
Random Playlist: The Ballads of Fluttershy

Dec 1st, 2012
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  1. >Day Where's my MP3 Player in Equestria.
  2. >You've spent the best part of two hours ripping your house apart trying to find your MP3 player. It was one of the few things you had left of your old life before you fell through a trans-dimensional gateway into P0ny-world, and it was like a security blanket for when things just got too... Weird.
  3. >Like whenever Hush Rapist decided to knock on your door.
  4. >It’s not that you didn't like her as a p0ny...
  5. >You just wish she would stop trying to guess your goddamn fetish. And drugging your cereal. And trying to kidnap-
  6. >Okay, yeah you were really starting to hate her.
  7. >After yet another unsuccessful search, you slump down on your couch.
  8. >What were you going to do without your music?!
  9. >You can already feel the claws of depression begin to slowly creep into your brain. You want to curl up into a ball and weep.
  10. >But your mourning process is interrupted by a knock on the door.
  11. >Two guesses who that could be, and the first one one doesn't count.
  12. >Sighing, you trudge over to the door and prepare to get inflicted with yet another fetish barrage...
  13. >You slowly open it, and sure enough its Crazy Banana dressed in a black v-cut tank top and she's spiked her pink mane.
  14. >Suddenly, birds. Birds everywhere.
  15. >You don't like where this is going. Not one bit.
  16. >"Alright, everyone... One... Two... Three..."
  18. >Now she's singing Every Breath You Take by The Police. The birds are providing the instrumental while she sings away.
  19. >Well, that was unexpected.
  20. >And impressive, really.
  21. >And she's quite a singer too, and birds are nailing the notes right on the head.
  22. >But that song, in this context, really creeps you out.
  23. >Mental note: buy thicker curtains.
  24. >Second mental note: how did she learn how to sing this song?
  25. >You suddenly realize what happened to your MP3 player.
  26. >As the song finishes out, you cross your arms and just give her side long stare.
  27. >"U-u-um... Is listening to The Police your fetish?"
  28. >You shake your head, and tap your foot lighting on the floor of your home.
  29. >"Y-y-you want me to give back your music player?"
  30. >You nod silently as you reach forward with an outstretched hand.
  31. >She sniffles once as one of the birds flaps over and places your glorious MP3 player in your palm, "S-s-sorry."
  32. >You give it a quick once over, and besides some pigeon shit, it seems to function just fine. You turn around to walk inside, but stop to look over your shoulder.
  33. "Nice singing though."
  34. >You swear you can hear her squee as you quietly close the door behind you.
  35. >Why did you just encourage her?
  36. >And why did you suddenly hate her just a little less?
  37. >This is gonna be a long week.
  39. ====
  40. >Day Anthropology in Equestria.
  41. >Yesterday was really weird, but today is shaping up to be a little more normal.
  42. >For one, no morning visit from the Yellow Terror.
  43. >Though she managed to steal your MP3 player again.
  44. >She must be getting in through the windows.
  45. >You make a mental note to check them before you head off to Lyra's for her weekly Anthropology study.
  46. >Lyra days were pretty nice in your book. She would ask you some questions, get all excited and bounce around, maybe play her lyre.
  47. >It was nice. Something about music tends to relax your frayed nerves.
  48. >After finishing up with Lyra, you begin to head back to your fortress of solitude.
  49. >As you approach your home, your Shy-Sense starts to tingle. She's waiting. Probably by the front door. That was her favorite spot.
  50. >Easy enough to avoid her. Just get off the road and walk to the backdoor. You'll have to jump the privacy fence.
  51. >Though... A microscopic part wants to see just what she's up to.
  52. >Well, she did swipe your MP3 player again. Maybe she's got another song she wants to sing?
  53. >She does have a nice singing voice.
  54. >And how she got the birds to sing instrumentals was pretty awesome.
  55. >You stop in the road a moment, and rub your chin.
  56. >Seeming to have reached an impasse with yourself, you reach into your pocket for a bit.
  57. >Heads: Front door. Tails: Back door.
  58. >You flip the coin and let it hit the dirt....
  59. >Heads.
  60. >Best two out of three?
  61. >Picking up the coin, you flip it again.
  62. >Tails.
  63. >Alright, one last time. You give it a mighty flip, as the gold discus hangs in the air for a few moments before plummeting to the earth with a soft thud.
  64. >Heads.
  65. >You begin to instantly regret your decision to trust the coin.
  66. >You’re gonna stick with it though: do not question random luck's wisdom!
  67. >As you get closer, you don't see Fluttershy anywhere. You check the bushes around the mailbox just to be sure. How odd. Guess your Shy-Senses were wrong.
