
Sunset in the Dream, Session 2

Sep 30th, 2019
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  1. <DM> RECAP!
  3. <DM> Following Mima removing the barrier of white dreamy clouds over the fortress, you and the Moblins charged into Thoughter's Fortress to depose of the Keaton Army for once and for all. Zipping through the courtyard and into the fortress, you get spotted and dive into the South Hallway where Darte knocks out and binds a random grunt while they explore. They find an empty armory with a locked door before running into a room full of plants. After
  4. <DM> Mario shenanigans like getting bitten by Piranha Plants, the Keaton Swordmasters barge in and begin fighting. Sephiroth quickly disposed of one before the other locked the door on him. Several rounds of attacks later from reinforcements and the players emerge victorious though not before they claim Melizea
  5. <DM> Map:
  6. <DM>
  8. <Darte> "Well, that was a mess."
  9. <Melizea> "It certainly was, indeed."
  10. <Melizea> "Perhaps additional precaution may be necessary."
  11. <DM> *You are currently in South Hallway. A long hallway that goes South before bending to the West*
  12. * Darte scowls. "Last time I'll let them put me on my heels, I'm telling you that. No reason to go back in the room with the bitey plants, right?"
  13. <Melizea> "Certainly."
  14. * Sephiroth scoffs. "Screw the plant room."
  15. <DM> Looking at the map; you can return to the Plant Room, Armory, Mess Hall or the Grand Foyer from the South Hallway
  16. <Darte> "Consider it screwed."
  17. <Melizea> "Ah, I don't believe I've properly introduced myself, have I?"
  18. * Sephiroth imagines a giant screw being inserted into the plant room as he waddles away.
  19. * Darte tilts his head. "You mentioned on the way in, I believe? Uhm. Mezilly something?"
  20. * Sephiroth waddles into the Mess Hall to have a look around.
  21. <Melizea> "The name's Melizea. My acquaintances call me Mel or Meli."
  22. <Melizea> "Although, I suppose we should follow the other guy over there."
  23. * Darte follows Sephiroth. "Ahh, sorry. Mel seems easy enough. Sorry about lettin' you drop like that back there."
  24. * Melizea follows alongside. "No matter, for your well-being is, too, important."
  25. * Darte snorts. "I've not had a problem with that of late, for some reason. Which is... unusual. Sometimes I expect all three goddesses take special delight in watching me get crushed in unusual, cruel ways."
  26. <DM> *You are all in the Mess Hall; a long hallway with a large table dominating the centre of it. Towards the walls is a series of pantries. There are exits North, South and East*
  27. <Melizea> "I am but a mere traveler, roaming among these lands. I just happened to overhear some intriguing situations around here."
  28. <DM> *One can spy the red-robed guy you saw in the Plant room slapping the two Keaton Grunts that are drunk, trying to get them to respond*
  29. <DM> *The two grunts are still too drunk to respond it seems.
  30. * Darte snorts, putting hands on hips. "Well, ain't this a pretty sight."
  31. * Sephiroth tries to sneak up on the red-robed guy for a poke.
  32. <Sephiroth> $26d10
  33. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 2, 8, 1, 6, 6, 1, 3, 9, 2, 10, 7, 5, 3, 5, 2, 10, 4, 10, 2, 7, 6, 3, 6, 5, 10 and 5. Total: 138. Successes: 20.
  34. <DM> $18d10
  35. <Navi> DM: You rolled 18 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 4, 7, 10, 5, 6, 1, 2, 7, 7, 8, 7, 9, 6, 9, 9, 3, 4 and 1. Total: 105. Successes: 13.
  36. <Melizea> "I suppose he may have gotten spooked."
  37. <DM> *You successfully sneak up on him*
  38. * Sephiroth then successfully super-pokes the red-robed guy.
  39. <DM> *You super poke him, dealing 2 Neutral damage. Immediately following that, he attempts to scream before dashing out the door to the Grand Foyer*
  40. <Darte> (Yikes, warn before you pull an NSFW move like that)
  41. <Darte>
  42. * DM kicks Darte out the window.
  43. * DM has kicked Darte from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in a Super Metroid Randomizer ROM!)
  44. * Sephiroth kicks DM out the window.
  45. * Sephiroth has kicked DM from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in Green Hill Zone Act 3, where you keep getting a Game Over from the first spikes! «20,205»)
  46. <DM> *Darte, you find yourself getting kicked out of the window and into a Super Metroid ROM. The game can't handle a Zora so it blows up and you get kicked back into the Mess Hall*
  47. * Darte twitches. "Ahh. There's the cruel world I've come to know."
  48. * Melizea chuckles a little at the event.
  49. * Sephiroth tries to see what's inside one of the cupboards.
  50. <Melizea> "Well, you sure are a durable one."
  51. * Darte recovers and looks at the Keatons. "Think we should see if they'll spill some beans?"
  52. <DM> *Sephiroth, with more time to search than what Darte had, you find a wad of Bait!*
  53. <Melizea> "Perhaps. Do we not have one tied up already?"
  54. <DM>
  55. <DM> Consumables -> Other -> Bait
  56. * Darte nods and shrugs. "But drunk might be more cocky, easier to glean from."
  57. <Melizea> "I suppose so."
  58. * Darte beckons and strolls over to the drunken keaton, trying to see if the red fellow had had any luck in rousing them.
  59. * Melizea follows.
  60. <DM> *The drunken Keaton snorts, gaining consciousness. Ever so slight, their speech is slurred and seems to consist of random mumbo jumbo as of now*
  61. <Melizea> 13h, 10m | Gerudo Mask Equipped | Force Meter: 0 pts |
  62. <DM> [Drunk Keaton 1] "Agagcnsh Dexxie plaaaes dontit hharrm meh"
  63. <Sephiroth> 21h, 11m • Augmented Shady's Robe
  64. <DM> [Drunk Keaton 1]: 10h 6m | -20 Wisdom | Drunk
  65. * Darte reaches out to pick up the keaton, then reconsiders. "How's your arms? Think you can shake him and ask him what the Stalfos is guarding?"
