

Sep 8th, 2017
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  1. SaxumPierce: Welcome.
  2. CleoDeNiall: haii ggpops
  3. SaxumPierce: Well i have sucessfully taken over Brazil
  4. CleoDeNiall: o.o
  5. CleoDeNiall: dont step on DC
  6. SaxumPierce: DC?
  7. CleoDeNiall: thats Ritrovo
  8. CleoDeNiall: /me waits a long ass time for this lift
  9. SaxumPierce: XD
  10. CleoDeNiall: soo
  11. CleoDeNiall: brazil huh
  12. SaxumPierce: I wanted Brazil.
  13. SaxumPierce: XD
  14. SaxumPierce: I have a big thing about Rio
  15. CleoDeNiall: oh
  16. SaxumPierce: and Brazil opperates on my idea of how you control a country.
  17. SaxumPierce: even if your not the president.
  18. CleoDeNiall: well aslong as u dont try nd come for washington DC
  19. SaxumPierce: Oh I wont.
  20. SaxumPierce: lol
  21. CleoDeNiall: coz dats my turf
  22. SaxumPierce: To be honest outside of Brazil im not very ambitious
  23. CleoDeNiall: oh
  24. SaxumPierce: How Cosy are you with Kloun?
  25. CleoDeNiall: im going on dates with her son
  26. SaxumPierce: shes rubbed alot of people the wrong way.
  27. SaxumPierce: and alot of people are getting upset that she does not go IC anymore.
  28. CleoDeNiall: i like her she helped me and stood up forme with my father
  29. SaxumPierce: From what I hear she only does that kind of thing when it benifits her.
  30. CleoDeNiall: na
  31. CleoDeNiall: what would she have to gain from me
  32. SaxumPierce: and looking at how cosey you are now and how you guys reacted when she came into the room, I'd say that shes benefited very well.
