
DotDD Session 21.5

Jan 15th, 2018
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  1. Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
  2. Brows has connected.
  3. Brows:
  4. I guess it's pertinent to ask if you guys have brought any camping supplies.
  5. Cador:
  6. Nu has a bedroll at least.
  7. Witch has connected.
  8. Cador:
  9. There any camping supplies that Jing has?
  10. Witch:
  11. She doesn't. But then, she's used to roughing it.
  12. Brows:
  13. I usually don't bother worrying about food, because that's tedious to keep track of, especially at higher levels. If nothing else, Jing could have probably scavenged or hunted enough for both of you to eat.
  14. Brows:
  15. Handily, at that.
  16. Helk Wilderness, please.
  17. It's been a long, uneventful day of travel, but the tension remains in the air. You havven't so much as come across tracks of a Hushi patrol, recently, and it's gotten to the point where both of you, as well as your horse, require rest.
  18. A rocky outcropping near the road seems well enough cover for your camp for the night, if you even bother to make one.
  19. The air is cool and the crickets are loud.
  20. The sky is clear, with a waxing half-moon in the sky amongst the stars. Dark nighttime clouds leave occasional holes in the sky's tapestry.
  21. What will you do to camp out for the night?
  22. * Shimizu Nu starts by setting up her bedroll to sleep on later.
  23. * Sun Jing has set up a fire, letting the game she caught and killed roast on a makeshift spit. She's currently leaning up against a tree, simply resting for the moment.
  24. Brows:
  25. I'm assuming this also means gathering enough twigs and stuff to insulate you from the ground?
  26. Brows:
  27. Unless you have a blanket for that
  28. Brows:
  29. Your sleeping bag is enough insulation to protect you from the ground in most cases, but you'll want to make a bed of leaves or something just to add that extra layer and to keep your sleeping bag from getting wet and dirty.
  30. Brows:
  31. I won't make you roll for it, just throwing it out there :V
  32. Cador:
  33. Yeah sure.
  34. Nu's shadow bats at crickets, beetles, and whatever other bugs venture near it out of boredom. It's actually starting quite the buggy bodycount.
  35. * Shimizu Nu takes a breath after finishing her work. stretching a bit.
  37. Shimizu Nu:
  38. All right. I'm going to look around a bit while the food's cooking.
  39. * Shimizu Nu motions for her shadow to follow.
  40. * Nu's Shadow sticks in place, neatly piling bugs for a bit, before being pulled along.
  41. * Sun Jing nods to her and watches the food.
  42. * Shimizu Nu takes a deep breath before allowing her regular forced cheer expression to fade, directing a serious look at her shadow.
  44. Shimizu Nu:
  45. Out.
  46. * Nu's Shadow slithers along the ground and up the trunk of a nearby tree, outlined by the moonlight.
  47. * Nu's Shadow doesn't offer Nu any words and remains a subtly-different silhouette of her, but it's looking straight at her.
  49. Shimizu Nu:
  50. What exactly was that with Eiji.
  52. Shimizu Nu:
  53. Excuse me.
  55. Shimizu Nu:
  56. When did you decide that consuming the souls of others was acceptable.
  58. Nu's Shadow:
  59. When did you decide it wasn't?
  60. Nu's shadow speaks with the same voice as her, but different. With a harder edge and a slight reverberation.
  62. Shimizu Nu:
  63. When I learned who the Black Beast of Bleeding Iron was. What the Black Beast does.
  65. Shimizu Nu:
  66. The only souls that should even be remotely considered are those beyond redemption or already damned.
  68. Shimizu Nu:
  69. Those Hushi were neither.
  71. Nu's Shadow:
  72. You don't think they would have happily re-enslaved you and your friends if they had a chance?
  73. * Shimizu Nu grimaces before speaking.
  75. Nu's Shadow:
  76. Oh, you're right. I'm sorry. They would have rather killed you first and stuck your heads as pikes to serve as an example.
  78. Nu's Shadow:
  79. That makes it a little better.
  81. Shimizu Nu:
  82. That doesn't justify consuming their souls. Killing them would have been more than sufficient.
  84. Shimizu Nu:
  85. You're arguing for a slippery slope. One that going down would make us little if any better than the devils the Black's servants seek to eliminate.
  87. Shimizu Nu:
  88. And I will not abide that.
  90. Nu's Shadow:
  91. We are reaching the limit of your soul.
  93. Nu's Shadow:
  94. When you started down the path of using your anger, your hatred and humiliation at being enslaved and used and honing that into a tool of vengeance so you could emulate the Black Beast's power, did you know what she had done to reach that far?
  96. Nu's Shadow:
  97. I didn't. I've learned since then, and so have you, because we are one and the same. Even if you don't care to admit it sometimes.
  99. Nu's Shadow:
  100. Simply put, the power we use will eat us alive if we do not strengthen our soul.
  102. Shimizu Nu:
  103. Which is frankly the only reason for the concession regarding those beyond redemption or already damned. Even then, you cannot tell me that taking in the souls of others is the only method.
  105. Nu's Shadow:
  106. You could stop using our power altogether. Wait for it to hollow us out over the course of years until there's nothing left, and then we fade into nothing.
  108. Shimizu Nu:
  109. ...Once we're done here, I...We, will seek out her guidance in the matter. It has been long overdue in any case.
  111. Nu's Shadow:
  112. You cannot be serious.
  114. Shimizu Nu:
  115. I'm well aware that it won't be simple.
  117. Shimizu Nu:
  118. Or even end well.
  120. Nu's Shadow:
  121. If you want simple, there's some cliffs nearby you could jump off of.
  123. Nu's Shadow:
  124. Or, there might be enough sturdy plants around here to fashion a noose with which to hang yourself.
  126. Nu's Shadow:
  127. But hey, if you want to execute the most elaborate suicide in the history of the dragon isles, by all means.
  128. * Nu's Shadow pantomimes both actions empathically, practically shimmering with outrage.
  130. Shimizu Nu:
  131. And suffering the fate of a typical Warlock is any better?
  133. Nu's Shadow:
  134. That's the thing. We aren't a typical warlock. We don't deserve that. We just need to strengthen our soul, and we'll have power enough to rival one of the divine dragons, eventually.
  136. Nu's Shadow:
  137. Why else do you think that snake Yeog is interested in you?
  139. Nu's Shadow:
  140. Even if you just do it with criminals, irredeemables, whatever, that's better than being devoured by our own power.
  142. Shimizu Nu:
  143. I'm aware. Just as you are aware that it was always my intention to serve the Black Beast with this power. We were always going to present ourselves to her eventually.
  145. Shimizu Nu:
  146. And ultimately, the problem with consuming the souls of others is when does it stop.
  148. Shimizu Nu:
  149. Will we require more as we grow?
  151. Shimizu Nu:
  152. Will we need hundred of 'sacrifices' daily to keep it from consuming ourselves?!
  153. Brows:
  154. Can you give me a planes check?
  156. Shimizu Nu:
  157. « d20+6 = 2 + 6 = 8 »
  159. Shimizu Nu:
  160. I don't know.
  162. Nu's Shadow:
  163. ... You're right. We don't.
  164. * Nu's Shadow sighs in frustration, tapping the side of her head.
  166. Nu's Shadow:
  167. The only possible way I can see this going well is if we stick around Yeog Un, funnily enough.
  169. Nu's Shadow:
  170. Whatever he's doing, it's bound to attract her attention eventually.
  171. * Shimizu Nu sighs too.
  173. Shimizu Nu:
  174. Him or the possessed one, either or.
  176. Nu's Shadow:
  177. When she sends a servant to dispose of him, we help out and prove we're not your usual "My husband left me and I want to murder people now" kind of warlock.
  179. Shimizu Nu:
  180. ...At the very least, I suppose I can pen a letter to Uncle to ask regarding the souls.
  182. Shimizu Nu:
  183. Or possibly visit, if we have the time.
  185. Shimizu Nu:
  186. it'd certainly be safer than writing.
  188. Nu's Shadow:
  189. "Hey, uncle? How many souls does it take to make sure a warlock doesn't consume themselves with their own power? Asking for a friend."
  191. Nu's Shadow:
  192. ... You could try asking Yeog. He still seems to be under the impression that you're on his side.
  194. Nu's Shadow:
  195. I don't know if he'd have any good answers, though.
  197. Nu's Shadow:
  198. Besides dietary supplements in the form of newborn children.
  200. Shimizu Nu:
  201. Uncle is the one that taught us how to bring it into our control to begin with. At the very least his library would be a good place to look.
  202. * Shimizu Nu shudders at the newborn children suggestion.
  204. Shimizu Nu:
  205. Please don't, it's quite possible he's already preparing such a thing.
  207. Nu's Shadow:
  208. Hey, the idea doesn't exactly excite me, either.
  210. Nu's Shadow:
  211. I'm serious, though. Ever since around... a few hours ago? He's been trying to take control of that snake back.
  213. Shimizu Nu:
  214. ...Oh, he's noticed then?
  216. Nu's Shadow:
  217. Seems so. If you wanted, we could let him. See what he has to say.
  219. Shimizu Nu:
  220. I suppose he was planning to contact us through it.
  222. Nu's Shadow:
  223. Or spy on us in the bath. One way or another.
  225. Nu's Shadow:
  226. Man, he's gonna be fun to stab.
  228. Shimizu Nu:
  229. I'm fairly certain he qualifies for the "Already damned".
  230. * Nu's Shadow grins widely.
  232. Nu's Shadow:
  233. Now you're speaking my language.
  235. Shimizu Nu:
  236. Warlocks in general do.
  238. Nu's Shadow:
  239. What's it gonna be, then?
  241. Shimizu Nu:
  242. Could we keep him from learning anything the snake knows?
  244. Shimizu Nu:
  245. Or would it just be a voice for him?
  247. Nu's Shadow:
  248. The snake doesn't know anything anymore. I burned out its mind after that sham of a poker game.
  250. Shimizu Nu:
  251. Ah.
  253. Shimizu Nu:
  254. No wonder he's been so quiet.
  256. Cador:
  257. Well that's a bit too bad for the snake. Oh well.
  258. Brows:
  259. I mean, he was a jerk anyway.
  261. Nu's Shadow:
  262. So, yes. The snake would just be a mouthpeice for Yeog.
  264. Nu's Shadow:
  265. And an eyepeice, I suppose.
  267. Shimizu Nu:
  268. Hm... On one hand, learning what Yeog knows, but he could use it to scry on us...On the other, ignorance could allow us to continue the deception after the mansion, at the cost of not knowing why he's seeking to contact us...
