
Toreador Meeting Pt 1 Dec 10 2019

Dec 11th, 2019
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  1. Ivy Covered Mansion - Living Room(#4395RAJLU)
  4. As you enter the grand hall of this estate the grandeur of the place is what most would notice first. The walls are a deep mahogany wood, varnished and polished to a shine. The flooring is marble of pure white with onyx colored veins running through it. The double doors you entered through are flanked by two large windows on each side, each window being shaded by beautiful, rich velvet curtains of medium purple. Archways to either side of you lead into separate rooms while the stair case directly in front splits and winds up each side of the wall, coming to stop on the second floor balcony above. The chandelier that hangs from the ceiling above your head sheds its soft light over the room, adding warm glow for the shadows to dance in. the first door on the right appears to be a walk in closet for coats, while the second door on the right is a beautiful marble restroom. It appears to be spotless. While the door to the right enter into a full size kitchen with everything one would need to prepare a feast.
  5. There is a large black leather living room outfit in the center of the hall with a large shelf to the west wall cover in books with the center focus of world history. On the east walk heading up the stairs are various paintings from famous artists each from last three hundred years and in wonderful condition.
  7. Madelines butler invites you both in and offers any sort of beverage you might like as Madeline arrives from another room. She smiles and nods "bon soir ladies, please come in and make yourselves at home"
  9. Tomoko arrives lookings as beautiful and stylish as ever. "Bon Soir"
  11. Madeline steps over and nods to Tomoko "bon soir mademoiselle, you look lovely, please do make yourself comfortable in my home"
  13. Shiori arrives, steps light and delicate. She touches the butler's hand and murmers a soft, "Good evening." She smiles warmly. She steps inside and walks toward Madeline, though waits her turn to greet her. When it's her turn, she offers a soft, "Good evening, Mom," and a hug.
  15. Amelie seems to just follow the others on in. "Bon Soir, mes amies. So glad to make it out to join you all tonight!" She waits her turn as well to greet Madeline, and then Shiori in turn.
  17. Madeline smiles and moves to return Shiori's embrace, kissing her cheek "bon soir mon ange" she says softly then smiles and nods to
  18. Amelie "My dear lady Keeper please come in. Might I have anything brought for any of you?"
  20. Shiori turns to offer Amelie a hug as well, "It's good to see you, Amelie," she murmers, with a soft smile. She then shakes her head to Madeline's question, "I'm good. For now at least." She pads over toward a place to sit down gracefully.
  22. Tomoko looks to everyone as they arrive, "Bon Soir." She takes a seat and slowly sits back and crosses her legs, "So do we have a lot to discuss tonight?"
  24. Amelie follows along to take a seat near the others. "I am good for now, thank you for asking, mon ami." She crosses her long legs, and folds her hands on her lap awaiting the topics for tonight.
  26. Madeline smiles "Shiori, have you met Tomoko as of yet?" she asks, moving to take a seat
  28. Shiori turns her attention on Tomoko thoughtfully, and finally shakes her head, "I don't believe so. The only time we've been in the same room together was at Court right after my return." She inclines her head a little bit, and says, "Hello. I'm Shiori Reinhart."
  30. Tomoko lifts a hand and wiggles her fingers in a little wave to Shiori, "It is a pleasure to meet you Shiori." She grins as she brushes a hand back through her own hair, "Yes, I do think I saw you around court before."
  32. Amelie smiles watching the two meet each other. She had not realized they had not met yet and is glad to see this happening.
  34. Madeline nods with a warm smile "Well I am hoping tonight we might brainstorm together some creative ideas to show the praxis what Toreador do. I do not paint. My art lies in dance as you all know, but I am seekign to expand my skills into music. Might I ask, to start us off.. what each of you consider as your strength, and where you wish to expand your own skills" - she clearly already knows each person's main art but.. its conversation
  36. Shiori watches Tomoko for a moment more before she turns her gaze to Madeline, "Music is my primary, gymnastics is my secondary. I would dearly love to learn to paint though." She crosses her ankles as she speaks.
