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- import numpy as np
- def createXYGrid(bbox, meshsize):
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
- xgrid, ygrid =np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x1, x2 ,meshsize), np.linspace(y1,y2,meshsize))
- zeroes = np.zeros(xgrid.shape)
- # create the individual position vectors
- vecs = np.stack((xgrid.flatten(), ygrid.flatten(), zeroes.flatten()), axis=-1).reshape(xgrid.shape + (3,))
- return xgrid, ygrid,vecs
- def createXZGrid(bbox, meshsize):
- x1, z1, x2, z2 = bbox
- xgrid, zgrid =np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x1, x2 ,meshsize), np.linspace(z1,z2,meshsize))
- zeroes = np.zeros(xgrid.shape)
- # create the individual position vectors
- vecs = np.stack((xgrid.flatten(), zeroes.flatten(), zgrid.flatten()), axis=-1).reshape(xgrid.shape + (3,))
- return xgrid, zgrid, vecs
- def createXYZGrid(bbox, meshsize):
- x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = bbox
- xgrid, ygrid, zgrid =np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x1, x2 ,meshsize), np.linspace(y1,y2,meshsize), np.linspace(z1,z2,meshsize))
- # create the individual position vectors
- vecs = np.stack((xgrid.flatten(), ygrid.flatten(), zgrid.flatten()), axis=-1).reshape(xgrid.shape + (3,))
- return xgrid, ygrid, zgrid, vecs
- def wireIntegrate(meshgrid, l, closed=True):
- def process(meshgrid, vectorIntegral, l, dl):
- for lv, dlv in zip(l, dl):
- rp = meshgrid - lv
- # We want to make all the vectors unit vectors to have a magnitude of 1 but numpy doesn't seem to like how I am trying to do it
- # so I am duplicating the norm entries 3 times to make the matrices the same size.
- #
- # Because a nxn matrix is not broadcastable via a nxnx3 matrix make the smaller into a nxnx3 matrix by repeating
- # it's entries 3 times
- # Note we use the ellipsis notation here (below) to make this code generic enough to handle 2D or 3D grids.
- norms = np.repeat(np.linalg.norm(rp, axis=-1)[...,np.newaxis], 3, axis=-1)
- # Now compute the Biot Savart cross product term
- integrand = np.nan_to_num(np.cross(dlv, rp) /norms**3)
- # Add the dl magnetic contribution to the sum of all vector dl contributions
- vectorIntegral += integrand
- # create an array of the vector dl from l
- if type(l) == np.ndarray:
- dl = np.diff(l, n=1, axis=0)
- if closed:
- dl = np.append(dl, [l[0] - l[-1]], axis=0)
- # The result of the integral summation goes to integrand_vecum as a 2D array of 3-vectors.
- vectorIntegral = np.zeros_like(meshgrid, dtype=np.float32)
- # Now sum up the magnetic field contributions along all the wire lengths dl
- # The numpy way of doing this without looping but it tends to cause the kernel to die
- #lvdlv = np.stack((l, dl), axis=1)
- #rp = meshgrid[:,:,np.newaxis] - lvdlv[:,0,:]
- #norms = np.linalg.norm(rp, axis=-1)
- #cross = I*np.nan_to_num(np.cross(lvdlv[:,1,:], rp) / norms[... , np.newaxis] ** 3)
- #vectorIntegral = cross.sum(axis=2)
- process(meshgrid, vectorIntegral, l, dl)
- elif type(l) == tuple or type(l) == list:
- vectorIntegral = np.zeros_like(meshgrid, dtype=np.float32)
- for l1 in l:
- #print (l1.shape)
- dl = np.diff(l1, n=1, axis=0)
- if closed:
- dl = np.append(dl, [l1[0] - l1[-1]], axis=0)
- process(meshgrid, vectorIntegral, l1, dl)
- return vectorIntegral
- def cutoffPercentile(magnitudes, cutoff):
- mags = np.copy(magnitudes)
- # Now this is the only tricky bit. Because the magnetic values close or in the wire tend to blow up I am chopping those
- # values out and setting them to a maximum value. This is because B = μ0 I / 2R causes a pole right on top of the wire. If I don't do
- # this then the visualisation is swamped by the contrast by the extreme high values and the linear scale I am using to match values to grayscale colours.
- q = (np.percentile(mags, cutoff))
- mags[mags > q] = q
- #print("percentile ===", cutoff, " value = ", q)
- return mags
- def toGreyScale(magnitudes):
- mags = magnitudes
- # Find the minimum and maximum values in our magnitudes. Of course the maximum value will be our cutoff value.
- minv = np.amin(mags[~np.isnan(mags)])
- maxv = np.amax(mags[~np.isnan(mags)])
- print(minv, maxv)
- # Produce our array of greyscale values
- #print ("arrint")
- arrint = (((mags - minv)/(maxv - minv)*255).astype(int))
- #print(arrint)
- return arrint
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