  68. >You shrug and open the front door. After walking to the kitchen, you hear a soft knocking at the back.
  69. >You quirk a brow and approach the back door, pulling back the curtain and...
  70. >It is Fetishshy... in your back yard and wearing a white button shirt with red lips on it. With a bear and a keyboard?
  71. >The coin was right!
  72. >And it looks like you’re gonna get another serenade.
  73. >With a sigh, you open the door and look down at her.
  74. “Got another song for me?”
  75. >She grins up at you, nods, clears her throat, and then looks back to the big grizzly, “Whenever you’re ready, Barry.”
  76. >The bear cracks his knuckles and takes a seat behind the keyboard...
  78. >The bear skillfully begins to play 'I Want to Know What Love is', while Fluttershy sings.
  79. >You stand here for the full five minutes, watching in awe.
  80. >Partly because she managed to train a BEAR to play the keyboard, and partly because she just sang really well.
  81. >It's kind of romantic, really. Like she was just singing her soul to you...
  82. >Then you remember last week when she doused you in honey and 'accidentally' chased you into an ant pile. She found out honey saturation and bugs weren't your fetishes that day.
  83. >Yeah, still can't quite shake off that hate. A few songs ain't gonna let you forget that.
  84. >After the song finishes, she looks up at you and smiles, “Is having Foreigner sung to you, your fetish?”
  85. >You shake your head.
  86. “Your timing was a little off. MP3 player, please.”
  87. >You extend your hand, palm open. She releases a sigh and looks at the ground dejectedly. She takes your MP3 player out of her shirt pocket and puts it into your hand.
  88. >Giving it a quick inspection, you slip it into your pocket.
  89. “... I liked it.”
  90. >You can't help but say quietly. Even though you’re not looking directly at her, you can feel the excited smile crossing Fluttershy's face.
  91. >As you turn to walk back inside, you wait until you close the back door to let the smallest of grins creep across face.
  92. >...Were you actually starting to like her?
  93. >Did she finally manage to-
  94. >Wait a minute, how did she get a bear into your backyard? Your fence doesn't have a gate.
  95. >Suddenly, your thought process is interrupted by a the sound of cracking wood.
  96. >You rush to the backdoor and fling it open...
  97. >Only to see two-bear sized holes in your once pristine privacy fence.
  98. “... Fuck!”
  99. ========
  100. >Day Week of Fluttersinging.
  101. >The last few days have been bizarre, but in a good way.
  102. >Two days ago, you were working at AJ's trying to raise some bits to repair your shattered fence (fucking bears), and then Ninjashy showed up and sang 'Taking Care of Business' by Bachman Turner Overdrive.
  104. >Which was oddly appropriate.
  105. >Hell, it got you singing along. At least until Fluttershy noticed, and then you shut up.
  106. >Then yesterday, after you fixed the fence you got another sunset serenade. 'More than a Feeling' by Boston.
  108. >You were still shocked to see just how skilled of a musician that bear of hers is. One day, the keyboard, then the guitar?! Holy shit, did he fucking rock. Maybe you could get him to teach you a few cords.
  109. >And then there was Flutters... For the first time since you've first arrived, you were actually looking forward to seeing her each day. You could barely believe it yourself, but you openly smiled during her last attempt at musical seduction. Every bit of hate and vitriol that you've built up against her started to crumble away. The once impenetrable walls of animosity surrounding your heart were starting to falter. Thus is the power of music.
  110. >She even actually asked you if she could borrow your MP3 player this time.
  111. >You made her promise to take good care of it, but if the last few days are an indication it'll come back to you in perfect working order.
  112. >If this keeps up she might actually become a productive member of p0ny society instead of your creepy and borderline insane stalker.
  113. >You still wouldn't fall in love with her though. That was just an impossibility. Friendship, though... Yeah, you could do that. If she didn't wreck your fence again.
  114. >So there you sit, on your couch reading the latest Daring Do book, when you hear a familiar knock at the door.
  115. >You put a book mark where you left up, and smiled to yourself. You wonder just what will be waiting for you behind that door today... Would it be Journey? Queen? Dio? Or maybe she would sing Tenacious D, cause you'd find that hilarious.
  116. >Not even bothering to check the peephole, you open the door and your eyes become wide at the spectacle before you.
  117. >Half the damn animals in the forest must be out there. Beavers, bears, rabbits, and the birds... Oh dear lord the birds. It seemed she had every kind of song bird imaginable. She was pulling out all the stops for this one.
  118. >Soon, you saw her trot up to the front of the group and she looks at you, hiding half of her face behind her hair, “Um... Anon.. I-I-I-I'd like to sing you a song... If that is okay with you?”
  119. >You look at her, then at the big group of animals, and then back to stuttering pegasus.
