

Jul 9th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. spells: &8[&dSpells&8] »
  3. gems: &8[&aGems&8] »
  5. on load:
  6. set {spells::cd} to 1 second
  8. command /spell [<text>]:
  9. permission: *
  10. trigger:
  11. if arg is "dark":
  12. give player enchanted book named "&8&lDark Combustion" lored "&7Blocks: &b0"
  14. on rightclick on stone or iron ore with enchanted book:
  15. if {spell::timer::%uuid of player%} isn't set:
  16. set {_wait} to {spells::cd}
  17. else:
  18. set {_wait} to difference between {spell::timer::%uuid of player%} and now
  19. if {_wait} >= {spells::cd}:
  20. if name of event-item is "&8&lDark Combustion":
  21. loop blocks in radius 1 around event-location:
  22. give 1 of loop-block to player
  23. set {_i} to a random integer between 1 and 10000
  24. if {_i} <= 76:
  25. if {_i} < 26:
  26. if {_i} < 26:
  27. if {_i} = 1:
  28. give player emerald named "&d&lMythical Gem"
  29. send "{@gems} &7You found a &d&lMythical Gem!"
  30. else:
  31. give player emerald named "&b&lRare Gem"
  32. send "{@gems} &7You found a &b&lRare Gem!"
  33. else:
  34. give player emerald named "&7&lUncommon Gem"
  35. send "{@gems} &7You found an &7&lUncommon Gem!"
  36. else:
  37. give player emerald named "&a&lCommon Gem"
  38. send "{@gems} &7You found a &a&lCommon Gem!"
  39. set loop-block to air
  40. add 1 to {_amount}
  41. create fake explosion at loop-block's location
  42. set {_l} to uncolored line 1 of lore of player's tool
  43. replace all "Blocks: " in {_l} with ""
  44. set {_l} to {_l} parsed as number
  45. add {_amount} to {_l}
  46. set line 1 of lore of player's tool to "&7Blocks: &b%{_l}%"
  47. set {spell::timer::%uuid of player%} to now
  48. else:
  49. send "{@spells} &cPlease wait %difference between {_wait} and {spells::cd}% to cast a spell again"
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