
Just Me

Oct 20th, 2016
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  1. OK, so this sucks. It sucks BIG FAT NUTTS! AND if it doesn't suck that much, take those nutts and DOUBLE it cuz that's how much it sucks for me right now. And yes, I know nutts is spelt wrong. It fits my mood right now. I'm in a sucky mood because yet again I have nothing to go on in carding. So, when I first reached out with the story of the girl, I really had high, high hopes that someone would answer my plea. I know stupid right? Yea, didn't happen either. So when I started getting ripped off, I thought that people in carding were like that. They liked to rip people off for what $20 in BTC? And they call themselves reputable? By who? The devil? Anyways, I just kept going. For the most part, I used a couple online stores. They came through with actual dumps, but when I ran them, they all declined. I got refunded for the most part, but on two I didn't. Anyways, so pretty much my luck has been shit.
  4. This is what I want. An awesome online store that is good on their word, and doesn't fucking cost $100 to go to. News flash, if I had $100 to just give, I wouldn't be buying 0.50 dumps that are expiring this month would I? HELLO!!! I'm freaking poor right now, don't have shit, so yea....
  5. OK, sorry. What I want: Online store that actually has live, dumps with money on them. A merchant, who's solid, easy to get ahold off, preferably west coast since it's where Im at reasonable prices, and a friend who I can call with my million and one questions, who's not going to try and screw me over, who's genuine, shit they could even be cute to look at. I don't discriminate on gender!! hahahahaha!
  6. OK, sorry, went off on a tangent again. So I'm thinking that with my pastes, I'm never going to get a response, so I could pretty much just say what I need to say and if it comes back to bite me in the ass later, I can plead the fifth!! hahaha!!
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