
Ch 6: Part 4: The Throne of Abraxas: Session 108

Jan 20th, 2014
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  1. [16:34] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [16:34] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 6: Descent into Midnight~~~
  3. [16:35] <@Kilarra> -Session 108-
  4. [16:39] <@Kilarra> After their ordeal with the demons at the entrance to the temple, the party had to fight their way through a number of drow clerics and a massive, snake-like demon. Now they stand in the midst of the Blood Bascilica, not yet knowing that the end of their long struggle is just a single door away.
  5. [16:40] * Kilarra pulls out one of the curing wands, "Alright, anyone hurt?" She prods herself once, and Kjell once as well after he was dropped from the snake's tail.
  6. [16:42] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods appreciatively. "Perhaps instead of just going through the next door, we can check to see what lies beyond first." He looks to Kahree.
  7. [16:43] * Aluthyra nods to Kilarra. "A few scratches, but nothing serious."
  8. [16:43] * Kilarra nods and touches Aluthyra with the wand once anyways, now that she wasn't worried about running out.
  9. [16:43] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah." She moves towards the door. "Once I disable whatever trap's on it... I'm sure there is one, then I'll check."
  10. [16:44] <@Kilarra> Kahree finds a glyph of warding just like the others on this door
  11. [16:45] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "You'd think they'd stop after the first few. Pretty obvious now." Kahree gets to work!
  12. [16:45] <@Kilarra> Kahree disables the glyph with relative ease
  13. [16:47] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, depositing her thieving tools. "Done," she calls back to her companions, pressing her hands to the door. Taking a moment to activate the magic in her gloves, she soon sees and hears through the door...
  14. [16:48] * Kilarra shrugs, "It makes sense really. Set a condition that she and her followers are immune to, keep intruders moving slow or taking hurt if they rush.
  15. [16:48] <@Kilarra> "
  16. [16:49] <@Kilarra> Kahree sees a wall of thick fog. However, her true seeing allows her to just barely make out the form of Delrenwe, the illusionist from Bhaq's temple, amidst the mist.
  17. [16:52] <Aluthyra> Kahree growls, stepping back from the door and turning. "It's that illusionist. Can't see much, some spell's got the area filled with fog."
  18. [16:53] * Kilarra looks around the group, "Were any of those elemental gems air based? Could blow the fog away."
  19. [16:54] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Yeah, I gave them to Aluthyra."
  20. [16:54] * Aluthyra digs through her haversack, pulling one out and throwing it to Kahree. "If you throw it, I can shoot the illusionist as the area clears."
  21. [16:55] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks, catching the gem. "Sounds good."
  22. [16:55] * Kilarra looks to the group, "How much further do you think this thing goes? Depending on how much more there is, we might run ourselves through before we get to Allevrah
  23. [16:55] <@Kilarra> ."
  24. [16:59] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I do not think we are far. It would make more sense for them to place that servant of Abraxas nearer to the end-- when they hope we are weary and will perish. I think we are very close."
  25. [17:01] * Kilarra looks to Kjell, "What kind of magical enhancements do you have left?"
  26. [17:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I cam with most of my conventional augmentations and protection spells prepared. I was planning to save them for when we faced Allevrah."
  27. [17:01] * Kilarra nods, "I've got some left too, but we need to consider who needs what the most."
  28. [17:04] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "I think bringing Allevrah down will fall on you. She's probably got way too much magic power for Kjell or I to contend with."
  29. [17:05] * Aluthyra nods, looking to her bow. "Very well. I shall do my best." She looks to Kilarra. "Perhaps you can once more highten my senses with your spell?"
  30. [17:07] * Kilarra nods, "That I can. I can also give a small blessing to all of us at once. From there, I have a couple spells that can provide resistance to magic, a death ward, a spell to augment my own partial prowess, if needed. I also have one spell that might disrupt Allevrah, but it might not work on her at all depending on how carefully she's warded herself."
  31. [17:08] <@Kilarra> Kjell notes, "I can grant us all haste, bolster my own strength and make my skin hard as stone. I can also increase my cunning, and thereby my magical potency." He looks around; "Which of us do you think would benefit most from additional fortitude?"
  32. [17:09] * Aluthyra shrugs. "You or I. If there are guards, I would assume that you would direct their fire, while I direct Allevrah's."
  33. [17:11] * Kilarra nods, "Then you should have it. If you are drawing Allevrah's fire, then surely you will need all the fortitude you can muster to weather her magic."
  34. [17:12] <@Kilarra> Kjell notes, "I will reserve my haste for the last possible moment, but the rest will last about a quarter of an hour or more if I cast them now."
  35. [17:12] * Kilarra nods, "Same for mine."
  36. [17:12] * Aluthyra nods. "Right." She glances at the door. "So, let us cast these spells, then... onward."
  37. [17:13] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and gets to work, starting with Stoneskin, Bull's Strength and Fox's CUnning on himself.
  38. [17:16] * Kilarra casts Owl's Wisdom and Protection from Evil on Aluthyra, Divine Favor and Entropic Shield on herself.
  39. [17:16] <@Kilarra> Kjell puts Bear's Endurance on Aluthyra as well
  40. [17:17] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "Which do you think you need more, protection from spells, or negative energy?"
  41. [17:19] <Aluthyra> Kahree humms, thinking. "Let's go with negative energy."
  42. [17:19] * Kilarra nods and puts Death Ward on Kahree. If she went to pick off the other clerics, it would certainly help.
  43. [17:20] * Kilarra also gives ALuthyra the best protection she can offer with Spell Turning.
  44. [17:23] * Kilarra then gives herself a bit of Spell Resistance to be on the safe side
  45. [17:25] * Aluthyra looks to the door. "Any more, or are we ready?"