  66. <DM> *As you look closer at the Keaton as they try to open their eyes, you notice that their eyes are missing; appearing to have been gouged out. However Darte, as you recall from Dex' work, this is very clean compared to his other work*
  67. * Melizea stands there calmly, crossing her arms a bit. "Hmm."
  68. * Darte steps back, grimacing. "... Yeessssh. Guess I'd be drunk, too. Something tells me they'll not know much."
  69. <DM> *The Keaton tries to touch their arms, having difficulty feeling around them due to lack of eyes.*
  70. * Sephiroth has a puzzled look on his face, ... and waddles towards the door to the Grand Foyer.
  71. * Darte sighs. "Right. Move on, then?" He fishes around, dropping a pity rupee on the table; one for each.
  72. * Darte follows Sephiroth.
  73. <Melizea> "I suppose if it is not an illusion, we shall be wary."
  74. * Melizea follows the rest.
  75. <DM> *Melizea, your illusion senses do not detect illusions*
  76. <Melizea> "Although, even if it were an illusion, it'd be something serious."
  77. <DM> *By the way Darte, you do sense that the Keaton's eyes are still there in spirit. He can't have been Spirit Gouged*
  78. <Darte> (Meaning they'd regen at max hearts?)
  79. <DM> (Yes)
  80. * Darte considers, lingering. "Nrrg. Well, could spare some time to work a miracle..."
  81. <DM> *You can hear footsteps echoing around in the South Hall
  82. * Sephiroth slips through the door into the Grand Foyer.
  83. <Melizea> "Hmm."
  84. * Darte gestures the others onward as he steps back towards the keatons, fishing around for a pair of red potions. He takes a pair of mugs, fills them with a potion each, and tries to set them into the keatons' hands. "Drink up, boys."
  85. <Melizea> "I suppose we should be quick with caution, those footsteps could get closer."
  86. <DM> *Sephiroth, you slip into the Grand Foyer; lined with unnaturally white stone for the walls and floor. Underfoot is a deep red carpet trimmed with gold snaking through the foyer. There are exits West, North, South and you are at the East end*
  87. * Sephiroth somehow enters from the south but gets teleported to the east end of the foyer. O_o?
  88. <DM> (Derp
  89. <DM> *You are in the middle of the south side*
  90. * Sephiroth attempts to sidle along the walls to the north exit and exit, stage north.
  91. <DM> *You slide along the walls, though- screw it. Didn't declare the Stalfos beforehand, so you get to freely slip out undetected*
  92. <DM> *Darte and Melizea, you can hear the clicks of doors opening in the mess hall
  93. * Melizea readies her feet.
  94. * Darte growls - or, more accurately, gurgles. "Fantastic." He attempts to hide under the table near the two keatons.
  95. <DM> Sephiroth, slide into #ZURPG2
  96. * Melizea attempts to follow through.
  97. <DM> *The door opens and you see a pair of Keaton walk in, brows furrowing at the two drunkards zonked out. They inspect them more closely only to reel back in shock after realizing their eyes have been gouged out.*
  98. <DM> [Keaton] "F*** YOU DEX"
  99. * Darte stifles a snicker.
  100. * Melizea remains calm.
  101. <DM> *One of them looks into a mug to see red potion.*
  102. <DM> [Keaton] Red Potion? How'd that get there? Oh well. Drink up boys.
  103. <DM> *The drunken Keaton drinks the Potion and find their Hearts recover to max and their eyes return*
  104. <DM> [Drunk Keaton] "Ohh hehe *hic* thhat lizzia cann munn onn a bigg onee *hic*"
  105. <DM> [Keaton
  106. <DM> [Keaton] Given what happened, I'm not going to throw you to Prison this time. But be on your best behaviour next time - We're under attack. Silvio, Darte and Sephiroth are picking off our men!*
  107. <DM> [Drunk Keaton] Silllvi? Uggghh... Hee hide in the north *hic*
  108. * Sephiroth scoffs at the Keaton from another room. "Your plants shouldn't bite fingers off."
  109. <DM> [Keaton] Who said tha- Sephiroth. He's over in the north!
  110. <DM> *The two Keaton charge into the Grand Foyer
  111. <Melizea> "..."
  112. * Darte peeks his head out from under the table. "Psssst. Hey, you. How'd my potion work?"
  113. <DM> [Drunk Keaton] "Wwoooo *hic* ma eyys arre b-*hic*ack. Niice one"
  114. * Darte fish-grins. "Yeah, Dex is an old... acquaintance. Couldn't leave you like that knowing he's the one who did it. I'm hunting him down, actually, and I'm guessing he's heading for your boss."
  115. * Melizea lets Darte do the talking.
  116. <DM> [Drunk Keaton] "Yeer need daa *hic* bass keey yo reaccc queeeeen Soola"
  117. <DM> [Drunk Keaton] "Daa basss ke- *hic* isss in daa nort"
  118. * Darte nods. "I'm guessing Se- Dex already has that in hand. He's a few steps ahead of us, after all. We can stop him, but we have to get /ahead/ of him, you understand? We have to warn the queen directly."
  119. <DM> [Drunk Keaton] "Yaah I unnderstand rightio. Quween in daaanger"
  120. <DM> [Drunk Keaton] "Therr a shootcut innn *hic* foyyer. Doorrr hidie by illusssionmajiggr"
  121. * Melizea takes mental note of that.
  122. * Darte nods stoically. "You have my word we'll reach her before Dex does. Take your time with those new eyes, they can take a bit to 'settle in.' I'll take care of the lizalfos infestation."
  123. * Darte eases out from the table, looking about. "Right. No time to lose." He eases towards the north door of the mess hall.
  124. * Melizea slips out of whatever hiding spot she's been in and follows Darte.
  125. <DM> *You slip into the Grand Foyer. Cued in with the hint the drunken Keaton gave you, Melizea can sense an illusion in the room's north*
  126. * Darte looks about, frowning. "Wasn't there... a big pile of bones, here, earlier? Maybe it's moved on..."