  38. Tomoko sits back and vaguely motions at her beautiful self, "Obviously my primary is fashion. I would actually like to do more fashion stuff at court, maybe even a fashion show or something? As a secondary, I suppose I am fairly good at acting and general performance arts."
  40. Amelie mms, "We had a fashion show recently. Too bad you missed it, Mademoiselle Ito." She adds her own portion, "Painting would be something lovely to learn, although I would also love a chance to dabble at sculpture. You know with those wheels where you can shape something while it spins? As for my strengths, it is within in my heart, my bloodline itself to sing and play music on whichever instrument I choose."
  42. Madeline smiles and nods as each Rose speaks "It seems all of us have a skill in which we excelle and one we wish to learn or improve. How might I support each of you in doing so? Tomoko do you design fashion by chance? Shiori I know of a very skilled artist I could refer you too" and nods to Amelie "A pottery wheel, it is a wonderful art I am certain someone in a city this size can teach it."
  44. Tomoko taps a finger against her own lips then shakes her head, "No, I don't really design fashion myself, I just pick out what looks good, and make it look good on me." She nods to Amelie, "Yes, I had heard there was a fashion show. Actually I had another idea. I was wondering if I could get a group of people to all go to court wearing similar stuff to get a new trend going at court."
  46. Shiori turns to look at Tomoko at that and blinks a few times. She says quietly, "I don't dress like other people on purpose for any reason." She rests her hands lightly in her lap, fingers loosely laced.
  48. Madeline considers quietly a moment "tomoko, perhaps there is more you cold do in Fashion? I had heard once there are professional shoppers, dressers - hired by a fashionable woman to have her wardrobe designed around her. A person with vision could indeed do such a thing non? Or find a truly talented mortal and be a muse to him, encourage and spur him to greatness in the fashion industry?" she offers, clearly brainstorming a little
  50. Amelie blinks, "I do believe we all tend to make our own fashion statements. Now if it was we all wore a pin or necklace or something to represent something important, like a cause we were all behind, ok." She certainly dresses normally herself to the situation or mood. Amelie adds, "There have been many times we could use someone that could create appropriate outfits for an event."
  52. Madeline mm's and nods "Also arent there people who do such things for theatrical troups, or even movies?
  54. Tomoko covers her mouth as she giggles, "I don't mean dress too much alike but have a theme. If everyone followed the same theme they could still set a trend while each still having their own unique style. There are many ways to wear similar things after all."
  56. Madeline smiles "perhaps some evening as part of a performance Tomoko, we might all perform together in a costume of your choosing" she says then looks to Shiori "We must all never cease to learn and improve, a stagnant toreador is naught more than a poseur. Now I had mentioned I would like to make better use of the Crown, I'd like to start by holding a large concert for the public"
  58. Tomoko sits up and smirks, "Oh that gives me an idea, a musical! It has acting, singing, music, dancing. Can even include art with the set design and stuff. There is even writing and storytelling for the script design if someone is good with that stuff."
  60. Shiori nods to Madeline, and shifts the way she's sitting slghtly to face more toward Madeline, "A large concert, perhaps a name like Imagine Dragons. Or Pink. If you want a modern pop or rock feel. I don't know Country as well, but.... " She pauses, looking up at the ceiling for a moment, "Isn't Brad Paisley a country artist? And Garth Brooks has an ongoing following. Kelly Clarkson has swung more toward country I believe."
  62. Madeline smiles "I think we all know I do not know modern music well.. select a big name and see if they can do a smaller venue, the Crown does not seat thousands. A smaller hosue will cause tickts to be in great deamand non?" then smiles to Tomoko "Do you mean to produce one already in existance or to write one Mademoiselle"
  64. Tomoko lifts her shoulders as she shrugs, "Well either would be an option right? I think if we have the time and resources, then making a new one is a better approach but doing one that already existances, or even just basing it on something that does is a possibility too."
