
The Fluffy Factory: Color Barrier

Aug 9th, 2012
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  1. “Ergh, why do I have to do this...”
  2. >You are Whitney, the top floor supervisor.
  3. >”Owwies! No huwt fiwwy!”
  4. >You're standing before the playpen, which is loaded with fluffy foals.
  5. >It's still dark; in fact, it's about four in the morning.
  6. >”Sweepy! No wan' pway time!”
  7. >A cacophony of squeaky voices fills the air.
  8. >One of your duties as the supervisor is to make sure unpurchased stock doesn't clog up the inventory chain.
  9. >While the basement guys do most of the color sorting for you, sometimes a color will just fall out of favor.
  10. >That color is said to be overstocked.
  11. >This gets much worse during the summer, when the inventory of foals swells to massive levels.
  12. >Even though most foals fly out the door, there can still be a backlog of colors.
  13. >Because of the high sales rate, the color gluts can be easily identified.
  14. >Since you're up here so much, you have a better idea about which colors will move and which won't.
  15. >Yesterday, Sarah asked you to clear the backlog.
  16. >Usually, you tell her what's not selling and she does it, along with her lunatic cousin.
  17. >Today, however, she'll be busy elsewhere and won't be in until lunchtime.
  18. >The task has fallen to you.
  19. >”Why dawk? Cowt no wike dawk, scawy!”
  20. >You tun one one bank of overhead lights.
  21. >”New mommy! Pick fwuffy!”
  22. >Some of the dimmer foals have forgotten who you are, as usual.
  23. >The others ask you to play, or give hugs.
  24. >With a sigh, you adjust your glasses and look at the clipboard.
  25. >Pink is not selling very well at all.
  26. >You scan the squirming, giggling mass of foals.
  27. >Beside you is a large wooden crate.
  28. >You begin plucking pink foals out of the mass and putting them in it.
  29. >”Whee, fwy game!”
  30. >”Wan' huggies mommy!”
  31. >”Pway now?”
  32. >”Whewe go fwuffy?”
  33. >Soon, you have about twenty pink foals, waddling around and hugging each other.
  34. >You look down at the clipboard for the next unwanted color.
  35. >Green. Not as unpopular as pink, but still not selling fast.
  36. >You pick up green foals as you see them.
  37. >”Yay! Pick fwuffy! Wuv you!”
  38. >”Nuuuuu, fiwwy wan' fwiends!”
  39. >”Huggies!”
  40. >”No wike dis, scawy pwace...”
  41. >The green and pink foals mix among themselves.
  42. >The clump looks like a fuzzy watermelon.
  43. >All the other colors on your list are selling well, but you're not done.
  44. >The most difficult part comes now; in the rush to provide product, tons of off-color foals get sent up.
  45. >As the rush continues, these foals take up space and resources, and must go.
  46. >You gently push aside foals to get to the unwanted.
  47. >”Nuuu, pwayin'!” a brown pegasus cries, trying to hug his red playmate as you take him away.
  48. >There are some truly atrocious looking foals in this bunch.
  49. >Some look like living piles of crap. Or vomit...or both.
  50. >Others are pastel shades of popular colors, so faded they looked like they've been bleached.
  51. >If they were actually white, they'd be treated like tiny kings and queens.
  52. >As the gene pool has expanded and been recycled, multicolors have been showing up.
  53. >Green and brown? Never going to go. Into the crate.
  54. >Blue and red? Should be sold by day's end.
  55. >Pink and green? Not today, unfortunately. She goes in, wings flapping with fear.
  56. >You have to make judgment calls on some of the multis.
  57. >A pair of yellow and white unicorn twins, clinging to each other as you take their friends, is spared.
  58. >Some of the earth fluffy brown and tans, that look like cows, are also kept.
  59. >They could be good novelty fluffies.
  60. >Most anything with white should sell, but pastel multis are doomed.
  61. >The public wants bright colors. School bus yellow, candy apple red.
  62. >They want monotone white and black, even though the latter is nearly impossible to get.
  63. >”Pwayin' wif new fwiends!” the foals in the crate chirp.
  64. >”Nuuuu, make bad poopies!” one screams.
  65. >Doesn't matter. The crate floor is lined.
  66. >The foals back away from the smell as you continue to judge the ones in the pen.