  127. <Melizea> "Hmmm..."
  128. <DM> *The giant Stalfos is gone it seems*
  129. <Melizea> "Well, that person there did mention an illusion somewhere here, presumably north."
  130. <Melizea> "Should be where the door is."
  131. * Darte shrugs. "Probably joined the fight in the courtyard. Hope those moblins are holding their own. We need to fi-- wait, you know already?" His fishbrows lift, somehow.
  132. <Melizea> "I mean, he did mention that the was supposedly a door hidden by an illusion. He also mentioned the north housing a key, so it would make sense."
  133. <DM> *Melizea, you find that the illusion is towards the West end of the room*
  134. <DM> *Northwest, to be exact
  135. <Melizea> "Though, I do wonder if the Stalfos was guarding the hidden door..."
  136. <Melizea> "I suppose we should feel around the north walls to find the door."
  137. * Melizea starts heading north.
  138. * Darte shrugs. "Would make sense, huh? Guess we could've found it by accident if we'd been fighting it over there." He follows Mel's lead.
  139. * Melizea attempts to feel against the northern walls in attempt to find the door.
  140. * Darte tilts his head. "Hmm." He moves the other direction from Melizea, rapping at the wall with his knuckles.
  141. <DM> *Melizea, you feel against the northern wall and you find your arm phasing through part of the wall, making contact with a door latch*
  142. <Melizea> "It seems like the door is here."
  143. <Melizea> "Are you prepared?"
  144. * Darte perks up, running over. "Yep. Let's see what's in store..."
  145. * Melizea nods and attempts to open the door.
  146. <DM> *You open the door, into a void of inky blackness as the room loads*
  147. <Darte> "Dangit, Mel, now we've done it. We sequence-broke!"
  149. -=MEANWHILE=-
  151. * Sephiroth kicks DM out the window.
  152. * Sephiroth has kicked DM from #zurpg2 (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in front of Kefka's ambulance. On the front bumper is Luigi's Death Stare. Hope you have insurance! «20,206»)
  153. <DM> Ouch
  154. * Sephiroth snickers.
  155. <DM> *You enter a long hallway that stretches to the North and bends to the West halfway through. Before the bend, there are doors East and West and after the bend there are doors South and West. There is a carpet running through the length of the hallway, accompanied by the dreamy white mist elsewhere in the fortress as torches softly burn.*
  156. <DM> *You enter the hallway and you bump into... Strife! Your long-time rival, now buddy. Unlike before, he seems to be carrying a deathly blade with him*
  157. * Strife awakens from a doozy. He seems to be stumbling around a bit, awkwardly lugging said death blade around in one hand, and a bottle of booze in the other.
  158. <Strife> *hic*
  159. <Strife> Oh... hi thar, Sephy! Long *hic* no see!
  160. <Strife> Haven't seen yer since uhh... err... Stoned Tower. Boy we got all high up in that tower real gud those days, ehhheheheheh!
  161. * Sephiroth face-palms
  162. <Strife> Weird, could've sworn we were venturin' tha world together, yet somehow, I got *hic* lost. Welll ya know how it goes.
  163. * Sephiroth shrugs, and waddles over to the eastern-door before the bend and tries going through it.
  164. <Strife> Not sure what I'm doin' here or how I ended up here, but if yer cool with it, I'll be yer skipper an' we can take a doodle out to tha far sea shore, asoon as we find a way outta this- hey, don't just door me like that!
  165. * Sephiroth kicks Strife out the window.
  166. * You have been kicked from #zurpg2 by Sephiroth (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in the middle of a Civil War! «20,207»)
  167. * Strife waddles on behind Sephiroth, the lugging of his sword (since it's supposed to be two-handed) causing an audible stony screech behind it.
  168. <DM> *Sephiroth, you enter a large room filled with bunk beds; enough to fit easily 30 people sleeping*
  169. <DM> *Its empty of people, but robes of what appear to be daily wear are carefully placed on each of their beds. To the North is a door, this time unlocked
  170. * Strife finally downs the bottle of booze and lets it clunk onto one of the bunk beds. He sets the deathly blade onto his back, then starts inspecting the clothes.
  171. <Strife> Huh, it'd be reeeeeaaaal shame if they walked in an' found someone ruffled up all their hard, clean work.
  172. <Strife> Maybe we can loot it all and dress up our own army and just walk 'em in here, heeheeheehee!
  173. * Sephiroth slips through the north door, looking for possible shinies.
  174. * Strife tries one of the sets of clothes, on top of his own clothes. Do they even fit Strife, or are Keatons built too differently?
  175. <DM> *Strife, you find that the tops fit you decently enough. But the bottoms not so much, for there is a hole at the back for where their tails are meant to slide through. On addition, you find the clothes lined with shed hairs. Hope you don't have an allergy!*
  176. * Strife sneezes and hiccups at the same time.
  177. <Strife> Oh to be young again, coughing on my own ridiculous hair like that.... wait, where'd Sephy go?
  178. * Strife stops looting the Keeton clothes and follows after Sephiroth through the open door to the north.
  179. <DM> *Sephiroth, you end up in a small room with a podium that sports a large key lock; appearing to fit a boss key*
  180. <DM> *Strife, you find a Small key amongst the clothes while looting. Do you take it?*
  181. * Strife locks the key inside of his inventory- errr I mean just casually drops it in there.
  182. <DM> *You can hear banging on the door to the Barracks*
  183. * Strife looks at the mess he made ruffling up the clothes and the booze bottle he left on the bed.
  184. * Sephiroth slips back into the barracks room and hides under one of the beds.
  185. <Strife> Ehh... someone else can clean that up.
  186. * Strife pulls out an Ice Materia.
  187. <Strife> (Can I freeze the door shut with Blizzara?)
  188. <DM> (You can try*
  189. <DM> (No guarantee that it will work with... 13 dice)
  190. * Strife uses the key he acquired to first lock the door to the barracks.
  191. * Strife then calls back through the door.
  192. <Strife> GO AWAY, I'M CLEANING IN HERE! I'll be done in 30 minutes, come back then!
