
double whammie

Jan 21st, 2013
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  1. * iXCNS1 ( is binnengekomen bij #indiesquish
  2. <iXCNS1> can someone help me get whitelisted I read the rules and tried the questions and still got them wrong
  3. <iXCNS1> Also I forgot how to get to the questions :/ lol
  4. <iXCNS1> Please help me I am trying to get whitelisted but am not able to get the questions right Ive tried the rules multiple times but its
  5. <iXCNS1> not enough
  6. * iXCNS1 heeft verlaten (Remote host closed the connection)
  8. ***
  10. * iXCNS1 ( is binnengekomen bij #indiesquish
  11. <kongering> I am planning a ¨Meteor¨ like vid for Khaltess
  12. <kongering> but that will take weeks
  14. <iXCNS1> seriously
  15. <kongering> oi@
  16. * Faithfulcupid heeft verlaten (Remote host closed the connection)
  17. <kongering> not by yelling
  18. <iXCNS1> please tell me! What is the secret word!
  19. <iXCNS1> tsorry
  20. <kongering> and it says on the application page not to ask in here
  21. <iXCNS1> .... Please Im desperate
  22. <kongering> all the info is in there, just read it again very carefully
  23. * Faithfulcupid ( is binnengekomen bij #indiesquish
  24. <kongering> next time you will be muted in here for asking
  25. <iXCNS1> the support indiesquish rules?
  26. <Faithfulcupid> I thought that was to me when I relogged o.o
  27. <iXCNS1> please tell me how I need help
  28. <kongering> nope was a hiccup I think cupid
  29. <iXCNS1> I went under the eading support indiesquish
  30. * iXCNS1 heeft verlaten (Remote host closed the connection)
  31. <kongering> lady you around?
  32. <LadyAijou> sure am
  33. <LadyAijou> now anyway :P
  34. <LadyAijou> was afk for a bit
  35. <kongering> just asked knight ;) thanks for responding :P
  36. <kongering> if that clown asks for help again, I´d like him muted by someone please :)
  37. * iXCNS1 ( is binnengekomen bij #indiesquish
  38. <iXCNS1> an you please talk me through the steps?
  39. <iXCNS1> Please
  40. <kongering> I told you all you need to know: READ
  41. * LadyAijou zet modus op +q #indiesquish iXCNS1!*@*
  42. * Knight|AFK zet modus op +q #indiesquish *!*
  43. <LadyAijou> heh, double mute XD
  44. <Faithfulcupid> Silly person
  45. <kongering> ty :D
  46. <LadyAijou> but maybe that will get the point across
  47. <Knight|AFK> iXCNS1, you're currently muted. Read the rules regarding the IRC chat, and you'll see that it's not allowed to continually ask for help involving the whitelist process.
  48. <Knight|AFK> You'll be unmuted after a period of time. If you persist to break the rules beyond that point, I'll just ban you from this chat.
  49. <Faithfulcupid> iXCNS1 it's also stated in the rules that you're not to ask for help regarding the whitelist application on the forum, let alone asking to be white listed.
  50. <Faithfulcupid> Could somebody delete his single post, I can't do it from mobile.
  51. <kongering> done
  52. * photo_afk is nu bekend als photostyle
  53. <kongering> we are not mean or trying to troll you iXCNS1 but we do expect you to read before you apply, so you know what to do and what NOT to do
  54. * Knight|AFK zet modus op -q #indiesquish *!*
  55. * Knight|AFK zet modus op -q #indiesquish iXCNS1!*@*
  56. <iXCNS1> please unmute me! Mercy! I just want to get on the server
  57. <photostyle> you are no longer mute.
  58. <iXCNS1> jeez
  59. <iXCNS1> is anyone hear able to accept my application
  60. <LadyAijou> I can promise you begging won't get you there
  61. <LadyAijou> you have to complete the same process thousands of other users have
  62. <iXCNS1> Hey Seriously Im just trying to get the point across you dont have to come across as rude
  63. <Nytmare> The irony of that statement leaves me awestruck.
  64. <kongering> just read this page very very carefully:
  65. <iXCNS1> does everyone hate me?
  66. <photostyle> nobody hates you.
  67. <photostyle> we just expect you to read the information
  68. <iXCNS1> I already got my application in and Im asking a simple question about anyones status on the server
  69. <photostyle> that tells you exactly what you need to do.
  70. <iXCNS1> seriously such a short fuze
  71. <iXCNS1> I did what I needed to do so I guess I just wait
  72. <iXCNS1> ?
  73. <photostyle> ok.
  74. <kongering> you haven´t read the part about forum activity
  75. <Faithfulcupid> iXCNS1 - if you have put an application through, you would have failed. You have 0 forum posts.
  76. <iXCNS1> I have 1
  77. <Faithfulcupid> Which was deleted
  78. <iXCNS1> and It said the application was succesful so HA
  79. * Knight|AFK verbant *!*
  80. * Knight|AFK heeft iXCNS1 uit #indiesquish geschopt (iXCNS1)
  81. <Knight|AFK> I'll unban him in a bit. We'll call this a "timeout".
  82. <Faithfulcupid> I'm guessing he wasn't successful
  83. <kongering> ehm nope
  84. <Knight|AFK> You would be correct.
  85. <LadyAijou> of course he wasn't
  86. <LadyAijou> he probably thinks that the SUBMISSION going through = accepted to whitelist
  87. <Faithfulcupid> He's just like cake... a liar
  88. <Knight|AFK> OR he just got accepted to Chunk Error.
  89. <Faithfulcupid> obviously not sweet though.
  90. * Knight|AFK verwijdert verbanning van *!*
  91. * iXCNS1 ( is binnengekomen bij #indiesquish
  92. <iXCNS1> :(
  93. <iXCNS1> Look I dont have tinme for this and Im sick of you guys playing around with my muting kicking and banning
  94. <iXCNS1> why wont you treat me decent
  95. <kongering> you are not listening to us, we don´t have time for this also
  96. <photostyle> and we don't have time to be constantly denying applications by people who apparently can't read the requirements
  97. <iXCNS1> so you deleted my application
  98. <photostyle> no, we denied it.
  99. <iXCNS1> and dont ban me again!
  100. <iXCNS1> -_-
  101. <kongering> we don´t delete, we deny or accept
  102. <iXCNS1> so you want me to remember all 3 pages?!
  103. <photostyle> how about this. you want on our server, don't come in here making demands.
  104. <photostyle> you're not helping your case that way
  105. <iXCNS1> What demand have i made
  106. <iXCNS1> accept dont ban me again
  107. <photostyle> [18:18:53] <iXCNS1> and dont ban me again!
  108. <iXCNS1> i said accept that
  109. <iXCNS1> Ok I will take the time to read your rules and regulations..... see you in 60 yeaRs
  110. * Knight|AFK verbant *!*
  111. * Knight|AFK heeft iXCNS1 uit #indiesquish geschopt (iXCNS1)
  112. <Knight|AFK> This one is NOT a timeout.
  113. <Knight|AFK> See you in 60 yeaRs gooselord.
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