
7 Days To Die: Console Commands

Apr 5th, 2015
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  1. *** Commands ***
  2. debugmenu dm => enables/disables the debugmenu
  3. shownormals norms => enables/disables display of normal maps in gBuffer
  4. showalbedo albedo => enables/disables display of albedo in gBuffer
  5. showspecular spec => enables/disables display of specular values in gBuffer
  6. creativemenu cm => enables/disables the creativemenu
  7. mem => Prints memory information and calls garbage collector
  8. sounddebug => Toggles SoundManager debug output.
  9. enablescope es => toggle debug scope
  10. admin => admin control, use admin add playername permissionLevel, admin remove playername, admin update playername permissionLevel
  11. cp => command permission control, use cp add command permissionLevel, cp remove command, whitelist update playername permissionLevel
  12. whitelist => whitelist control, use whitelist add playername permissionLevel, whitelist remove playername, whitelist update playername permissionLevel
  13. kick => Kicks user with optional reason. "kick playername reason"
  14. ban => Bans user for x timeframe. "ban playername 1 hour" timeframes allowed: minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years
  15. say => Sends a message to all connected clients
  16. listthreads lt => lists all threads
  17. gameover go => sets the game state to GameOver
  18. setgamepref sg => sets a game pref
  19. shutdown => shuts down the game
  20. spawnentity se => spawns an entity
  21. settime st => sets the time
  22. aiddebug => Toggles AIDirector debug output.
  23. spawnairdrop => Spawns an air drop
  24. spawnsupplycrate => Spawns a supply crate where the player is
  25. shownexthordetime => Displays the wandering horde time
  26. saveworld sa => Saves the world manually.
  27. buff => Applies a buff to the local player
  28. debuff => Removes a buff from the local player
  29. starve => Makes the player starve.
  30. thirsty => Makes the player thirsty.
  31. listents le => lists all entities
  32. listplayers lp => lists all players
  33. chunkcache cc => shows all loaded chunks in cache
  34. showchunkdata sc => shows some date of the current chunk
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