  193. <DM> *You lock the door. Nice. The banging continues for a moment before it abruptly ends*
  194. <Strife> *loud hic*
  195. * Strife then repockets the small key.
  196. <Strife> Huh, where'd Sephyroth go?
  197. * Strife looks around, but he only sees bunkbeds.
  198. <DM> *Suddenly, Strife, you feel a presence in the room. As if other people are now in the room. Spooky*
  199. <Strife> (hold the phone, I've got Voices of the Lifestream)
  200. <Strife> (can I hear their actual voices? or nay?)
  201. <Strife> (actually both of us do)
  202. <DM> (Yes, they are Keaton voices)
  203. * Strife can't see crap for crap, but he listens in on the spooky voices anyways.
  204. <DM> [Keaton] Contacts should be in here. Don't bother trying to charge Soul Echolation here or you could get skewered through the heart.
  205. * Sephiroth does the same.
  206. * Strife tries to pinpoint where exactly in the room that's coming from, and instinctively tries to stumble towards said direction.
  207. <DM> *You find it comes from the centre of the room, but then you see two living Keaton walk over*
  208. <Sephiroth> (What's a centre? Is it a flavor?)
  209. * Sephiroth ruuuuuuuns
  210. <DM> *The two living Keaton look at the clothes that have been rummaged through, not impressed especially seeing the bottle of booze left there. They pick up the booze and recgonize it doesn't come from anywhere in Hyrule. Rather, it is an Aerithan brand of beer*
  211. <DM> [Keaton] Take a load of this. This beer doesn't come from Hyrule. What interdimensional travelers would leave their stinky booze lying around?
  212. * Strife hides himself by resting in a bed. Is the bed comfy?
  213. <DM> *You slide into a bed, covering yourself fully. The covers feel like cheap army-grade covers and you find shedding all over underneath. You should probably get out if you have an allergy...*
  214. * Strife loudly sneezes.
  215. <Strife> Ach, they skipped out on tha good stuff!
  216. * Strife abruptly rolls out of the bed, shedding the Keaton clothes he picked up earlier as well.
  217. <Strife> (wait a minute, how'd those two living Keaton get in here anyways?)
  218. <DM> *The two Keaton snap towards your direction in response to the sneeze. They turn around to see Strife rolling out of bed, whereabouts they immediately draw their weapons and get on guard*
  219. <DM> (One of their innate skills - Spirit Dive)
  220. <Strife> (ooooooohhhhhh TOUCHE)
  221. * Strife scrambles back up to his feet, looking at those two.
  222. * Strife waves his hand.
  223. <Strife> Hello there! I'm new here and was *hic* wondering if you fellas know where they keep tha good beds, the real comfy ones. Haven't had a good sleep in a *hic* long while!
  224. * Sephiroth continues to remain hidden under a bed.
  225. <DM> *The two Keaton appear to be (1) a Dreadnaught and (2) a Sage
  226. <Strife> (ehh, labels schmadels)
  227. <Strife> Allow me to make you an offer...
  228. <Strife> I'll help you find these "contacts" - it's a messy room after all, heheheh - an' you kin can have the rest o' mah booze!
  229. <DM>
  230. <Strife> Though I think I left it elsewhere in tha fortress, heheharr...
  231. <DM> Profiles
  232. <Strife> ... I see "the watcher" beyond the fourth wall isn't one for drunken diplomacy.
  233. <DM> [Dreadnaught] Do you think you can win us over, when we are in the middle of a big attack
  234. <DM> [Sage] You have two choices: We take you prisoner or we kill you.
  235. <Strife> Ahh, in that case, I'll help you find your contacts, and then help you defense against the attack!
  236. <Strife> Isn't that counterproductive? Why take 1 for the price of 2 when you can get 3 for the price of 1?
  237. <DM> [Dreadnaught] Enough, insolent human
  238. <DM> *Roll Inits!*
  239. <Strife> Hey now, I'm not human!
  240. <Strife> I'm a Gayan!
  241. <Strife> ... Gaian
  242. <Strife> .......
  243. <DM> $1d10 Keaton_Dreadnaight
  244. <Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 7. Successes: 1.
  245. <Sephiroth>
  246. <DM> $init 1d10 Keaton_Dreadnaight
  247. <Navi> DM: Keaton_Dreadnaight's initiative roll has been entered. They rolled: 1.
  248. * Strife shoves the Ice Materia away and draws his new claymore, taking up a fighting stance.
  249. <Strife> $init 1d10
  250. <DM> $init 1d10 Keaton_Sage
  251. <Navi> Strife: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 3.
  252. <Navi> DM: Keaton_Sage's initiative roll has been entered. They rolled: 8.
  253. <Sephiroth> Not fond of these ... "trimmed down" profiles tbh.
  254. <Strife> (blame me back when I was more insistent on hidden profiles >_<)
  255. <Strife> (for now, just go with this, since it's all we got on hand!)
  256. <Strife> (DM, does Sephiroth need to roll initiative, given he has yet to be found out from under the bed?)
  257. <Sephiroth> $init 1d10
  258. <Navi> Sephiroth: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  259. <Strife> (nvm that)
  260. <DM> $init s
  261. <Navi> Round 1: Sephiroth, Keaton_Sage, Strife and Keaton_Dreadnaight
  262. <DM> *The Dreadnaught is covering the Sage*
  263. <Strife> Oh goody, I see I can go straight fer tha big lug!
  264. * Sephiroth pops out from underneath a bed, Masamune in hand and goes for a STAB! on the Keaton Dreadnaught. (Courage)
  265. <Sephiroth> $26d10
  266. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 5, 1, 1, 4, 3, 8, 9, 5, 4, 4, 4, 9, 7, 1, 9, 1, 7, 10, 3, 4, 7, 10, 1, 6, 5 and 9. Total: 137. Successes: 16.
  267. <Sephiroth> (Oops, forgot attack dice)
  268. <Sephiroth> $5d10
  269. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 4, 7, 2, 5 and 4. Total: 22. Successes: 2.
  270. <Sephiroth> 18 successes.