  46. [17:26] * Kilarra shakes her head, "Anything I have left would be an overlap or a duplicate effect."
  47. [17:27] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, then looks to Kahree, "Summon the elemental, and instruct it to blow away the fog when I open the door."
  48. [17:28] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, throwing the gem to the ground. "Might as well summon it now," she explains, repeating Kjell's instruction to the elemental.
  49. [17:28] <@Kilarra> The gem is shattered and a whirlwind in miniature forms up before the door, waiting.
  50. [17:28] <@Kilarra> Kjell pushes the door open.
  51. [17:29] <@Kilarra> The elemental, following orders, moves into the room and begins to whirl around, throwing the fog aside...
  52. [17:30] <@Kilarra> This wide, spacious hall is lit by constantly writhing runes dancing along the walls of the room, bathing the contents with shifting purple lights. A much larger rune, circular and fifteen feet across, floats a foot above the floor in an alcove to the west at the far end of a wide upraised pulpit.
  53. [17:30] <@Kilarra> A circular flight of steps leads down from the front of the pulpit to a lower area. Pillars carved to resemble coiling snakes support the cathedral celing a hundred feet above, and in alcoves along the walls stand immense stone statues of a snake-legged, bird-faced demon.
  54. [17:32] <@Kilarra> When the sees the room, they find a strange and eerie ritual in full swing. Standing in a semicircle in the lower portion of the chamber at the edge of the steps are nine of Allevrah’s soldiers, while four of her priestesses stand atop the pulpit.
  55. [17:33] <@Kilarra> All 13 drow face the master glyph, and are deeply focused on it and chanting a complex hymn to aid in its call to the falling star far above. Fivevrocks perch on the statues of Abraxas or cling to the pillars throughout the room, occasionally lending their raucous calls to the chanting.
  56. [17:34] <@Kilarra> The two clerics that elluded Kahree earlier stand among the soldiers. A small clump of mist persists near the entrance, thrown against the wall. Kahree and Kilarra can see that the mist is in fact, Delrenwe, in gaseous form.
  57. [17:35] <@Kilarra> Allevrah herself stands just to the edge of the master glyph, facing it as well, a statuesque beauty dressed in shimmering chainmail, wielding a demonic shield in one hand and a writhing scaly whip in the other. Her right ear, clipped off halfway down its length
  58. [17:36] <@Kilarra> She reacts to the party's arrival with the smile of one finally reunited with an old, almost forgotten lover. She has no words for them. She simply directs the attention of her 21 minions, drow and demon alike, to them with an almost casual wave of the hand, and the battle is on.
  59. [17:43] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks, throwing her last elemental gem-- of fire, into the throng of battle.
  60. [17:43] * Aluthyra follows, throwing her final gem of air near Kahree's own throw.
  61. [17:46] <@Kilarra> The two elementals burst onto the field of battle.
  62. [17:47] <@Kilarra> Allevrah opens by casting a blade barrier on top of the first to party members to enter the room, as well as to make entering the room difficult for those behind them, potentially breaking up their efforts.
  63. [17:51] <@Kilarra> Kahree nimbly rolls ahead of the wall of magic blades. Aluthyra manages to get through, the magical blades not penetrating her innate magic resistance.
  64. [17:52] * Kilarra frowns and steps through the barrier of blades, hoping her magical protection was sufficient to repel it.
  65. [17:52] <@Kilarra> Kilarra gets through unscathed
  66. [17:53] * Kilarra then breaks her elemental gem, summoning another elemental. Hopefully it could keep the Vrocks occupied.
  67. [17:55] <@Kilarra> The six clerics attending the ritual pull out wands to put to use against the Elemental. They focus on the fire elemental first with three bolts of lightning
  68. [17:57] <@Kilarra> The three others aim for the twin air elementals with fireballs
  69. [18:00] <@Kilarra> The Air elementals are difficult to hit, but are still seared by the heat of the flames. The fire Elemental is badly hurt by the trio of Lightning Bolts.
  70. [18:01] <@Kilarra> Delrenwe reverts to her tangible form, dizzy. She attempts to cast spells at Kahree.
  71. [18:04] <@Kilarra> Kahree is unaffected
  72. [18:04] <@Kilarra> Delrenwe growls.
  73. [18:04] <Aluthyra> Kahree sneers at the drow.
  74. [18:05] <@Kilarra> The drow soldiers look around at their available targets. Seeing the clerics go after the elementals, they decide to all target Aluthyra and Kilarra, both of whom had walked through a wall of blades unharmed
  75. [18:07] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra gets clipped by one bolt, and Kilarra by two, but they're relatively unscathed
  76. [18:09] <@Kilarra> One of the Vrocks comes down to try and finish off the fire elemental. Two others, unconcerns about lightning, go after the air elementals to get them out of the way. A Forth goes after the Water Elemental, while the fifth heads for Kahree
  77. [18:14] <@Kilarra> The fire elemental is nearly snuffed, and one of the Air Elementals takes a beating, but the other air and water elementals take the punishment with relative impunity
  78. [18:17] <@Kilarra> Kahree takes a hit from one claw
  79. [18:19] * Kjell frowns at the barrier, but steps through it anyways. He needed to be able to see what they were up against.
  80. [18:20] <@Kilarra> Kjell gets a wall of whirling blades to the face, coming out rather worse for wear.
  81. [18:22] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks about and focuses in on Delrenwe. Allevrah was going to be bad enough, they didn't need two casters giving them grief. Fortunately, he had a fix for it. He hoped
  82. [18:28] <@Kilarra> Delrenwe is surrounded by Kjell's magic, shrinking and contorting until all that remains where she was a moment ago is a tiny bat.