  66. Shiori turns her head to look at Tomoko again, and asks quietly, "Do you have a story in mind that you would like to tell?"
  68. Madeline nods "Creating an entirely new musical can take a number of years and one msut be very careful not to seem to be plagiarizing something already in existence. Although a retelling of an old tale can often have success, bringing fresh eyes to it. But again, it is a daunting task"
  70. Tomoko says, “It was just an idea that came to me just now, while we were thinking of things we can do. So I had not really thought about it much. It does seem like something that would bring a lot of people's talents out and I am sure others would enjoy watching it though.”
  72. Shiori blinks slowly as she looks at Tomoko. After a moment she simply stands up and strides over toward the bar. She seems familiar with things as she steps behind it and reaches for a glass, then turns to look at the liquor options.
  74. Madeline nods with a smile "It is something you could look into TOmoko, perhaps organizing creative minds is a skill you posess or could cultivate?" she encourages then looks to Shiori "And dear, do you think you could look into that dragon band you mentioned? they sound interesting"
  76. Tomoko says, “Well it is something that I can look into it I guess. It might be a longer term plan, so having some musical events and the like may be easier for the short term.”
  78. Madeline brushes back a lock of golden hair "there is nothing wrong at all with a long term plan Tomoko, the most memorable pieces of art took years to craft"
  80. Shiori turns back with a bottle of bourbon and pours some into a glass for herself, "I will be happy to look into Imagine Dragons. If they fall through I have some other possibilities I'll check into as well."
  82. Amelie returns from a call that must have been horribly important enough to make her step away. "We are looking for a musical act? I have some connections as well, can put out some feelers to see."
  84. Madeline smiles warmly at Amelie's return "oui, I'd mentioned a mainstream concert for the Crown often enough I realized I should ask for some asisstance with it. Why don't we plan a series? Shiori has some wonderful ideas of people who I've never heard of" the elder laughs warmly "Amelie could you possibly work with her on adding a few more? Perhpas one every few months? For the public Please"
  86. Shiori looks over to Amelie and lifts the glass of bourbon, "I'd love to work with you on the idea, Amelie." She then takes a sip of the alcohol and leans against the bar.
  88. Amelie suggests, "Perhaps if we can get them to do this with a free will offering for a charity, or even we just make donations to charities that these groups have near and dear to their hearts, they will be happier to agree to come for a one night only special little show. Maybe even see if there is a Make a Wish child that this would be their wish?" She smiles to Shiori, "I would love to work with you as well. This will be wonderful."
  90. Madeline crosses her lovely legs and smiels at Amelie "I do like the idea of donating to charities of their choice to gain their performances, it will be good all around don't you think? Ah yes for children, that is always wonderful"
  92. Shiori murmers, "Indeed. Most artists are more than happy to do something as a Make a Wish fulfillment." She takes another sip of bourbon, then adds, "I like the idea of a series though, which lends itself more to donating to the charities of their choice. At least for most of the performances. Some of them may even be willing to perform with a promise the ticket revenues are donated."
  94. Tomoko nods, "It sounds like a good idea. If you need any help, I am happy to assist with that, though I can't say I really know any bands or anything."
  96. Madeline smile warmly at the enthusiasm and creativity being shared "Oui perhaps one every other month, is that too often?" she asks then nods to Shiori "oui to the charity they choose, I love that idea from both you and Amelie, merci" she looks to Tomoko "Have you any skill in marketing cher? Any influence in the entertainment world perchance?"
  98. Amelie nods, "A series that is not so often. The every other month would be plenty of time to setup each one, and get the word out and built up. But not be so predictable and become a bore."
  100. Tomoko brushes a hand through her own hair, "Well I wouldn't say I have any marketing skills or direct influence, however I am a little famous. So I could always try using that to draw someone in."