  270. Nu's Shadow:
  271. Oh no. He knows we're in a forest, somewhere.
  273. Shimizu Nu:
  274. ...He's already able to scry us.
  276. Nu's Shadow:
  277. No, I mean, what could he possibly learn from our surroundings?
  279. Shimizu Nu:
  280. Oh.
  282. Shimizu Nu:
  283. For now, yes.
  285. Nu's Shadow:
  286. We're in the middle of a forest with no real landmarks around.
  288. Shimizu Nu:
  289. After we reach the castle though?
  291. Nu's Shadow:
  292. That might cause problems, yeah, but I can cut off the connection whenever.
  294. Shimizu Nu:
  295. ...He's probably taken this route between the town and the castle a few times already.
  297. Shimizu Nu:
  298. So he could quite possibly work out where we are.
  300. Shimizu Nu:
  301. Between the path and the outcropping.
  302. * Nu's Shadow shrugs.
  304. Nu's Shadow:
  305. Fair enough.
  307. Nu's Shadow:
  308. Not letting him is gonna send a message, though.
  309. * Shimizu Nu grimaces at that.
  311. Nu's Shadow:
  312. Not even in a literal sense. He'll think we have something to hide if we hide ourselves.
  314. Nu's Shadow:
  315. Whatever your decision, we have to make it soon.
  317. Shimizu Nu:
  318. ...Maybe further away from the outcropping...
  319. * Nu's Shadow nods slightly.
  320. Cador:
  321. brb food
  322. Cador:
  323. could you give me a bit to eat?
  324. Brows:
  325. yep!
  326. Cador:
  327. Okay.
  328. Brows:
  329. Hello
  330. * Shimizu Nu heads off further into the wood to avoid any particularly recognizeable features.
  331. Brows:
  332. MORE TREES!
  333. * Shimizu Nu takes a breath to prepare herself.
  335. Shimizu Nu:
  336. Okay.
  337. * Nu's Shadow is against the ground now, and gives a thumbs-up.
  338. Brows:
  339. i was waiting for you to return the thumb-up but i guess implicit permission has already been given
  340. Cador:
  341. Pretty much yeah
  342. After a moment, the black snake starts moving around on its own again. It writhes around and quickly finds Nu's wrist.
  343. Its eyes are glowing yellow.
  345. Shimizu Nu:
  346. Hm?
  348. Black Snake:
  349. Hello, my princess. You've been busy, I hear.
  351. Shimizu Nu:
  352. Ah, Yeog Un. Do tell.
  354. Black Snake:
  355. You've been making a few heads roll, recently, correct? An entire quarry, taken by six people. To be expected of my princess, I suppose. Part of your work under your mercenary contract, correct?
  357. Black Snake:
  358. I saw you fight. It was magnificent.
  360. Shimizu Nu:
  361. Which one?
  363. Black Snake:
  364. Hm? What do you mean?
  366. Shimizu Nu:
  367. (Thinking: Stupid stupid stupid) Oh, we ended up rushing over to the black market afterwards to stop the assault there, too.
  369. Black Snake:
  370. Oh? Twice in one day! How impressive!
  372. Black Snake:
  373. Did you run into Eiji there? He's one of my more recent recruits. I wish I'd told you about him sooner, but I didn't know you would have come here as part of your work. Happy coincidences, I suppose.
  375. Shimizu Nu:
  376. Unfortunately, yes.
  378. Shimizu Nu:
  379. Is he always like that?
  381. Black Snake:
  382. Insufferable, you mean? Yes, but i find it endearing sometimes.
  384. Black Snake:
  385. He's so earnest about it.
  387. Shimizu Nu:
  388. I got rather... incensed, about his attitude and my shadow got a little too.. eager, I guess you could say.
  390. Black Snake:
  391. Oh, my. That's unfortunate.
  393. Black Snake:
  394. Well, I don't suppose it would have happened any other way. The natural result of the right hand fighting the left.
  396. Shimizu Nu:
  397. I think his soul at least partially escaped, though a good portion... Didn't.
  399. Black Snake:
  400. Oh, well that's good, at least. That means he's actually learned something.
  402. Black Snake:
  403. In any case, that's why I wished to talk to you tonight.
  404. Cador:
  405. blarg cat
  407. Black Snake:
  408. While it's unfortunate that your work wound up interfering with our plans, this places you in a convenient position. I would have liked to wait until you were in position to dispose of whoever you're working for, but as it is, the plan is dangerously close to toppling.
  410. Black Snake:
  411. Not to say it was a sure thing to begin with, but if Suchart were to take the throne, well...
  413. Black Snake:
  414. Let's just say he'll make it easy for us to march in and wipe out whoever he didn't already kill for us.
  416. Black Snake:
  417. I'll bet you've had enough of working alongside those two monks already, never mind that one of them is a Nguchay.
  419. Shimizu Nu:
  420. Ironically, the Nguchay is an oracle of Cirvoya, so she's surprisingly tolerable. Though we ended up splitting up for the time being.
  422. Black Snake:
  423. Yes. Lei-Ying has already sent me a message about that.
  425. Black Snake:
  426. Unfortunately, it seems that the other Gyucheol you were working with, Chun-Hwa, has rejected Geon-Yeong.
  428. Shimizu Nu:
  429. I thought that might be the case, but I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt.
  431. Black Snake:
  432. She did mention that she didn't see you or the oni at the Sambati palace, so... I assume you're with the oni now?
  434. Shimizu Nu:
  435. Indeed.
  437. Black Snake:
  438. Right. Dispose of her.
  439. * Shimizu Nu grimaces.
  441. Black Snake:
  442. ...?
  443. You're not sure snakes can make a quizzical expression, but Yeog-snake is doing his damndest.
  445. Shimizu Nu:
  446. Truthfully, I'm not entirely sure who would win in a duel between her and I. That blade of hers...
  448. Black Snake:
  449. You have her trust. No matter how formidable a swordsman she is, a knife to the throat during her sleep will end her.
  451. Shimizu Nu:
  452. If it were just her skill with a blade, I'd agree, but the blade she wields is very nearly aware in its own right.
  454. Black Snake:
  455. Hm... So the rumor... It truly is Kanashimi she wields, then?
  457. Black Snake:
  458. That complicates things. You're right.
  460. Shimizu Nu:
  461. The very same.
  463. Black Snake:
  464. Hmph. An ambush is a risky proposition, then, because if the legends are true, Kanashimi will force her body to keep fighting beyond death.
  466. Shimizu Nu:
  467. I don't doubt it could, with what I've seen of it.
  468. * Black Snake writhes nervously. This is the first time you've seen Yeog-un uncertain.
  470. Black Snake:
  471. Where are you going?
  473. Shimizu Nu:
  474. She wanted to push to end things quickly. We're on the way towards Suchart's castle. We haven't sorted out how to get in yet, so I could hopefully direct that one way or another...?
  476. Black Snake:
  477. Right. That's easy, then.
  479. Black Snake:
  480. I will send an agent to escort you inside undetected. Go to the southmost wall, and make a crane's call, and you will be escorted inside.
  482. Black Snake:
  483. Given it's the two of you, I'm guessing you intended an assassination?
  485. Shimizu Nu:
  486. Yes.
  488. Black Snake:
  489. That makes this easy, then. Suchart, Daichi, and Takahiro are all very formidable fighters- Nearly as formidable as you, I'd say. They will ambush you inside, and then, you can turn on Jing. They will know not to harm you.
  491. Black Snake:
  492. Once she's taken care of, we can send you back to deal with the others.
  494. Black Snake:
  495. Of course, after your first attack, it might be wise to retreat. On her own and wounded, Jing will not be able to handle the three of them.
  497. Black Snake:
  498. Losing you is an unacceptable risk. Do what you must to stay alive.
  500. Shimizu Nu:
  501. Right...
  502. * Shimizu Nu bites her lip uncertainly before speaking up again.
  504. Shimizu Nu:
  505. On a personal note. You have some awareness of how my power is growing, right?
  507. Black Snake:
  508. I would expect it is growing strong enough that you will reach the limit of your own soul soon enough. Don't worry- if even half of the rumors surrounding Jing are true, taking her soul will sustain you for years.
  510. Black Snake:
  511. In fact, if...
  513. Black Snake:
  514. I will have to research Kanashimi, but the souls contained within it...
  515. * Black Snake cackles.
  517. Black Snake:
  518. I'd considered giving Kanashimi to Eiji just now, but this is a much better option! Not only does it remove a liability, the souls within might allow you to...
  519. * Black Snake looks at Nu with fire in his eyes.
  521. Black Snake:
  522. You could rip the heart out of Ahasyo's chest and feed on it before the entirety of Malali.
  523. * Shimizu Nu blinks in surprise.
  525. Black Snake:
  526. Watch our oppressors squirm in terror as the new Divine Dragon of Vengeance takes form!
  527. * Black Snake giggles madly.
  529. Black Snake:
  530. So this was Geon-yeong's plan...! How delicious that Ahasyo created she who will be his destroyer!
  532. Shimizu Nu:
  533. I. Uh. That's...Wow. I never imagined that I could...
  535. Shimizu Nu:
  536. Wait. One question regarding the matter. Upon fully coming into that power, would I still require more souls to sustain it? And how frequently?
  538. Black Snake:
  539. Why, the slaughter of Malali would be enough to sustain you for eons. You have no need to worry.
  541. Black Snake:
  542. Besides, once you reach a certain point, it breaks a sort of... equilibrium.
  544. Black Snake:
  545. Once you become more demon than mortal, you shed your flesh and become made entirely of antimana. Once you reach that point, you no longer need souls except to bolster your own power.
  547. Black Snake:
  548. Why, with time and practice, you could even create demons of your own...
  549. * Black Snake seems giddy with anticipation.
  550. Cador:
  551. Devils*
  552. Brows:
  553. i've basically decided they're the same thing because people kept confusing it anyway
  554. Cador:
  555. Ah. K
  557. Shimizu Nu:
  558. I see. I should hurry back before I'm missed.
  560. Black Snake:
  561. So long as Jing is killed, I don't even care anymore if you have to sacrifice Suchart or Daichi to do it.
  563. Black Snake:
  564. To think that such an opportunity would fall into our lap...
  566. Black Snake:
  567. I always knew you had the potential. Child born of Geon-Yeong's purest blood, lost to slavery, only to be freed by the black beast and imbued with the power of vengeance. And on what a grand scale!
  569. Black Snake:
  570. It could not be more poetic.
  572. Shimizu Nu:
  573. ...Purest blood?