  83. [18:30] <@Kilarra> Kahree and Kilarra can see the change happen, but their true seeing shows them Delrenwe's true form regardless
  84. [18:30] <@Kilarra> Kjell smirks, "I've always wanted to try something like that."
  85. [18:32] <Aluthyra> Kahree growls, smacking at the Vrock's claws with her maces. She's sick of these demons! Annoying!
  86. [18:36] <@Kilarra> The Vrock is surpised that the little thing can actually hurt her and shrinks back al ittle in spite of its size
  87. [18:37] * Aluthyra turns on Allevrah, aiming her bow at the heart of the drow. "Your will will not be done," Aluthyra calls, firing a single arrow at the woman.
  88. [18:40] <@Kilarra> Allevrah seems genuinely shocked when that single arrow pierces her chainmail and sinks into her shoulder. She scowls at Aluthyra and raises her whip bearing hand, casting at the aasimar
  89. [18:43] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra feels most of the magical protection she had put upon her wash away. First the spell turning, then the owl's wisdom, then the bear's endurance. He ki induced powers remain unaffected
  90. [18:55] <@Kilarra> The fire elemental, being relatively unintelligent, simply lashes back at its demonic assailant.
  91. [18:56] <@Kilarra> The Vrock is unaffected and unamused
  92. [18:56] <@Kilarra> The Air elementals attempt the same
  93. [18:57] <@Kilarra> The air elementals are equally ineffective at harming the demons.
  94. [18:58] <@Kilarra> The Delrenwe bat flaps up and away from the fight in confusion.
  95. [18:59] * Kilarra frowns. Allevrah had, with a single spell, undone most of her protection on Aluthyra. It was time to try something a little more in her face. She casts Jolting portent
  96. [19:01] <@Kilarra> Kilarra's spell doesn't penetrate the drow Matron's powerful resistance
  97. [19:02] * Kilarra frowns. That wasn't good
  98. [19:07] <@Kilarra> the clerics aim lightning bolts a the air elementals, knowing the Vrocks along their line of fire are immune to it
  99. [19:09] <@Kilarra> Both of the Elementals dissipate into the air.
  100. [19:14] <TenMihara> The Soldiers all take aim at Aluthyra now, who had dared to shoot their matron
  101. [19:15] <TenMihara> Only two of them even manage to scratch her
  102. [19:16] <TenMihara> The Vrocks, without the air elementals to contend with, go after Kjell and Kilarra
  103. [19:17] <TenMihara> The Vrock attacking Kjell can't penetrate his armour or stonehard skin, but Kilarra is raked twice
  104. [19:18] <TenMihara> The Vrock attacking Kahree gives her its all
  105. [19:19] <TenMihara> It only manages to clip her with its beak in its shaken state
  106. [19:19] <TenMihara> The Vrock attempts to finish off the Fire Elemental, while the other goes after water
  107. [19:20] <TenMihara> the Fire Elemental is snuffed
  108. [19:22] <TenMihara> The Water elemental hangs in there
  109. [19:25] <TenMihara> Kjell frowns. They needed some cover. He puts up a wall of flames between his party and the drow, cleric and soldier alike. Hopefully it would let them deal with the Vrocks first
  110. [19:27] <Aluthyra> Kahree growls, returning the hit with equal fervor, trying to bash the vrock unconscious.
  111. [19:30] <TenMihara> Kahree renders the Vrock -very- unconscious
  112. [19:32] * Aluthyra keeps her bow trained on the matron, firing another well-aimed arrow.
  113. [19:34] <TenMihara> The arrow strikes true, punching clean through Allevrah's defenses and right into one of her lungs. The drow matron actually screams in pain, before attempting to eliminate Aluthyra as a threat. She brandishes her unholy symbol.
  114. [19:37] <TenMihara> Aluthyra's body is wreathed in unholy green flames, but the resilient Aasimar manages to keep her molecules attached to her other molecules. It still hurt significantly.
  115. [19:37] <TenMihara> Allevrah's whip glows with an unholy light, and Allevrah is healed some.
  116. [19:38] * Kilarra smirks. Allevrah was pulling out big guns. That means she was hur- stupid whip thing!
  117. [19:41] * Kilarra looks relieved as well at Aluthyra's endurance. That spell could have utterly destroyed any of the rest of them.
  118. [19:42] * Kilarra decides to try and off one of the Vrocks by herself, aiming her own holy symbol at it
  119. [19:43] <Kilarra> The Vrock is consumed by holy fire and reduced to nothing
  120. [19:44] * Kilarra grins at Allevrah, "Thought you might want to see how that's -supposed- to work."
  121. [19:45] <Kilarra> The Drow Matron seems unimpressed
  122. [19:48] <Kilarra> The drow clerics don't want to walk through the fire, so they instead take aim at Kilarra and Kahree, each of whom had dropped a Vrock by themselves
  123. [19:49] <Kilarra> Kahree comes away from the fire completely unphased
  124. [19:50] <Kilarra> Kilarra is not so lucky.
  125. [19:50] <Kilarra> Except that she is, because spell resistance.
  126. [19:51] <Kilarra> She is also unharmed
  127. [19:51] <Kilarra> The drow soldiers hold their fire because of the... fire.
  128. [19:53] <Kilarra> One of the Vrocks each for for Kilarra and Aluthyra, with the third attempting to finish off the weakened water elemental
  129. [19:54] <Kilarra> the water elemental becomes an inert puddle
  130. [19:55] <Kilarra> The Vrock looks confused as it is repelled from Aluthyra, while the one attacking Kilarra doesn't manage a hit
  131. [19:57] <Kilarra> Kjell maintains his concentration on the wall of fire while casting a still lightning bolt against three of the clerics
  132. [19:58] <Kilarra> the priestesses are fairly nimble, but are seared by the lightning
  133. [20:00] <Aluthyra> Kahree turns to the vrock attacking Aluthyra, charging forward with a mace ready to bash its back.
