

Jun 6th, 2020
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  1. [22:13] She would turn on her heel, looking towards the man. She couldn't help but smile. "Who cares?" The words slipped off her tongue. "You are one of the most unbelievable people here." The Druid approached her, draped in her battle ready black cloaks.
  3. "You know that you are the only other Teraphim who stood against Finley in Aschea's choice. You are, just as good, and just as valuable he is to our people. While he schemes, and plots with other nations he neglects us. You don't."
  5. The woman's smile grew.
  7. "I would like to help you grow, not only as a mage but perhaps even as a Teraphim." Perhaps Ella, a druid who has studied her life more on the books than the muscle, can perhaps teach Elred something.
  10. (Ella Gracia)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [22:16] Ella Gracia says, "While he schemes, and plots he tends to forget about the people. You don't."*"
  14. [22:21] "You're right, but it's been a real long time since I did anything great. Things are really starting to slow down and I feel like she hates me a bit for whatever reason"
  16. He'd sigh a little it's been a lot lately, but he was curious what she hand in mind for him. He didn't know, but she was always full of surprises and what not.
  18. "What did you have in mind to help me grow then? I'm sure it's something important and will really help me in the long run."
  19. (Elred Yindove)
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [22:24] The woman smiled. He had agreed to her help. Her lips parted before any words came out of them. "Wayfinging." She began.
  24. "The art you are mastering. Is it not to travel alongside the lifestream to a new location?" She had little knowledge on the art, perhaps Elred could explain it more seriously to her. For her to truly understand where the help was needed.
  26. She would pause and allow him to speak first before continuing. She needed to know more.
  27. (Ella Gracia)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [22:32] Elred had been studying this for quite some time now, but he was never asked about it. He's been reading thought the glyphs a lot lately, but only managed to uncover a little bit of the secrets of wayfinding.
  32. "First off, wayfinding is something used with the lifestream and it allows you to travel with it to different locations. I seen that one who master it are able to make smaller portals in battle to let them over around a little more.
  34. I know it takes one to be highly skilled in the art to perform something like that; however, most Teraphim have a bit of wayfinding in us already.
  36. The fact we're able to teleport on the battlefield to our target is proof, but it's only basic. I'd have to move towards something more advance."
  38. He'd wait to see how she'd respond to the little bit of information given.
  39. (Elred Yindove)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [22:51] {Item} You drop Journal On The Final Journey.
  43. [22:51] {Item} You picked up Journal On The Final Journey. Dropped by Ella Gracia. .
  44. [22:59] What he said was true, all Teraphim could already learn a technique which had an element of teleportation in it. To tap into his spiritual self would be something Ella could infact help him with.
  46. The two Teraphim tood in the Vale. This is where a Teraphim could truly connect with themselves, it was a place where they gained power from. In this endless expanse, crickets sing a song of night.
  48. Ella would open her eyes, the white sclera peeking through. As she began to tap into her spiritual self, calling out to the spirits of the Vale, her eyes began to glow a pale blue. The Rhoynish tattoos on her skin added to this effect.
  50. She would offer him her hand.
  52. "Elred, as I call onto the spirits, I ask them not to help you. But to guide you. To show you something that you may have missed..."
  54. As the usual specs of lights would begin to roam around them. The spirits would make themselves known. Chittering and chatter between themselves. What they really talking about lay unknown to all...
  56. The tome at Elred's side seemed to garner some attention from the spirits. They seemed enchanted by it, hovering in to take close peeks before rushing back..
  59. (Ella Gracia)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [23:14] Elred took the time to let Ella prepare her connect with the spirits. Elred held the tome upon them both, but he wasn't able to decipher the text alone. It was well protected even from his eyes.
  64. He stood there, thinking, processing, open to new possibilities which the spirits might offer him. He needed to be open to new possibilities of trying to understand the text.
  66. Ella's pled with the spirits seemed to have somewhat an affect on the time. They've been around longer than the both of them combined, so their guidance was welcomed.
  68. Well, spirits please show me the way which will lead me down the correct path.
  70. He'd walked the tome react to their pled, but what was this? Where they trying to show Elred something? He'd open the book and began flipping though the pages...attempting to find that glowing.
  71. (Elred Yindove)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [23:30] As Elred would take the Tome out, it would begin to float out of his hands and between the two of them. Brightened by an ethereal glow it flipped through its pages. Slowly, and carefully.
  76. The spirits wanted to see within its very pages. As the pages flipped the glyphs inside would begin to illuminate a strange light. From within this glow, would magic seep out and create an alternate version of Elred.
  78. He stood between them. Yet something attached the two men. A spectral coil connected the two at the chest. The spectral form of Elred created by the spirits would move forward, stepping inside of the real one.
  80. It was that simple.
  82. The book would close and fall back into Elred's hands.
  84. "Astral projecting! Of course!"
  86. The woman's hands clap together. "The answer is in projecting yourself forward." They had overlooked a simple thing. "Astral projecting, the art of detaching your spirit from your body. It is how I see the world, and perhaps it is how you will move through it."
  88. They have found the answer! "This is a technique learned by Elder Teraphim. But I can guide you through a meditation where you can get closer to projecting yourself through the life-stream." The woman completed her explanation.
  89. (Ella Gracia)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [23:45] Elred has never heard of something like that before and in fact it sounded a little off. What was Astral projection? Of course Ella would know a lot more about this then he did, but was this the answer to his problem.
  94. He took a second to process this information within the book, but how could this form of projection solve his lack of knowledge?
  96. "Astral projection?" he asked in a confuse manner.
  98. "Projecting myself for is the same as what Asta use to do? I know they dodged certain magic that way, but could attempting Astral projection work for me."
  100. He wasn't fully sure if that was the correct way to attempt this, but he didn't have any reason not to believe Ella.
  102. "Elred Teraphim, huh? If you know of a way in which I can attune myself with this way and project myself please show me."
  103. (Elred Yindove)
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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