
Words From Tankista

Dec 26th, 2022
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  1. >Denotes the Question.
  2. Otherwise it's an answer.
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  4. >Why does Mutating Circuits cost points even though it doesn't give you any benefits?
  6. For no good reason. It's just different from normal, and the possibility of having an overpowered child should be worth something. So the price is just measly 15 points.
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  8. >Let's say the master part would get "stealth" would the pseudo-servant keep it? What would happen to it if the servant had Presence Concealment (as in a similar skills, martial arts appears in both versions)?
  10. The Servant abilities take priority and override normal Master ones. Stealth should be something like hypothetical F ranked Presence Concealment. And even if the Servant does not have Presence Concealment, trying to use Stealth as a Pseudo-Servant while in full ‘Servant Mode’ it’d just be like Cu Chulainn deciding to try being sneaky rather than have a coherent Skill. Same goes for Origin, it would be overridden by the Servant one while it is relevant.
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  12. >Can the pseudo-servant use the magecraft of the master he was made from?
  14. I think the answer should be yes. The ‘Magecraft’ Personal Skill is meant to represent more than just normal Magecraft, so the override shouldn’t happen there.
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  16. >Command Spell section says that as a Pseudo you can ignore it but is that obligatory or a choice?
  18. It’s mostly a choice. If you’re a Pseudo-Servant and have no Servant under you, then this section is pointless. But if you do somehow have a Servant while you’re one, then it makes sense to make choices there.
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  20. >Can pseudo servant be made from someone with psionics or mystic eyes and can he used them?
  22. Sure? Why wouldn’t that be the case?
  24. There will be no override there, as Mystic Eyes Personal Skill is mostly just a list of different Mystic Eyes, so it won’t override anything. And Psychic Powers are unique and have no analogues, so it makes sense you’d keep them too, although whether they should be considered to be inferior to Servant abilities is a matter of debate.
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  26. >What would happen if he was made from an Undead would he get the necromantic master to serve?
  28. You could if you wanted to reason it that way, yes. A Pseudo-Servant could theoretically have a Master anyway, this just gives more fluff for how it came to be that way.
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