
The experiment: Chloe

Apr 2nd, 2014
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  1. <Hankolijo>: <Hankolijo>: You wake up in a white room, constructed from an indeterminable material. There is a keypad and a button on the walls. You appear to be stripped of all equipment, other than the clothing on your back.
  2. <Tehpillowstar>: Chloe looks around. How big is the room?
  3. <Hankolijo>: 3x3x3 meters. The screen flickers on, showing a distorted image.
  4. <Tehpillowstar>: Chloe jumps a bit and quickly turns towards the screen. "What?"
  5. <Tehpillowstar>: She stares at the screen, confused and afraid
  6. <Hankolijo>: You can almost make out the silhouette of a person. A robotic voice comes on: "Welcome, Jiyeon, are you ready for your test?"
  7. <Tehpillowstar>: Chloe stares, she's not sure if she's supposed to answer.
  8. <Hankolijo>: "I suppose you are wondering what is this place... and you will find out. If you make it out in time... Now, do you see that keypad on the wall?" the voice speaks, and the keypad lights up.
  9. <Tehpillowstar>: She turns to see the keypad, but doesn't move towards it.
  10. <Hankolijo>: "You have to enter a three digit code. Every code will cause an event to occur. Your task is simple-- escape before the room fills with water... Good luck, Jiyeon." and the scrren flickers off. Water starts slowly flowing in from under the walls somehow.
  11. <Tehpillowstar>: Her eyes go wide and she makes a bee line to the keypad.
  12. <Tehpillowstar>: She doesn't know what the fuck is going on
  13. <Tehpillowstar>: But she types in 314
  14. <Hankolijo>: A a quiet 'ding', and a burrito lands from the ceiling and into the water.
  15. <Tehpillowstar>: What a waste. She tries 000
  16. <Hankolijo>: A small piece of the wall moves slightly. Water comes in slightly faster, and you see darkness behind the opening.
  17. <Tehpillowstar>: O_O Oh shit. 413
  18. <Hankolijo>: A metal rod pops out of the ceiling behind you. It's engraved, with the words 'Reacts Ultimately to Beep'.
  19. <Tehpillowstar>: Chloe picks up the rod. "...Beep?"
  20. <Hankolijo>: Nothing. But it seemed to glow slightly when you were picking it up.
  21. <Tehpillowstar>: She drops it to the water for the time being and types in 612
  22. <Hankolijo>: A small hole opens higher up in the wall. You see something in it, but can't quite put your hand into the hole.
  23. <Tehpillowstar>: Chloe tries to look in the hole
  24. <Hankolijo>: You can see a piece of paper inside. The entire floor is now a water puddle.
  25. <Soots>: Is it impossible to extract the paper?
  26. <Hankolijo>: Not with your hand, and it's too deep in to use something like your finger or your tongue.
  27. <Soots>: Well then, she might get something that could help.
  28. <Soots>: 987
  29. <Hankolijo>: A small shelve is appears out of the wall. For a moment, the wall opens up, allowing a can of soda to come out.
  30. <Soots>: Huh. Chloe examines the can, trying to determine the brand.
  31. <Soots>: She then picks up the soggy burrito to see what kind of filling, out of curiosity
  32. <Hankolijo>: Coca-cola Zero and a spicy meat filling.
  33. <Soots>: She tries the 314 code again to see if the effect repeats
  34. <Soots>: Ready to catch any falling burritoes
  35. <Hankolijo>: A hole appears in the ceiling, and a carrot falls down.
  36. <Soots>: "Huh."
  37. <Soots>: She tries the code again. 314
  38. <Hankolijo>: Another carrot. A weird one, too. Like, it looks like two carrots, stuck together.
  39. <Soots>: More carrots probably won't help her dilema furthur, and this time she tries 999
  40. <Hankolijo>: A large pedestal starts rising in the middle of the room, causing waves in the water... it rises, and a large, shiny, red button appears. There is an engraving that reads 'Pressing this button is the dumbest idea ever' under it.
  41. <Soots>: Chloe is not stupid, she leaves it alone. 100
  42. <Soots>: Though sometimes signs are misleading.
  43. <Hankolijo>: Round holes appear by the other wall, and balloons come out of them. The holes close, and the monitor on the wall flickers on, showing the picture of a cake, with the word 'LIES' written below the image.
  44. <Soots>: ~This is strange~
  45. <Soots>: 125
  46. <Hankolijo>: A large 5 appears on the screen, overlapping with the cake. It starts flashing.
  47. <Soots>: Uhhh 101!
  48. <Hankolijo>: The voice comes on again: "This test might have been made by /Satan/ himself. He is probably very proud of both you and me. And one last thing... what century did the plague start in?"
  49. <Hankolijo>: And the five had dissappeared from the screen.
  50. <Soots>: "...1347?"
  51. <Soots>: 666?
  52. <Hankolijo>: A wheel slides forward from one of the walls. The water is to your knees now. The wheel is flaming, and has twenty sectors to it, each with a number from 1 to 20 on it. A skull appears on the wall above the wheel.
  53. <Soots>: 555
  54. <Hankolijo>: A dead rat falls down, splashing water everywhere.
  55. <Soots>: Ewwww
  56. <Soots>: 249
  57. <Hankolijo>: A large ring appears. It has the same engraving as the rod on it.
  58. <Soots>: Chloe takes the ring and fishes out the rod
  59. <Soots>: 123
  60. <Hankolijo>: A children's counting book flops down into the water.
  61. <Soots>: Weapons, something
  62. <Soots>: 001
  63. <Hankolijo>: A foam finger with '#1' on it drops down, floating above the water. It has raised above your knees now.
  64. <Soots>: 555
  65. <Hankolijo>: Another dead rat falls down.
  66. <Soots>: Oh, forgotten that I already tried this.
  67. <Soots>: 016
  68. <Hankolijo>: An empty bag with the KFC logo on it glides down.
  69. <Soots>: 015
  70. <Hankolijo>: A flashlight drops down.
  71. <Soots>: Chloe examines the rod and ring more closely
  72. <Hankolijo>: The rod seems to be able to fit the ring perfectly.
  73. <Soots>: She tries that
  74. <Hankolijo>: The rod slides in, the two items glowing brighter and brighter the deeper the rod goes in. Suddenly, a robotic sigh, and the screen flickers. The silhouette has returned, gasping. "You have certainly earned my respect, Jiyeong... You... are free to leave and observe the others..." the voice speaks, and a door opens up, draining all the water.
  75. <Soots>: Chloe leaves the room...
  76. <Hankolijo>: And you are now in some sort of observation room. Monitors show rooms like yours... and each one has a poolboy in it.
  77. <Hankolijo>: TH END...?
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