  102. Madeline smiles and is clearly open to suggestion and direction from the rest of the clan as Amelie speaks "Very true" the Elder agrees then nods to Tomoko "you do things on the.. internet oui?"
  104. Shiori nods her agreement to Amelie, "I agree. Two to three months between would be enough to keep attention and interest without becoming to much. Plus with the smaller venue, your ticket ring should be a little higher to make sure it's worth it to the artists to spend their time on it too."
  107. Jolene enters into the room quietly, listening to the conversation already in progress for awhile before offering her thoughts, taking a moment to offer warm hugs to her family of roses, as she sits down gently near Madeline.
  109. Amelie mms, "And we are looking to use the Crown for this? Correct? I wonder if we could bring in another exhibit that might blend well with whatever group we get? Or as a way to show the good work of the group with their charity."
  111. Madeline smiles brightly and holds out her hand to Jolene, kissing the woman's cheek before she settles an arm lightly about the girl. Nodding she smiles "oui it is about time that stage was put to good use. We can certainly do something larger, this was just my beginning thought"
  113. Tomoko nods, "Yes, on youtube mostly. Maybe if they are a fan it would be easy to get someone to come. Well I guess it really depends on what band we are talking about, and if they like fashion videos."
  115. Shiori gives Jolene a warm smile. She remains behind the bar for the moment though, nursing a bourbon.
  117. Madeline winks at Shiori "dearest, could I have one also?" she asks about the drink then sighs happily "Amelie and Shiori are you two comfortable taking the lead on this first concert and then we'll all share the duties as needed? Tomoko, when the time comes you could perhap do one of your fashion videos about the band and how they are dressed?" she honestly has no idea about Tubeyou (wink) then smiles "And back to where we began, how can I support any of you in expanding the skills you have and growing into a new art you are intersted in exploring?"
  119. Amelie nods, "That sounds perfect." She smiles to Shiori, "Let me know when is good and we can go over some ideas."
  121. Shiori sets her glass down, nodding to Madeline. She pulls another out and tops off her own, then pours a drink for Madeline. After capping the bottle, she picks both drinks up and comes around to bring the fresh one to Madeline. She says to Amelie teasingly, "I think your schedule is more congested than mine. What is a good night for you?"
  123. Tomoko says, “yes, I will help out with that, when we get to that point. I don't think I need any specific help at the moment, though I will be sure to let you know in the future when I think about it more.”
  125. Madeline accepts the drink with a smile "thank you Shiori" she says then sips and nods to Tomoko "Please do, we are a clan and it is our calling to support one another" she smiles at Jolene then says "We may meet again on Thursday when Tiva can also join us so if you wish please do come back"
  127. Shiori pads back over to sit down once more, this time crossing her slender, strong legs. "As for learning something new, who do you have in mind for me to talk with about painting?"
  129. Amelie mms, "A painting lesson sometime, even just for the clan, might be a fun bonding time?"
  131. Jolene was trying her best to get a feel for the conversation until her phone goes off and she looks down at the text. "My deepest apologies mother." She does offer a thought, "We may have mixed feelings about her, but we really should consider speaking with Paige." That is her thought at least. "I apologize I have to run."
  133. Madeline hmm's softly at that and kisses Jolene's cheek "Rest well dearest we'll talk soon"
  135. Tomoko says, “I do think I will be able to make it on Thrusday as well.”
  137. Shiori murmers, "I'll try to make it Thursday, Mom." She takes another drink and then lifts the glass to look at the liquid within. There's not a lot left. She says quietly to Madeline, "This makes me think of Az."
  139. Madeline nods to Amelie "That actually sounds like a wonderful idea my dear, I would certainly participate" then nods to TOmoko "excellent" and gives Shiori a warm look "Indeed" she sighs softly "Well I think we've stirred up the creative juices non? Shall we call the meeting for tonight and those who can, regather on thursday?"
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