
Jian - Coming Home

Feb 10th, 2014
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  1. [22:55] <Jian> Jian walks swiftly and solemnly, heading straight for the Metal Temple. He needed to see his mother, too... But Meilin was the one to judge him.
  2. [22:57] <@Deedles> Meilin could be found inside, kneeled in front of the Altar of Metal, the black katana resting on the floor beside her. Her eyes are closed as a faint smile creeps onto her lips "So you've returned, Jian..." she says before she slowly gets to her feet, grabbing her sword as she does.
  3. [23:04] <Jian> Jian bows his head to her, his voice heavy with fear and guilt. "Yes... I have learned much, teacher. I have learned things I wish I did not."
  4. [23:08] <@Deedles> She studies him in silence for a moment, her expression turning serious as she moves towards him "Yes, I expected as much..." she tells him, circling around him slowly.
  5. [23:18] <Jian> He stands still, not looking at her, making no effort to hide his Chi. "...I lost control, once. I nearly killed myself in the process."
  6. [23:20] <@Deedles> "Have you learnt anything since?" Meilin asks as she finally comes to a hault, a hand casually resting on her katana.
  7. [23:22] <Jian> "Yes... I met a man who carried a similar burden. But he did not let it control him. He fought for what is right... He saved me, from myself."
  8. [23:25] <@Deedles> "Do you know how he did it?" She continues to ask, studying him intently
  9. [23:27] <Jian> "By strength of will... By having a goal beyond bloodlust. Through love and devotion and honour." Jian smiles softly. "...When I first met him, I thought he was my enemy. He took my arm. Later on, refused to kill me even as I did everything in my power to kill him, and then told me of his life long struggle with Corruption. How he did not let him stop him doing what was right."
  10. [23:28] <@Deedles> The Metal Mentor's face is unreadable "And how do you plan to deal with it?" she inquires
  11. [23:30] <Jian> He raises his head, meeting her gaze. "By meeting it head on. By focusing on my greater goals, and using what strength I have to achieve them. I could never have avoided this... It was hidden in my blood. And you knew, all along. Now I know, and it has risen, I cannot hide or run from it. I must master it, and channel it. I may not find salvation... But I can keep moving forward, and make
  12. [23:30] <Jian> this world a better place."
  13. [23:32] <@Deedles> Meilin moves closer to him, their faces just inches apart as she looks deeply into his eyes, a soul searching gaze. She is quiet for a while and doesn't move until her lips quirk into a faint smile. "... You haven't changed." she states quietly, looking relieved.
  14. [23:33] <Jian> He relaxes as well, his smile mirroring hers... But it's not entirely sincere. "I am not who I thought I was when I left... I am not happy about that fact. But I have no other options."
  15. [23:36] <@Deedles> "You think Corruption ever truly left me?" Meilin asks him as she moves away, turning her back to him.
  16. [23:37] <Jian> "...No. I heard your story, in the world below. What happened to you."
  17. [23:39] <@Deedles> "I forgot that power isn't everything." His mentor answers simply "And I paid a steep price for it."
  18. [23:39] <Jian> "You were saved, too..." He looks at her. "And you were training me for it. Hoping I would survive it."
  19. [23:40] <@Deedles> Meilin nods as she turns back towards him slightly "Yes." she answers
  20. [23:41] <Jian> He moves to unwrap the bandage from his left hand... Revealing a cut across his palm. "I've been practicing... Training to control it."
  21. [23:42] <@Deedles> "Good. It's a part of you now. Never let it control you, but never deny its existence either." The Metal Mentor tells him seriously.
  22. [23:45] <Jian> ...He looks thoughtful. "Taishin, the man I met... He had Metal Chi, too. Is it a curse of those who cultivate steel in their soul, to walk on that knifes edge?" He extends his right hand, skin fresh and oddly pale, lacking calluses or years old training scars, and extends his Chi Blade. He raises his left hand, running it along the blade, a thin film of blood clinging to the ethereal weapon,
  23. [23:45] <Jian> making it's edges gleam crimson.
  24. [23:46] <@Deedles> Meilin freezes at that name ".... Taishin?" she stares at her student
  25. [23:48] <Jian> He nods. "...He said he was the Emperors son. As far as he knew. He woke up in the Palace, and has been crown prince ever since. When I first fought him, he was wearing armour of darkness and Corruption. I thought he was a monster... But without him, I would have lost myself for sure."