  575. Black Snake:
  576. I suppose you wouldn't know. Neither would have your parents.
  578. Black Snake:
  579. I didn't know until Geon-Yeong confirmed it himself.
  581. Black Snake:
  582. Your ancestors were the royal family, enslaved by the serpentkin as a show of power. Their children, raised without any knowledge of their heritage, their divine inheritance...
  584. Shimizu Nu:
  585. ...I... Eeeeehhhh?!
  587. Black Snake:
  588. ... Or, at least, so the story goes. I suppose we have no way of knowing for sure.
  590. Black Snake:
  591. But the moment I met you, I knew... This is her.
  593. Black Snake:
  594. Once your ascension is complete, there will be no doubt left.
  596. Black Snake:
  597. For now, I have other matters to attend to- If Eieji has survived his trip through the outer plane after your fight, then I must be ready to receive him.
  599. Black Snake:
  600. Journey well, my princess.
  602. Shimizu Nu:
  603. I, Uh... The same to you, Yeog Un.
  604. The snake eye's turn back to red and it queitly slithers back up her arm.
  606. Nu's Shadow:
  607. Before you ask, I already cut off the connection again.
  609. Nu's Shadow:
  610. Also? AAAAAAA??!?!?!?!?!
  611. * Shimizu Nu kind of stares at her shadow for a while dumbfounded.
  612. * Nu's Shadow seems just as flabbergasted as Nu is.
  614. Shimizu Nu:
  615. ...I don't think Jing's going to be too happy about everything I ended up sharing... Ugh. I really need to learn how to tell a lie...
  617. Nu's Shadow:
  618. Yes, yes you do, but it's better than lying and having him prepare a huge ambush for the both of us.
  619. * Shimizu Nu takes a bit to just breath so she avoids a panic attack.
  621. Nu's Shadow:
  622. After we get caught lying, I mean.
  624. Shimizu Nu:
  625. Yeah.
  627. Shimizu Nu:
  628. ...Okay, I think I'm mostly calm now. Deal with that last thing... later, if ever.
  630. Nu's Shadow:
  631. Maybe he's full of shit? I don't know, he didn't sound 100% sure.
  633. Nu's Shadow:
  634. Maybe he just heard a story, figured it was fitting, and jumped to conclusions?
  636. Shimizu Nu:
  637. Like I said, later, if ever.
  639. Nu's Shadow:
  640. Alright, Alright.
  642. Nu's Shadow:
  643. ... does this mean we get to wear a pretty dress like kamon, now?
  644. * Shimizu Nu makes to start walking back before stopping at her Shadow's words, turning to stare at it.
  646. Nu's Shadow:
  647. Maybe a black one, covered in skulls.
  649. Shimizu Nu:
  650. ...Ugh, no. That's just tacky.
  652. Nu's Shadow:
  653. ... Yeah, you're right. Not really our style anyway.
  655. Shimizu Nu:
  656. Something more fitting for the Black Beast's style, at least.
  657. * Nu's Shadow shuts up after they're back in earshot of Jing.
  658. * Shimizu Nu takes one more breath before approaching the fire.
  660. Sun Jing:
  661. Have a fun conversation with yourself in the woods?
  662. * Sun Jing is now smoking from her kiseru as she sits near the fire, a few bones (picked clean) lay nearby shows the remnants of her portion of the food.
  663. Brows:
  664. Hey, Jing, roll perception to see how well you managed to overhear that.
  666. Shimizu Nu:
  667. If only it was just myself. Uggggg.
  668. * Witch rolls: 1d20+18 => 4 + 18 = 22
  669. Witch:
  670. She was mainly joking anyways
  672. Sun Jing:
  673. Yeah. You tell you what to do, but you don't want to do what you want you to. Just remember, you're the boss of you and you don't have to do what you tells you to do.
  674. Brows:
  675. Jing could make out parts of it before she moved deeper into the woods, but not the whole thing.
  677. Shimizu Nu:
  678. It's more complicated than that. Apparently Yeog Un wanted to talk to me though the snake.
  680. Shimizu Nu:
  681. And, well.
  683. Sun Jing:
  684. And?
  685. * Shimizu Nu goes on to explain the whole conversation and the mess involved.
  687. Sun Jing:
  688. Mmhm... I see...
  689. * Nu's Shadow is sitting against a tree's shadow in heavy contemplation.
  690. * Sun Jing blows out a puff of smoke, looking oddly unperturbed. She then gestures Nu to come closer.
  692. Shimizu Nu:
  693. Hm?
  694. * Sun Jing gestures for her to lean down.
  695. * Shimizu Nu does so.
  696. * Sun Jing promptly smacks Nu.
  697. * Shimizu Nu flinches back
  699. Shimizu Nu:
  700. Ow!
  702. Sun Jing:
  703. So. Why didn't you just tell him we were going to a rebel camp or something?
  704. * Nu's Shadow rubs her head.
  706. Shimizu Nu:
  707. I'm a completely horrible lier. Pretty good at getting others to come up with their own conclusions, but horrible at lying outright.
  709. Shimizu Nu:
  710. Like, well.
  712. Shimizu Nu:
  713. If I said I was a virgin.
  714. Cador:
  715. no bluff check, she's not lying.
  717. Shimizu Nu:
  718. Or saying uh, um...
  720. Sun Jing:
  721. Okay, okay.
  722. * Sun Jing sighs.
  724. Shimizu Nu:
  725. I didn't take the last maki roll at dinner 2 days ago.
  727. Shimizu Nu:
  728. « d20+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 »
  729. * Shimizu Nu makes several obvious tells as she says it.
  731. Sun Jing:
  732. Well, on the bright side, this puts the important targets right at the forefront.
  734. Sun Jing:
  735. And they'll think you're a double agent as well.
  736. Nu's face looks like someone who is trying really, really, really hard to look like they have a straight face.
  738. Sun Jing:
  739. They'll only plan to deal with one person. Even if I could still kill them all by myself.
  741. Sun Jing:
  742. This makes entry ridiculously easy at least.
  744. Sun Jing:
  745. Now if only I had a couple of the usual potions I'd prefer for this sort of operation.
  747. Shimizu Nu:
  748. At best, I've still got those scrolls we found back in the cave.
  750. Sun Jing:
  751. Hm. What were they again?
  753. Shimizu Nu:
  754. Shield, Levitate, Endure Elements, Reduce Person, and Sound Burst.
  756. Shimizu Nu:
  757. We also have a protection from arrows potion and a wisdom-boosting wand.
  759. Shimizu Nu:
  760. Oh! and the Tree token.
  762. Shimizu Nu:
  763. We could probably use that to block a door during our escape.
  764. Cador:
  765. brb restroom
  766. Brows:
  767. the wand is actually a string of jade beads in flavor
  769. Sun Jing:
  770. Mm. Well, I do stand by what I was saying before.
  772. Sun Jing:
  773. I'm gonna skin a Hushi.
  774. * Sun Jing takes a puff of her pipe.
  775. Brows:
  776. a prayer bead necklace
  777. Brows:
  778. kinda like what akuma wears
  779. Brows:
  780. but less huge
  781. Cador:
  782. Back
  784. Shimizu Nu:
  785. Yeah, I figured.
  787. Sun Jing:
  788. I can make a cloak for you too.
  789. * Sun Jing grins darkly.
  791. Shimizu Nu:
  792. Oh uh, thanks, but I'm okay with the one I have.
  794. Shimizu Nu:
  795. Besides, I think my power is morbid enough as it is.
  797. Shimizu Nu:
  798. Don't wanna start acting like Eiji.
  800. Sun Jing:
  801. Fair enough.
  802. * Sun Jing takes another puff of her pipe.
  803. * Shimizu Nu takes and starts eating her portion of food.
  804. Brows:
  805. I'm back
  806. Witch:
  807. wb
  808. Cador:
  809. Welcome back
  810. Brows:
  811. Give me a minute to set the stage
  812. Brows:
  813. So, you're going to go with Yeog's escort?
  814. Witch:
  815. Yes.
  816. Brows:
  817. Methanorm castle- Grand hall, please.
  818. Two days of travel pass. At the end of the first day of travel, Yeog tries to contact Nu again.
  819. Does she let him?
  820. Cador:
  821. Um, crap.
  822. Cador:
  823. Not sure.
  824. Brows:
  825. Presumably, it's to confirm that the ambush is in place.
  826. Cador:
  827. Nu's Shadow has re-wiped the snake's mind, right?
  828. Brows:
  829. It's no longer capable of forming memories.
  830. Cador:
  831. Ah.
  832. Brows:
  833. In fact, it can't even move without the shadow telling it to.
  834. Cador:
  835. Okay
  836. Brows:
  837. Is that a yes?
  838. Cador:
  839. Nu excuses herself to Jing while glancing at the snake before getting some distance to do so.
  840. Brows:
  841. Of course.
  843. Shimizu Nu:
  844. Quickly, quietly.
  845. The Snake's eyes are yellow again.
  847. Black Snake:
  848. Quick update. Everything has proceeded apace, and the agent is in place to receive you. Daichi, Takahiro, Suchart, and a small volunteer group of Hushi are your ambush- We don't have time to set up a trap more elaborate, and I don't wish to risk you getting caught.
  850. Black Snake:
  851. If worse comes to worst and the others are bested, Suchart is equipped, without his knowlege, with a contingency that will collapse the room when he dies. Don't be in it when he does.
  853. Black Snake:
  854. I tried to convince Suchart's crazed priest to join us, but when I mentioned your names, he went wild-eyed and ran off. Nobody has been able to find him- Neither he nor his handmaiden have been found.
  856. Black Snake:
  857. I take it you've met him before?
  859. Shimizu Nu:
  860. Remember what I said about the prince? That was probably him.
  861. * Black Snake frowns.
  863. Black Snake:
  864. Well, we'll deal with him later. Be on your guard.
  865. * Black Snake leaves the snake.
  866. Brows:
  867. er
  868. Yeog leaves the snake.
  869. * Shimizu Nu nods minutely before standing back up and getting her shadow to do its work on the snake once more. She then promptly returns to Jing, waiting for a bit to ensure Yeog is no longer scrying before updating her.
  871. Sun Jing:
  872. So kill Suchart last then.
  874. Shimizu Nu:
  875. Preferably from outside the room.
  877. Shimizu Nu:
  878. Unfortunately either the prince has left or is planning something kind of surprise.
  880. Sun Jing:
  881. Fled, no doubt.
  882. * Sun Jing sighs.