  134. [20:01] <Kilarra> Kahree hears a piece of the Vrock's spine and ribs shatter
  135. [20:02] <Kilarra> The Vrock squawks painfully, but being an outside means even a broken spine or neck wouldn't stop it... much.
  136. [20:04] * Aluthyra attempts to move out of the Vrock's range, hoping to gain vision of Allevrah once more.
  137. [20:06] <Kilarra> The Vrock doesn't manage to nab her
  138. [20:07] <Aluthyra> As Allevrah comes back into Aluthyra's vision, the monk fires another single arrow.
  139. [20:08] <Kilarra> The arrow catches her, undoing the healing done by the whip.
  140. [20:09] <Kilarra> Allevrah scowls at Aluthyra and unleashes a strike of unholy flames against her, adding a quickened healing spell to herself
  141. [20:11] <Kilarra> Aluthyra is unaffected
  142. [20:11] * Aluthyra smirks.
  143. [20:12] <Kilarra> Allevrah looks to be getting angry
  144. [20:12] * Kilarra looks a little relieved, and decides to heal all of her companions a little, since she figured she wasn't gonna be getting in close to harm anyone any time soon.
  145. [20:13] <Kilarra> Kjell looks thankful; he still had that Blade Barrier hit prior to now.
  146. [20:16] <Kilarra> All six of the Clerics attempt to paralyze Kahree to keep her from Vrock bashing
  147. [20:17] <Kilarra> Kahree shrugs off all but one of the spells, freezing in place.
  148. [20:19] <Kilarra> The drow soldiers continue to hold position, waiting for the fire to get out of their way
  149. [20:19] <Kilarra> The Vrock struck by Kahree turns around and attempts to break her spine in return
  150. [20:21] <Kilarra> Kahree has her spine snapped and falls limp
  151. [20:23] * Kilarra gasps in shock. Kahree was dead. But maybe there was enough of a spark left to rekindle.
  152. [20:26] <Kilarra> Allevrah sneers triumphantly
  153. [20:26] * Kilarra calls to Kjell, "Give me a few seconds, I might be able to help her before she's gone completely!"
  154. [20:27] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and keeps the wall of fire going, hurling his last lightning bolt at the same three in a row clerics
  155. [20:28] <Kilarra> The clerics are badly wounded. If they got too close to the fire, or didn't stop to heal themselves, they would keel over.
  156. [20:29] * Aluthyra scowls, firing another arrow at Allevrah, hoping to wipe off her triumphant smirk.
  157. [20:31] <Kilarra> The drow matron is struck, but seems more confident with one of her enemies deceased. She quickly heals herself again, then floods the entire south of the room with a storm of flames
  158. [20:39] <Kilarra> Kilarra, Aluthyra, and Kjell are all badly burned
  159. [20:41] * Kilarra focuses through the searing heat and pain and being on fire to get to Kahree
  160. [20:41] <Kilarra> The Vrock misses as it takes a swing
  161. [20:41] * Kilarra barely manages to reach Kahree and tries to jumpstart her life with positive energy before it burnt out
  162. [20:43] <Kilarra> Kahree is just barely revived
  163. [20:43] <Aluthyra> Kahree gasps, sitting up. "Fuck," she groans, looking around her. "This... isn't going well."
  164. [20:43] * Kilarra nods, "Agreed. Kjell! Get us out of here!"
  165. [20:45] <Kilarra> The drow clerics seem ocntent to heal themselves
  166. [20:46] <Kilarra> Kjell ignores the flames, letting his own wall drop, and lumbers over to his companions. It was a good thing they were close together enough for him to port them all out.
  167. [20:46] <Kilarra> The party reappears just outside the Shrine of Bound Earth
  168. [20:47] * Kilarra immediately drops to the ground and rolls to put the flames out.
  169. [20:47] * Aluthyra drops soon after, rolling in hopes to control the flames!
  170. [20:48] <Aluthyra> Kahree just falls back and lays on the ground, too weak and injured to move much.
  171. [20:48] <Kilarra> Kjell drops as well, rolling himself out.
  172. [20:48] * Kilarra reaches over and grabs Kahree, putting what healing she has left into the ifrit
  173. [20:50] <Aluthyra> As the flames on Aluthyra fade, she sits up, head down, eyes closed. It takes near to a minute, but very quickly, her wounds begin to completely regenerate.
  174. [20:51] * Kilarra groans, healing herself up as well
  175. [20:52] * Kilarra is able to restore herself completely by burning off all of the higher level magical power she had left.
  176. [20:52] * Kilarra then pumps 3 more moderate curing spells of her own into Kahree before getting out her wand to see who had what left.
  177. [20:54] * Kilarra pants as her wounds are mended, still feeling sears and humiliated.
  178. [20:54] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans, the majority of her wounds healed. "Well, fuck," she frowns. "What should we do now? Without us, the Chadra'll die..."
  179. [20:54] <Kilarra> seared
  180. [20:56] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "Their battle was going well before we left. They may suffer casualties, but I don't think the drow that were left will win against them, aided by the Ghaeles. That leaves Allevrah without reinforcements."
  181. [20:56] * Kilarra moves over to Kjell with her wand, seeing he was still in bad shape.
  182. [20:57] * Kilarra has to burn 7 charges, but it does the trick
  183. [20:58] * Kilarra groans, "We got rid of two Vrocks, and those are hard to replace. Should have picked off more of those clerics."
  184. [20:58] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I did try."
  185. [20:59] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Still doesn't seem right... are we going back, or staying to rest? Will they stay, or will they leave?"
