
TRPG Change Log

Jan 19th, 2016
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  1. v1.0.0
  2. * Initial Release
  3. * Game Features:
  4. - World map movement
  5. - Item finding
  6. - Player fights on same map coordinate
  7. - Item stealing from fight loser
  9. v1.1.0
  10. * Dueling! You can now duel other players! When a duel occurs, the challenge target is warped to the challenger and a fight takes place. Challenges will last until the target accepts/refuses the challenge or 5 minutes, whichever happens first. You can challenge as many logged in, non-AFK players as you like; but can only have one active challenge toward a specific player at a time. The commands are as follows:
  11. - !tduel target
  12. o target is who you wish to challenge to a duel
  13. - !taccept attacker
  14. o attacker is who challenged you to a duel
  15. - !trefuse attacker
  16. o attacker is who challenged you to a duel
  18. v1.1.1
  19. * Changed all commands to !t<command>.
  20. * Changed duel accepting and refusing commands to !taccept and !trefuse.
  21. * Added a !tcommands command that will return all of the usable commands.
  23. v1.2.0
  24. * Added killing sprees!
  25. - 5 fight victories in a row will give you a killing spree and put a 100 EXP bounty on your head!.
  26. - The next person to defeat you in a fight collects that 100 EXP.
  27. - Dueling does not count towards killing sprees and cannot be used to collect the 100 EXP bounty.
  28. * Formatted fight and duel messages.
  30. v1.2.1
  31. * Added a cooldown to dueling to reduce dueling spam.
  33. v2.0.0
  34. * VERSION 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  35. * Complete rework of the code to reduce number of lines and less computing.
  36. * Added item drops! Now whenever an item gets dropped due to finding a better item, the item will actually lay on the ground available for another player to pick it up.
  37. * Altered the game messages to condense all messages for a certain player into one/two chat messages.
  38. * Added server configuration commands:
  39. - !mapsize (number) (number)
  40. o number parameters are optional. If no number parameters used, map will default to 5x5. If one number paramter used, map will change to size number x number.
  41. - !exprate number
  42. o changes the experience rate of your server to number parameter. default exp rate is 1 / minute.
  43. - !reset
  44. o resets your server to a fresh slate.
  45. * Miscellaneous bug fixes.
  47. v2.1.0
  48. * Added GM commands:
  49. - !tgm
  50. o displays available GM commands
  51. - !tban player
  52. o player parameter required. Bans player from your TRPG server.
  53. - !tunban player
  54. o player parameter required. Unbans player from your TRPG server.
  55. - !ttimeout player time
  56. o player & time parameters required. Times out player for time minutes. Timed out players act as if they were AFK: no experience, no moving around, no picking up items, no fighting other players.
  57. - !tgoldenage time
  58. o time parameter required. Makes your TRPG server enter a golden age for time minutes. During a golden age, experience is doubled.
  59. * These GM commands are streamer commands only.
  60. * Miscellaneous bug fixes.
  62. v2.1.1
  63. * Added !tlb command:
  64. - !tlb
  65. o Returns top 5 (or less if there are less players) players and their totals (level + item level totals)
  67. v2.1.2
  68. * Added !tmessages command:
  69. - !tmessages
  70. o Toggles TRPG server messages (Level Ups, Fights, Item Pickups). Streamer-only command. TRPGbot will give you a feedback message ("TRPG messages: ON" or "TRPG messages: OFF")
  72. v2.1.3
  73. * Added a critical hits system. During fights, each player now has a 1/32 chance to do double damage. NOTE: this doesn't necessarily mean that your roll will be high; it's still possible to roll a 1 and get a critical hit for a total of 2.
  75. v2.1.4
  76. * Altered the !tmessages command. You can now more fine-tune your TRPG messages. TRPG messages are now split into level ups, item pickups, and fight messages:
  77. - !tmessages <key>
  78. o Accepted <key> values are: on, off, levels, pickups, fights.
  79. o If on or off is used, it will turn on/off all TRPG messages.
  80. o If levels, pickups, or fights is used, it will toggle those messages on or off.
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