  883. The second day of travel proceeds without incident.
  885. Sun Jing:
  886. Even if he did stay... I don't think it matters.
  888. Sun Jing:
  889. He already knows that I can give him what he actually wants. But the Maiden will never allow it.
  890. * Sun Jing shrugs.
  891. You near the civilian camp at the end of the second day of travel. It's extremely hot out, even with the wind roaring and rain pouring in massive sheets.
  892. How unfortunate for the Hushi that they chose to build a castle near the coast during Rain season.
  894. Sun Jing:
  895. Y'know, it's uncanny.
  896. One of you will have to make the signal- Preferably, loud enough that the contact will hear it over the rainstorm.
  898. Sun Jing:
  899. Always rains when a would-be lord is about to die.
  900. Witch:
  901. It'd probably look suspicious if Jing did it, so leave it to Nu
  902. Brows:
  903. Well, Nu?
  904. Cador:
  905. RIght uh
  906. * Shimizu Nu calls the signal.
  907. Brows:
  908. if you want, you can make a survival or knowledge nature check to see if nu knows at all what a crane sounds like
  909. Cador:
  910. « d20+6 = 5 + 6 = 11 »
  911. Cador:
  912. That's like a basic DC 10 right?
  913. Cador:
  914. I hope
  915. You probably wouldn't fool a crane into coming to try and mate with you, but it's actually pretty close. Good job, Nu!
  916. The air holds still and strains momentarily, and what appears to be a woman steps through- Albiet with a wide array of abnormalities that make her obviously not, the least of which being a crown of horns, two leathery wings around her waist, and hoofed feet.
  918. Succubus:
  919. I am the contracted messenger. Are you two the assassins?
  920. * Sun Jing nods.
  921. * Shimizu Nu nods.
  923. Succubus:
  924. Then I will transport you to your target.
  925. She's doing a good job at lying, even though you already know she's teleporting you into a trap, at least.
  926. Speaking of teleporting, you're inside the building now.
  927. That was quick.
  928. The horned woman is nowhere to be seen, and the torrential rain is replaced with the sound of rain hitting a roof outside and the sight of sveral Hushi ready to spring, but still mildly surprised at your sudden arrival.
  930. Daichi:
  931. (Huguozi) That's them! Attack!
  932. * Sun Jing makes a false look of surprised, but then her lips turn up into a fearsome smile as her eyes narrow. She draws her swords without hesitation and enters a stance.
  934. Sun Jing:
  935. (Huguozi) Daichi!
  936. * Shimizu Nu has Aura of Shared Misery active
  938. Sun Jing:
  939. (Huguozi) I have to thank you!
  941. Sun Jing:
  942. (Huguozi) I've been wanting a cloak of tiger hide.
  943. Roll Initiative!
  944. * Witch rolls: 1d20+13 => 9 + 13 = 22
  946. Shimizu Nu:
  947. « D20+5 = 20 + 5 = 25 » Initiative
  949. Daichi:
  950. « 1d20+7 = 18 + 7 = 25 »
  951. Cador:
  952. What a waste
  954. Takahiro:
  955. « 1d20+5 = 1 + 5 = 6 »
  957. Prince Suchart:
  958. « 1d20+6 = 11 + 6 = 17 »
  960. Hushi Arquebusier:
  961. « 1d20+4 = 3 + 4 = 7 »
  963. Hushi Warrior 1:
  964. « 1d20+2 = 14 + 2 = 16 »
  965. Shimizu Nu has received initiative.
  966. Witch:
  967. One thing.
  968. Witch:
  969. Given what Jing said, can I roll an Intimidate to taunt Daichi into breaking his line?
  970. Brows:
  971. Sure.
  972. * Witch rolls: 1d20+14 => 13 + 14 = 27
  973. * Daichi seems infuriated.
  974. Nu, what will you do?
  975. Cador:
  976. Right so I'm thinking Nu will step out and look for a good moment to Fetch into the fight.
  977. Cador:
  978. Or would you prefer I go straight into it, Warlock?
  979. The door is closed and barred behind you.
  980. By the by.
  981. Cador:
  982. Oh, huh.
  983. All the doors are.
  984. Witch:
  985. Keep in mind, they think you're an ally
  986. Cador:
  987. Well that's lovely. There any windows?
  988. Witch:
  989. So you could step aside or just hold to see what Daichi does since Jing's pissed him off
  990. Cador:
  991. K
  992. * Shimizu Nu glances at Jing for a moment before moving out of the way to let the Oni do her work.
  994. Sun Jing:
  995. What are you doing!?
  996. * Sun Jing fakes outrage.
  998. Shimizu Nu:
  999. Getting out of the way.
  1000. Brows:
  1001. Ready an action?
  1002. Cador:
  1003. I was just thinking about which to ready.
  1004. Cador:
  1005. Eh, I'll ready Fetch's Wrath.
  1007. Daichi:
  1008. (Huguozi) I will remember your mockery when you beg me for mercy!
  1009. Daichi leaps over his fellow Hushi's back, roating fiercely with both of his claws bared and barrels down upon Jing!
  1010. He adopts a low stance, dragging his claws along the ground before leaping at her in a headlong pounce!
  1011. Brows:
  1012. By the way, did you use any of your buffs before being teleported in?
  1013. Brows:
  1014. I'm giving you a chance to use those buffs right now.
  1015. Witch:
  1016. Give me a moment.
  1017. Brows:
  1018. I realized that you might have figured you'd be going through a tunnel or something and were planning to do that stuff then
  1019. Witch:
  1020. Kinda, yeah
  1021. Brows:
  1022. warlocks and their summons
  1023. Cador:
  1024. Yeah sure, some +2 modifiers to wisdom for the Will saves for both of us, shield and protection from arrows for Jing.
  1025. Witch:
  1026. Adjusted her token
  1028. Daichi:
  1029. Power Attack Pounce « 1d20+23 = 17 + 23 = 40 »« 1d20+23 = 11 + 23 = 34 »« 1d20+18 = 3 + 18 = 21 »« 1d20+18 = 11 + 18 = 29 »« 1d20+13 = 4 + 13 = 17 »« 1d20+13 = 14 + 13 = 27 »
  1030. * Daichi suffers -2 AC for charging.
  1031. Witch:
  1032. Anything below 35 misses
  1033. Witch:
  1034. So one hit
  1036. Daichi:
  1037. « 2d6+24 = 6 + 24 = 30 » Slashing damage
  1038. Cador:
  1039. Jeez
  1040. Witch:
  1041. +24? Manuever?
  1042. Brows:
  1043. Whoops, I actually forgot the maneuver he used.
  1044. Brows:
  1045. « 2d6 = 7 »
  1046. Brows:
  1047. It was a boost.
  1048. Brows:
  1049. You can roll Martial to figure out what he's doing.
  1050. * Witch rolls: 1d20+10 => 12 + 10 = 22
  1051. Cador:
  1052. « d20+16 = 1 + 16 = 17 »
  1053. You recognize Daichi as using a Thrashing Dragon stance- Battle Dragon stance specifically.
  1054. Jing has heard stories about Hushi monks who train relentlessly to adopt the weapons of their sworn enemies and combine it with their own- The Dragon Furies. Their raw power with two weapons cannot be overstated- They are some of the deadliest warriors alive, able to kill a dragon with nothing but their own two claws.
  1055. You always figured those stories were overblown, but from the speed of Daichi's attack and the deep gashes left in the wooden door behind you, you're starting to think they had weight...
  1056. Sun Jing has received initiative.
  1057. Witch:
  1058. Gonna trigger your thing Cad or?
  1059. Cador:
  1060. Oh, go ahead?
  1061. Cador:
  1062. K
  1064. Shimizu Nu:
  1065. « D20+20 = 20 + 20 = 40 »
  1067. Shimizu Nu:
  1068. « D20+20 = 14 + 20 = 34 »
  1069. Cador:
  1070. welp
  1071. Brows:
  1072. I was about to say, I'll consider Daichi flatfooted.
  1073. Brows:
  1074. Since he's not expecting this.
  1075. Brows:
  1076. But seems like you don't need it.
  1077. Brows:
  1078. That's confirmed.
  1079. Cador:
  1080. « 4d6+d6+18+8d6+1d10 = 16 + 5 + 18 + 23 + 2 = 64 »
  1081. Cador:
  1082. I should have said power attack
  1083. Cador:
  1084. I considered it, but decided against it.
  1086. Daichi:
  1087. Fortitude « 1d20+14 = 3 + 14 = 17 »
  1088. Cador:
  1089. Massive damage save?
  1090. Brows:
  1091. Yes, using injury tables.
  1092. Cador:
  1093. Ah
  1094. Brows:
  1095. Roll me a d20.
  1096. Cador:
  1097. « d20 = 15 »
  1098. As Daichi finishes his assault on Jing and everything even remotely in her vicinity, it seemed he only managed to land one hit on Jing- and it's a telling blow, a huge gash on her arm.
  1099. As he backs off into his stance, anticipating Jing's attack, Nu appears behind him, and lands exactly one hit on Daichi.
  1100. Through his lung.
  1102. Daichi:
  1103. GHRK-
  1104. * Daichi loses 1 Constiution!
  1105. * Sun Jing takes the first hit before deflecting the rest. As Daichi bears a look of satisfaction on his face, so too does Jing begin to grin. Right as Nu re-inserts herself into the fight. She promptly follows up with attacks of her own.
  1106. Witch:
  1107. Burning a ki point
  1108. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 12 + 16 = 28
  1109. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 14 + 16 = 30
  1110. * Witch rolls: 1d20+11 => 16 + 11 = 27
  1111. * Witch rolls: 1d20+11 => 8 + 11 = 19
  1112. Cador:
  1113. Also he takes a -2 to saves and skill checks while Nu is flanking him
  1114. Brows:
  1115. Three hits.
  1116. * Witch rolls: 3d10+18+3d6+4d6+15 => 11 + 18 + 13 + 16 + 15 = 73
  1117. Feel free to describe, because you just killed him.
  1118. * Sun Jing rends apart Daichi, first hacking off one arm, then the second, and finally severing his jaw from his head. She grins wide as he dies a brutal death. Her final words whispered quietly to him.
  1120. Sun Jing:
  1121. (Huguozi) The cloak... was always going to be you.
  1122. Daichi has nothing but a look of shock upon his face as he's rent apart in mere seconds. He barely even knew what was coming.
  1123. * Sun Jing steps past him as he dies and looks dead on past the Hushi to Suchart.
