
Sage - The Repossession (unfinished)

Sep 5th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anonymous
  2. >Over the past couple of years, you have had the fortune and misfortune of meeting many people, most of whom have done nothing but piss you off.
  3. >Your life was never very bright. You were never very social, and friendship couldn’t seem to find you. In your life, you’d had 6 friends. They all, however, had moved away many years ago, leaving you to fare in this pathetic world that we call earth.
  4. >It didn’t help at all that your father had always been abusive towards you.
  5. >The fucker never gave a damn about you, only about his god damned bitch of a girlfriend.
  6. >If there had been anything good about your father at all though, then it was his job. He was a terrible person, but he had money. You suppose that might be something to be thankful for.
  7. >But still, that wasn’t enough to transcend the lines drawn by the atrocities committed against you, far from it.
  8. >You wanted to make the world burn, you wanted everyone in the god damn city of Canterlot to pay. It only seemed fair.
  9. >It was revenge that you wanted, but how to go about attaining it was a subject of wide contemplation.
  10. >You spend hours thinking of the possibilities, ways to inflict the most damage, to cause the most disturbance.
  11. >There had been quite a few school shootings in recent years…
  12. >But that wouldn’t be very original, would it?
  13. >Kill enough students and the media would be all over the shit, not to mention the politicians...
  14. >…
  15. >Fuck originality.
  16. >If you went in for a shooting, you could send personal messages to those who had wronged you.
  17. >The problem was that since you lacked the skills necessary for a job, coupled with absence of support from your father, you had no money. You needed to acquire a weapon somehow.
  18. >Then you remember, your father had guns.
  19. >You didn’t bother trying to know his history; all you knew was that he was a gun enthusiast.
  20. >You would just need to wait until he got home.
  23. >T-hat’s right! The guns! They could be useful. You could actually teach them, teach them all!
  24. >Dear father would come first, the favor would be returned that way.
  25. >Then, naturally, Canterlot High would come next. They were clueless as to what you were soon intending to wring upon them.
  26. >They would be like animals, helpless, with their fate resting solely in your hands, literally. There would be blood, and much of it.
  27. - - -
  28. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  29. >And you seem to be slightly nervous.
  30. >For slightly more than half of your life, you had lived in Manhattan, studying under a renowned scientist in the field of physics
  31. >It had been a nice portion of your educational career, having becoming accustomed to the hustle and bustle of the big city.
  32. >But then everything changed when you received a letter of transfer.
  33. >To the city of Canterlot, your birthplace.
  34. >You actually hadn’t been to your hometown in a little bit more than 9 years.
  35. >It was where you and your friends had grown up, sort of. The day you all had split up was hard on everyone.
  36. >Probably none more so than the only boy in the group.
  37. >You think his name was Anonymous.
  38. >You’d all gotten along pretty well, but your other friends lost contact with him after the move happened.
  39. >Such a shame that all good things must eventually come to an end.
  40. >You are abruptly ripped from your thoughts by the roar of the train you were situated in.
  41. >Perhaps it would be the better idea to diverge from distractions from the time-being, seeing as how you were facing a ridiculously rigid agenda in Canterlot.
  42. >Being a student in your senior year, there wasn’t a great deal left before your further movement to a higher institution.
  43. >But this final step had to be taken.
  44. >There was just this last stretch. It was immediately before your graduation, at which point you would have a year of from education, before moving to a university, of course.
  45. >When all was to be said and done, things would be well.
  47. >There you now stalked, Anonymous, lying in wait for your prey.
  48. >The firearms weren’t hard to get a hold of at all. They were leaning against a wall right up in the god damned closet.
  49. >Not exactly what you had hoped for, but it would surely be able to get the job done.
  50. >Intratec TEC-DC9 (9-mm semiautomatic handgun). Fine, but seemed impractical for a large number of targets. Then again, what did you know about guns? Other than how to shoot one, of course.
