
Releasing the Kraken

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. (stage Directions) *sound effects*
  2. As always, do what you like to make this your own. Use it as a guide or follow it word for word.
  4. [M4F] Release the Kraken ❤️🐙❤️ [Script Offer][Sweet][Tentacle] monster [Romance][Patient to Lover][All 3 Holes][L-Bomb][Cuddly][Aftercare][Humor][Tentacle-in-Cheek][Rape] mention
  6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. I know why I am here. I mean, I know why I need to be here. I didn’t want anyone to know my secret. I needed someone to talk to. So…can I trust you?
  9. Good. I haven’t had anyone to talk to about my problems. I mean, all my friends are the same and I feel like that one guy who is totally different. That I can’t really be my true self.
  11. I feel lost in my own skin. I’m not who everyone thinks I should be. I feel like I’m wearing a mask and I cannot be myself. I just want to know why I am like this. Why I’m not like (pause) others of my kind.
  13. Do you mind if I show you? Are you sure, I don’t want to scare or alarm you…
  15. Ok, if you’re sure….
  17. *jacket removal*
  19. So yeah, I’m a tentacle monster. (a little calm and reassuring) no, no..I’m not going to rape you. That’s actually why I am here. I just….I don’t want to rape people. I never have. I just…
  21. Its hard to explain. Tell me, doctor, do you have a boyfriend?
  23. Oh I know it’s a personal question but…it may help you understand where I am coming from. Can you answer it, just this once?
  25. Thank you for the trust. As you can see, I’m not like most tentacle monsters you meet. (pause) I wanted to know because if you HAD a boyfriend, I would say you know how it feels to be loved and held for just you.
  27. You do understand that? See….thats what I mean. I have never just been…..held. I mean I have so many ways I could hold a woman, cradle her in whatever makes her the most comfortable. For those who like to be squeezed, I can hold them tightly too allllll over. Its like I was made just for giving out great hugs.
  29. But its more than that (tentatively). I….. have never been in love.
  31. No really, Its true! No one ever lets me close enough, or if they do, once they find out my secret all they want is to be raped. I had no idea so many women had tentacle rape fetishes! It boggles the mind, doesn’t it? I mean you can look at someone and see such very different things. I just wish *big sigh* I wish someone would see me the way (stress I) I want to be seen.
  33. (as if lost in thought for a moment) What? Oh, I just want to be seen as someone that could be loved. Someone that would see me for me and not for the rapist I’m supposed to be. Is that…too much to ask for?
  35. Really? You think I could? I mean…(start talking fast here like you’re excited) how would I even go about this? What would make me find someone? If I could find them, how do I tell them how I….
  37. (Interrupted as the therapist kisses you) *kissing sounds, one or two*
  39. Wait…what was that?
  41. Well I know what a kiss is, I mean why did you kiss me?
  43. You…You want to give me what I want? Really? I mean, you are beautiful but I am paying you, isn’t there something bad about that? I don’t want to…
  45. *kissing again*
  47. Ok, ok, I’ll take a refund, come here…
  49. (pulling her in with your tentacles as you wrap her up in them, nice and tight.) *kissing, hugging tight*
  51. God, this is even better than I thought it would be. Are you comfortable? Anything I can do different?
  53. You’re so…soft. And warm *kiss* and beautiful. And this feels so perfect and *kiss* so very right.
  55. And your lips *kiss* taste like honey *kiss* and sunshine *kisses a bit deeper* and they make me feel like *kisses* maybe something is funny in my stomach.
  57. That’s normal? Really? Good… (next part said kinda getting turned on) …what are you doing with…*gasp in desire* that tentacle in your mouth…Fuck.
  59. No, no please don’t stop. Oh god, does that feel amazing. Your lips, that tongue. I knew they were sensitive but I’ve never had my *gasp* tentacle licked like that. I could get used to this.
  61. (said a bit breathlessly, moan throughout the next part…even man sounds if you like ;) )
  63.  Could I…maybe…*gasp again* oh god…that is a yes then. May I say that your pussy feels even more amazing than your mouth? I can see why all those other monsters are out there taking advantage. This is…amazing.
  65. *fill in man sounds and dirty sounds for a min or so?*
  67. Would you mind, maybe, if we added a few more of my tentacles? (pause) I could maybe add another one to your *gasp moan* pussy? And maybe *breathing heavy* one in your ass? May I please?
  69. Oh yes…gods yes. (pause here to insert extra tentacles. Could even layer fapping sounds if you’re adventurous)  Oh this is even better than I thought it would be. You are so perfect.
  71. What? No, I’m not a virgin. This is just the first time I’ve taken a willing woman. One I might…love instead of one who just...wanted to be used.
  73. I want to make you cum. Not just because I’m inside you but because you want to. Will you cum for me? Please, I need you to cum for me. I need to feel you contract and explode all over me *kisses* please…please cum for me. (little more desperate) I need it. More than I ever needed anything.
  75. That’s it..Oh gods yes, that is amazing. *kisses* your sounds, the feel of you…
  77. *improve to orgasm…never want to tell you what to say when you cum*
  79. *catching your breath and kisses now and then*
  81. Oh thank you. That was the most amazing sex I’ve had…ever. And I get to lay here and hold you afterwards. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. One session with you and I’m already feeling so much better *laughs*
  83. I…I think I love you too. Thank you for understanding and for taking a chance. Can I….hold you a while longer?
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