  1124. Witch:
  1125. 5 ft. step
  1127. Sun Jing:
  1128. Next!
  1129. The Hushi all look completely floored. Even the huge Takahiro is completely taken aback.
  1130. Suchart, meanwhile closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
  1132. Prince Suchart:
  1133. (Huguozi) Their treachery is laid bare! Rally to me, and Daichi's death will not be in vain!
  1135. Sun Jing:
  1136. (Huguozi) Come then, Pauper Prince! Show these fine cats what a well-heeled lizard you are!
  1137. * Prince Suchart readies an arrow in his bow and takes a moment to steady himself. The rest of the combatants clear their minds and rally.
  1138. * Prince Suchart spends 7 Power points.
  1139. The hushi roar and charge in unison!
  1141. Hushi Warrior 1:
  1142. « 1d20+13+4 = 2 + 13 + 4 = 19 »
  1144. Hushi Warrior 2:
  1145. « 1d20+13+4 = 7 + 13 + 4 = 24 »
  1147. Hushi Warrior 3:
  1148. « 1d20+13+4 = 5 + 13 + 4 = 22 »
  1150. Hushi Warrior 4:
  1151. « 1d20+13+4 = 3 + 13 + 4 = 20 »
  1152. Brows:
  1153. Wow, guys, you have a +4 and you still can't roll above a 10?
  1154. Cador:
  1155. Nnnnope. Warriors proving again that they're stormtroopers.
  1156. Brows:
  1157. You definitely deserve what's about to happen to you, stupid tigers.
  1158. * Hushi Arquebusier takes aim at Jing...
  1160. Hushi Arquebusier:
  1161. « 1d20+14+4 = 14 + 14 + 4 = 32 »
  1162. * Sun Jing deflects the bullet.
  1163. Cador:
  1164. Hooray for Shield
  1165. Witch:
  1166. yeeep
  1167. The bullet bounces off of Jing's translucent magical shield.
  1168. * Takahiro looks to Daichi, then back at Suchart.
  1169. * Takahiro retreats to Suchart's position, and readies an action.
  1170. Shimizu Nu has received initiative.
  1171. Cador:
  1172. So first, claim warriors 1, 2, and 3 and getting Fetch's Wrath back.
  1173. Cador:
  1174. And Persecution on warrior 1
  1176. Shimizu Nu:
  1177. « D20+20 = 19 + 20 = 39 »
  1179. Shimizu Nu:
  1180. « D20+20 = 12 + 20 = 32 »
  1181. Witch:
  1182. glorious
  1183. Brows:
  1184. Nu is putting in work
  1185. Brows:
  1186. You know damn well that's confirmed.
  1187. Cador:
  1188. « 4d6+d6+24+16d8+d10 = 15 + 4 + 24 + 79 + 4 = 126 »
  1189. Normally, this would be the part where you eat his soul, but you promised yourself not to do that anymore.
  1190. So, instead, you turn him into a smear on the nearby pillar.
  1191. Cador:
  1192. Or at least limit it.
  1193. Cador:
  1194. reducing a claimed target refreshes my manuevers,
  1195. Brows:
  1196. you reduced him, alright
  1197. Cador:
  1198. Massacre allows me to use another readied action when I down an opponent
  1199. Brows:
  1200. to a fucking jelly
  1201. Cador:
  1202. Persecution on warrior 2 now
  1204. Shimizu Nu:
  1205. « D20+20 = 9 + 20 = 29 »
  1206. Brows:
  1207. hits.
  1209. Shimizu Nu:
  1210. « 2d6+d6+12 = 7 + 4 + 12 = 23 »
  1212. Shimizu Nu:
  1213. « 8d8 = 55 » Cursed Persecution
  1214. Cador:
  1215. 78
  1216. Shimizu Nu has received initiative.
  1217. * Shimizu Nu immediately cleaves through the two Warriors that tried attacking her
  1218. Brows:
  1219. And you guys were complaining about needing AoE.
  1220. Brows:
  1221. Is that your turn?
  1222. Cador:
  1223. Yes
  1224. Sun Jing has received initiative.
  1225. * Witch rolls: 1d20+14 => 9 + 14 = 23
  1226. * Witch rolls: 1d20+14 => 12 + 14 = 26
  1227. * Witch rolls: 1d20+9 => 20 + 9 = 29
  1228. * Witch rolls: 1d20+9 => 14 + 9 = 23
  1229. Brows:
  1230. Confirmed.
  1231. * Witch rolls: 1d20+14 => 17 + 14 = 31
  1232. * Witch rolls: 1d20+14 => 17 + 14 = 31
  1233. Witch:
  1234. So another confimr
  1235. Witch:
  1236. wait why did it go to +14, i up arrowed to +9
  1237. Witch:
  1238. weird
  1239. Witch:
  1240. Either way, 26 and 26
  1241. Brows:
  1242. I mean, honestly, those guys' only positive trait is bravery. Those are all hits.
  1243. Brows:
  1244. I mean, they'd be scary if you were level 5, I guess.
  1245. Brows:
  1246. There's a reason they asked for Volunteers.
  1247. * Witch rolls: 1d10+6+1d6+2d6+1d6+3+2d6+12+1d6+2d6+2d6+6 (Warrior 1) => 9 + 6 + 1 + 11 + 5 + 3 + 6 + 12 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 6 = 73
  1248. Witch:
  1249. And I just remembered these things are off and should be a bit higher on that last number, but anyways.
  1250. * Witch rolls: 1d10+6+1d6+6+2d10+12+2d6+12 (Warrior 2) => 5 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 5 + 12 + 6 + 12 = 55
  1251. Brows:
  1252. It doesn't matter. You reduce them to meat cubes.
  1253. * Sun Jing hacks apart the remaining pair of Hushi and steps up once more.
  1255. Sun Jing:
  1256. (Huguozi) Come.
  1257. * Sun Jing she looks right at Takahiro.
  1258. * Prince Suchart aims at Jing.
  1259. * Prince Suchart readies a longbow, the arrow becoming charged with electricity, until it fires forth like a bolt of lightning!
  1260. * Prince Suchart expends his focus and pours his energy into the attack
  1262. Prince Suchart:
  1263. « 1d20+19 = 20 + 19 = 39 »
  1264. Brows:
  1265. uh oh
  1267. Prince Suchart:
  1268. « 1d20+19 = 19 + 19 = 38 »
  1269. Brows:
  1270. SO, GOOD NEWS
  1271. Brows:
  1274. Prince Suchart:
  1275. « (1d8+2)+10d6+3d8 = 4 + 2 + 37 + 12 = 55 »
  1276. Brows:
  1277. Those d6's and that 3d8 are all Lightning damage.
  1278. Brows:
  1279. And make a fort throw vs Daze
  1280. Witch:
  1281. So let's see...
  1282. Cador:
  1283. Wait wait wait
  1284. Cador:
  1285. shit
  1286. Cador:
  1287. Bad Karma
  1288. Cador:
  1289. I nearly forgot that
  1290. Avara has connected.
  1291. Cador:
  1292. Wait....
  1293. Cador:
  1294. Damnit.
  1295. Brows:
  1296. A bit too late. Also, that's 8 more damage, since I'm a nerd and didn't multiply the physical damage by 3.
  1297. Cador:
  1298. Nevermind, Bad Karma is when Nu is targetted.
  1299. Brows:
  1300. Fort save, Jing?
  1301. Witch:
  1302. And what was it, Fort?
  1303. * Witch rolls: 1d20+8 => 17 + 8 = 25
  1304. Brows:
  1305. You are dazzled for one round.
  1306. Witch:
  1307. What?
  1308. Witch:
  1309. On a fucki- Whatever.
  1310. Brows:
  1311. It's one of those that still does a thing even if you succeed.
  1312. Brows:
  1313. You would have been Dazed if you failed.
  1314. Cador:
  1315. Dazzled is a pretty minor thing anyway I think
  1316. Prince Suchart pours a huge amount of magical power into his strike, unleashing a massive bolt of electricity that screams through the air with blinding speed - and before either of you realize, it's struck Jing right through the eye.
  1317. Cador:
  1318. like a -1 to perception I think?
  1319. The force very nearly knocks her off her feet.
  1321. Prince Suchart:
  1322. I was warned about you, assassin. By Yeog-Un and my priest both.
  1324. Prince Suchart:
  1325. Oni-born! Worshipper of demons! You, who would unmake Malali for a pittance of coin!
  1326. * Sun Jing attempts to dodge out of the way of the lightning bolt, but finds it zigging as she zags, the lightning bolt nailing her full-on in the face, the arrow still plunged into one eye as the electricty flows though her body. She almost falls entirely, but manages to stay upright. She bends over, almost falling as her body slumps slightly. But after a moment more, she begins to rise. The look on her face is one of a monstrous smile, the blood already coloring her barred, pointed teeth.
  1328. Sun Jing:
  1329. hahaha....
  1331. Sun Jing:
  1333. * Prince Suchart looks like he was going to say something, but was interrupted by Jing's laughter. Instead, he steels himself.
  1335. Sun Jing:
  1337. * Sun Jing waves her swords to her sides, Kanashimi's flames roaring to life, feeling hotter and looking brighter than ever before.
  1339. Sun Jing:
  1342. Sun Jing:
  1345. Shimizu Nu:
  1346. JI-...
  1347. * Sun Jing appears completely crazed.
  1349. Prince Suchart:
  1350. Foul demon, I have nothing to say to you! Your trail of blood ends here!
  1351. * Hushi Arquebusier regrets olunteering as she reloads.
  1352. * Takahiro backs up a step and readies an action.
  1353. Shimizu Nu has received initiative.
  1354. Cador:
  1355. Shit shit shit, what to do, what to do...
  1356. * Takahiro enters a stance as he ends his turn.
  1357. Brows:
  1358. Martial to recognize it.
  1359. Cador:
  1360. « d20+16 = 19 + 16 = 35 » knowledge martial
  1361. * Witch rolls: 1d20+10 => 7 + 10 = 17
  1362. From how his only weapon is the huge, round spiked shield on his right arm, and his low, wide stance, that's the Turtle Knight stance, Nu.
  1363. He cannot move, but he looks prepared to intercept anything you throw his way. He's playing defence to Suchart's offense.
  1364. His original job was probably to do the same to Daichi before he broke ranks.
  1365. Put shortly, you'll have to do something to disable him if you even want a shot at Suchart.
  1366. Cador:
  1367. Err...
  1368. Cador:
  1369. I guess Fetch's Wrath.
  1370. Cador:
  1371. gunner or Taka?
