
Filler chapter

Jul 23rd, 2017
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  1. Nov WK4 1061
  3. It's been some months since Caesar won the Rank A Official Cup, I'm in the Tea cafe with my brother after we spend the day just hanging out as siblings do(However sufferable he is, he is still family) as he pick up females...I roll my eyes as he use lines he used plenty of time before on other girls. Meanwhile, I am reading the paper, It's not even Summer yet and we're already getting the country ready for the Ylisse-Hoshido Meet.
  5. "Hey sis, you're entering?"
  6. Inigo seems to be done with flirting as he turn back to me waiting for my answer, I sip my tea and place it on the table
  8. "Of course I am, you expect me to sit out of this meet?"
  9. "Well, Yeah, you're doing good ofc, but I don't expect you to do well against the Hoshidians..."
  10. "Like you can do better, last time I recall your previous monster getting destroyed by a Bajarl..."
  12. Inigo scowls as memories of his Tiger/Zuum, Rystar, getting walloped in the Rank A battle the last time he repped, I don't remember who he lost to, but it was a Raiden. He scoffs as he drink his tea.
  14. "Enough about me...What's been with you, Dio told me that you and Jalen are an item now? How could you date the guy who's Hare brutalized Mines?"
  16. I sigh and facepalmed....Every since I told Dio about me and Jalen, he haven't stop babbled about it to everyone everywhere, And it's getting annoying to be honest. I even seen him in the General discord chatroom for the Ylissian Monster League(YML) spewing shit that's way out of line, thankfully the mods banned him for a long time, but by then the damage has been done.
  18. "Look, me and Jalen had a lil chat between us, That's all you need to know and as far as you know!"
  19. "I'm your brother and I don't like him!"
  20. "Well I don't like 2/3 of the skanks you bring to our family gatherings, but you don't see me whipping up a storm over it!!"
  22. At that, he sat back down and look around...some people looked over here and saw our 'argument'. With the way we act, you would think I'M the Alpha....Nonetheless I sigh and go back to reading the newspaper as I see something that interests me...
  24. "Huh, Looks like Jalen and Rhiannon are entering the Rank S Elimination Cup next summer.."
  25. "Really? Let me see that!"
  27. He yanks it from my hand and scour over it...he slams the table and spook me a lil bit
  29. "That's does it! I shall enter the Rank B Elim Cup and have Riston prove to be the superior Hare!"
  30. ".....If Caesar enters and win, then wouldn't HE be the best Hare?"
  31. "Whatever!"
  33. We continue to drink our tea and leave the shop after we get done, I get in the car with him as he drives over to my ranch to drop me off. As I step out of the car...
  34. "Hey Soleil!"
  35. "Yeah?"
  37. He fistpumps at me with a smile
  39. "We're gonna show the world that the Anderssons siblings are a national threat at that meet! So train hard!"
  41. I couldn't help myself but chuckle at his confidence and smile back
  42. "Sure, Inigo. Let's"
  43. "Allright, See ya sis!"
  44. "Bye brother"
  46. I watch him drive off into the city towards his ranch...I sigh and turn to Milliam who was training hard...I know these next months gonna be hard, tournies, training, socializing...and as my pussy and asshole quivers...getting acquainted with my new Alpha..
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