
The Essential Differences Between #politics and #obama

Feb 2nd, 2018
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  1. Trump’s Birth Control Problems - The New York Times -
  2. 3:40:23 PM→ dragoon has joined
  3. 3:40:23 PMⓘ Trump’s Birth Control Problems - The New York Times -
  4. 3:40:58 PM@AndroidUSlol
  5. 3:42:12 PM@AndroidUSHah!
  7. 3:42:25 PM@AndroidUSTrump is a "Disgrace"
  8. 3:42:26 PMdragoonWhat are the essential differences in values between this channel and #politics?
  9. 3:42:49 PMdk57we do homosexual stuff
  10. 3:42:56 PM@AndroidUShah
  11. 3:43:02 PMdk57and laceless hates transexuals more than #politics
  12. 3:43:05 PM@AndroidUSHi honey
  13. 3:43:07 PM Ignoring laceless!*@*
  14. 3:43:25 PMdragoondk57: Your answer indicates this channel may share in the anti-intellectualism of #politics.
  15. 3:43:26 PMdk57so if you're cool with that you can hang out in #obama
  16. 3:43:42 PM@AndroidUSokie dokie
  17. 3:43:43 PM@Joeymarket gave up a correction today
  18. 3:43:46 PMdk57it doesnt get any more anti-intellectual than #obama
  19. 3:43:56 PMdragoonThat's probably false.
  20. 3:43:58 PMdk57we are so dumb that we eat dirt.
  21. 3:44:05 PMdragoonI have ended my conversation with you, dk57.
  22. 3:44:07 PM@Joeyactually not any more than Nunes
  23. 3:44:07 PM Ignoring dk57!*@*
  24. 3:44:15 PM@AndroidUSomg
  25. 3:44:18 PM@Joeynow that's just fucking stupid
  26. 3:44:27 PMdragoonI predict Nunes will be indicted, with 60% confidence.
  27. 3:44:30 PM@Joeyraindonna!
  28. 3:44:43 PM@AndroidUSI never had the displeasure
  29. 3:44:43 PM@Joeyresurrected
  30. 3:45:41 PM@AndroidUSwhat are you suffering from?
  31. 3:45:44 PM@Joeyheh AndroidUS you have not yet begun the displeasure
  32. 3:45:57 PM@AndroidUShah
  33. 3:46:00 PMdragoon(Notes an option was given to the community to discuss Nunes.)
  34. 3:46:20 PMdragoon(Current topic: Possible historical identities of chatters and the resultant emotions experienced)
  35. 3:46:20 PM@Joeyand no one tool them up on it right gragoon
  36. 3:46:26 PM@Joeydragoon
  37. 3:46:31 PM@AndroidUSjust say when
  38. 3:46:41 PM Ignoring Joey!*@*
  39. 3:47:14 PMdragoonIs this the greatest song of all time?
  40. 3:47:17 PM+RoboTurmp[ Röyksopp - What Else Is There? (HD) - YouTube ] -
  41. 3:47:25 PM@AndroidUSlol, i love that one, laceless
  42. 3:47:34 PM@AndroidUS"batcrazy nitwittery"
  43. 3:47:42 PM Ignoring AndroidUS!*@*
  44. 3:48:35 PMdragoonThis conversation will be entitled "The Essential Differences Between #politics and #obama".
  45. 3:50:00 PMdragoon
  46. 3:50:03 PM+RoboTurmp[ Oliver Huntemann - Rotlicht - YouTube ] -
  47. 3:54:55 PM→ fieryUSA has joined
  48. 3:55:46 PM← fierygt has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  49. 3:55:54 PMdragoonfieryUSA: Do you believe in universal suffrage?
  50. 3:56:18 PMdragoon
  51. 3:56:20 PM+RoboTurmp[ Nicolas Jaar - Let's Live For Today - YouTube ] -
  52. 3:57:52 PM@mongo`I have ended my conversation with you, dragoon.
  53. 3:58:01 PM Ignoring mongo`!*@*
  54. 3:58:15 PMdragoonmongo`: Okay.
  55. 3:58:53 PMdragoonYour free association allows you to feel that. Your free speech allows you to communicate it. My self-ownership puts the burden of resultant emotions I experience on myself.
  56. 4:05:52 PMdragoonI do not believe in universal suffrage.
  57. 4:06:26 PMdragoonEven those who would say 'Yes, I believe in universal suffrage', would do so with the unstated restriction of voting to humans below a given age, e.g. 18.
  58. 4:06:35 PMdragoonThey most robust reason for that restriction is cognitive limitations.
  59. 4:07:09 PMdragoonDue to variability in our species, some people above that age of threshold will have insufficient cognitive ability *in the same way* a person below that age does.
  60. 4:07:27 PM+tumblewell well, whodathunkit.. the memo turns out to be a dud
  61. 4:07:40 PMdragoontumble: It's much worse than a dud.
  62. 4:08:03 PMdragoonIt's a coordinated effort by the GOP, Congress, and WH to enslave the American people to one-party tyranny and end the rule of law.
  63. 4:08:21 PMⓘ Joey set mode +o fieryUSA
  64. 4:09:07 PMdragoonFor the record, I am for the abolition of age restrictions on voting -- I'd like them to be congitive-based -- age remains useful as a proxy signal for cognitive ability.
  65. 4:09:44 PMdragoonI should have made that parenthetical rather than using a dash. Apologies.
  66. 4:10:42 PMdragoon
  67. 4:10:44 PM+RoboTurmp[ Alef - Sol - YouTube ] -
  68. 4:10:48 PMdragoonRemain mindful, fellow sentients.
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