  1372. Brows:
  1373. Might be smart to get the gunner out of the way.
  1375. Shimizu Nu:
  1376. « D20+17 = 12 + 17 = 29 »
  1377. Brows:
  1378. Hit.
  1380. Shimizu Nu:
  1381. « d10+d6+9+4d6 = 4 + 6 + 9 + 19 = 38 »
  1382. * Takahiro uses his Readied action!
  1383. * Takahiro sings his huge, armored arm at Nu in a backhand!
  1385. Takahiro:
  1386. « 1d20+19+4 = 18 + 19 + 4 = 41 »
  1387. Cador:
  1388. Empty Frame
  1389. Nu becomes incorporeal right as the arm passes through her. The wind left in its wake is enough to tell her how powerful that blow was- It would have sent her flying across the room.
  1390. Brows:
  1391. Is that your turn?
  1392. Cador:
  1393. Dark Claim on them both
  1394. Cador:
  1395. Now I'm done
  1396. Sun Jing has received initiative.
  1397. * Sun Jing starts to chuckle as her wounds knit and Kanashimi's flames creep onto her arms. She charges forward, lurching at Takahiro.
  1398. Witch:
  1399. And... Gimme a second here
  1400. Witch:
  1401. Swift action, burn a ki point
  1402. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 10 + 16 = 26
  1403. For a first time in a long while, someone has blocked one of Jing's attacks.
  1404. Witch:
  1405. Hero point to add +4
  1406. Witch:
  1407. Hero point to add +4?
  1408. Brows:
  1409. That's not enough.
  1410. Witch:
  1411. So I'll hero point to just plain reroll it instead
  1412. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 18 + 16 = 34
  1413. Witch:
  1414. Threat
  1415. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 4 + 16 = 20
  1416. Brows:
  1417. That's enough.
  1418. Brows:
  1419. Not confirmed.
  1420. * Witch rolls: 2d6+6+1d6+2d6+4 => 11 + 6 + 2 + 7 + 4 = 30
  1421. * Witch rolls: 3d6 => 10
  1422. Witch:
  1423. 40 total
  1424. Takahiro deflects one blow, but a second blow pierces his armor and he lets out a bellowing roar of pain.
  1425. * Takahiro uses an Immediate action!
  1426. Witch:
  1427. Done
  1428. * Takahiro wheels his huge fist around to smash Jing in retaliation!
  1430. Takahiro:
  1431. « 1d20+19+4 = 12 + 19 + 4 = 35 »
  1432. Witch:
  1433. Hits
  1434. Cador:
  1435. aaaaaaa
  1437. Takahiro:
  1438. « (3d8+8)*2 = (14 + 8) * 2 = 44 »
  1440. Takahiro:
  1441. Bull Rush « 1d20+19 = 5 + 19 = 24 »
  1442. Jing is staggers 5 feet backwards from the power of the blow!
  1443. * Takahiro lets out a feral roar as he returns to his defensive stance.
  1444. Brows:
  1445. Is that your turn?
  1446. Witch:
  1447. Yeah
  1448. * Prince Suchart 5-foot steps and regains his focus.
  1449. * Prince Suchart turns his bow back towards Jing.
  1451. Prince Suchart:
  1452. Die, monster!
  1454. Prince Suchart:
  1455. « 1d20+15+4 = 13 + 15 + 4 = 32 »
  1456. Witch:
  1457. Miss
  1458. Cador:
  1459. Oh thank goodness
  1460. * Sun Jing shears the next arrow right in half.
  1462. Sun Jing:
  1463. Oh good. You're not behind him anymore.
  1464. The electric-charged arrow explodes right next to her face as she slices it in half.
  1466. Prince Suchart:
  1467. (Huguozi) Finish her!
  1468. * Takahiro makes a Shield Bash attack at Jing!
  1470. Takahiro:
  1471. « 1d20+18+4 = 4 + 18 + 4 = 26 »
  1472. Takahiro ruins the perfectly good tiled flooring as jing dodges out of the way.
  1473. * Sun Jing evades it.
  1474. Shimizu Nu has received initiative.
  1475. Cador:
  1476. 5 foot step
  1477. Brows:
  1478. oh, that reminds, me, Jing is marked
  1479. Cador:
  1480. both or just Taka?
  1481. Brows:
  1482. by the big guy
  1483. Cador:
  1484. I'll go with both.
  1485. Cador:
  1486. Reflected blade style, Persecution
  1488. Shimizu Nu:
  1489. « D20+20 = 16 + 20 = 36 »
  1490. Cador:
  1491. threat
  1493. Shimizu Nu:
  1494. « D20+20 = 7 + 20 = 27 »
  1495. Brows:
  1496. Hits Suchart, but...
  1497. * Takahiro uses an Immediate action!
  1498. * Takahiro uses Extended Defense with Iron Shell!
  1500. Takahiro:
  1501. vs attack against himself « 1d20+18+8 = 18 + 18 + 8 = 44 »
  1503. Takahiro:
  1504. vs attack against Suchart « 1d20+18+8 = 3 + 18 + 8 = 29 »
  1505. Witch:
  1506. Takahiro's dice are a roller coaster
  1507. Takahiro negates the attack against himself, but fails to defend his ward, Suchart.
  1508. Cador:
  1509. Did the crit confirm?
  1510. Brows:
  1511. It did.
  1512. Cador:
  1513. « 2d10+d6+24+16d8+d10 = 3 + 5 + 24 + 83 + 1 = 116 »
  1514. Cador:
  1515. Oh dear.
  1516. Nu's blade is poised to chop the pretender prince in half, when suddenly...
  1517. A black snake suddenly leaps from beneath his clothing in defense!
  1518. Cador:
  1519. Ah, that's out of the bag I see.
  1520. Witch:
  1521. >that's
  1522. Witch:
  1523. >not cat's
  1524. Witch:
  1525. tsk tsk cad
  1526. It is immediately cleft in twain, but it's enough to keep the attack from being a killing blow- Instead, Nu "merely" inflicts a serious wound on him.
  1528. Suchart's Black Snake:
  1529. HSSSSsssss...
  1530. Brows:
  1531. Is that your turn?
  1532. Cador:
  1533. Yes.
  1534. Sun Jing has received initiative.
  1535. * Prince Suchart looks wild-eyed, between Nu and Jing.
  1536. Brows:
  1537. Five-step?
  1538. Cador:
  1539. Suchart must be so confused.
  1540. Witch:
  1541. Shift, switft action burn another ki point
  1542. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 5 + 16 = 21
  1543. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 12 + 16 = 28
  1544. * Witch rolls: 1d20+11 => 17 + 11 = 28
  1545. * Witch rolls: 1d20+11 (threat confirm) => 18 + 11 = 29
  1546. * Witch rolls: 1d20+11 (threat confirm) => 14 + 11 = 25
  1547. Witch:
  1548. And I meant to do that top one without the thing. Oi.
  1549. Witch:
  1550. Either way, I'm guessing all fucking miss.
  1551. Brows:
  1552. Correct.
  1553. Witch:
  1554. Fucking lovely.
  1555. Witch:
  1556. Go on.
  1557. Cador:
  1558. I'm hoping that hitting suchart would draw aggro from Taka.
  1559. * Prince Suchart steps away from Takahiro in order to distance himself from Nu.
  1561. Takahiro:
  1562. (Huguozi) No!
  1564. Prince Suchart:
  1565. And YOU...!
  1566. * Prince Suchart takes aim at Nu and unleashes an arrow at point-blank range, crackling with electricity!
  1567. * Prince Suchart expends his focus and 3 power points.
  1569. Prince Suchart:
  1570. « 1d20+15+4 = 2 + 15 + 4 = 21 »
  1571. Cador:
  1572. Bad Karma just to reduce his rolls
  1573. The lightning bolt streaks by Nu's head and blasts a hole in the opposite wall.
  1574. Brows:
  1575. -4?
  1576. Cador:
  1577. Will save
  1579. Prince Suchart:
  1580. Will « 1d20+12 = 12 + 12 = 24 »
  1581. Cador:
  1582. He made the save
  1584. Takahiro:
  1585. (Huguozi) GET AWAY!
  1586. * Takahiro loses his Defensive focus.
  1587. * Takahiro makes a bash attack against Nu!
  1588. Cador:
  1589. I should have waited for this attack.
  1591. Takahiro:
  1592. « 1d20+18+4 = 5 + 18 + 4 = 27 »
  1594. Takahiro:
  1595. « 3d8+8 = 11 + 8 = 19 »
  1596. Cador:
  1597. Yeah that just barely hits
  1598. Witch:
  1599. Didn't you get him with a negative to his Attacks?
  1600. Brows:
  1601. She used that on Suchart and he made the save.
  1602. Witch:
  1603. I could have sworn she hit Takahiro with something
  1604. Brows:
  1605. Nope.
  1607. Takahiro:
  1608. Bull Rush « 1d20+19 = 11 + 19 = 30 »
  1609. * Takahiro smashes Nu 10 feet away, drops his Turtle Knight stance to go into Defending Shell stance, and shifts over to Suchart.
  1610. Shimizu Nu has received initiative.
  1611. Brows:
  1612. He just lost a whole lot of bonuses to get back next to Suchart.
  1613. Cador:
  1614. Hm...
  1615. Cador:
  1616. Well, I'm actually kind of low on manuevers to use...
  1617. Brows:
  1618. Good news! So are they!
  1619. Cador:
  1620. Five foot step and full attack I guess.
  1621. Cador:
  1622. « d20+17 = 17 + 17 = 34 »
  1623. Cador:
  1624. « d20+17 = 9 + 17 = 26 »
  1625. Brows:
  1626. One hit.
  1627. Cador:
  1628. « d20+12 = 6 + 12 = 18 »
  1629. Cador:
  1630. « d20+12 = 10 + 12 = 22 »
  1631. Cador:
  1632. Wait that was only one roll
  1633. Cador:
  1634. so the 26 missed?
  1635. Brows:
  1636. 26 missed.
  1637. Cador:
  1638. So one hit, not confirmed.
  1639. Brows:
  1640. He's a big fuckoff dude in big fuckoff metal armor with a big fuckoff shield in a big fuckoff defensive stance.
  1641. Brows:
  1642. He's the party tank.
  1643. Cador:
  1644. « d10+d6+9+4 = 10 + 5 + 9 + 4 = 28 »
  1645. * Takahiro uses a Counter to gain DR 20/-!