  51. >A shotgun. (Savage-Springfield 67H 12-gauge pump shotgun. Stock and barrel sawed off, reducing gun to 26 inches.) Sure, why not. A shotgun’s a shotgun.
  52. >Then the rifle. (10-shot Hi-point model 995 carbine rifle on a strap.
  53. >The ordinance was ready, and the wait had begun.
  54. >It had been around an hour and a half, and it would be as many as necessary. For the moment, patience would be your ally.
  55. >Dear father could be home at any moment, and you wanted to be ready for him, to welcome him home with a dinner packed in ice. .
  56. >You therefore sat alone, silently, in the kitchen of your dark house.
  57. >Free with your thoughts(not that you weren’t always lonely), your mind begins to wander during the wait.
  58. >You are excited, pumped, glad to have the opportunity and the will to actually end Daddy’s wretched life; blood running, muscles itching to be worked.
  59. >Of greater anticipation, however, was the collective response of Canterlot High’s student body-that entity which was partially responsible for causing your spirit to erode to ash- to your “cleansing”.
  60. >The faculty were not too be spared, this was an indiscriminate operation. They did nothing to ease you pain, so they too shall suffer.
  61. >**Realistically though, one should look at the truth, away from their passion, and steel themselves for what needs to be done. You cannot hope to kill them all.*
  64. >You are stolen from your own thoughts as you vanquish the pessimistic sentiment.
  65. >You knew what you wanted, and you would not waver.
  66. >For now though, the wait would have to continue.
  68. - - - - - - - - -
  69. >He stumbles upon his home, drunken, largely carefree.
  70. >The man appears to be so out of it, in fact, that he doesn’t seem to notice that it’s nearly pitch black inside the home.
  71. >As he makes his way through the front, entering the kitchen, the man continues to stumble in the dark and curses an irritated roar, having hit his toe on the furniture.
  72. >F: “GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!”, the father roars.
  73. >F: “That fucking boy, has he got no damn sense of responsibility?”
  74. >F: “HEY! Where are you? Get out here you little piece o’ shit!.”
  76. - - - - - - - - -
  78. >You sat there quietly, taking in every word that came out of his mouth. >His last words might have actually meant something to you were it not for the hormones in your bloodstream, not to mention the years of abuse and neglect.
  79. >Your weapons are at the ready.
  80. >As your grip tightens around the pistol and knife in your right and left hands, and your father continued to be oblivious to your presence, the air grew noticeably warmer.
  81. >He comes nearer, attempting to find the way out of the kitchen and to the stairs.
  82. As father heads out of the kitchen, you step in front, stopping him in his tracks.
  83. >F: “Shit. HEY, WHAT GIVES?!WHO THE FU-“
  84. >The sentence goes unfinished. The blade comes first, the dull edge dragging across the flesh of the forehead.
  85. >That didn’t quite work the way you wanted it to. You should really learn to take better care of your stuff.
  86. >With as much strength as you are able to muster, you kick him in the head, also plunging the knife in the abdomen in an effort to penetrate the skin and spill blood.
  87. >You kick him again, and again… and again...
  89. >In a matter of minutes, there the bastard lies, partially beaten and bruised.
  90. >One supposes that you could end it here, but it wouldn’t have been enough fun if it ended here like this. Then you get an idea.
  91. >After a few minutes of rummaging through drawers, you come across the particular item you had been looking for: the cake knife.
  92. >Making your way over to the man on the ground, you go to work at the arm; forward-backward, forward-backward.
  93. >This goes on for a good half hour. After some time though, the cut is only about a third or so of the way through the shoulder, but you hadn’t hit bone yet. Could you even cut through bone with this?
  94. >… Fuck this shit.
  95. >This would probably take a lot longer than you had anticipated, and you’d actually exhausted your reserves of patience waiting for this very douchebag to arrive.
  96. >The knife is discarded, signifying the near end of this little session.
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