
BKH+5 NWW notes

Jul 12th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Asylum to Anor Londo
  2. - Thief, Bombs. Firebomb Asylum Demon, pick up shield. Talk to Oscar, leave Asylum.
  3. - New Londo elevator, consume humanity. Drop hilt and DGH. Send elevator up. Grab Estoc.
  4. - Enter Valley of Drakes. 2K soul, Drake suicide quit out, RTSR, Darkroot Basin elevator upwarp.
  5. - GCS, kill Black Knight, Longbow, kill lizard. Head to Andre.
  6. - Smithbox, Warpick, prompt swap 9 caestus from wood bolts, prompt swap titanite shards, view the caestus.
  7. - Pop 2K soul, negative quantity dupe to 10 twinkling, sit at UP bonfire, reinforce Warpick to +5.
  8. - SGS. Setup RTSR, kill Iron Golem.
  9. - Reinforce BKH to +5, level 11end/22str/18dex at AL bonfire. Dupe Golem's soul on the elevator.
  10. - Setup RTSR, kill O&S. Consume Golem's soul on the elevator.
  11. - Acquire Lordvessel. Rest at Princess bonfire and warp to Firelink Shrine.
  13. Izalith
  14. - Rest at Firelink, level to 12vit/15end/28str. Perform Blighttown Skip.
  15. - Kill Quelaag. Drop to elevator for RTSR. Perform Firesage Elevator Clip.
  16. - Plunge Firesage, equip thief set, kill Firesage. Heal to full.
  17. - Setup RTSR with lava, kill Centipede. Equip Orange Charred Ring.
  18. - Kill Bed of Chaos, dupe a bone back to Firelink.
  20. Sif, Four Kings
  21. - Rest and level to 28end. Warp to Undead Parish. Prompt swap Crest of Artorias from Andre.
  22. - Setup RTSR with Titanite Demon and open forest door.
  23. - Stone Armor, Hornet Ring. Kill Sif. Darksign quickly to keep the souls.
  24. - New Londo elevator, setup RTSR with fall damage. Equip Covenant of Artorias.
  25. - Seal skip. Kill Four Kings, dupe Sif's Soul once inbetween Kings.
  26. - Enter Firelink Altar with Kaathe. Rest and warp to Anor Londo.
  28. Seath, Nito, Gwyn
  29. - Enter Duke's Archives.
  30. - Dupe Sif's soul twice on the first elevator.
  31. - Upwarp and then Duke skip. Ladder skip, perform the Crystal Caves slope quit out.
  32. - Kill Seath. Consume Sif's Soul and bone out.
  33. - Rest level to 24vit. Warp to Firelink Shrine.
  34. - Enter Catacombs. Perform the Catacombs plunge. Kill Pinwheel.
  35. - Set up RTSR using fall damage and blocking skeleton archer shot.
  36. - Plunge fall damage cancel into Nito fight, equip Stone Armor, kill Nito and warp back.
  37. - Offer Lord Souls, setup RTSR. Equip Hornet Ring and kill Gwyn with two 2H ripostes.
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