  1646. Cador:
  1647. Also I completely forgot about this, but they're also taking an extra 2 damage per die of damage when they're hit.
  1648. Cador:
  1649. That includes when Jing attacks
  1650. Brows:
  1651. Gotcha.
  1652. Sun Jing has received initiative.
  1653. Brows:
  1654. Ano, Nu is marked as well.
  1655. Witch:
  1656. Shifting up
  1657. Brows:
  1658. Remember flanking bonuses
  1659. Witch:
  1660. and brb
  1661. Cador:
  1662. He doesn't get uncanny dodge anymore
  1663. Brows:
  1664. Yep
  1665. Witch:
  1666. Back
  1667. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 19 + 16 = 35
  1668. Witch:
  1669. threat
  1670. Witch:
  1671. threat
  1672. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 7 + 16 = 23
  1673. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 18 + 16 = 34
  1674. Witch:
  1675. threat again
  1676. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 13 + 16 = 29
  1677. * Witch rolls: 1d20+11 => 13 + 11 = 24
  1678. * Witch rolls: 1d20+11 => 5 + 11 = 16
  1679. Brows:
  1680. Two hits but no confirmations.
  1681. Witch:
  1682. Swift action, Vicious Claws as well because I forgot to fucking say that.
  1683. Brows:
  1684. Yep.
  1685. Witch:
  1686. Or Sharpened Talons, rather
  1687. Brows:
  1688. +2 damage per die
  1689. Brows:
  1690. Remember the claim bonus
  1691. * Witch rolls: 1d10+6+1d6+2d6+1d6+6+2d6+3d6+1d10+6+1d6+4+2d6+3d6+34 => 6 + 6 + 2 + 10 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 12 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 8 + 10 + 34 = 128
  1692. Two blows is all Jing could land on Takahiro. The lumbering giant blocks nearly all of Jing's attacks with his huge shield, or by making them glance off his armor- But two blows is all she needs.
  1693. The katanas pierce his thick armor and the giant stumbles, before sinking to one knee.
  1695. Sun Jing:
  1696. (Huguozi) You... You were a true tiger.
  1698. Takahiro:
  1699. (Huguozi) A... powerful foe...
  1701. Takahiro:
  1702. (Huguozi) Sing... my name.
  1703. * Takahiro collapses with a thunderous crash of flesh and metal.
  1705. Sun Jing:
  1706. (Huguozi) They'll know... Takahiro the Iron Tiger...
  1707. * Prince Suchart is looking pretty desperate.
  1708. Cador:
  1709. A claimed target is down, Nu gets her manuevers refreshed
  1710. Brows:
  1711. Turn over?
  1712. Witch:
  1713. Yep
  1714. * Prince Suchart shifts back and regains his focus.
  1716. Prince Suchart:
  1718. Brows:
  1719. No he doesn't, he just regains his focus because templates are dumb I guess
  1720. * Prince Suchart charges his bow with lightning, holding it with sideways and knocking multiple arrows made of lightning in it. He unleashes a blast of lightning arrows in your direction!
  1721. * Prince Suchart expends his focus to add damage!
  1722. Witch:
  1723. Ref?
  1725. Prince Suchart:
  1726. « 1d20+20 vs Jing = 10 + 20 = 30 »
  1728. Prince Suchart:
  1729. « 1d20+20 vs Nu = 1 + 20 = 21 »
  1730. Witch:
  1731. Nope
  1732. Cador:
  1733. Super nope
  1734. The storm of arrows passes and... both of you are completely unarmed.
  1735. Brows:
  1736. unharmed.
  1737. Brows:
  1738. not unarmed.
  1740. Sun Jing:
  1741. Show some respect, child.
  1742. Brows:
  1743. the h is important.
  1744. Shimizu Nu has received initiative.
  1745. Cador:
  1746. So we kill him and the room collapses. Knock him out and bail with his unconsious body?
  1747. Witch:
  1748. Yep
  1749. * Prince Suchart looks terrified and desperate, but behind his eyes lies a deep ferocity. He intends on fighting to the death.
  1750. Cador:
  1751. 5 foot step and I will take a -4 to attempt a nonlethal persecution
  1752. Brows:
  1753. Go for it.
  1754. Cador:
  1755. « D20+16 = 18 + 16 = 34 »
  1756. Cador:
  1757. « D20+16 = 11 + 16 = 27 »
  1758. Brows:
  1759. Hoo buddy.
  1760. Brows:
  1761. That's a confrimation.
  1762. Cador:
  1763. « 2d10+d6+24+16d8+d10+40 = 11 + 6 + 24 + 80 + 8 + 40 = 169 » nonlethal damage
  1764. Brows:
  1765. uh
  1766. * Brows looks up nonlethal damage
  1767. Witch:
  1768. He's unconscious. He's very very unconscious.
  1769. Brows:
  1770. You accidentally killed him.
  1771. Brows:
  1772. I am completely serious.
  1773. Cador:
  1774. wat
  1775. Cador:
  1776. I don't think that's possible with nonlethal damage.
  1777. Brows:
  1778. If you deal more nonlethal damage than he has hit points, the rest is lethal.
  1779. Witch:
  1780. That's...
  1781. Brows:
  1782. As in, maximum hit points.
  1783. Avara:
  1784. stupid.
  1785. Witch:
  1786. Uuugggghhhhh.
  1787. Cador:
  1788. So, can I just not crit?
  1789. Brows:
  1790. I'll let you not crit.
  1791. Brows:
  1792. So that you don't accidentally brain the fucker.
  1793. Cador:
  1794. « d10+d6+12+8d8+20 = 7 + 4 + 12 + 32 + 20 = 75 » nonlethal damage
  1795. Nu executes a pommel strike to the back of Suchart's neck, and he staggers. As a last-ditch attack, he swings at Nu with an arrow, missing as he collapses onto the ground.
  1797. Prince Suchart:
  1798. Malali... will...
  1800. Prince Suchart:
  1801. Ugh.
  1802. It's over.
  1803. * Sun Jing sheathes her swords.
  1805. Sun Jing:
  1806. Guess I won't skin a cat after all.
  1808. Sun Jing:
  1809. Now, ignore me for a moment and collect his body.
  1810. * Shimizu Nu takes a deep, slow breath before relaxing a a tiny bit.
  1812. Shimizu Nu:
  1813. You sure?
  1815. Sun Jing:
  1816. Yeah.
  1817. * Sun Jing promptly turns away from Nu.
  1819. Shimizu Nu:
  1820. We're goingt to have a hell of a time getting out.
  1821. Brows:
  1822. Your will save, Jing?
  1823. * Witch rolls: 1d20+14 => 11 + 14 = 25
  1824. Brows:
  1825. Yep.
  1826. Brows:
  1827. You're good.
  1828. * Shimizu Nu hefts up Suchart's body.
  1829. Nu's shadow informs nu that Yeog really, really wants to talk to her.
  1830. You can hardly imagine why that might be.
  1831. * Sun Jing reaches up visibly with an arm and a sickening sound is heard before she tosses aside an arrow. At the end of it is, well. Needless to say, when she turns around, her eye is shut tight. She rips off part of her sleeve and uses it to bind around her head and eye for the time being.
  1832. Brows:
  1833. Gave you ownership so you can hoist him, cad
  1835. Shimizu Nu:
  1836. Uh.
  1838. Shimizu Nu:
  1839. Huh. Well.
  1841. Shimizu Nu:
  1842. Yeog wants to talk, but we're also in the middle of this place.
  1844. Sun Jing:
  1845. Hah. Your call.
  1846. More accurately, he's been furiously attempting to control the snake ever since she attacked Daichi, and only now has Nu's shadow bothered to inform her, because the shadow figured she's a bit occupado.
  1847. * Sun Jing briefly looks at Takahiro's corpse. "Wish I could give you a better burial than the one you'll get, big guy. You earned that and more."
  1848. Cador:
  1849. Can Nu's shadow just allow him to talk through it?
  1850. Cador:
  1851. and not control it?
  1852. Brows:
  1853. Yes.
  1854. * Sun Jing cracks her neck and briefly plucks some items of interest from Takahiro and from Daichi as she heads back towards him.
  1855. Cador:
  1856. Well. Let him talk, I guess.
  1858. Black Snake:
  1859. How is this- Oh, Here we are.
  1861. Black Snake:
  1862. Well, Nu. You can imagine why I'm talking to you.
  1863. He sounds surprisingly calm.
  1865. Black Snake:
  1866. I'm shocked, I'm hurt, and I feel more than a little betrayed.
  1868. Black Snake:
  1869. But mostly... I'm just confused.
  1871. Black Snake:
  1872. Why? Why would you throw this chance at vengeance away?
  1874. Black Snake:
  1875. Why would you protect the very people who enslaved you by stopping this?
  1877. Shimizu Nu:
  1878. A lot of reasons. Some small, some large. When it comes down to it, though, two come to mind.
  1880. Shimizu Nu:
  1881. The first, admittedly very selfish reason, is that I don't want to be used as a means to such a destructive end. By anything.
  1883. Shimizu Nu:
  1884. The second.
  1886. Shimizu Nu:
  1887. For all that my parents loathed Mux So, they always pushed me to see people not by what they are, but who they are. Ahayso could well get his due, and those Nguchay so like Mux So. But to make them all suffer as we have, regardless of guilt... I will not allow myself to become like Mux So, and that's exactly what it would be.
  1888. * Black Snake nods slowly.
  1890. Black Snake:
  1891. Very well, then.
  1893. Black Snake:
  1894. We are still placed at odds with one another. You have your reasons, and I have mine.
  1896. Black Snake:
  1897. ... Perhaps this, too, is the will of Geon-Yeong...
  1899. Black Snake:
  1900. Goodbye, Nu.
  1901. The black snake falls quiet.
  1902. And still.
  1904. Shimizu Nu:
  1905. ...Goodbye, Yeog Un. In another life, we could have well been friends.
  1906. Cador:
  1907. Snake's dead?
  1908. ... Nu's shadow informs her that for whatever reason, Yeog was able to do something.
  1909. The snake is now a normal tattoo on her upper arm.
  1911. Shimizu Nu:
  1912. ...Right. Time to leave.
  1913. Amusingly, the door to the outside is barred from THIS side.
  1914. Which is to say, to the south.
  1915. Cador:
  1916. Huh.
  1917. It won't be difficult to open, though doing so in the middle of combat...
  1918. Would have opened you to attack.
  1919. At the very least.
  1920. They were confident that they were going to kill you, it seems, and if Nu really had been on their side, they very well might have.