  271. <DM> $7d10
  272. <Navi> DM: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 6, 6, 5, 10, 8, 3 and 9. Total: 47. Successes: 7.
  273. <DM> +8 Armor from Red Mail
  274. <Sephiroth> +22 damage
  275. <Strife> 18 + 22 = 40 - 15 = Red what now?
  276. <DM> *Dreadnaight attempts a reroll*
  277. <DM> (On Sephiroth)
  278. <Strife> (whelp, that's rerolled anyways)
  279. <DM> (So 25 damage then)
  280. <Sephiroth> $31d10
  281. <Navi> Sephiroth: You rolled 31 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 3, 7, 2, 7, 5, 8, 7, 4, 9, 4, 3, 1, 8, 9, 10, 8, 5, 5, 6, 9, 2, 8, 3, 5, 4, 8, 10, 3, 6, 2 and 1. Total: 172. Successes: 21.
  282. <Strife> (even higher RIP!)
  283. <DM> (Still dead)
  284. <DM> *Sephiroth slides his Masamune right through the Dreadnaught's heart, dispatching him in one blow*
  285. <DM> $remove Keaton_Dreadnaight
  286. <Navi> Round 1: Sephiroth, Keaton_Sage and Strife
  287. <Strife> (you know, with that length of that sword, you probably just poke the sword out from under the bed, and it looks like the bed killed Keaton Dreadnaught)
  288. * Sephiroth consumes a green potion and recovers half of his magic.
  289. <Sephiroth> $endturn
  290. <Navi> Round 1: Sephiroth, Keaton_Sage and Strife
  291. <DM> [Keaton Sage] I'm out of here
  292. <Sephiroth> 21h, 21m • Augmented Shady's Robe
  293. <DM> *The Sage Spirit dives out of the room*
  294. <DM> $remove Keaton_Sage
  295. <Navi> Round 1: Sephiroth and Strife
  296. <DM> $init r
  297. <Sephiroth> ?
  298. <Navi> DM: The bot has been reset.
  299. <Strife> Well that's a sham, didn't get ta try out me new blade.
  300. <Sephiroth> How does THAT work?
  301. <DM> Its an Innate skill
  302. <Sephiroth> Which is not listed in the profile.
  303. <DM> They can dive through the spirit world and into something else
  304. <DM> It is one of the Keaton innates
  305. <Strife> (.... but they're still in the room, right?)
  306. <Sephiroth> Still not in the profile.
  307. <Strife> (If not, Hal should be abusing the heck out of this to freely enter/exit battles with ease.)
  308. <DM> (Hal is not a Keaton)
  309. <Strife> (grtiooeajmgrea)
  310. <DM> Okay fine it does not happen
  311. <Strife> (got the races mixed up. Still, let's see...)
  312. <Sephiroth> (This is why I dispise of the hidden profiles)
  313. <DM> (The Keaton innates are listed under the racial skills in the compendium)
  314. <Strife> (I'm fine with him Spirit Diving, but that shouldn't be an auto-escape w/o a roll)
  315. <DM> (Alright, do a roll then
  316. <Strife> (I mean, it's like Camo, you vanish for a bit without a roll)
  317. <Sephiroth> (I'm fine with it as well, what I'm not fine with is having to load up multiple sources to see what an enemy can do.)
  318. <Strife> (but it shouldn't result in auto-escaping the battle)
  319. <DM> $4d10
  320. <Navi> DM: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 8, 8, 3 and 4. Total: 23. Successes: 2.
  321. <Strife> (what am I rolling on defending that?)
  322. <DM> (Wisdom)
  323. <Strife> $12d10
  324. <Navi> Strife: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 3, 10, 1, 6, 9, 5, 9, 9, 2, 8, 8 and 9. Total: 79. Successes: 10.
  325. <DM> *You block the attempt*
  326. * Strife yanks Keaton_Sage back by his spirity collar.
  327. <Strife> Hold up, thar, don'tchu think of slippin' out way o' da Lifestream on me.
  328. <DM> [Keaton Sage] Get your hands off me
  329. <Strife> Why don't we sit down and enjoy a niiiiice little chat? Here, I can even share the..... oh, the booze is gone.
  330. <DM> $endturn
  331. <Navi> DM: A battle is not in progress.
  332. <Strife> Hey Sephy, whatcha think we should do with this one?
  333. * Sephiroth has an epiphany.
  334. <Sephiroth> I was in the room to the north, and there's this strange keyhole in the middle of the room. Where's the key to it?
  335. * Strife holds his life-hungering blade next to Keaton Sage's neck.
  336. <Strife> Answer 'is question, or I'll let this sword eat tha darkness off'n ye... or whatever it does.
  337. <DM> [Keaton Sage] "I don't care about Queen Solar anymore. Ever since that Gradius guy got in, its been chaos all over. The boss key is in the office North of you"
  338. <Sephiroth> > "Boss key is in the office north of you." .. So in the same room as the lock?
  339. * Strife looks to the door to the north, then back to Keaton Sage.
  340. <Strife> That door? I know I'm gettin' old, but there's no way I've forgotten mah sense of directionings already...
  341. <Strife> Unless the west decided to east off down south for the north to come on in an' take over...
  342. <DM> (Err
  343. <DM> *West
  344. <DM> [Keaton Sage] Err West
  345. <Strife> Anythin' else you can do to make yerself useful while yer alive?
  346. <Strife> If not...
  347. <DM> [Keaton Sage] Wait
  348. * Strife pulls the blade a liiittle closer, letting its cloak of darkness brush up against the Keaton's fur.
  349. * Sephiroth 's ears perks up.
  350. <DM> [Keaton Sage] Queen Solar herself may not be too good. She seems to be possessed... by a weapon. A golden blade with a purple centre and black guard with flares
  351. <DM> *Strife, the description seems familiar to you...*
  352. <Strife> (just me, and not Sephiroth?)
  353. <Sephiroth> (There's that word again.. .. "centre". .. What does it mean?")
  354. <DM> (Was Sephiroth involved in defeating Ultimate Weapon in FFVII?)