  26. [23:53] <@Deedles> "How did he look?" Meilin asks insistantly as she moves up to Jian "Tell me!" this is probably the most emotion he'd ever seen her show.
  27. [23:55] <Jian> "A man with dark hair, worn long... Green eyes, broad shouldered and tall. He had tanned skin, and the scars of a hard life." Jian is somewhat shocked by his Mentors show of feeling, but tries best to relay the facts as directly as he could.
  28. [23:56] <@Deedles> She stares at him again before she pulls away, turning her back to him as she lifts a hand to her face "... It couldn't be." she utters breathlessly
  29. [23:57] <Jian> Jian stares after her, unsure what to say. "You knew him." He speaks softly, thoughts racing.
  30. [23:58] <@Deedles> "Yes." Meiling replies, quietly before she gestures for him to leave "Please... I need to be alone..." her voice is breaking slightly as she speaks, despite her trying to keep herself together.
  31. [23:59] <Jian> "...Meilin. I..." He bites his lip. "If you wish, I will go... But you have supported me my entire life. Can I not be here for you?"
  32. [00:02] <@Deedles> She draws her blade, laying it flat in her hands as she grips it slightly "I just ... don't know what to make of this..."
  33. [00:03] <Jian> Jian pauses again, and then speaks... His words tentative, unsure, but feeling the need to confirm. "Taishin... He was the man who saved you?"
  34. [00:03] <@Deedles> "That was his name, yes, and he looked as you describe, but how...?" Meilin seems lost, unable to understand.
  35. [00:05] <Jian> "...The Emperor has dark and terrible power." He pauses. "...He takes the bodies of others. There have not been four Emperors in his line. Only one, taking a new host each time. Taishin is to be his next body."
  36. [00:06] <@Deedles> Her holds of her blade tightens, blood creeping down the sides of her palms as her skin is punctured "No... he will not." she says, her voice dark as her body trembles.
  37. [00:07] <Jian> "I agree." He states softly. "...You have not heard the news yet, but you can be trusted with it. We found her. The Imperial Heir. Taishin has guarded her for many years... And I intend to ensure that he does not fall alongside the Emperor. I wanted to talk to you... How we could make a ward. A seal, to protect his soul from The Emperors spirit."
  38. [00:10] <@Deedles> Meilin relaxes faintly, loosening the hold of her blade. "I'm not entirely certain how it would be done, but I shall look into it." she promises Jian.
  39. [00:10] <Jian> "We should be here for a while... Enough time to work with the other priests. There must be a way.
  40. [00:10] <Jian> *"
  41. [00:12] <@Deedles> "If we don't know of a way we will find a way." She says, firmly, her normally gentle attitude gone with the wind.
  42. [00:13] <Jian> Jian bows to her. "I need to see my mother, and tell her of my return... I will be back soon. We have a lot of work to do."
  43. [00:14] <@Deedles> Meilin nods, glancing towards Jian before she bows to him. "It's good to have you home..." she tells him
  44. [00:15] <Jian> "It's good to be home." He smiles. "...And perhaps next time I return, I will be able to bring him with me."
  45. [00:32] <Jian> Jian leaves the temple, walking the short distance to the home he had shared with his mother... Seeing her was perhaps harder than seeing Meilin.
  46. [00:34] <@Deedles> He can't find his mother outside of their home, so she must be inside somewhere.
  47. [00:37] <Jian> He steps up... But, instead of simply entering, he knocks. He shouldn't startle her by just walking in if she wasn't expecting him at all.
  48. [00:40] <@Deedles> He hears footsteps before the door opens, Jian's mother staring at him for a moment before she pulls him in for a tight hug. "Jian...!" she utters quietly, stroking the back of his head.
  49. [00:42] <Jian> He smiles, returning the hug tightly. "Mother... I've returned."
  50. [00:43] <@Deedles> "I've been worried." she confesses, giving him a gentle squeeze before letting go. "But here you are..." she lays a hand on one of his cheeks.
  51. [00:44] <Jian> "I promised you I would come home..." He speaks softly, his smile fading. "...but it hasn't be an easy journey. I found out about Rushen, my father... And my blood."