  186. [20:59] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I don't have a sending Prepared. Kjell, you got any teleportation?"
  187. [21:00] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Two Scrolls. I just thought this would be ideal for escape, rather than potentially ending up in the middle of a battle still raging."
  188. [21:00] * Kilarra lays flat on her back, looking utterly disappointed. "Does this mean we failed?"
  189. [21:03] * Aluthyra shakes her head, coming out of her meditation. "No, it does not. We rest, or we go back in. We have not yet failed. If we rest... we may, if we go back in, we may. Either has a chance of failure, but for different reasons... we just need to decide."
  190. [21:04] * Kilarra shakes her head, "We can't go back in without resting. I'm spent."
  191. [21:04] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "As am I; I have exhausted my magical resources."
  192. [21:06] * Aluthyra nods and sighs. "Then we must get to rest immediately, and hope we still have time."
  193. [21:09] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Here, or at the drow bunkers on the island?"
  194. [21:10] <Aluthyra> Kahree stands, strapping her maces to her back. "Bunkers. It's closer."
  195. [21:11] * Kilarra looks to Kjell, "The island, I agree. We need to ask the Chardas to hold it for us. And maybe see if Jezelle or her friend can be convinced to stick around longer."
  196. [21:11] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and pulls out another scroll. He beckons the party together.
  197. [21:12] <Aluthyra> Kahree and Aluthyra move in close.
  198. [21:13] <Kilarra> Kjell teleports the party back to the Throne of Abraxas.
  199. [21:14] <Kilarra> Upon their arrival, the party bears witness to a concluded battle. Several dozen Charda corpses litter the field amidst the drow and driders. The chardas look to the group curiously, wondering how they had faired.
  200. [21:15] * Kilarra pulls her bloodlink back on. "The Blood Witch yet lives. The power we used to help win this battle left us with less than we needed to contend with her."
  201. [21:15] <Kilarra> The Chardas seem disappointed at this. Jezelle and the other Ghaelt
  202. [21:16] <Kilarra> and the other ghaele approach. "That's rough, but at least you got out alive."
  203. [21:16] * Kilarra nods and looks to them, "How did you fare out here?"
  204. [21:17] <Kilarra> Jezelle smiles, "Well, the hole you punched in their reinforcements kept them from closing the different in numbers, so we did alright. We were about to start healing all of the Chardas left standing. About thirty of them died, but that's compared to more than a hundred drow and driders."
  205. [21:23] * Kilarra nods, "I'm empty on healing myself. Any chance you can stick around while we sleep? We were doing alright for a while. If we go in at full strength, we should be able to win."
  206. [21:24] <Aluthyra> Kahree adds, "There are several more soldiers and clerics with magics, if you need that."
  207. [21:27] <Kilarra> Jezelle nods, "Considering we're talking about the fate of the world, it would be kinda negligent just to bail on you now."
  208. [21:27] * Aluthyra smiles. "Thank you."
  209. [21:30] * Aluthyra looks back to the barracks. "But if we are to win, we should rest now. The sooner we are ready to fight, the better."
  210. [21:31] <Kilarra> The other Ghaele speaks up, "Do you want us to come with you, or stay here and hold the island while you go in once more?"
  211. [21:32] * Aluthyra nods. "Stay with the Chadra... in case the drow attempt a counterattack."
  212. [21:34] * Kilarra nods, "In the meantime, we'll take one of those bunkers to rest in." She sighs and heads towards th enearest one, still feeling dejected.
  213. [21:35] * Aluthyra follows after Kilarra, wing nudging her side. "We've done well. We haven't failed yet."
  214. [21:36] <Aluthyra> Kahree yawns, waving to the Ghaele as she turns to follow, looking to rest.
  215. [21:36] * Kilarra nods, "I jsut hope this nap doesn't seal the deal."
  216. [21:40] <Kilarra> Kjell goes to bed hoping the same
  217. [21:40] * Aluthyra nods. "Let's see..."
  218. [21:58] <Kilarra> the party is able to sleep without further trouble from the drow, while Allevrah has nothign she can do but restore her protections and prepare for the party's return.
  219. [22:02] * Kilarra wakes up feeling oddly... good. She quickly gets to work preparing herself. No time to waste
  220. [22:03] <Kilarra> Kjell wakes up as well, getting his spells ready. Hopefully what they had learned from their previous encounter could prevent another failure.
  221. [22:07] * Kilarra finishes her preparations as readily as she can before seeking out Aluthyra
  222. [22:08] * Aluthyra is meditating, smiling slightly as she sees Kilarra. "Are you ready?"
  223. [22:09] <Aluthyra> Kahree eats some of her rations, sitting next to and waiting for Kjell to finish his spells.
  224. [22:13] * Kilarra takes a deep breath and nods, "I am. This time I'm better prepared for Allevrah specifically. Those fire spells are nasty, but I can certainly help now."
  225. [22:13] * Kilarra notes, "And I can keep Kahree from getting paralyzed again preemptively."
  226. [22:14] * Aluthyra smiles. "Good." She stands, drawing her bow and slinging it over her shoulder. "I believe I am ready as well... I should be able to prevent Allevrah from casting spells."
  227. [22:14] <Kilarra> Kjell comes back out, looking for some help with his armour, "And with that wizard out of the way, I can focus my attention on the other drow."
  228. [22:17] <Aluthyra> Kahree was waiting nearby, and helps Kjell suit up!
  229. [22:18] * Kilarra nods, "We weren't prepared Yesterday, at least not for that kind of attrition. However, with just Allevrah and her remaining minions, I think we can do this." She looks to Kjell, "Can you land us right on her doorstep? We need to hurry."
