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  1. #==============================================================================
  2. # • CBS - Card Battle System
  3. #==============================================================================
  4. # Autor: Dax (Kvothe)
  5. # Versão: alpha
  6. # Site:
  7. # Requerimento: Dax Core and Plugin
  8. #==============================================================================
  9. # • Descrição:
  10. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. # CBS desenvolvido para um certo jogo.
  12. # Dir 'Cards' at 'Data' to data cards file.
  13. # Dir 'Cards' at 'System' to picture cards file.
  14. #==============================================================================
  15. # • Versões:
  16. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. # alpha :
  18. # - Card Menu
  19. # - Card Battle System
  20. # - Card Shop
  21. # - Card Password
  22. #==============================================================================
  23. Dax.register(:cbs, "dax", 0.1) {
  24. ["#{Dir.pwd}/Data/Cards", "#{Dir.pwd}/Graphics/Cards",
  25. "#{Dir.pwd}/Cards", "#{Dir.pwd}/Cards/Picture"].each { |_dir|
  26. Dir.mkdir(_dir) unless
  27. }
  28. #==============================================================================
  29. # • Cache
  30. #==============================================================================
  31. class << Cache
  32. def card(filename)
  33. if FileTest.exist?("#{Dir.pwd}/Graphics/Cards/#{filename}")
  34. load_bitmap("#{Dir.pwd}/Cards/Picture/", filename)
  35. else
  36. load_bitmap("Graphics/Cards/", filename)
  37. end
  38. end
  39. end
  40. #==============================================================================
  41. # • Setting Module
  42. #==============================================================================
  43. module CBS
  44. extend self
  45. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. # • Constants
  47. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. # Password to get cards at scene passord menu
  49. PASSWORD = {
  50. smile: "011020809",
  51. }
  52. # filename of the register file
  53. FILENAMEREGISTER = "Card.rvdata2"
  54. # all text string cbs
  55. TEXT = {
  56. VIEWCARD: "Press middle mouse button to see the description and right button to left here",
  57. # Action menu
  58. ACTION: [
  59. "Attack",
  60. "Defense",
  61. "Skill",
  62. "Item",
  63. "Turn off",
  64. "Set"
  65. ],
  66. # phrases menu
  67. STR: [
  68. "Attack the %s with %s",
  69. "Using skill on the %s",
  70. "Using the item %s on the %s",
  71. "Defense mode",
  72. "You lose %02d point of life",
  73. "You recoverd %02d point of life",
  74. "The card %s lose %02d hp",
  75. "The card %s lose %02d mp",
  76. "Are you have %02d cards in your deck",
  77. "DP: %03d",
  78. "Click with middle mouse button to view the information about it",
  79. ],
  80. # To Deck Scene
  81. DECK: [
  82. "Resume",
  83. "View Cards",
  84. "Organize Deck",
  85. ],
  86. # SINFO
  87. SINFO: [
  88. "Type:",
  89. "Nature:",
  90. "Level:",
  91. "PV:",
  92. "HP:",
  93. "MP:",
  94. "ATK:",
  95. "DEF:",
  96. "Price:",
  97. "Credit:",
  98. "Condition to be summon:",
  99. "Effect of this card:",
  100. ],
  102. }
  103. TYPE = "human,monster,magic,equip,trap,spell".split(",")
  104. # natures ofc ard
  105. NATURE = ["normal",
  106. "fire",
  107. "earh",
  108. "ice",
  109. "water",
  110. "thunder",
  111. "dark",
  112. "light",
  113. "wind"
  114. ]
  115. # level of card
  116. LEVEL = ->(id) {
  117. case id
  118. when 0..2 then ["normal", 127]
  119. when 3..4 then ["uncommon", 126]
  120. when 5..6 then ["rare", 125]
  121. when 7..9 then ["legendary", 495]
  122. end
  123. }
  124. # Open Menu
  125. OPENMENU = {
  126. # Configurar os ícones e as cenas em que eles irão abrir.
