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approval update without header.vue

a guest
Aug 19th, 2019
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  1. <template>
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  38. <script>
  39. // import Header from "./Header";
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  43. isAndroid
  44. } from "tns-core-modules/platform";
  45. export default {
  46. created() {
  47. console.log("is IOS platform: " + isIOS);
  48. console.log("is Android platform: " + isAndroid);
  49. },
  50. data() {
  51. return {
  52. // isIOS: false,
  53. listViewData: [{
  54. title: "Maximo: PO1900023",
  55. description: "COO Package Rosemount",
  56. price: "Rp. 23,000,000",
  57. time: "30 min ago",
  58. imageUrl: "~/assets/images/Icon-Face.png"
  59. },
  60. {
  61. title: "E-Payroll: 78273",
  62. description: "Galih Satriaji",
  63. price: "Rp.7,450,000",
  64. time: "45 min ago",
  65. imageUrl: "~/assets/images/Icon-Face.png"
  66. },
  67. {
  68. title: "E-Payroll: 78273",
  69. description: "Galih Satriaji",
  70. price: "Rp.7,450,000",
  71. time: "45 min ago",
  72. imageUrl: "~/assets/images/Icon-Face.png"
  73. },
  74. {
  75. title: "E-Payroll: 78273",
  76. description: "Galih Satriaji",
  77. price: "Rp.7,450,000",
  78. time: "45 min ago",
  79. imageUrl: "~/assets/images/Icon-Face.png"
  80. },
  81. {
  82. title: "E-Payroll: 78273",
  83. description: "Galih Satriaji",
  84. price: "Rp.7,450,000",
  85. time: "45 min ago",
  86. imageUrl: "~/assets/images/Icon-Face.png"
  87. },
  88. {
  89. title: "E-Payroll: 78273",
  90. description: "Galih Satriaji",
  91. price: "Rp.7,450,000",
  92. time: "45 min ago",
  93. imageUrl: "~/assets/images/Icon-Face.png"
  94. },
  95. {
  96. title: "E-Payroll: 78273",
  97. description: "Galih Satriaji",
  98. price: "Rp.7,450,000",
  99. time: "45 min ago",
  100. imageUrl: "~/assets/images/Icon-Face.png"
  101. }
  102. ]
  103. };
  104. },
  105. methods: {
  106. onItemTap() {}
  107. }
  108. // components: {
  109. // Header
  110. // }
  111. };
  112. </script>
  114. <style scoped>
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  117. } */
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  122. border-radius: 30;
  123. margin: 10;
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  126. .item-title {
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  128. margin-top: 20;
  129. font-size: 13;
  130. font-weight: bold;
  131. }
  133. .item-description {
  134. font-size: 12;
  135. color: #999999;
  136. margin-bottom: 20;
  137. }
  139. .item-price {
  140. align-content: left;
  141. color: #80aaff;
  142. margin-bottom: 20;
  143. font-size: 12;
  144. }
  146. .item-time {
  147. align-content: right;
  148. color: #999999;
  149. font-size: 12;
  150. margin-bottom: 20;
  151. margin-right: 5;
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  154. .image {
  155. width: 20;
  156. height: 20;
  157. align-content: left;
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  160. #header .btn .icon {
  161. padding: 0;
  162. margin: 0;
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  165. #header .icon {
  166. height: 60%;
  167. }
  169. #header .btn.pp .icon {
  170. border: 2px solid #ffffff;
  171. border-radius: 100%;
  172. }
  174. </style>
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