

Jun 6th, 2020
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  1. Name: Seto
  2. Key: Daquann1
  3. Skill or Tier S: Ascention
  4. Reasoning:
  5. Seto has been applying himself in the antagonist setting and causing trouble for others when the time is right; however, due to the recent fights he's been tossed around easily which means he isn't much help. The first fight was with Shalar, Benny, Kane, and Zau. He managed to fight them off, but lost due to the amount of people attacking and them getting stronger in the mist of their fight. With one person unlocking the power of the gates and others and their various boost.
  7. Seto put up a good fight, but couldn't compete.
  9. Second scene was an attempted jail break where he was intercepted by Loretta and she didn't seem to hold back on him whatsoever. The fight started and ended just that fast with her blasting him twice and game. Yet another fight in which he caused the others more of an issue by not handling his part of the fight.
  11. For his lack of strength he caused two people to die the reason being he couldn't help fend off the others when more joined the battle. It seemed the others a leagues above where he is and oddly enough he can't catch a break despite putting forth the effort in each encounter.
  13. Seto isn't going to stop fighting, but he needs to start pulling his own weight or he'll get left behind or worst of be the next one killed in a attack. He strives to continue his progression and hopefully something will give and his hard work will pay off..
  15. Moment:
  16. Fight#1
  17. Fight#2
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