  230. [22:19] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Now that I've been there before, it shouldn't be difficult to aim."
  231. [22:21] * Kilarra nods, "Okay, we teleport to her front door, go in on our own to make sure she hasn't called for any more help, then get our protections up on her doorstep. She knows we're still alive, so she won't likely have left it unprotected."
  232. [22:23] * Aluthyra steps nearer to Kjell. "Then let's go."
  233. [22:25] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and uses his last scroll to teleport them to the front stone door of the Blood Bascilica.
  234. [22:26] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "Let's make sure they didn't put those glyphs back up."
  235. [22:27] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Sure. Easy enough the first time."
  236. [22:32] <Kilarra> Kahree finds the broken glyph from the day before, unchanged
  237. [22:33] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs, checking for traps. Just in case.
  238. [22:34] <Kilarra> She finds nothing
  239. [22:35] <Aluthyra> Kahree chuckles. "Nope. Looks like they decided against it."
  240. [22:38] * Kilarra nods, "I guess. Allevrah would have had to use up her own magic to replenish the glyphs."
  241. [22:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree looks to Aluthyra and Kjell. "So, lead on?"
  242. [22:40] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and shoves the door open. The hallway is empty
  243. [22:42] * Aluthyra keeps up pace next to Kjell, bow ready with a single arrow nocked.
  244. [22:42] <Kilarra> Kjell draws his sword and presses forward
  245. [22:42] <Aluthyra> Kahree follows behind, sticking to the shadows.
  246. [22:46] <Kilarra> The party is able to proceed to the hall preceding the Ritual Chamber without encountering anyone or anything. They had done a thorough sweep the first time.
  247. [22:48] * Aluthyra shrugs. "Well, I suppose it is time to reapply enchantments?"
  248. [22:49] * Kilarra nods, "Take two." She chuckles a but nervously, then casts protection from fire on all four of them.
  249. [22:51] * Kilarra reapplies her buff spells. Spell resistance on herself, bless on them together, spell turning and Owl's Wisdom on Aluthyra, and protection from evil on Aluthyra. Plus freedom of movement and death ward on Kahree.
  250. [22:52] * Aluthyra reapplies her barkskin.
  251. [22:54] <Kilarra> Kjell puts Bear's Endurance on Kahree, and Bull's Strength and Fox's Cunning on himself
  252. [22:55] <Kilarra> Kjell puts Haste on all of them as well
  253. [22:56] <Aluthyra> Kahree keeps to the shadows after being enhanced by Kjell, waiting to go.
  254. [22:56] * Aluthyra nods. "Shall we?"
  255. [22:59] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and shoves open the door.
  256. [23:04] <Kilarra> Within, the drow were once again in the midst of their ritual. They stop the instant the door opens. Allevrah scowls at the group, "I would have thought you've had enough punishment." She motions for her drow to once again go on the attack
  257. [23:09] <Kilarra> Unbeknownst to anyone, Delrenwe the bat is perched upside down on the roof
  258. [23:11] <Aluthyra> Kahree slips into the room, making her way to guard the entrance... ready to strike if a Vrock charges Kjell or Kilarra.
  259. [23:12] * Aluthyra steps through the door, staring forward at Allevrah. Without taking an action, the monk is gone, whisked away as only a small dimensional gash is left in her place, which is too gone quickly. A voice sounds from behind Allevrah, "You will not have your way again." She raises her bow, but does not fire.
  260. [23:14] <Kilarra> The Soldier's turn around. Those that can fire at Aluthyra for daring to get so close.
  261. [23:14] <Kilarra> they all miss
  262. [23:16] <Kilarra> The three left over hold for Allevrah to move out of the way of their shots
  263. [23:19] <Kilarra> The clerics attempt to hold Aluthyra in place. She was way too close for comfort
  264. [23:21] <Kilarra> The Clerics feel strange as their spells turn on themselves. For two of them anyways. The rest do nothing. The clerics do manage to shrug it off though.
  265. [23:24] <Kilarra> Allevrah moves 20ft close to Aluthyra. "You are a fool," she states. She recognized the effect of the spells rebounding and, rather than attempting to cast anything at her, she lashes out with her whip. The whip, seeming to have a mind of its own, casts some manner of enchantment on Allevrah.
  266. [23:31] <Kilarra> The whip scrapes Aluthyra, but doesn't get through her skin
  267. [23:31] <Kilarra> Allevrah seems a little surprised that the Lash of Abraxas couldn't strike the woman.
  268. [23:33] * Aluthyra launches an arrow at Allevrah as she attempts to cast her spell, interrupting its casting. (add up)
  269. [23:35] <Kilarra> Kjell raises his spell arm and attempts to try something a little unconventional on one of the Vrocks.
  270. [23:37] <Kilarra> The Vrock lets out an uncharacteristic shriek of terror as horrific visions assault it and its demonic heart gives out. What could possibly scare a Vrock to death is anyone's guess
  271. [23:40] <Kilarra> Kjell blinks, surprised that actually worked.
  272. [23:42] * Kilarra smirks. Works for her. She attempts to banish another one of the Vrocks. They were he biggest threat next to Allevrah herself.
  273. [23:43] <Kilarra> The Vrock stays put
  274. [23:43] * Kilarra frowns.
  275. [23:44] <Kilarra> The two remaining Vrock lunge at Kilarra and Kjell, not seeing Kahree yet
  276. [23:47] <Kilarra> The one going after Kjell takes a nasty smash to the face from Kahree. It continues attacking however
  277. [23:49] <Kilarra> Kjell's stone hard skin is barely scratched by the Vrock, but Kilarra takes a nasty gash
  278. [23:50] * Kilarra toughs it out, she's had worse
  279. [23:51] <Aluthyra> Kahree follows through with a step forward, making use of her maces against the injured vrock.
