
oh boy

Jul 8th, 2016
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  1. <MobileSavy> So like, the event, when you good to do it?
  2. <DarnellJermaine> look
  3. <DarnellJermaine> realistically
  4. <DarnellJermaine> she's been attacked by remnants, tortured,
  5. <DarnellJermaine> this is a small town- and she's a disabled 4'11" girl
  6. <DarnellJermaine> I really have no idea why on earth she'd have a stalker
  7. <MobileSavy> :/
  8. <DarnellJermaine> think about it xD
  9. <DarnellJermaine> I know you like havin ya character messed up but it's a bit ridiculous to have it over and over
  10. * MobileSavy points to the many, many stalkers Akemi has
  11. <DarnellJermaine> but with Akemi's power it makes /sense/
  12. <MobileSavy> Like I said, it was also an excuse for Gungnir to finally be summoned cuz both Boba and I wanna see it. It's a large school
  13. <MobileSavy> Would have been nice for you to say so beforehand so we could have figured something else :/
  14. <DarnellJermaine> well I gave it some thought
  15. * MobileSavy sighs
  16. <MobileSavy> Do you not want to host an event for her? Like, you could ask what else we could do. You said you were hosting events and I asked awhile ago :/
  17. <DarnellJermaine> yeah I know
  18. <DarnellJermaine> you're not even next though- I still have to do Gumbal1's event and then I gotta do a lot of irl shit, so it'll be a while :P
  19. <MobileSavy> And like, I know you have a ton of events to do, you can just tell me if you're overwhelmed.
  20. <MobileSavy> I'm just annoyed that you couldn't keep me updated :/ I had to ask, just a lil something in ooc about it would be nice
  21. <DarnellJermaine> well I didn't really decide until last night when I was thinking about it
  22. <DarnellJermaine> I normally wouldn't mind but as a person I am baffled by how much Elspeth gets attacked as is, seems unrealistic
  23. <DarnellJermaine> so I can do it if you /really/ want but maybe a different flavor than stalker
  24. <MobileSavy> A different flavor is fine, and again doesn't have to be an attack like I said. I just want to be able to summon Gungnir :X
  25. <MobileSavy> Because summoning spears is neat as fudge
  26. <DarnellJermaine> mmk
  27. <MobileSavy> Anyways yeah, if you don't want the event just tell me, keep me updated every once and awhile please :/
  28. <DarnellJermaine> implying I'm not busy and have a million other rp related things and irl responsibilities besides your event
  29. <MobileSavy> That is literally not what I said.
  30. <DarnellJermaine> I'm just annoyed that you couldn't keep me updated :/ I had to ask, just a lil something in ooc about it would be nice
  31. <MobileSavy> In ooc just say "hey busy, gonna be awhile" instead of "meh" it's not a huge thing.
  32. <DarnellJermaine> <MobileSavy> Anyways yeah, if you don't want the event just tell me, keep me updated every once and awhile please :/
  33. <DarnellJermaine> mmk got it
  34. <MobileSavy> Why are you being so passive aggressive about it?? I'm just trying to ask
  35. <DarnellJermaine> I'm not being passive agressive
  36. <DarnellJermaine> I said ok I got it
  37. <MobileSavy> But why are you making me out to be so selfish
  38. <DarnellJermaine> I'm not!
  39. <DarnellJermaine> Please stop spamming me lol
  40. <MobileSavy> I just want to be able to talk normally again. Stop making me feel like I'm the only bad person here, after days of not talking I ask about an event and you make me feel bad about it
  41. <DarnellJermaine> please stop making this out to be some kind of attack
  42. <DarnellJermaine> we can talk normally if you stop being dramatic about everything
  43. <MobileSavy> But how is it fair, you had bad days and I tried to be around for you. I had a few bad days and suddenly everything is weird. I want to talk normally.
  44. <MobileSavy> Im not trying to be dramatic, I'm getting upset for a good reason.
  45. <MobileSavy> I want to go back to just talking normally occasionally. Tell me how to do that without feeling like I'm walking on eggshells.
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