  127. icons: [
  128. # [ID do ícone, Cena que irá abrir],
  129. [228, Scene_Deck], #deck
  130. [226, Scene_Item], #states
  131. [125, Scene_Item], #rank
  132. ],
  133. }
  134. # CONDITION text. You can use two skip line in condition '\n'
  135. CONDITION = {
  136. "" => "This card don't have any condition",
  137. "pv1" => "Requires that you lose 1 point of life",
  138. "pv2" => "Requires that you lose 2 point of life",
  139. "pv3" => "Requires that you lose 3 point of life",
  140. "pv4" => "Requires that you lose 4 point of life",
  141. "pv5" => "Requires that you lose 5 point of life",
  142. "pv6" => "Requires that you lose 6 point of life",
  143. "pv7" => "Requires that you lose 7 point of life",
  144. "pv8" => "Requires that you lose 8 point of life",
  145. "pv9" => "Requires that you lose 9 point of life",
  146. }
  147. # EFFECT text You can use two skip line in effect'\n'
  148. EFFECT = {
  149. "" => "This card don't have any effect",
  151. }
  152. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. # • saveRegister
  154. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. def saveRegister()
  156., "wb") { |file|
  157. export = ->() {
  158. content = {}
  159. content[:card] = $gameCard
  160. content
  161. }
  162. Marshal.dump(, file)
  163. }
  164. end
  165. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. # • loadRegister
  167. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. def loadRegister()
  169. return unless FileTest.exist?(FILENAMEREGISTER)
  170., "rb") { |file|
  171. import = ->(content) {
  172. $gameCard = content[:card] rescue
  173. }
  174. import[Marshal.load(file)]
  175. }
  176. end
  177. end
  178. #==============================================================================
  179. # • Setting Module - Cards
  180. #==============================================================================
  181. class CBS::Card
  182. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. # • variables
  184. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. attr_accessor :name # name of the card
  186. attr_accessor :type # type of the card
  187. attr_accessor :credit # credit author
  188. attr_accessor :level # level
  189. attr_accessor :atk # attack point
  190. attr_accessor :def # defense point
  191. attr_accessor :pv # point of life or damage that cause
  192. attr_accessor :hp # point of life from card
  193. attr_accessor :mp # point of mana from card
  194. attr_accessor :effect # effect from card
  195. attr_accessor :desc # description
  196. attr_accessor :picture # your picture
  197. attr_accessor :nature # nature from card or element
  198. attr_accessor :price # price on the shop
  199. attr_accessor :shop # available to sell?
  200. attr_accessor :condition # condition to into to the game
  201. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. # • initialize
  203. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  204. def initialize()
  205. @name = ""
  206. @credit = ""
  207. @type = 1
  208. @nature = 0
  209. @level = 0
  210. @atk = 0
  211. @def = 0
  212. @hp = 0
  213. @mp = 0
  214. @pv = 0
  215. @effect = nil
  216. @desc = ""
  217. @picture = ""
  218. @price = 0
  219. @shop = false
  220. @condition = nil
  221. end
  222. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  223. # • display all variables
  224. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. def display
  226. str = "Name is [#{@name}]\n\tType is #{@type}\n\tNature is #{@nature}\n\tLevel is #{@level}\n\tAttack is #{@atk}\n\tDefense is #{@def}\n\tPoint of Life is #{@pv}\n\tHp is #{@hp}\n\tMp is #{@mp}\n\tEffect is #{@effect}\n\tDescription is: #{@desc}"
  227. str += "\n\tPrice is #{@price}\n\tAvailable to buy #{@shop}"
  228. str += "\n\tCondition is #{@condition}\n\tCredit to #{@credit}"
  229. return str
  230. end
  231. end
  232. #==============================================================================
  233. # • Setting Module - Sprite Card
  234. #==============================================================================
  235. class CBS::Sprite_Card < Sprite
  236. def initialize(card)
  237. super([170, 227])
  238. @name, @type, @level =, card.type, card.level
  239. @rectPicture =, 0, 160, 171)
  240. @rectName =, 9, 160, 18)
  241. @rectNature =, 203, 160, 18)
  242. @baseCard = Cache.system(CBS::TYPE[@type])
  243. self.bitmap.blt(0, 0, @baseCard, @baseCard.rect)
  244. self.bitmap.font.size = 12
  245. = "Verdana"
  246. #self.bitmap.font.outline = false
  247. self.bitmap.draw_text(@rectName, @name, 1)
  248. #self.bitmap.draw_text(@rectNature, CBS::LEVEL[level], 1)
  249. icon =,24)
  250. icon.draw_icon(CBS::LEVEL[@level][1],0,0)
  251. self.bitmap.blt(75,200,icon,,0,24,24))
  252. self.bitmap.blt(5, 28, Cache.card(@name), @rectPicture)
  253. @baseCard.dispose
  254. icon.dispose
  255. end
  257. def dispose
  258. super
  259. self.bitmap.clear
  260. end
  261. end
  262. #==============================================================================
  263. # • Import data files cards
  264. #==============================================================================
  265. module CBS::IC
  266. extend self