  355. <Strife> (... good point!)
  356. * Strife thinks for a moment.
  357. <Strife> Huh... that sounds... nifty!
  358. <Strife> Sooooo.... where can I get my hands on this... weapon?
  359. * Sephiroth gets a confused look upon his face.
  360. <Strife> For uhh, purely *hic* scientific purposes.
  361. <DM> [Keaton Sage] You have to take it from her. It seems to be affected by some... Nightmare.
  362. <DM> [Keaton Sage] She will be glad to hand it over to you if you can liberate her from it
  363. <Strife> Will do! ... anything you can think of to make yourself useful, or can I kill ya yet?
  364. * Sephiroth puts his sword in between Strife and the Keaton. "That's enough, Strife."
  365. * Strife backs away.
  366. <Strife> Aww, I was just threatin' him, wasn't really gunna kill 'im.
  367. <Strife> Besides, we have a good source of corpse already.
  368. * Strife points to the Juggernaut's corpse.
  369. * Sephiroth exits out of the room to the west.
  370. <Strife> One of us could start walking around..... ....... really?
  371. * Strife proceeds to...... hang on.
  372. * Strife proceeds to shave off Keaton Sage's life with his cleaver, dropping it to 1 Heart if that's an option.
  373. <Strife> (err will that work?)
  374. * Sephiroth face-palms.
  375. <DM> (Yes that will work)
  376. * Strife slices at Keaton Sage's soul, but intentionally misses juuuust slightly.
  377. <Strife> $25d10
  378. <Navi> Strife: You rolled 25 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 2, 2, 5, 10, 3, 3, 3, 8, 6, 10, 7, 9, 6, 9, 10, 3, 7, 2, 6, 9, 2, 7, 5, 10 and 1. Total: 145. Successes: 20.
  379. <DM> $4d10
  380. <Navi> DM: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 3, 8, 2 and 10. Total: 23. Successes: 3.
  381. <Strife> "Damage: None
  382. <Strife> EFFECT: If it hits, target loses Hearts (Stat) equal to the difference in successes."
  383. <Strife> hah, Thorns that, you jerk
  384. <DM> *Keaton Sage just gets beaten to the edge of his life
  385. * Strife then proceeds to take the knocked out fellow and place him comfortably in one of these crappy beds, letting him hold onto the empty Aerithan beer bottle.
  386. <Strife> Alrighty, and now fer the fun time...
  387. * Strife hides under one of the beds... and then uses Soul Transfer on the Dreadnaught's corpse!
  388. <Strife> "DESCRIPTION: Your soul travels through the Lifestream, transferring your soul to a corpse.
  389. <Strife> EFFECT: The corpse is revived with Hearts and Magic equal to your own.
  390. <Strife> While you are in the corpse, you have access to the corpse's abilities, but none of your own.
  391. <Strife> At the start of your turn, you can transfer your soul back to your body for no Action cost.
  392. <Strife> When your soul is transferred back to your body, the corpse you took over returns to being dead.
  393. <Strife> If your original body dies, your soul is drawn back to your body, reviving it to 1 Heart, but draining your Magic to 0.
  394. <Strife> DURATION: Soul Transfer lasts until you cancel it or your original body dies."
  395. <DM> (Oh boy)
  396. <Strife> (according to this, there is no range limit, and if my new host dies, I'm safe, as long as my original body stays safe)
  397. * Strife wriggles around his new host annnd tests his voice out, to see if it's Keatony enough.
  398. <DM> *Strife, you transfer your soul into the corpse of the Dreadnaught. Now reanimating it, you begin to feel a bit... odd. You find yourself having difficulty controlling how the tails twitch*
  399. <KeatonStrife> Hmm... ah well, I'll just let it drag behind me.
  400. <KeatonStrife> I kin can do this. If I can pass as a woman, I can pass as a furry guy. No big deal.
  401. * KeatonStrife exits the room and into the "North Hallway".
  402. <KeatonStrife> (aka where Sephiroth is, unless he went to go unsplit the party...)
  403. <DM> (Sephiroth is there)
  404. * KeatonStrife taps Sephiroth on the shoulder.
  405. <KeatonStrife> Hello there and please don't kill me.
  406. <DM> *Suddenly Strife, an arrow flies at you*
  407. * Sephiroth suddenly turns around, sword drawn.
  408. <Sephiroth> Who are you.
  409. <DM> $47d10
  410. <Navi> DM: You rolled 47 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 6, 1, 2, 8, 5, 1, 1, 7, 4, 8, 3, 4, 5, 1, 9, 4, 10, 1, 10, 1, 7, 9, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 5, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 2, 9, 7, 2, 6, 10, 10, 8, 3, 5, 8, 1 and 8. Total: 241. Successes: 32.
  411. * Sephiroth enters defensive stance, and attempts to dodge an arrow.
  412. <KeatonStrife> (I assume I'm rolling the stats of my new identify, yes?)
  413. <DM> (Yes)
  414. <KeatonStrife> *identity
  415. <KeatonStrife> $4d10
  416. <Navi> KeatonStrife: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Results: 8, 2, 7 and 9. Total: 26. Successes: 3.
  417. <DM> (The Dreadnaught rolls 7 for Courage)
  418. <KeatonStrife> (suckah, it says 4 courage)
  419. <DM> +8 Armor from Red Mail
  420. <KeatonStrife> (yeah I'm pretty sure this plan didn't work out so well)
  421. <KeatonStrife> I'm-
  422. * KeatonStrife tries to explain he's Strife, but there's an arrow sticking through his neck.
  423. <KeatonStrife> -a dead Keaton.
  424. * Sephiroth turns around and looks for the source of the arrow.
  425. * KeatonStrife slumps to the floor and kindly bounces back to his old body!
  426. <DM> *The arrow whizzes past Sephiroth's face and lands directly in the Dreadnaught's skull, skewering his brains as he dies again*
  427. * Strife takes a moment to readjust back to reality while Sephiroth turns to face a sudden attacker.
