

Jun 6th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Tyler stepped out of the Elevator and sauntered down the hallway walking up to his Sister's place and knocked on the door. He had a nice leather binder thing that had some paper work in it and seemed to be in a pretty jovial mood. He rocked on his heels a bit as he waited for someone to answer the door.
  2. Tsaaq: Remy was watching Soot play like a parent before hearing the knock. "Coming." Remy called out as he went to wave his finger at the kitty. "Don't move." He instructed then stood. He walked across the apartment and pulled the door open. "Hey Ty." He greeted. "Cadence said you were coming."
  3. Covet: Hello Remy, Good and she's not here right? I told her I didn't need her around for this, I mean she kind of knows about it but not all the details." He said and stepped into the apartment, walking over to the couch to get comfortable, " Have a seat and prepare you mind for a bunch of legal stuff that I'm going to explain."
  4. Tsaaq: He inhaled deeply and nodded his head slowly. "Oh joy." Remy said as he let Tyler walk pass him then followed him to the couch once the door was locked. "Shouldn't be that complicated."
  5. Covet: "I promise it's not nearly as bad as it sounds." Tyler said with a laugh. "Has Cadence told you anything about her financial situation with her trust fund?" He asked looking over at him, with a curious look to his face.
  6. Tsaaq: "Uh, not really. I know she has money or whatever I don't know to what extent and I'm unsure of the circumstances" Remy replied with a shrug.
  7. Covet: "Well that's both discouraging and comforting at the same time." He said with a sigh then looked at him, "To put it plainly, she's pretty much set for the rest of her life. Even more so once you guys get married. There is however some things that change once that happens, It's not necessarily bad, it could just make things complicated." He said watching Remy's face to read his reaction.
  8. Tsaaq: He rose his eyebrow skeptically as he turned to Tyler. "Listen man, I don't care about how much money she has it's still gonna be my job to be a provider or whatever..." He waved his hand at Tyler dismissively. "Okay fine. How does it make things complicated?"
  9. Covet: "I'm glad to hear that. Relieved even." He said then took a deep breath, "The problem is, because of her mental disorders, legally she's not allowed to be in control of her own finances, and is why she's on an allowance to take care of her normal bills." Tyler said then added, " That means, power of attorney falls to you as her spouse, and also means a prenuptual agreement."
  10. Tsaaq: He continued to be cautious as he listened to Tyler. "Wait wait, so what are you saying?" Remy asked with his incredulous look returning. "You're saying you want me to sign a prenup? Why? It's not like I'm trying to scam her or anything. And you just said it yourself, it's not money I'm after. So uh, why?"
  11. Covet: "I know, I know. It's not like that. I know a prenup sounds ominous. It's more to protect you, than it is anything else and it's also how the paper work is filed for the power of attorney moving over to you. Right now I'm in charge of it. And there's still aspects of her finances that I will continue to oversee, but the majority of her trust fund is signed in care of, to you you. Because if she has unlimited acess to her money, and she drops off the deep end again, I can' only imagine what she would do. She's bought a five thousand dollar spotlight before when she wasn't supervised." Tyler said a little exasperated. "But I've seen how responsible you are with your own funds and that makes me feel really good about handing the reigns over to you."
  12. Tsaaq: Remy's eyes widened a little. "Uh..." Remy trailed off. "I thought prenups were a different thing..." He trailed off, looking skeptical again. "This isn't some kind of joke is it? Cause I don't really get it if it is." He sighed.
  13. Covet: "A Prenup is just an agreement for legal purpose in regards to any financial, personal or intellectual property. Often times it's for things like you were saying Scams, divorces and the like." He waved his hand and shook his head, " This is just a couple of documents of the agreements and paper's you'll be signing, stating that you know that this will happen once you sign your marriage liscence and the legal responsibility that all entails." He explained, "I promise it's not a joke. I know I'm a pretty jovial person, but this is a serious matter concerning the both of you. I don't expect the papers to be signed immdiately. But I'll leave them here with you and let you read it all over."
  14. Covet: *intellectual property in a marriage.
  15. Tsaaq: "Yeah..." Remy trailed off. "I'm not gonna just sign some shit that I haven't read then I wake up with no singing voice or some shit." He whispered. He held his hand out so he could take the papers from him. "Does Cadence know that she's not allowed to get her own money?" Remy asked with a raise of his eyebrow.
  16. Covet: "Of course not, I wouldn't expect you too." He said with a laugh at his reference, "She knows that she has a limit and anything she wants pulled out above that limit gets reported to me and I give the final say on it." Tyler said, "But she doesn't know that it's out of my control once she's married, so long as you sign those papers. If you don't wish to take over, the milestone award is put into a sepperate account and I'll decide what to do with it from there. There is a document in there that states the ammount of the milestone award as well. [$150,000]
  17. Tsaaq: Remy flipped through the pages while Tyler spoke and his eyes widened. "A hundred hemmenahh-nah." He began to speak but suddenly lost his words. He flipped to a different page before rubbing the temples of his forehead and leaning forward. "Yeah uh... I don't see why not, but I'm just gonna... Read it and shit just to be safe..." Remy whispered.
  18. Covet: "Cool, uh, here's my number, you can just get a hold of me once you've made a decision and I can get the papers back from you either way. Can we keep this between us for now as well. Cadence knows there is a milestone award, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't know how much it's matured to." Tyler said with a smile, "I'll get out of your hair tonight, tell my sister I say hi and I love her" He said standing up and casually making his way to the door.// Cadence came in about that time looking rather puffy eyed and red in the face, her make up mostly cried off at some point. "'re still here, well I hope your little important meeting without me is over because I'm home and I'm going to my room and you'll just have to fucking deal with it. // Tyler held his hands up, "It's fine Cady, I'm just heading out, Why is your face all red like a tomato?// "It's fucking allergies, Tyler. Fuck off." She said clearly not in the mood as she made her way through the living room and into the bedroom the door slamming behind her so she could go keep being mad/sad in bed, not wanting to talk about anything or to anyone right now.
  19. Covet: *he said handing Remy a card with his name and number on it.
  20. Tsaaq: He took the card and put it in his pocket. "Okay, we'll be in touch-" Remy said. He lifted his head and saw Cadence's expression. "Night Ty." He called out before going to the room to try and figure out what happened to Cadence.
  21. Covet: "Have fun with that... and make sure to really think it over," He was joking this time, but implying that he makes sure that's a kind of crazy he wants to end up with. "Have a good night Remy." He said then made his way out the door and back to his own place and all that.
  22. Covet: [Brother's are assholes. XD]
  23. Tsaaq: ((Right!?))
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