  267. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  268. # • GENERAL
  269. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. GEN = ->(tag) { return (/^?(?:#{tag})\:\s*(.*?)\n/im) }
  271. UTF_8 = ->(str) { return (str.encoding.to_s == "ASCII-8BIT" ? str.unpack("C*").pack("U*") : str) }
  272. RXML = ->(tag) { return (/<(?:#{tag})>(.*?)<\/(?:#{tag})>/im) }
  273. GENT = ->(tag) { return (/(?:#{tag})\:\s*(.*?)\n/im) }
  274. REFR = ->() { return (/(.*?)\s*\<l\:(.*?)>\s*(?:\<f\:(.*?)>)?/i) }
  275. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. # • Main
  277. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. def run
  279. if $TEST
  280. @entries ="#{Dir.pwd}/Data/Cards", "txt")
  281. read
  282. CBS.saveRegister
  283. else
  284. CBS.loadRegister
  285. end
  286. end
  287. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  288. # • Read
  289. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  290. def read
  291. @entries.file.each_with_index { |v, i|
  292. file =, "rb")
  293. str =
  294. name = str.scan(GEN["name|Name|N|n"]).shift.shift.to_s.lstrip rescue "Untitled"
  295. name = name.sub!(/\r|\n|\t/, "")
  296. symbol = name.symbol
  297. card =
  298. = name
  299. card.type = str.scan(GEN["Type|type|T|t"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 1
  300. card.desc = str.scan(GEN["Desc|desc"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip rescue "--"
  301. = str.scan(GEN["Credit|credit|C|c|Author|author"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip rescue "unknow"
  302. card.nature = str.scan(GEN["Nature|nature|N|n"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 0
  303. card.level = str.scan(GEN["level|Level|l|L"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 0
  304. card.atk = str.scan(GEN["Atk|atk|a|A"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 1
  305. card.def = str.scan(GEN["Def|def|d|D"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 1
  306. card.hp = str.scan(GEN["Hp|hp|h|H"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 1
  307. = str.scan(GEN["Mp|mp|m|M"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 0
  308. card.pv = str.scan(GEN["Pv|pv|p|P"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 1
  309. card.price = str.scan(GEN["price|Price"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 0
  310. = (str.scan(GEN["shop|Shop"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip.to_i rescue 0)
  311. card.effect = str.scan(GEN["Effect|effect"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip rescue ""
  312. card.condition = str.scan(GEN["Condition|condition"]).shift.shift.to_s.strip rescue ""
  313. card.picture = name
  314. $!({ symbol => card })
  315. file.close
  316. card = nil
  317. }
  318. end
  319. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  320. # • Print
  321. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. def print
  323. log = "=" * 96
  324. log += "\n\t • Log print of the setting cards data •\n"
  325. log += "=" * 96
  326. puts log
  327. $ { |i|
  328. puts i.display
  329. }
  330. end
  331. end
  332. #==============================================================================
  333. # • Game_Card
  334. #==============================================================================
  335. class CBS::Data
  336. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  337. # • attr
  338. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  339. attr_accessor :data
  340. attr_accessor :player
  341. attr_accessor :currentView # current index menu
  342. attr_accessor :deck
  343. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  344. # • init
  345. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  346. def initialize
  347. @data = {}
  348. @player = {
  349. card: [],
  350. }
  351. @currentView = 0
  352. end
  353. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  354. # • load
  355. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  356. def load
  358. CBS::IC.print if $TEST
  359. end
  360. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. # • createCard
  362. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. def createCard(name)
  364. x =
  365. = @data[name].name
  366. = @data[name].credit
  367. x.type = @data[name].type
  368. x.level = @data[name].level
  369. x.atk =@data[name].atk
  370. x.def = @data[name].def
  371. x.pv =@data[name].pv
  372. x.hp = @data[name].hp
  373. = @data[name].mp
  374. x.effect = @data[name].effect
  375. x.desc = @data[name].desc
  376. x.picture = @data[name].picture
  377. x.nature = @data[name].nature
  378. x.price = @data[name].price
  379. = @data[name].shop
  380. x.condition = @data[name].condition
  381. return x
  382. end
  383. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  384. # • get card
  385. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  386. def getCard(name)
  387. @player[:card] << createCard(name)
  388. end
  389. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  390. # • loseCard
  391. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  392. def loseCard(name)
  393. return if @player[:card].if { |i| == @data[name].name }.empty?
