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Sep 23rd, 2018
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  1. He’s one of the postgame enemies. Before Giovanni, you face Team Plasma’s Ghetsis. I want to make a adventure to become far more powerful and skilled than Red, whom they say is the most powerful and skilled trainer in the land, and(not trying to advertise. Just explaining a plan since people on another streaming site basically think I’m talking gibberish and stuff that seems like I’m doing it to a real person irl and just kick me from the stream, completely banning me via the kick. I need to explain the plan somewhere, and I think here is the only place where people will understand what I’m talking about.) going to stream the adventure on fb for my friends to watch(and join in on if I make a server, IF I decide to have companions to join in on the adventure, but Ins(I’m not sure) if I’ll make one) me on the quest to become more powerful and skilled than Red, then face Giovanni. This will all be done in Pixelmon. And like I said in the ( )’s I’m not trying to advertise. I have no intention at all to. No one on the other streaming site(can’t mention the name) will listen to me and just kick me. I need somewhere where I can explain.
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