  280. [23:52] <Kilarra> The Vrock goes down
  281. [23:55] * Aluthyra taunts the matron, nocking another arrow, "You see now that you cannot win? That your turn to drow was for naught?"
  282. [23:56] <Kilarra> The drow soldiers move so that they can all get a shot at Aluthyra
  283. [23:57] <Kilarra> not a single one lands a hit
  284. [23:58] <Kilarra> Two of the clerics move close enough to put their hands on Aluthyra, trying to poison her
  285. [23:59] * Aluthyra frowns, turning to fire the arrow at the closest cleric.
  286. [00:00] <Kilarra> the Cleric is hit, but not killed
  287. [00:00] * Aluthyra turns back right after, nocking another arrow as she keeps her eyes on Allevrah.
  288. [00:01] <Kilarra> Aluthyra's control over her body is enough to force out even magical poison
  289. [00:02] <Kilarra> and Kilarra's spell turning shoves the poison right back into one of the clerics
  290. [00:04] <Kilarra> Allevrah seems satisfied at the work of her clerics. They had presumably used up Aluthyra's magical protection. This time she casts defensively, brandishing her holy symbol.
  291. [00:10] <Kilarra> Aluthyra is washed by unholy fire. While the flames don't hurt her, the unholy power does.
  292. [00:10] * Aluthyra replies with another arrow, ignoring the unholy flames around her as she fires into the drow.
  293. [00:12] <Kilarra> Allevrah's whip heals her after she gets hit with the arrow.
  294. [00:14] <Kilarra> Kjell aims a cluster of arcane missiles with maximum force at the injured cleric attacking Aluthyra.
  295. [00:14] <Kilarra> The missiles strike true and she goes down
  296. [00:18] * Kilarra tries to banish the last Vrock again
  297. [00:19] <Kilarra> The Vrock vanishes back to the Abyss
  298. [00:20] * Kilarra nods. "That's better."
  299. [00:22] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks, pressing her hand to her chest, causing her to dissapear once more, invisible. As soon as she does, she begins to make her way towards the clerics.
  300. [00:27] * Aluthyra remains resolute in waiting to fire, nocking another arrow and drawing her bowstring, waiting for Allevrah to act.
  301. [00:28] <Kilarra> The drow soldiers continue trying to peg Aluthyra. She was the only one attacking their Matron
  302. [00:28] <Kilarra> The bolts miss or bounce off her bark hard skin
  303. [00:31] <Kilarra> the cleric backs off and tries to keep Allevrah healed. The others seem unsure of how to strike against the seemingly untouchable monk.
  304. [00:31] <Kilarra> Allevrah is fully healed now
  305. [00:36] <Kilarra> Allevrah frowns, taking a quick step backwards and going on the defensive while brandishing her unholy symbol. "You will not steal my destiny from me. Abraxas will smite you to ash!"
  306. [00:39] * Aluthyra 's answer, "No." is followed with an arrow, released from the string, and firing towards Allevrah.
  307. [00:41] <Kilarra> Allevrah's spell fizzles as Aluthyra reacts more quickly. The drow growls. Her whip wriggles, and the invisible Kahree is outlined by dim purple flames
  308. [00:44] <Kilarra> Kjell frowns. They needed to get rid of those clerics or Allevrah would run out of arrows before she could kill the drow matron. He moves forward and lines up on three of them with a lightning Bolt. In the interest of taking them down, he uses a surge of magic power to maximize the bolt
  309. [00:45] <Kilarra> The clerics are still fairly nimble, but are badly seared by the bolt's great power
  310. [00:46] * Kilarra has her own idea about how to deal with the clerics. She aims for Allevrah and the cleric next to her. "Say hello to Calistria's stings!"
  311. [00:47] <Kilarra> Four Swarms of wasps appear on top of Allevrah and the cleric, two of them right on top of the two.
  312. [00:48] <Kilarra> A low, ominous buzz announces the arrival of a mass of many thousands of angry, stinging wasps.
  313. [00:52] * Kilarra smirks. "Savour the sting bitch."
  314. [00:57] <Aluthyra> Kahree charges the injured clerics, breaking stealth with a swift blow, aimed at the head of one of the clerics.
  315. [00:59] <Kilarra> Kahree drops one of the injured clerics like a sack of potatoes.
  316. [01:00] * Aluthyra once again waits, drawing and nocking an arrow. "Your plan seems to be falling apart," she notes to Allevrah.
  317. [01:01] <Kilarra> The cleric next to Allevrah tries to cast Mass Cure Light Wounds to heal herself and the other clerics
  318. [01:02] <Kilarra> The spell fizzles because of the wasps
  319. [01:02] <Kilarra> the injured cleric attempts to paralyze Kahree when she reappears
  320. [01:03] <Kilarra> Kahree remains free to move
  321. [01:03] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks, eyeing the cleric and mouthing, "You're next."
  322. [01:04] <Kilarra> The other injured cleric draws out a short sword and attempts to stab Kahree
  323. [01:04] <Kilarra> Kahree remains untouched
  324. [01:04] <Kilarra> The last cleric, free from wasps, casts mass cure light wounds
  325. [01:05] <Kilarra> the drow are all healed a little
  326. [01:06] <Kilarra> The drow soldiers turn to fire on Kahree and Kjell to stop them from attacking the clerics
  327. [01:07] <Kilarra> Between nimbleness and armour, Kahree and Kjell are unharmed
  328. [01:08] <Kilarra> Allevrah growls and attempts to burn not only the wasps, but Aluthyra, and the cleric next to her in a storm of fire. She would also be caught in the range
  329. [01:10] <Kilarra> Aluthyra shoots an arrow into Allevrah's knee before she can get her spell off.