  394. x = @player[:card].select { |i| == @data[name].name }.shift
  395. @player[:card].delete(x)
  396. end
  397. end
  398. $gameCard =
  399. $gameCard.load
  400. #==============================================================================
  401. # • Shortcut
  402. #==============================================================================
  403. class CBS::Shortcut
  404. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. # • Inicialização dos objetos.
  406. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  407. def initialize
  408. @icon = []
  409. CBS::OPENMENU[:icons].each_with_index { |key, index|
  410. @icon[index] =[24,24])
  411. @icon[index].bitmap.draw_icon(key[0],0,0)
  412. @icon[index].opacity = 128
  413. @icon[index].x = 4 + (28 * index)
  414. @icon[index].y += 4
  415. }
  416. end
  417. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  418. # • Renovação dos objetos.
  419. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  420. def dispose
  421. @icon.each(&:dispose)
  422. end
  423. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424. # • Atualização dos objetos.
  425. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  426. def update
  427. @icon.each(&:update)
  428. @icon.each_with_index { |icon, index| icon.if_mouse_over { |over| icon.opacity = over ? 255 : 128
  429. icon.if_mouse_click {
  430.[:icons][index][1]) rescue nil
  431. #SceneManager.symbol(CBS::OPENMENU[:icons][index][1])
  432. }}}
  433. end
  434. end
  435. #==============================================================================
  436. # • ToDeck
  437. #==============================================================================
  438. class ToDeck < Window_Command
  439. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  440. # • Inicialização dos objetos.
  441. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  442. def initialize
  443. super(0, 0)
  444. self.x = (Graphics.width - self.width) / 2
  445. self.y = (Graphics.height - self.height) / 2
  446. self.openness = 255
  447. end
  448. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  449. # • Aquisição da largura da janela
  450. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  451. def window_width
  452. return 160
  453. end
  454. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  455. # • Criação da lista de comandos
  456. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  457. def make_command_list
  458. [:a, :b, :c].each_with_index { |k,i| add_command(CBS::TEXT[:DECK][i], k)}
  459. end
  460. end
  461. #==============================================================================
  462. # • Scene_Map.
  463. #==============================================================================
  464. class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
  465. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  466. # • Processo principal.
  467. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  468. alias :shortcut_menu_main :main
  469. def main
  470. @shortcut_menu =
  471. shortcut_menu_main
  472. @shortcut_menu.dispose
  473. end
  474. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  475. # • Atualização dos objetos.
  476. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  477. alias :shortcut_menu_update :update
  478. def update
  479. shortcut_menu_update
  480. @shortcut_menu.update
  481. end
  482. end
  484. #==============================================================================
  485. # • WView
  486. #==============================================================================
  487. class WView < Window_Command
  488. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  489. # • Inicialização dos objetos.
  490. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  491. def initialize
  492. super(0, 0)
  493. self.openness = 255
  494. end
  495. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  496. # • Aquisição da largura da janela
  497. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  498. def window_width
  499. return 544
  500. end
  502. def window_height
  503. return 416-48
  504. end
  505. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  506. # • Criação da lista de comandos
  507. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  508. def make_command_list
  509. $gameCard.player[:card].each_with_index { |value, n|
  510. add_command(,
  511. }
  512. end
  513. end
  514. #==============================================================================
  515. # • WView
  516. #==============================================================================
  517. class Scene_ViewCard < Scene_MenuBase
  518. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  519. # • Inicialização dos objetos.