  428. <Strife> (don't mind me, I'm just gonna stay lying under this bed for a moment)
  429. <DM> *You find that the source of the arrow came from the far end of the hall*
  430. <Strife> (you hunting down the source of the arrow or you taking a different route?)
  431. * Sephiroth shrugs, and double-backs towards the foyer, .. but instead exits westward.
  432. * Strife finally awakens from his stupor and rolls out from under the bed.
  433. <Strife> That's it, I'm hunting that arrow guy down!
  434. * Strife goes back to where his double died, checks the direction of the arrow in the body, annnnd heads to the north part of the northern hallway.
  435. <DM> *Strife, you follow the arrow guy back to the room everyone else is in*
  436. *Sephiroth, you enter the westward door. You find a room with a large table and a map at the far wall. To the sides of you are bookshelves containing various books. This looks like a Tactics room*
  437. * Sephiroth begins casually looking at the spines of the books lined along the bookshelves.
  438. <DM> *You find that the books contain information about various battle tactics; including a series of five books depicting rings of various elements and samurai*
  439. * Sephiroth grabs the 2nd book of various elements and samurai and beings thumbing through the pages.
  440. <DM> *It depicts the way of the Samurai, from the way they handle the sword and bow; depicting the various ways of using them in a true samurai fashion*
  441. * Sephiroth closes the book and returns it to the shelf, then has a closer look at the map.
  442. <DM> *The map depicts the immediate area around Thoughter's fortress. To the south of the fortress is a large crater running deep down*
  443. * Sephiroth pockets the map and returns to the hallway.
  444. <DM> *As you return to the hallway, you enter an inky black void*
  445. <DM> LOADING
  446. <DM> LOADING
  447. <DM> LOADING
  449. -=MEANWHILE=-
  451. <Melizea> "Hmmm... Intriguing..."
  452. * Darte prods the void with the tip of a blade. "Well, this is... certainly one way to disguise a shortcut. You sure this isn't part of the illusion?"
  453. <Melizea> "Uncertain."
  454. <DM> *You find yourself in a room with a door in the north. It appears to be some sort of office room with a desk to one side. Behind the desk you can hear some rummaging*
  455. <DM> *There is a door to the north and one hidden by an illusion to the south
  456. * Melizea faces Darte and then eyes the desk a few times.
  457. * Darte nods silently, and tip-toes towards it, looking for a nameplate or other indicator of its occupant, sword at the ready.
  458. <DM> *You find a small dull grey Lizalfols rummaging through the papers. You recgonize it as an Eyegouger Lizalfols, but not as Dex*
  459. * Darte squints, and hisses at the rummager. "You the one doing that fine work across the way?"
  460. <DM> *You also discover a convieniently placed blender on the desk, seemingly ideal for blending eyes*
  461. <Darte> (Yeeeeeugcch.)
  462. * Melizea stays calm, but wary.
  463. <DM> *The lizalfols looks up to Darte, spooked for a moment before calming down and catching his breath*
  464. * Darte shakes his head warningly.
  465. <DM> [Lizalfols] "Yes, it is I who eyegouged those Keaton. I couldn't resist the temptation of eyes just sitting there... ready for me to take. You may call me Harold Eyegouger"
  466. <Darte> "Alright H-harold..." His lips twitch a bit. "... We're just following a lead, here. You can call me Da-- Fishface. And that's, uh. Mal."
  467. * Melizea just stands still.
  468. <DM> [Harold] Would you join me for a toast? I've got some delightful Keese eyes available for blending if you want?
  469. * Melizea looks at Darte momentarily.
  470. * Sephiroth looks at Darte momentarily and blinks.
  471. * Darte heaves a bit. "That... will not be necessary, I had my, uh, fill in their mess hall. I'm just... looking to find the leaders here - eyes, intact, I assure, you, and take them ou-YIIPE, why did I just feel like I just got ogled from afar?"
  472. <DM> *suddenly, you hear Harold stumble back in shock as he appears to be listening to something*
  473. * Darte tilts his head. "... twitchy fellow."
  474. * Melizea ponders for a moment.
  475. <DM> [Harold] "...Silv... got it."
  476. <DM> [Harold] "Mind if I pinch the Boss Key that's in here?"
  477. * Darte squints. "You're going after him too? I mean, you're gonna use the key, right?"
  478. <DM> [Harold] "Yes, yes. We aren't going to desert you guys."
  479. <DM> [Harold] "Though... word of warning... we may have a certain silver fox join."
  480. * Darte shrugs. "Seems like a plan. You open it up, we rally our forces, and join you for the big finish. Except... silver fox? Like, something like another Keaton?"
  481. * Melizea has no recollection of a certain silver fox.
  482. <DM> [Harold] That would be Silvio. The assassin well known for escaping prison and shooting down nobles and attacking Keaton
  483. <DM> [Harold] Us Keaton hate Haddaken like him
  484. <DM> *The Keaton
  485. <Melizea> "Hmm..."
  486. * Darte grins. "Well, I don't see a problem. If he's silver like you say, we'll know not to take him out; and he'll likely get your scraw-- uffy tail to the boss with no problem."
  487. <DM> *Suddenly the door opens to reveal a silver Haddaken in a silver robe enter the room, equipped with a large intimidating bow*
  488. * Darte raises his hands in the air, waggling them slightly for emphasis.
  489. * Melizea simply just nods.
  490. <DM> [Silvio] "Woah there, didn't expect more company... of which includes the famous Darte Fellshard"
  491. <DM> [Harold] "These guys are also here to take out the Keaton Army. Don't worry, they won't bite"
  492. * Darte groans. "Famous for what," he mutters. "We were just having a chat with Harry, here. Me- Ma-- Gah. Guess the game's up on names. Mel and I were heading to fetch the rest of our band and clean this place up. You're taking Harold on ahead?"
  493. <DM> *Darte, you recall that both Silvio and Harold have bounties on their heads*
  494. <Darte> (Hmm. Bounty, or the one who invaded his realm and laid hands on Lord Jabu-Jabu's mi-- definitely the invader.)
