
Giygas- Late Stage Porky Mutation

Sep 20th, 2024
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  1. As a habit left over from when he'd had a human body, he tried to clear his head by shaking it...and suddenly he saw something that startled him. “Wh...what is that?!” he cried.
  2. “Huh? What's what?”
  3. “Hm?”
  4. “Waah?! I don't like the looks of that!”
  5. They stared in amazement. What was that pink, flabby thing, filling up an entire corner of the darkness in this rift in time? It couldn't be... But...could it?
  6. The four of them had the same thought at almost the exact same time, and they all looked at one another.
  7. The pink, flabby thing seemed soft and pliant. It was an extremely sickly-looking color, like a slug that had spent its entire life in a place where it was never properly exposed to the light of the sun. Patches of short, soft, golden hairs grew here and there, and wrinkles gathered in places. Something that resembled sweat was slowly but steadily oozing from the depths of these wrinkles, and it gave them the impression that this was...was it flesh? Skin? Was this...a bare naked body, covered in frills of excess obese as it was possible to be?!
  8. The Poo R., who was still lighter on his feet than any of the others despite now having a body made of metal, swiftly approached the thing. With his fingertips trembling in revulsion, he poked at this pink wall that stood in their way. And with a bo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yoing~, it jiggled for what seemed like an eternity.
  9. “...Just as I thought...” said the Jeff R.
  10. “Is it Pokey?” the Ness R. whispered.
  11. “...You're kidding,” muttered the Paula R. “...You're kidding, right? Someone tell me it's not true!” She wrung her hands in dismay. “I just can't believe...that a human...a human being...could become something like this!”
  12. “...Unnhh...what the? Knock it off with all that yapping! If I let you run your mouths, you get cocky and think you can say whatever the hell you want, huh!?” A voice came from somewhere within the fleshy wall. “Ugh, shut up...just shut up! What's your problem, anyway? And what's with those hideous get-ups? You guys really are stupid!”
  13. Boing, bo-yo-yo-yo-yoing! The pink wall wiggled and bounced.
  14. His massive back, which resembled an overly-detailed snowman, swung away from them, and now they could see his belly, which was so swollen it looked as if he had swallowed the moon. His arms and legs were covered with so much excess fat that it seemed he couldn't bend his elbows and knees. Like a doll made out of balloons, his limbs stuck out in front of him with a strange stiffness.
  15. “Pokey...?” said the Ness R., timidly. “Is that really you...Pokey?”
  16. “And so what if I am?” came the reply. “...Damn, Ness, you really are annoying! I can't believe you had the nerve to destroy my priceless treasure! I was having such a pleasant, wonderful dream...but now I remember exactly what you did!”
  17. “Whoa, what the?!”
  18. “Everything's shaking!”
  19. “He's on the attack, be careful!”
  20. Wiggle...waggle...wham! As the enormous Pokey swung those arms and legs he could not bend and thrust out his round belly, the very atmosphere itself was crushed and distorted, and it wobbled and vibrated wildly! And that's when they realized it...this pink wall was all around them! Just like those rooms in a jail where they put prisoners who may be a danger to themselves and others...they were completely enclosed by these soft, pink, fleshy walls! And all of it was a part of Pokey. Like miniature toys on a trampoline, the four robots were so easily tossed, flung, and bounced around!
  21. “...Damn it,” growled the Ness R. He tried to focus his mind. “...P...S...I...Rockiiiin'!” At almost the same time, the Jeff R. snapped back the joints in his wrists, revealing the heads of several missiles. “Firing rockets~!” he cried.
  22. However...
  25. “Whoa...aaaaughh~!”
  26. “Wh...what the heck?! It all bounced back!”
  27. Neither the Ness R.'s PSI power nor the Jeff R.'s missiles could break through those fleshy walls! The PSI Rockin' jolted the atmosphere within all that pink flesh and sent something like an electric shock through all four of their electronic brains. Some of their wiring made a crackling sound and then burnt out entirely. ...And the missiles bounced around from wall to wall, like squash balls! The four of them ducked and dodged and threw themselves on the ground, trying desperately to evade them. In the end, the missiles ran into one another and caused a huge explosion! And if the Paula R. and Poo R. hadn't been so quick to gather everyone together and spread out a PSI barrier, all four would have been turned to scrap in an instant!
  28. It appeared that even with their powers and weapons, they wouldn't be able to defeat Pokey in this bizarre state he'd ended up in.
  30. - MOTHER 2: Giygas Strikes Back, chapter 9
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