  67. >You desperately hate this task.
  68. >”Why fwuffy go in bocks, am ba'?” a faintly grey unicorn asks with teary red eyes.
  69. >What are you supposed to say? Wordlessly, you put her in.
  70. >By five, you've thinned out the foal stock immensely.
  71. >The ones in the crate are now cramped and piled on top of each other.
  72. >”Mommy, hewp! Fiwwy haf owwies!”
  73. >”No smeww pwetty, wet out! Fwuffy sowwy!”
  74. >”Owwies! Why weggies on cowt taiw?!”
  75. >The ones in the pen are scared, already babbling about the 'scary box'.
  76. >They will see another day of happiness.
  77. >You glance out the plate glass windows when car lights appear.
  78. >It's Tiffany with the company truck. You gulp audibly, but put on a polite face when she comes in.
  79. >”What's up?” she asks, cracking her knuckles. “You done sorting?”
  80. “Yes, I'm done. Did Sarah want me to count them before you go?”
  81. >She shakes her head, smoothing down her scruffy blonde hair.
  82. >”Doesn't matter. They'll get counted when I get there.”
  83. >”All right. Do you need help with the--”
  84. >Of course she doesn't need help with the crate. Tiffany is the most physically terrifying woman you know.
  85. “Right...well, see you in a few hours, I guess...”
  86. >”Nah, I'm off today.”
  87. >Thank god.
  88. >You hold the door open as she carries the crate out.
  89. >The foals within are scared stiff.
  90. >”Scawy bumpies! No wike muv!”
  91. >”Pwease stop, fwuffy sowwy! Fwuffy haf owwies!”
  92. >”Hewp! Mommy!”
  93. >You watch her set it in the truckbed.
  94. >When she leaves, you put the foals that passed muster back in their cages, and make notes on your clipboard about which colors need to be restocked.
  95. >The giggling of an hour ago has become a scattered chant of 'whewe fwiends go?”
  96. >'Sissy come back!' and 'No mo' bwuva...?' are interspersed in it too.
  97. >You take off your glasses and rub your nose with a long, loud sigh.
  98. >Since you won't be opening for three hours yet, you decide to head back home.
  99. >Have to make sure the three foals Sarah got from Lucy are still doing well.
  100. >She doesn't tell you where the unwanted foals go, but you know it's bad.
  101. >The five fuzzy darlings at home are the only way you can live with yourself.
  102. >Maybe you should ask Lucy if she needs an employee.
  103. ------
  104. >”Seventy-one. The usual rate still apply?”
  105. ”Far as I know.”
  106. >”All right, I'll cut you a check when I get them into the back.”
  107. >You look down into the crate at the unhappy foals.
  108. >The truck ride out here has made most of them dirty with fearful shit and urine.
  109. >Pwease hewp, no smeww pwetty!”
  110. >”Owwies! No can muv!”
  111. >The guy looks at you with a wry smile.
  112. >”Wanna toss one in?”
  113. “Ya know I do.”
  114. >He grabs a clean-looking foal and examines it. It's a puke green pegasus.
  115. >”You wuv fwuffy? Gif huggies?” she asks hesitantly.
  116. >”This one's good to go,” he says, handing her to you.
  117. >”New fwiend?” she asks, hugging your wrist.
  118. >”Oh, wait!” he blurts out, producing a small folding knife from his overalls.
  119. >Taking the foal back, he cuts off her wings before returning her.
  120. >”There we go, have it at.”
  121. >”OWWIIIIIEEEEEES!” she screams, her body thrashing.
  122. >You toss her gracefully into the massive saltwater tank.
  123. >The salt entering her wounds causes her to scream shrilly as she flails about.
  124. >You wait a few seconds.
  125. >”They're a bit sluggish, that's why I put in the order.”
  126. >Suddenly, the water around the foal explodes in a bloom of foam as a zebra shark pup rises up to take its prey.
  127. >”Good girl, you'll be feeling better when that fluff cleans you out. Wanna do a few more?”
  128. “Nah, I wanna get back home. Kinda sleepy.”
  129. >”All right then. I'll haul these to the back and we'll get that check written.”
  130. >The foals in the crate are soiling themselves and screaming with new found fear as he carries them off.
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