
(silence/ptilopsis) rebirday

May 18th, 2020
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  1. Calculating probabilities has been something natural for her; putting a plan that requires perfect timing and accurate measurement is merely a cinch. It only takes Ifrit’s request, then she formulated a plan under ten minutes, even the young Sarkaz was baffled to see her snapping fingers with a monotonous eureka yesterday.
  3. With this angle, Ifrit would hold a party pooper but without having to surprise the birthday bird too much, check.
  5. Mayer’s apparatus, or her brilliant meaboo, could be used to bring in tray of cakes. It was specially made for today, with decoration that Astesia suggested (with Ifrit’s input, of course, she disliked to be left out). Sadly, though, the astronomer was unable to take part on the festivities due to calls of missions.
  7. Then, Silence would come to her quarter at straight 4 PM after a little set up she asked the Doctor—Apothecary Sarasa to do. It was a mere trifle about medical records and possible medicine substance candidates, Silence’s favorite pastime of conversation. The discussion lasted for an hour sharp, just like how she expected to be, then the plan is set to the next step.
  9. Ifrit blown the party pooper, minus her actual extinguisher in use. Silence was baffled, but not too surprised to realize the whole surprise. Mayer brought the cake in not too long with Magallan brought in the flying banner that she made: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SILENCE, decorated with a few cartoonish design of the brown owl and Ifrit. There, after Silence widened her eyes—while hiding her blush and happy face—the special guest will come in with the wrapped present.
  11. “Saria?”
  13. Ptilopsis faded out the conversation module as there’s an incoming call from the main building.
  15. Not only Astesia who’s stuck with working, Ptilopsis, too, was having her own task. Though, knowing the plan went smoothly as the calculation said, she could turn off the surveillance camera.
  17. Actually, well, the work perhaps is her own reason to be away. Ptilopsis closed her eyes as she leaned back to her desk. There are a few reasons she could conjure as why she didn’t want to take part with the crowd despite being the mastermind. Though, none of those reasons are quite, reasonable. It’s not really in her to worry such trivial things, and Ptilopsis tried hard not to let her own agenda shows.
  19. Ptilopsis wandered back to when Ifrit asked why Ptilopsis was busy at this very day, as though smelling suspicious smoke. Ifrit, however, was easy to distract, and most of the plans were Ifrit’s own legwork so the young Sarkaz won’t need to see her again during the preparations. Mayer and Magallan won’t suspect a thing if it is Ifrit who asked. Then as for Saria, Ptilopsis went together with Ifrit to the Defender Quarter.
  21. Then again, it always can be said that a certain plan will come with a deviation – a chance of error, an unexpected turn. Ptilopsis couldn’t help but to smile as there’s a knock to the door of 6th medical room where she was in.
  23. “You should enjoy the party more rather than spending time with Ptilopsis, Dr. Silence.”
  25. Two slices of cakes on her hands, the same blushing face she had when she was caught in a tangle of surprise. Without needing any more excuse, Silence took a seat in front of her and placed the cake on the table, still smiling.
  27. “I know I have to meet the mastermind behind this.”
  29. “Ptilopsis didn’t know what you are talking about.”
  31. “Sure, we can leave it at that like usual.”
  33. As if her smile couldn’t get any warmer than it already is, Ptilopsis couldn’t help but to hold her breath as Silence rested her chin on her palm, her eyes judging for a bit but the curve of her smile steadied. “Thank you, Ptilopsis.”
  35. “Error.”
  37. Silence chuckled. “Hey, don’t run away from me like that.”
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