  52. [00:47] <@Deedles> Lifen's smile fades at the mention of that name, his mother actually looking sad. "Then you know who did it too..." she says quietly
  53. [00:49] <Jian> "...No. The man who knew said he wouldn't tell me until I healed. I..." He sighs. "It's a long story, but I lost my arm in a fight... And then." He raises his left hand, looking at the still red wound. "...Did you know there was Corruption, inside the blade? Did father suffer from it? And..." He looks towards her. "Who killed him?"
  54. [00:50] <@Deedles> Lifen looks down at his hand, gripping it with her own. "...Yes, I knew there was Corruption in the blade, that's why I trained you to be strong, so you could fight it." she tells him honestly "Your father wielded the same power." she continues before she shakes her head. "I don't wish to say, not yet."
  55. [00:52] <Jian> A frown crosses his face. "...I must avenge him. I have a mission to carry with me back down into the world, for the fate of the country... But hearing my fathers murder, my blood burned... I Must know."
  56. [00:53] <@Deedles> "You will know." Lifen promises him "But not now..."
  57. [00:54] <Jian> "Then When!? Why is it always such a secret..." The moment of anger passes, and he sighs. "...I am sorry, mother. I have seen what has become of the Dancing Sword Clan... It sickened me. It filled me with rage, and hatred... I cannot let that control me. I know."
  58. [00:58] <@Deedles> Lifen sighs as she moves back inside the house "I just wished to spend some time with my son instead of thinking about revenge, but if you truly must know right now..." she lays a hand on one of the walls, her fingers curling into a fist. "His name is Yamato Takamoto."
  59. [00:59] <Jian> Jian closes his eyes a moment, speaking the name as he burns the words into his soul. "Yamato Takamoto. Who is he?"
  60. [01:00] <@Deedles> "He was your father's Second-in-Command, now he's the leader. He didn't agree with the direction that the Dancing Sword Clan was taking under your father's guidance." Lifen shakes her head "That's all I wish to say about it."
  61. [01:02] <Jian> Jian smiles at that. "...Thank you, mother." He opens his eyes. "...I think I would enjoy being your son for a while, simply spending time with his mother. I have been a roaming blade for quite a time." He pauses, and glances back, closing the door. "...We found her, though. The Heir to the Empire. She is here."
  62. [01:03] <@Deedles> Lifen freezes before she turns around to look at Jian "... Really?" she stares before she suddenly breaks into a smile and moves up to him, hugging him tightly. "I'm so proud of you!"
  63. [01:04] <Jian> He hugs his mother close again. "...We also rescued a girl from corrupt pirates, and saved a village from a monster pretending to be a priest. It has been a very active few months..."
  64. [01:06] <@Deedles> Lifen squeezes him warmly "You've grown so much..." she tells him "What's the heir like?" she asks him
  65. [01:09] <Jian> "She's a very kind girl, an excellent doctor. She had a Seed of Renewal... Without her, I would still be missing an arm..."
  66. [01:15] <@Deedles> Lifen looks thoughtful, looking down at Jian's arm as she lays a hand on it "Then she has my gratitude."
  67. [01:16] <Jian> He raises it, pulling the sleeve back, letting her see the rather clear line between old, slightly darker skin and pale new flesh. "It feels strange... All the old breaks and scars are gone."
  68. [01:17] <@Deedles> She nods, running her fingers across the pale skin "Where is she now? With the Elders?" she wonders
  69. [01:17] <Jian> "I think she was going to stay with Shen. The Storm Dragons want to keep her close."
  70. [01:18] <@Deedles> Lifen smiles faintly "Heh, that doesn't surprise me..." she admits
  71. [01:19] <Jian> He shakes his head. "...So much has happened. I've been exhausted."
  72. [01:20] <@Deedles> "Your room is just as you left it." She tells him, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
  73. [01:22] <Jian> He smiles at that. "Thank you. I think I'll have a rest, and then go see my friends... I think they were going to be having a feast, in the heirs honour."
  74. [01:22] <@Deedles> Lifen nods as she pulls away "You do that. I imagine you all need some time to unwind and talk." she says quietly.
  75. [01:24] <Jian> "...Later, I want you to tell me about the Dancing Sword Clan. What they used to be."
  76. [01:25] <@Deedles> "I will." She assures him "Go get some rest now." she nudges him in the direction of his room.
  77. [01:25] <Jian> Jian gives her a final hug, and then goes to his room... He shucks off his pack, and is asleep within moments of lying down.
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