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- hello. I am the guy that made that AI audio clip of Abicadabri (Cooki) and posted it on the SPD (Super planet dolan) server a couple weeks ago, and got torn to shreds (even ddosed) for it.
- I want to make a few things clear:
- First off, I am not pinning the blame on anyone but myself for the reasons I am going to explain.
- Second, this is not an AI apology, this is a real person, real sentence, real from-the-heart apology. (need to make that clear in case people say this was made with chatgpt)
- Third, everything I say is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
- Fourth, some names will be omitted to protect privacy. As i said, Im the one to blame, not them.
- Ok, lets go over what happened, piece by piece, to clear any confusion.
- A couple weeks ago, I made an AI voice model of Cooki, posted it to a server called AI Hub, and then made a little fun (at the time) project using it and Audacity. The project in question was a snippet of episode 112, where I replaced Darlinks voice with the Cooki voice. I then shared it to the SPD server a couple hours later. Keep in mind, I was going to ask Cooki (or email) her for permission to use it, but at the time, college work was due soon and I had to get on top of that.
- Then, I said, "Hey, its my first time messaging in this server. I made a little fun project using an AI Cooki voice model I made, which channel do you think this would fit in?". An admin, lets call them Red, said that it would fit best in the memes channel, which I then said "ok good, just wasnt sure if it was allowed or not, still new to this heh".
- Red then DM'ed me saying that "Hey, i just contacted the mods, they say its alright as long as it isnt AI art or breaking the rules and its made just for fun" (which i thought it was at the time, it was just a snippet from a video.) I was ok with that (i wasnt into AI art) and said "ok cool, I just got into AI voices so just wanted to make sure all was good." Red flag #1. All was NOT good, i still failed to contact Cooki about it.
- I then shared it to the SPD server, with the title "SPD episode 112, but Darlinks voice is replaced by Cooki's". Red flag #2. I already knew I had to ask for perms first, yet i didnt and just posted it anyway. I then went on my business, and check the message a couple more hours later. Ok, a couple reactions and a pinged response asking how I did it. I think "glad people are liking this".
- Well, a couple hours later, I get a message in the channel from Cooki herself, saying not to use her voice for this again. Ok, thats fair, the minimal amount of worry, no big deal right? Red flag #3. I STILL failed to contact her about it, and she was not happy, as I expected. I then go into the AI Hub server, remove the model and link to it from the post. I go back into the channel, and its in utter chaos. Its all crumbling down around me, so i pipe in saying "Hey guys, calm down, I'm the one you should be blaming, not the other people" (cause of me still not informing her about this), then it got to the point where the owner himself, call him Blue, piped in adding a new rule to the rules for the server, which was all fine, up until a few hours later.
- This is where my worry and panickedness kicked into Nitro gear.
- I check her Twitter, and she disclosed how uncomfortable and unnatural this all was, which is fine, I get that a lot. I check the replies, and it's all full of "I hope this person rots in hell" and "Hope karma gets back at them" (ironic). At this point, I'm starting to shake and cry and worry a lot. it got so bad, that i got DDOS'ed multiple times, twice. I decide "I cant show my identity in that server anymore", and just left it, changed all my Discord info, and never went back.
- Red then DM's me asking if I'm alright, and I go "No, im not." Me and them chat for a little bit, then invites me to a private server. I am scared to shit right now, filled with paranoia even, thinking stuff like "What if cooki is in there", "Am I gonna get cancelled?", then I say to myself, "I need to tell her I'm sorry in person" and join the server. Cooki was not in that server, but instead, was 3-4 of Red's friends, call them Orange, Green, and Purple.
- The chat is instantly filled with "Omg VL, are you ok?", "Please tell me if you are". At this point, I was suffering from massive panic attacks and shaking so bad. It got super bad, I had a call with one of my other friends, call him Pros, to help me with mental support. Orange then asked me "You ok man? You left the server and we're getting super worried". I stated my true feelings, said "No, I'm not, I don't feel safe here anymore, I checked Cooki's twitter and the replies and it's making me shake and panic". Purple stated that all of them have checked beforehand and said they couldnt finish reading them, they were so bad. Green said, "Hey, its ok man, she didnt refer to you or show your name in the audio file."
- I stated 2 things, one was that it wasnt that she didnt show that it was me (which i am glad for), but that the replies and tweet made me look like a bad guy (which in all honesty, I was), and that I had 3 more of these models on a repo for my AI models (Shima, Darlink, and SacredSnewpee, red flag #4, all 3 people I have not asked for permission, see details about this at the end), and that it's most likely public in the AI Hub server.
- They suggested I do something about that (I did, look at end).
- I then talked to all of them for a while, stating how I felt unsafe and that i was hardcore panicking and shaking etc. After a while, I did eventually start to calm down and they told me I was safe since no name was revealed.
- And thats where this story ends, I did manage to calm myself down a bit (not a lot) after all that, and I'm doing much better (to everyones dismay, yes, I know how much you want me dead everyone.).
- there might have been some details and info i missed, but since this was published, i have left the server, with little to no chance of returning.
- This is where I put some pointers regarding if the models are still online and active.
- - They are not, Pros did tell me to private them on the repo, which i swiftly did. As for the other sites that may have them, I cannot trace them down and get them to remove it (apart from one, but im not sure what the email is).
- - Every single model of mine (pre and past-post), INCLUDING shima, darlink, and Snewpee, have been privated along with all other models.
- Thank you for listen to me ramble on. This will be my first and last post on twitter, cause I have just ruined my reputation with everyone at the SPD community including several people (including Cooki) I really liked, and I do not, will not, expect to be forgiven for this, not in the slightest.
- As of posting this, I have not joined the server, and I dont think i will. I have just been branded as a criminal for the rest of time.
- And Cooki, if you see this, I am truly sorry, I really mean it. I should have just dropped everything and messaged you or emailed you beforehand, yet I didnt, and you can fully insult me in the replies or DMs or whatnot, i deserve every bit of it. I know you said you werent gonna say sorry for being harsh to me at all, and you dont have to. you can fully hurt me for revenge, like I hurt you for using your voice without permission.
- - VL
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