  1921. If the two of you work together, you can open the door by taking a 10 on a strength check.
  1923. Shimizu Nu:
  1924. This is going to be difficult, getting out.
  1925. Witch:
  1926. Give me just a second here
  1928. Shimizu Nu:
  1929. If you'l give me a second I'll look if those are magic.
  1930. Cador:
  1931. Roll spellcraft?
  1932. Brows:
  1933. Or Arcana.
  1935. Shimizu Nu:
  1936. « d20+25 = 16 + 25 = 41 » Spellcraft to ID
  1937. Witch:
  1938. And have to take dogs out real quick now. Oi.
  1939. Brows:
  1940. Gives me time to tell you what the magic items are.
  1941. Daichi's golden locket, shaped like a beetle, is decorated with jade. It comes with a leather choker. It gives the wearer resistance against spells- and it will absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy attacks.
  1942. It can only absorb so many before crumbling to dust, but it's better than dying to a wailing ghost.
  1943. The belt, thrice per day, is capable of summoning the spirits of fallen Hushi heroes- Or, at least, imitations of them.
  1944. The eyepatch protects against effects that would damage the wearer's psyche.
  1945. The shoulderpads allow the wearer to keep fighting when they should be dying on the floor, and allow the wearer to enlarge themself and gain benefits when striking down opponents.
  1946. You suspect Takahiro didn't know what they did.
  1947. Suchart's circlet is designed to protect against scrying, as well as spells that would try to trap his soul- With the side effect that magical ressurection doesn't work unless the circlet is removed.
  1948. Witch:
  1949. Back
  1950. The gem seems to be a meditation focus Suchart imbued with a fraction of his own resolve- You can feel his emotions when you focus upon it, a genuine desire to want to purge some sort of sickness but Malali, but under that a motive of vengeance against those who wronged him.
  1951. Brows:
  1952. from
  1953. Keeping it on you will help you focus your will and sharpen your senses.
  1954. You hear hushi banging on the door. It seems that you've lingered a bit long examining your spoils- The soldiers are probably wondering why their illustious leader hasn't emerged victorious already.
  1956. Sun Jing:
  1957. Well, let's let them see what became their leader and his right-hand.
  1958. * Sun Jing takes Daichi's corpse and drags it up beside Takahiro's.
  1960. Shimizu Nu:
  1961. So we're not sneaking out?
  1963. Sun Jing:
  1964. Might as well make a show of it. There's one more, after all.
  1966. Shimizu Nu:
  1967. Kamon's dad?
  1969. Sun Jing:
  1970. Quite.
  1971. Witch:
  1972. And so she waits.
  1973. Brows:
  1974. (hastily draws a crude map of the castle
  1975. Avara:
  1976. needs more machiculations
  1977. Brows:
  1978. yellow walls are in-progress walls.
  1979. Brows:
  1980. the M is the cave entrance
  1981. Brows:
  1982. You're waiting for the Hushi to enter?
  1983. Witch:
  1984. Yep.
  1985. Witch:
  1986. Nu, might want to stand beside her.
  1987. Brows is disconnected.
  1988. Brows has connected.
  1989. You hear a loud "Thunk" of a wooden bar being moved.
  1990. And in, marches a familiar face...
  1992. Nensho:
  1993. Daichi, is-
  1995. Shimizu Nu:
  1996. Hi~
  1998. Sun Jing:
  1999. Dead.
  2000. * Nensho sees the scene of carnage before her and you can practically see her heart shrink.
  2002. Nensho:
  2003. M... master Daichi?
  2005. Sun Jing:
  2006. Don't call that cat a master. He was a fool in a fool's errand.
  2008. Sun Jing:
  2009. The only real Hushi on this entire island was Takahiro.
  2010. * Sun Jing folds her arms.
  2012. Sun Jing:
  2013. Go home, Nensho.
  2014. * Nensho looks... more than a little upset, but also terrified.
  2015. The hushi behind her crowd to see what's happened- and the ones that do see quickly regret it.
  2016. Nensho herself is all but frozen with indecision. For a moment, she looks like she's going to fight, but...
  2018. Nensho:
  2019. Retreat. Retreat!
  2021. Nensho:
  2022. (Huguozi) The mission is a failure! Sound the retreat!
  2024. Sun Jing:
  2025. One thing, though.
  2027. Sun Jing:
  2028. Where is Methanorm?
  2030. Nensho:
  2031. Methanorm-
  2033. Nensho:
  2034. The inspector, or the traitor?
  2036. Sun Jing:
  2037. We've got the former already. And another of your officers. The one who was in charge of the mine.
  2039. Sun Jing:
  2040. I'll take you to her lot as well after we take the traitor.
  2041. You didn't think her heart could sink any lower in her chest, and neither did she, but you have proven without a doubt that she stands absolutely no chance against you right now.
  2042. She sounds utterly defeated.
  2044. Nensho:
  2045. ... Soth. We haven't seen him.
  2047. Nensho:
  2048. Yesterday, one of the maids claimed he had taken his wife and disappeared into the caverns, clutching a broken mirror.
  2050. Nensho:
  2051. We... haven't looked for him.
  2053. Sun Jing:
  2054. I wouldn't either. Usually.
  2055. * Sun Jing deadpans
  2056. * Shimizu Nu facepalms. Odds are that's a fragment of the Mirror of the Architect.
  2057. Kamon and the others should be hot on your heels, assuming they were victorious against Lei-Ying at the sambati palace.
  2059. Sun Jing:
  2060. Then do me this favor. Find him and bring him to me. No other Hushi has to die.
  2061. * Nensho understands the implicit threat in that order and nods.
  2063. Sun Jing:
  2064. Now. This building is actually rigged to blow when dumbass over there dies.
  2065. * Sun Jing thumbs towards Suchart.
  2067. Sun Jing:
  2068. So let's get out of here.
  2070. Sun Jing:
  2071. And... make sure Takahiro gets a good burial.
  2073. Sun Jing:
  2074. I don't give a damn what you do with Daichi.
  2075. * Nensho nods slowly.
  2076. You don't think you've ever seen a Hushi so shell-shocked and deprived of their characteristic pride- Let alone a shogun.
  2077. * Sun Jing walks calmly towards and through the opened door.
  2078. She carefully steps over what's left of her former comrades and opens the door, and carefully explains to the soldiers on the other side not to attack Jing and Nu if they value their lives, and gets to work organizing a search party for the caves.
  2079. * Sun Jing gives one last respectful look and even a bow to Takahiro before departing.
  2081. Nensho:
  2082. Where should we bring Soth?
  2083. * Shimizu Nu would do the same, but she's still dragging Suchart around.
  2084. Witch:
  2085. Jing'll just go to the nearest building close by and say to bring him there
  2086. Brows:
  2087. The nearest building would be the barracks to the west.
  2088. Witch:
  2089. Ah, now that there's notes on them
  2090. Witch:
  2091. She'll go over to the estate.
  2092. Witch:
  2093. Might as well get some decent rest.
  2094. As you make your way through the Hushi ranks, battered and bloody, you feel their eyes upon you.
  2095. Fear. Horror. Outrage and fury, but none of them make a move against you.
  2096. Simply put... You've shattered their morale and robbed them of their purpose.
  2097. Attacking you is futile, because if you reduced the two strongest members of their entire army to so much blood on the floor, then what chance do they stand? They even whisper rumors that you fought eight, eight, eight hundred of them at once and emerged victorious.
  2098. Black Iron Nu and Jin no Oni.
  2099. Boy, are those going to be fun reputations to live up to, huh?
  2101. Sun Jing:
  2102. Better get used to it, Nu.
  2104. Shimizu Nu:
  2105. Doesn't mean I have to like it.
  2106. And yet, because you treated Takahiro with respect, some of them nod stoically out of respect for your power.
  2107. Your mercy does not go unnoticed.
  2108. You could have killed hundreds today by bringing the castle down on them. Instead, you stopped the war by killing eight.
  2109. Even proud warriors such as them don't appreciate needless bloodshed.
  2110. Ultimately, though, this is where I'll have to call the session.
  2111. Witch:
  2112. It was a great one
  2113. Brows:
  2114. Whew.
  2115. Witch:
  2116. Glad we pressed through after all
  2117. Cador:
  2118. That was batshit.
  2119. Cador:
  2120. crazy
  2121. Cador:
  2122. I mean
  2123. Brows:
  2124. What a fucking rollercoaster.
  2125. Cador:
  2126. Agreed
  2127. Witch:
  2128. A well earned victory
  2129. Cador:
  2130. I've had my heart in my throat through a big chunk of it.
  2131. Brows:
  2132. And here I was worried it was going to be too easy again after you worfed the hell out of Daichi.
  2133. Witch:
  2134. Guarnteed, if he hadn't fallen for Jing's bait, it would've been a TPK
  2135. Witch:
  2136. Takahiro was the MVP of his team
  2137. Cador:
  2138. Agreed
  2139. Cador:
  2140. What manuever let you restore your HP like that?
  2141. Brows:
  2142. It's a sideffect of Kanashimi.
  2143. Cador:
  2144. Oh
  2145. Cador:
  2146. Well
  2147. Brows:
  2148. It's a pretty good sword. Too bad all of those Hushi she killed probably got their souls eaten.
  2149. Witch:
  2150. Kanashimi. She has to target the highest HD people in the fight with some exception (like distance and targets right beside her), but she gains HP back equal to double slain targets' HD
  2151. Brows:
  2152. Why do you think Yeog was so giddy with the prospect of harnessing her power?
  2153. Brows:
  2154. Kanashimi's, I mean?
  2155. Cador:
  2156. Huh
  2157. Brows:
  2158. Without a doubt, though, if it wasn't for Kanashimi, this would have been way closer. Jing would have been knocked into the negatives and would have had to rely on Die Hard to keep fighting, which is... dangerous at best.
  2159. Witch:
  2160. Mmhm
  2161. Brows:
  2162. And if Daichi hadn't broken ranks and Takahiro had actually been able to tank for him, like Witch said, Daichi was basically made to be a buzzsaw on two legs on par with either of you.
  2163. Avara:
  2164. and even without that jing nearly got killed. it was a very powerful battle.
  2165. Cador:
  2166. Mind you, it wouldn't have been nearly so hard if we hadn't split the party, but that's the risk.
  2167. Brows:
  2168. That's basically what I said as well.
  2169. Avara:
  2170. yup
  2171. Avara:
  2172. now let's hope the b-team can win too
  2173. Brows:
  2174. Indeed.
  2175. Cador:
  2176. Pool's closed?
  2177. Pool's closed. All of the tigers are in it, grateful that only a few of them died today.
  2178. Avara:
  2179. remember to get the log since v can't
  2180. Witch is disconnected.
  2181. Brows:
  2182. I saved the campaign
  2183. Brows:
  2184. Send me the log in skype
  2185. Brows is disconnected.
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