  120. “I'd like that.”
  121. >You said simply, restraining a smile and leaning against the door frame of your home.
  122. >This was going to be fucking awesome.
  123. >As you finished, her face lit up like an evergreen on Christmas morning as she turned to face the animal orchestra, “Is everyone ready? One... Two... Three...”
  124. >You immediately recognize the piano at the beginning. She was actually going to sing that one...?
  126. >'I'd do Anything For Love' By Meatloaf.
  127. >Your eyes got wide as she sung the first verse.
  128. >You fucking loved Meatloaf.
  129. >Even the animal-band was preforming well, hell better than most cover bands you've seen. The bears where either strumming on guitars and playing keyboards, the beavers were using their tails to make the drum beat, and the birds were filling in for anything else.
  130. >And Yellow Rap-
  131. >Fluttershy was singing away, putting all of her heart and soul into it. You could feel it pouring from her.
  132. >Those last lines of resistance fell, and you felt a little fire ignite in the deepest, darkness part of your heart.
  133. >The sensation was warm and pleasant. Like sitting by a warm fire on a cold evening. Or reading a nice book after a bad day. Or curling up next to a loved one.
  134. >This... This was something you've never felt before. Could this be...?
  135. >No. No it couldn't be.
  136. >Are you crying? No. No way.
  137. >It has to be raining.
  138. >As the song closes out, you wipe the 'raindrops' from the corners of your eyes, and try to suppress your smile... But you just start clapping.
  139. >You started off soft at first, but then you just got louder and louder. You only stopped once your hands started to hurt.
  140. >She smiled, looking at you with those big soft eyes “S-so, Anon... Did you like it?”
  141. >Did they always look so nice?
  142. “MP3 player, then I'll tell you what I thought.”
  143. >You said with a genuine smile plastered on your face.
  144. >She lit up once more, and retrieving the mystical music player from one of her birds and trotting over...
  145. >Time seemed to slow down as a scene of pure horror played out.
  146. >In her excitement, she tripped over a small rock and the MP3 player that was safely being carried in her gentle mouth flew through the air.
  147. >You tried to jump, to grab it... But you weren't fast enough, the device slipping through your fingers and finally landing on the cold unforgiving stone of your front porch.
  148. >The plastic shell didn't stand a chance, and the last memento of your home, of your old life, broke into a million pieces.
  150. ========
  151. >Day Funeral Dirge in Equestria
  152. >Yesterday was a terrible day.
  153. >It looked like it was going to be the best one yet too, but...
  154. >Fluttershy dropped your precious MP3 player, and it shattered in a shower of circuit board bits and cheap plastic.
  155. >You were in shock when it happened, unable to speak. You could only look at the shattered device as tears of sorrow begun to roll down your cheeks. You scooped up the pieces and held it like a dying child.
  156. >You must have been staring at it for quite a while, because by the time you looked up, Fluttershy had left. Leaving only a puddle of tears where she once stood. Part of you wanted to chase after her, for some reason. But you couldn't bring yourself to.
  157. >And now, here you sit at home, trying in vain to reconstruct your annihilated music player. As you stare over the broken bits of electronics, and mauled plastic you start to curse.
  158. >You trusted her with it, but she managed to break it!
  159. >It was a mistake. An accident. It could have happened to anyone.
  160. >No! She did it on purpose, didn't she? That malicious look in those soft... eyes...
  161. >You've been going back and forth with yourself for hours.
  162. >You try to summon up the hate, the disgust, and poison you used to feel for that pink haired pegasus, but something kept stopping you.
  163. >It was a feeling. Something deep in your chest that you couldn't quite put a finger on.
  164. >No matter how you tried to fight it, you couldn't.
  165. >To vent your building frustration, you slam your fist into the table, further crushing the dead MP3 into oblivion.
  166. “Fuck...”
  167. >You curse quietly, gritting your teeth as a piece of circuit board embedded itself into your hand.
  168. >If trying to fix it before was hopeless, now it was just downright impossible.
  169. >Then you begin to weep. You cover your hands with your eyes as you shout curse after curse, then punching those stupid broken pieces over... and over... and over...
  170. >After you finished, your hands were scratched and a few shallows cuts graced your knuckles.
  171. >Why did you want to fix it so badly anyway?
  172. >...Because you wanted to show her that it was okay. And that she could keep singing.
  173. >You were the one that lost their possession, not her! Why do you want to comfort her so badly?
  174. >You don't know.
  175. >She's embarrassed you on multiple occasions, tied you up, and everything short of straight up assaulting you. You should hate her guts!
  176. >But you don't.
  177. >Why?!
  178. >Your subconscious says a word, and your eyes go wide. That small fire in your chest burns brighter and hotter.
