  308. >”Look, it’s semi-solitary so you can request books and exercise time, but they might not let you.”
  309. “Thanks. Really, thank you.”
  310. >Tim paused at the door as a Anon noticed two gaurds next to the door.
  311. >”Anon, if this… Us, humans as a whole… this publicity”
  312. >Tim rested his head on the edge of the door frame; one of the guards raises an eyebrow at this.
  313. >”I don’t think I need to finish that sentence, If you don’t mind, I’m off to salvage what’s left of my Hearthswarmin’ eve.”
  314. >The door closed and the whirring kicked up as the deadbolts set back into place.
  315. >The pack of cigarettes came flying back through the window slot.
  316. >”Merry Christmas… Hearths… whatever. You’re damn lucky I’m here.”
  318. >The first few days were actually very restful to Anon, he was allowed a couple of hours to exercise, and he had been able to request a couple of books.
  319. >After that things became very predictable.
  320. >His stay wound up being extended to two months.
  321. >He woke up in a panic, believing himself to still be in the halls of Sombra’s temple.
  322. >Long story short he punched a guard and took his spear before he could be magically restrained.
  323. >These things were getting further and further apart, honest!
  324. >After a while the days blurred together until it felt like he was suddenly released.
  325. >The guards had learned not to wake him up, letting him shuffle about for a good twenty minutes until they opened the door.
  326. >Not a word was said as Anon simply followed the pair of gaurds down the aisle, it was a short walk.
  327. >A quick stop at the cage allowed Anon to get all his belonging s back.
  328. >One of the guards simply stepped forward and magically grasped a box and put it into Anon’s arms.
  329. >”There’s the exit, you may leave whenever.”
  330. >The gaurds turned around and began walking back down the aisle, the hard stone and their hoofs giving out a rhythmic pattern.
  331. >He tore the box apart, eager to have his belongings back.
  332. >Oddly enough the only time he paused was at the single stack 9mm, his hand hovered as he was about to put it back into his boot.
  333. >With a sigh, he put it back in his boot, unsure as to why he stopped.
  334. >He pushed the door open; he was greeted by a warm spring sun and cool crisp air.
  335. >After taking a moment to enjoy his newfound freedom, he took a look around.
  336. >Funny enough, the jail was just the basement of the Ponyville town hall.
  337. >It would be a short walk home.
  338. >There was no longer snow on the ground, but there was still a fair chill about the town.
  339. >As he walked home he could see the humans look for a few seconds more than would be considered polite.
  341. >However it was the ponies that surprised him, they walked close to him, bumping into him in some of the more crowded areas.
  342. >It was almost as if they had forgotten everything about him.
  343. >The crossroads to the train station proved a problem, he could see Daniel and ‘AK Yearling’.
  344. >The now famous duo coming down the other way in full expedition gear, presumably off to a new ‘adventure’.
  345. >Surprisingly though Daniel kept consistent eye contact with the floor, so did Anon.
  346. >They passed within about three feet of each other, no attempt was made to acknowledge the others presence.
  347. >Anon nodded to himself once they passed, good, he burned this bridge, there’s no rebuilding it.
  348. >It wasn’t until he made it to the human quarter that he began to feel a little anxious, not that he knew why.
  349. >He stood outside the gate to his house and looked at the small building.
  350. >His window had been fixed while he was out.
  351. >”Anon!”
  352. >”So ya’lls out of the clink now?”
  353. “I’m a free man as of ten minutes ago… Who fixed my window.”
  354. >”Well I did sugarcube. I owed ya a door, but this will have to do.”
  355. >huh, that was the first time she called him that.
  356. >The pink one couldn’t stay still, hopping between feet in a manner that shouldn’t be possible for quadrupeds.
  357. >”Anon! Anon! I’ve been taking your mail! Did you get anything good! How was prison!? Was the food bad?”
  358. “Actually, everypony seems to be acting like nothing happened. What’s up with that?”
  359. >Pinkie responded to the question first.
  360. >”Why? Is it like a rare tradition or something?”
  361. >Anon remembered now, Tim managed to convince everyone that Anon and Daniel were in some sort of cultural spat.
  362. “It’s a little rare. Yeah. Just thought it would be more surprising is all.”
  363. >This time it was AJ who answered.
  365. >”Well, Equestria is already home ta several different cultures. So… no. I’h think the minotuars have something like that.”
  366. “Huh.”
  367. >”So, spring plantin’ season’s in full swing, we over on the farm would be happy to hire ou-“
  368. “I would love to, I’ll be there at the usual time.”
  369. >”Ya bet yer strange and odd clothes!”
  370. >Anon took a deep breath, in and out.
  371. >This time out of contentment, winter was over, he had work that involve getting shot at or otherworldly horrors, and he had friends.
  372. >His mental issues would probably never be solved, but all he could do is wake up and try to be the best damn person he could.
  373. “It’s all any of us can do.”
  374. >To him, that was enough.
  375. >”Come again?”
  376. “Nothing… Nothing… You two wanna go and get a pint?”
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