  330. [01:11] <Kilarra> Allevrah screams in irritation, probably swallowing some bugs
  331. [01:12] <Kilarra> The wasps sting Allevrah and the cleric
  332. [01:16] <Kilarra> Allevrah seems just pissed, but the cleric looks a little woozy from the wasp venom
  333. [01:18] <Kilarra> Kjell steps towards the drow soldiers and unleashes a cone of cold at them
  334. [01:19] <Kilarra> Two of the drow soldiers look chilled to the bone, and the other two don't look that happy either
  335. [01:20] * Kilarra smirks. With Kjell having softened them up, she casts her Blade Barrier along their formation
  336. [01:22] * Kilarra makes sure the barrier loops around Allevrah and Aluthyra to keep the other clerics from reaching their matron to heal her more.
  337. [01:24] <Kilarra> 3 of the drow soldiers are cut to ribbons
  338. [01:27] <Aluthyra> Kahree takes a step towards the cleric that attempted to hold her, fulfilling her promise with several blows from her maces.
  339. [01:28] <Kilarra> Kahree reduces the cleric's head to a pulp
  340. [01:30] <Kilarra> the two injured clerics as well as the one next to Allevrah remain standing, along with 6 of the soldiers
  341. [01:30] * Aluthyra continues to taunt the drow matron, hoping to incite her to further harm herself, and waits for the matron to cast. "How many more arrows can you stand?"
  342. [01:31] <Kilarra> Aluthyra, due to her close proximity to the glyph, was able to see that each of the clerics killed cause the glyph to flicker a bit
  343. [01:33] <Kilarra> The soldiers try to fire at Kilarra this time, looking increasingly worried
  344. [01:33] <Kilarra> Kilarra takes a glancing hit
  345. [01:34] * Kilarra is feeling pretty good overall. Coming at it prepared specifically for the drow matron made all the difference
  346. [01:36] <Kilarra> The remaining cleric on the far side of the blade barrier attmpes to poison Kahree
  347. [01:36] <Kilarra> Nothing happens
  348. [01:40] <Kilarra> Allevrah clicks the heels of her boots together and she is teleported behind Aluthyra and out of the swarm. She throws up her own Blade Barrier on top of Aluthyra
  349. [01:41] <Kilarra> the blade barrier appears, but the blades don't even scratch Aluthyra
  350. [01:45] * Aluthyra turns, stepping out of the blade barrier and towards Allevrah. Another arrow follows, diving for the caster's form.
  351. [01:46] <Kilarra> Allevrah screams as once again the magic granted to her by her master fails and she is shot again
  352. [01:47] <Kilarra> Kjell looks at the soldiers. They weren't doing squat, so he tries something new against Allevrah
  353. [01:48] <Kilarra> A geyser of water bursts through the floor at Allevrah's feet
  354. [01:50] <Kilarra> Allevrah is thrown 70ft into the air by the burst of water, falling back down to the floor adjacent to it with a thud
  355. [01:51] <Kilarra> Allevrah screams in pain and frustration as she crashes to the floor.
  356. [01:52] <Kilarra> Kjell smirks. "I figured targeting her directly would be a waste, but a new trick is always nice."
  357. [01:54] * Kilarra smirks at Kjell, "Very nice." She doesn't have anything that might work directly against Allevrah, but perhaps now was a good time to add insult to injury. She casts a hemisphere of daylight around the drow matron. "Remember daylight? Or does it burn?"
  358. [01:54] <Kilarra> Allevrah screams and tries to shield her eyes
  359. [01:57] <Aluthyra> Kahree charges for the final cleric, maces held high to drop upon her head.
  360. [01:58] <Kilarra> Another dead cleric
  361. [01:58] <Kilarra> The last remaining cleric is trapped between two blade barriers with nowhere to go
  362. [01:59] * Aluthyra doesn't wait to fire the next arrow, instead opting to fire while Allevrah's still on the ground. She frowns, letting her bowstring go loose. "Your plans were doomed to fail from the beginning."
  363. [02:02] <Kilarra> Allevrah attempts to stand, dazed and grevously wounded. She stops for a moment, and then screams as a serpent of green flame bursts from her chest. She screams as her entire body is immoalted be demonic green flames. The twin snakes of Abraxas symbol hang in the air for a few moments after Allevrah's body is destroyed.
  364. [02:02] <Kilarra> Apparently someone agreed with Aluthyra
  365. [02:05] <Kilarra> THe remaining drow just stare in shock at the flaming unholy symbol. Then they drop their weapons.
  366. [02:05] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks, looking to the remaining drow as she puts on her bloodlink. "Better run."
  367. [02:06] * Kilarra dismisses her blade barrier. "You have one chance. Go while we let you."
  368. [02:08] <Kilarra> The drow bail as soon as they get the chance.
  369. [02:08] <Kilarra> Kjell looks relieved. He eyes the flaming unholy symbol until it dissipates, then looks back to his party, "Are you all alright?"
  370. [02:09] * Aluthyra nods. "Only a scratch from her." She smiles. "We did much better."
  371. [02:10] * Kilarra nods, "Bitch had it coming." She looks to Kahree, "Happy?"
  372. [02:12] <Kilarra> Kjell moves up beside Kahree, placing a hand on her shoulder, "How are you holding up after yesterday?"
  373. [02:13] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, shrugging. "Fine." She looks to the glyph. "But we're still not done."
  374. [02:16] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, stepping towards the glyph. "Should we make sure the rest of the temple is clear, or just get this over with?"
  375. [02:16] <Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head. "Let's get it over with."
  376. [02:17] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  377. [02:17] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 20
  378. [02:18] <Kilarra> 76,800 Experience Each
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