  33. SaxumPierce: If Kloun asked you to do something would you do it?
  34. CleoDeNiall: probs
  35. SaxumPierce: Then she has benefited
  36. SaxumPierce: She has won a family under her finger.
  37. CleoDeNiall: but im dating her son
  38. SaxumPierce: Mafia doesnt mean anything when your dating people
  39. CleoDeNiall: .why you soo suspicious
  40. CleoDeNiall: cant two people not become friends
  41. SaxumPierce: Because a war is coming
  42. SaxumPierce: and becasue your family to me i am trying to give you a heads up.
  43. SaxumPierce: I would'nt be around when the hammer comes down.
  44. CleoDeNiall: .what kind off war
  45. SaxumPierce: Kloun refuses to go into IC Mafia RP mode
  46. SaxumPierce: that means she mainly sits in OOC in her room
  47. SaxumPierce: That means that someone else can claim her turf and force her to go into Chat.
  48. SaxumPierce: if she boots they can have a legal claim and say they conqured it
  49. CleoDeNiall: Kloun does go ic
  50. CleoDeNiall: ive seen her do it
  51. SaxumPierce: Not very often.
  52. SaxumPierce: unless your telling me that 7 seperate people from 4 seperate familys are telling me wrong
  53. CleoDeNiall: ok name these people
  54. SaxumPierce: I'm not going to disclose names of people to someone that most likely will run back and tell Kloun
  55. SaxumPierce: I trust you but im not a idiot
  56. CleoDeNiall: lemme guess
  57. CleoDeNiall: Gravano?
  58. CleoDeNiall: Josh coz hes been round Strahov lately
  59. SaxumPierce: actually Gravano was one of the ones that said she would go IC.
  60. CleoDeNiall: see told you
  61. CleoDeNiall: she does go IC
  62. SaxumPierce: Shrugs.
  63. SaxumPierce: I am just saying , if you Own DC your a equal player with Strahov, and you shouldnt be yes maming her.
  64. SaxumPierce: and you shouldnt be putting your family under her.
  65. CleoDeNiall: im not putting my family under her
  66. CleoDeNiall: me and kloun dont even talk about mafia stuff
  67. SaxumPierce: then why even be in Strahov
  68. CleoDeNiall: me?
  69. SaxumPierce: you see that makes me think even more that she doesnt trust you.
  70. CleoDeNiall: im not in strahov
  71. SaxumPierce: I know your dating her son.
  72. CleoDeNiall: z
  73. CleoDeNiall: z
  74. SaxumPierce: Yes, you date the family you become part of the family
  75. SaxumPierce: if you and him get serious she will expect you to be on her side everytime
  76. SaxumPierce: and will use him to pull you in her direction every time.
  77. SaxumPierce: your judgement will be influenced and in the end you will become a extention of her Territory .
  78. CleoDeNiall: alex wouldnt use me like that
  79. SaxumPierce: its imvu hun
  80. SaxumPierce: Everyone uses everybody at some point
  81. SaxumPierce: Especially in Mafia
  82. SaxumPierce: Dont think that just because your love him that he wont.
  83. SaxumPierce: because at the end of the day, he has been her son longer than he has been with you.
  84. SaxumPierce: Family ties make you do things you normally wouldnt do.
  85. CleoDeNiall: hes helping me raise the baby
  86. SaxumPierce: You mean the fake imvu based baby that wouldnt exist outside your imagination
  87. SaxumPierce: its a illusion
  88. CleoDeNiall: im pregnant on here because i cant in real life
  89. CleoDeNiall: so before you go spouting this bs
  90. CleoDeNiall: maybe people have reasons
  91. SaxumPierce: there will always be reasons.
  92. SaxumPierce: and this isnt about the personal rl crap we come here to escape, everyone has a dozen and so issues they come here to avoid or conqure.
  93. SaxumPierce: You are thinking about your reasons.
  94. SaxumPierce: not his.
  95. SaxumPierce: You may have a reason to have your baby on here but im pretty sure if he wanted he could have kids in real life
  96. SaxumPierce: as for helping you with the baby , isnt that what your suppose to do if your a father?
  97. SaxumPierce: should i give him a cookie for doing the right thing?
  98. CleoDeNiall: the father isnt involved with the child
  99. SaxumPierce: so your telling me now that a man, is involved with a child that is not his , solely for the purpous of being with you.
  100. SaxumPierce: I can understand that .
  101. SaxumPierce: however this isnt a attack on you personaly.
  102. CleoDeNiall: yeh it is
  103. SaxumPierce: This was a warning for stuff that maybe happening.
  104. SaxumPierce: I am trying to broaden your sight so you can see signs if they do come.
  105. CleoDeNiall: alex wouldnt use me, hes not like that
  106. SaxumPierce: that may be the case.
  107. CleoDeNiall: kloun wouldnt use me
  108. SaxumPierce: Kloun will use whowever she needs.
  109. SaxumPierce: shes always been that way.
  110. SaxumPierce: ITs why Navarra broke up.
  111. SaxumPierce: People dont understand that im not just sprouting things spur the moment.
  112. SaxumPierce: I have been doing this awhile, and yes i switch between fantasy rp and mafia rp but that does not mean that i dont stay up to date.
  113. SaxumPierce: She has expectations.
  114. SaxumPierce: and that became clear when she decided to be a asshole to me because of a typing technicallity
  115. SaxumPierce: I am not a person to be talking down to.
  116. SaxumPierce: She may be the red queen but i am the Black Baron. and im not going to take her shit.
  117. SaxumPierce: Like it or not , I am family as well.
  118. SaxumPierce: and I was not impressed on how people handled things when she came into the room.
  119. SaxumPierce: If your embaressed by me or anything you should say so to begin with.
  120. CleoDeNiall: i never said i was embrassessed by you
  121. SaxumPierce: well you wasted no time be respectful to her while she sat there and acted like a high and mighty prick
  122. SaxumPierce: sighs.
  123. SaxumPierce: Im sorry , i just have alot on my mind right now.
  124. SaxumPierce: Kloun has been pushing my buttons lately
  125. SaxumPierce: You seem kinda blind living in the Lee of her son.
  126. SaxumPierce: I dont like people I consider family appearing to be taken advantage of.
  127. CleoDeNiall: not really
  128. SaxumPierce: It pisses me off.
  129. CleoDeNiall: we have been on a couple off date
  130. CleoDeNiall: dates
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