  520. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  521. def start
  522. return if $gameCard.currentView.nil?
  523. super
  524. @data = $gameCard.currentView
  525. @card =
  526. @card.x = @card.y = 4
  527. @sinfo =[544,416-32])
  528. @sinfo.y = 10
  529. setsinfo
  530. @help =, 0, 544, 24, CBS::TEXT[:VIEWCARD],1)
  531. @help.position(:center_down)
  532. end
  534. def setsinfo
  535. @sinfo.bitmap.clear
  536. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 8, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][0] + " #{CBS::TYPE[@data.type]}")
  537. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 28, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][1] + " #{CBS::NATURE[@data.nature]}")
  538. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 48, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][2] + " #{CBS::LEVEL[@data.level][0]}")
  539. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 68, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][3] + " #{@data.pv}")
  540. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 88, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][4] + " #{@data.hp}")
  541. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 108, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][5] + " #{}")
  542. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 128, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][6] + " #{@data.atk}")
  543. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 148, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][7] + " #{@data.def}")
  544. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 168, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][8] + " #{@data.price}")
  545. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(182, 188, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][9] + " #{}")
  546. condition = CBS::CONDITION[@data.condition].split(/\n/)
  547. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(4, 228, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][10] + " #{condition[0]}")
  548. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(4, 248, @sinfo.width, 20, "#{condition[1] rescue ""}")
  549. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(4, 268, @sinfo.width, 20, "#{condition[2] rescue ""}")
  550. effect = CBS::EFFECT[@data.effect].split(/\n/)
  551. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(4, 288, @sinfo.width, 20, CBS::TEXT[:SINFO][11] + " #{effect[0]}")
  552. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(4, 308, @sinfo.width, 20, "#{effect[1] rescue ""}")
  553. @sinfo.bitmap.draw_text(4, 328, @sinfo.width, 20, "#{effect[2] rescue ""}")
  555. end
  556. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  557. # • Renovação dos objetos.
  558. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  559. def terminate
  560. return if $gameCard.currentView.nil?
  561. super
  562. [@card, @sinfo, @help].each(&:dispose)
  563. end
  565. def update
  566. return if $gameCard.currentView.nil?
  567. super
  568. trigger?(0x02) { return_scene }
  569. trigger?(0x04) { msgbox(@data.desc) }
  570. end
  571. end
  572. #==============================================================================
  573. # • View
  574. #==============================================================================
  575. class Scene_View < Scene_MenuBase
  576. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  577. # • Inicialização dos objetos.
  578. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  579. def start
  580. super
  581. @menu =
  582. @help =
  583. @help.position(:center_down)
  584. @help.set_text(CBS::TEXT[:STR][10])
  585. @info = false
  586. end
  587. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588. # • Renovação dos objetos.
  589. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  590. def terminate
  591. super
  592. @menu.dispose
  593. end
  595. def update
  596. super
  597. trigger?(0x04) { ok } unless @info
  598. trigger?(0x02) { return_scene }
  599. end
  601. def ok
  602. puts "working"
  603. puts @menu.current_data
  604. return if $gameCard.player[:card].empty?
  605. $gameCard.currentView = $[@menu.current_data[:symbol]] rescue
  607. end
  608. end
  609. =begin
  610. ** GUIDE **
  611. #==============================================================================
  613. :human 0
  614. :beast 1
  615. :magic 2
  616. :equip 3
  617. :trap 4
  618. :spell 5
  620. :normal 0
  621. :fire 1
  622. :earth 2
  623. :ice 3
  624. :water 4
  625. :thunder 5
  626. :dark 6
  627. :light 7
  628. :wind 8
  629. • SHOP
  630. 0 - No available to shop
  631. 1 - Available to shop
  633. 0 - 2 - normal
  634. 2 - 4 - incomum
  635. 4 - 6 - rara
  636. 6 - 8 - lendária
  637. 9 - divina
  638. #==============================================================================
  639. =end
  640. }
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