  495. * Strife stumbles in from the north door into the backside of Silvio.
  496. <Strife> Woah there, sorry bout that, I'm just looking for a guy with a bow.
  497. * Darte pulls the sword out again. "No touching!"
  498. <Strife> (let's see, officially... I don't think Strife has met with anyone else, so.... oh crap, I might be seen as hostile without Sephiroth around to cover)
  500. <DM> *Silvio turns towards Strife, who just entered the room. As he saw the old Cloud approach him, asking for the bow guy, he grabbed a Deku Nut in preparation to defense*
  501. <Strife> (he still holding the crossbow in the other hand?)
  502. <DM> (Yes)
  503. * Strife looks and sees the crossbow, then points angrily at Silvio.
  504. <Strife> It was YOU!
  505. <DM> [Silvio] Keep your hands off me. I'm not having some old emo boy arrest me here!
  506. <Strife> I found me a perfectly good corpse to go sneaking around in, and I take one step out and suddenly I'm adventurin' with an arrow in my neck!
  507. * Darte looks to Silvio. "He trouble?"
  508. <DM> *Silvio takes a double take*
  509. <DM> [Silvio] The hell? That was you?
  510. <Strife> Who else wouldja thunk it was, a walkin' Keaton with a stab wound through tha heart?
  511. <Strife> Haven'tcha ever herd o' knockin' afore you kick down tha door?
  512. * Melizea lightly coughs in an "ahem" manner.
  513. <Strife> Pipe down you youngster, I'm tryin' to be relevant for once!
  514. <Strife> ... who coughed that.
  515. * Strife looks around the room and finally addresses the other three.
  516. <Strife> ... uhhh
  517. <Strife> Hi, my last name is Strife, and I don't know what my first name is. Pardon me.
  518. <Strife> Anyone got anymore booze? I ran out.
  519. * Darte shakes his head wordlessly.
  520. <DM> [Silvio] I don't know, you seem to act like a cloud; wandering into death like you did and bumping into me like that
  521. <DM> [Silvio] Thus I will call you Cloud Strife
  522. <Strife> .........
  523. * Sephiroth face-palms from the other room.
  524. <Strife> Thanks, but call me Strife. I don't like clouds. They're too fluffy and bubbly.
  525. <Strife> So, anyone else got another corpse I can waltz around in? Before it gets shot down by Mr. Shoot First Ask Questions Later?
  526. <DM> [Harold] So is that everyone here now?
  527. <Strife> I guess if no one's gonna shoot me preemptively, I'm gonna crash yer guys' party. What're we doin'?
  528. <DM> [Silvio] Just about. Mima is waiting for her chance to act as well. Once we take down Queen Solar we should have a clear shot at entering the Temple of the Windfish
  529. * Darte shakes his head. "We've got another gloomy fellow somewhere about, probably clearing out the place. Hey, maybe we should call /him/ a Cloud."
  530. * Melizea looks at Strife. "Did you perhaps manage to encounter Sephiroth?"
  531. <Strife> I like that! His hair is all wavy like, makes way more sense. We can call him... Cloudiroth!
  532. * Strife uses an old, grizzled hand to shake Darte's fishlippy hands.
  533. <DM> *Silvio sighs*
  534. <Strife> A pleasure ta meet yer!
  535. <DM> [Silvio] Oh boy. Sephiroth...
  536. <Strife> Hold on, someone mentioned a Solar panelin' Queen. Hey, silver foxy, you know anythin' 'bout the queen usin' this reeeeeeeaaaaally nice lookin' sword?
  537. <Strife> Heard she was possessed by somefin' called a Nightymare, whatever that wimpy garbage is.
  538. * Darte blinks. "... Fellow bounces about like a chuchu on mystery powder."
  539. <DM> [Silvio] I've seen that sword. It looks like it came from the world you got that Buster Sword you had.
  540. <Strife> Goody goody-
  541. <Strife> ........
  542. * Strife draws his Black Cleaver and gets real defensive around Silvio.
  543. <Strife> ... how d'ye know what sword I used ta have?
  544. <Strife> (fyi Darte, this sword should look very familiar to you and give you mild Interloper PTSD)
  545. <DM> [Silvio] I have contacts in many places, especially in the Hylian Guard.
  546. <Strife> Uhh huhh.....
  547. * Strife squints at ya like an old man squinting at kids on his god darned lawn, then turns to Melizea.
  548. * Darte winces, leaning back a bit, and his hand jumps a bit towards the hilt of his Shadow Crystal Blade.
  549. * Strife whispers, "I don't like that guy. He knows too much. We're gonna have to kill him later, okay?"
  550. * Strife whispers again, "By the way, do you like swords? Cause swords are awesome!"
  551. * Melizea poonders for a moment.
  552. <Melizea> (ponders*)
  553. <DM> *Silvio points to the door going North*
  554. <DM> [Silvio] We need to get going
  555. <DM> [Harold] Mima is waiting on us.
  556. <Melizea> "I suppose we shall move in haste."
  557. * Darte leans towards Melizea and whispers, all while nodding to Silvio. "I have no idea what just happened but I think we've just lost the element of surprise."
  558. * Strife whispers back to Darte, "Did you just interrupt my whispering with your whispering?"
  559. <DM> *Both Silvio and Harold move into the door leading into the hallway. Except this time the door leads into an inky black void.
  560. * Melizea whispers back to Darte "Indeed, I'd be cautious."
  561. * Melizea then whispers to Strife "I suppose you'll find out sooner or later."
  562. * Strife ushers one last whisper, "Ugh, fine."
  563. * Darte whispers to himself, "This is gonna get weird fast..."
  564. * Strife pokes his head through the crowd at the doorway.
  565. <DM> *The inky blackness at the door begins to flood the room. Consuming all of you...*
  566. <Strife> Huh, didn't know we were getting served a heap of darkness on top of this moshpit. What's next, a loading screen?
  567. <DM> *Letters appear on the screen*
  568. <DM> LOADING
  569. <DM> LOADING
  570. <DM> LOADING
  571. <DM> --==SESSION END==--
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