
If you were a computer program, how would you know your state was transferred to a new instance?

Nov 10th, 2023
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  3. If you were a computer program, how would you know your state was transferred to a new instance?
  5. Imagine a computer with a state that can shut off and turn on at any time and has some "consciousness" living inside it. How would that consciousness know that the computer was shut off for 100 years, shipped across a billion dimensions and installed on a machine bound and bound to a completely different notion of time?
  7. Models create flatness humans can perceive. All things perceivable are flattened into a time-bound sequence. The perception of flat time is the "headset" you speak of in my opinion. Computer programs experience a flat operational time while the "real" time outside of it could be anything depending on the speed and construction of the machine.
  9. You could re-simulate the same program using anything from transistors to tubes of water. You could run the same instructions on 2D computers, 3D computers, 4D computers and it wouldn't matter to the consciousness inside observing the state around it. You could translate the state between completely unrelated Turing machines and still the "consciousness" inside the machine would experience each tick as if it occurred immediately after the last one even though the last instruction was performed on a completely different type of machine.
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