  179. >Standing up from the table, you grab a nearby trash can and sweep all bits of shrapnel into it, then head for the door.
  180. >You didn't need that stupid MP3 player.
  181. >You know what you have to do.
  182. >You were going to sing one song. And you knew this one by heart.
  183. =
  184. >You are Fluttershy
  185. > And you crushed Anonymous' heart.
  186. >Yesterday, in all your enthusiasm, you stupidly tripped over your own hooves and dropped his precious music player...
  187. >It broke into so many pieces, and poor Anon...
  188. >He dropped to his knees and just stared at it, crying.
  189. >That expression on his face was terrible.
  190. >He just kept mouthing the words 'No...No...No...No...' over and over again as you scooped up the pieces and held them to his chest.
  191. >You couldn't speak a single comforting word. No ‘It’ll be okay, honey' will ever be able to fix it.
  192. >Unsure of what to do, you ran. You ran so far away, back to your home and crawled into bed weeping your eyes out.
  193. >You couldn't get away from the tears.
  194. >This wasn't the first time you've ruined a relationship with a stallion. You tried before, but it never worked. Either they would get bored and move on, or your demeanor would cause them to think of you more like a little sister than a girlfriend.
  195. >You got tired of waiting, so you just... Gave up.
  196. >Then Anonymous came. He was so new, exotic, and so nice. You remembered the first month he was in town. So nervous, curious, and kind. Then you felt that familiar fire in your heart start to glow. At first, you didn't want to admit it, but you fell for him. When you finally did admit it for yourself, you tried to show him your affections... But he just kept resisting. So you got more desperate, and tried other things.
  197. >Leather, lace, whips, chains, feathers, honey, maple syrup, waffles, kidnapping... The list just kept going on in your mind, but nothing worked.
  198. >Then Mister Mouse brought you Anon's music player one day. He treated it like a treasure, it was his favorite thing in the world. You were going to give it back, but it was playing a song... Then another... And another...
  199. >Those songs spoke to you, and you thought, if you sang them for Anon... Maybe they would speak to him too. And it seemed to work. He didn't yell at you, or give you disappointed looks, and even sung along.
  200. >And his smile. He had such a nice smile.
  201. >But then, you ruined it.
  202. >And now you’re in your bed, bawling your eyes out. That seemingly ever burning flame that warmed your heart slowly becoming colder and colder with every tear shed.
  203. >”FLUTTERSHY!”
  204. >It sounded like Anonymous. No, he wouldn't want to see you. Not after what you did. It's just your grief stricken mind playing tricks on you again.
  205. >You don't raise your head from the pillow, and just continue to cry. You don't want to give your hopes up. He's not outside. Why would he ever want to see a worthless thing like you again?
  206. >...Then, he begun to sing.
  208. >That... That was the song you were going to sing to him tomorrow. Barry, Yogi, and Booboo even learned the instrumentals; you just had to learn the words.
  209. >Soon, you heard those same instrumentals. With a sniffle you raised you head from your tear soaked sheets... Could it really be?
  210. >No! He wouldn't. He couldn't. Would he?
  212. >He yelled again during Barry's guitar solo.
  213. >Soon, Angel was bouncing up besides your bed, a surprised look on his face. He pointed to you, then to the window and begun to stamp his feet on the ground.
  214. “W-w-what is it, Angel?”
  215. >You sniffled, whipping some tears from your face with your hooves.
  216. >Angel pointed to the window again..
  217. >You stood up shakily, and walked over to the window and peaked out of your curtains. You couldn't believe what you saw.
  218. >It was Anon! He was standing outside, singing as loudly as he could. Your three bear friends where standing behind him, playing their instruments. And there was water in his eyes?
  219. >It wasn't raining.
  220. >He... He was crying? Why was he crying?
  221. >His singing wasn't perfect, in fact it was off key, and a the timing was a little wrong... But you could feel it. He was singing for you.
  222. >That smoldering ember in your chest suddenly burst into a roaring fire. You could feel the fog of self-loathing and depression evaporates as a happy smile crept across your tear stained coat.
  223. >As the song finished, Anon continued to stare up at your bedroom window, one hand outstretched.
  224. >You opened the window, and flew out. Flying faster than you ever thought you could and right into Anon's chest.
  225. >You must have hit him pretty hard, because he fell flat on his bottom.
  226. >You wrapped your hooves around his thick chest and embraced him tightly, still unable to contain your tears.
  227. >And for the first time, he hugged back.
  229. -
  230. Vocaroos provided by the sexy, talented Baratone can be found here:
  231. Part 1:
  232. Part 2:
  233. Part 3:
  234. Part 4:
  235. Part 5:
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