
God Eater Part 1

Feb 23rd, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >And you hungered!
  3. >You hungered because you were a Tarrasque, so it was only natural.
  4. >But you were no ordinary Tarrasque!
  5. >No sir, you had smarts!
  6. >Some fancy pants wizard cast a strange spell on you and suddenly, you understood things clearly.
  7. >You knew things you never had known before.
  8. >You were no longer a mindless beast content to sleep in a hole.
  9. >You were aware that you had no name.
  10. >You were aware of what you were.
  11. >And you suddenly knew what that emptiness inside you was that you were trying to fill.
  12. >It was HUNGER!!!
  13. >So, as a thank you, you ate the wizard and everything you saw.
  14. >You have been doing so for the last few days.
  15. >But the hunger would not go away!
  16. >Hmm...maybe if you ate that city over there you wouldn't be so hungry.
  17. >You shifted your massive bulk and lumbered over towards the city, eating anything that got in your way.
  18. >Just before you got to the city, a man in a pointy hat is positioned right where you were walking.
  19. >No matter, you'll eat him like the rest.
  20. >You continue to lumber forward until you hit something.
  21. >It feels like a wall but nothing is there.
  22. >You pushed against the invisible wall with your hands, but nothing happened.
  23. >The man must be another wizard.
  24. >”Tarrasques really are that stupid, huh?”
  25. >You feel indignant about being called stupid.
  26. “Calling someone stupid is a sign of ignorance.”
  27. >The wizard looks at you with a shocked expression.
  28. >”It can speak?!”
  29. “I'm not an 'it'. I'm a Tarrasque. And you are annoying. Move or be devoured.”
  31. >The wizard looked panicked and appeared to be drawing in arcane energy for a spell.
  32. >You cared little.
  33. >Those spellslingers lobbed spells at you all the time and they usually bounced right back at them.
  34. >The ones that did hit didn't even hurt.
  35. >You start wailing on the invisible wall until it goes away a few minutes later.
  36. >Lumbering up to the wizard, you decide to rub his eminent digestion in his face.
  37. “You had your chance to run spellcaster. Now be devoured!”
  38. >As you open your maw and lunge towards the wizard, the wizard casts a spell directly into your mouth.
  39. >Suddenly, everything goes dark and you start falling.
  40. >You tumbled through the darkness for what felt like hours.
  41. >Suddenly, you felt ground beneath your feet again and your eyes were assaulted by bright sunlight.
  42. >You squinted until your eyes adjusted.
  43. >Once you were used to the amount of light, you took in your surroundings.
  44. >It was a vast expanse of grasslands with a singular tall mountain in the distance.
  45. >There was also a very large grouping of clouds directly overhead.
  46. >What appeared to be oddly shaped birds flew continuously to and from the clouds.
  47. >You couldn't eat clouds, so you set off towards the mountain.
  48. >Surely you could find something along the way there to eat.
  49. >You lumbered onwards for a few hours until you came across something odd.
  50. >You hadn't noticed it before, but there were two metal rails laid into the ground on wooden timbers.
  51. >You pause to wonder what it is when you feel the ground vibrate.
  52. >You look around to see what could be causing the vibrations when you see something in the distance.
  53. >It looks like some sort of large metal box being pulled by small horses.
  54. >Judging from where the rails were going and which direction the strange thing was traveling from, you guessed that the thing was traveling on the rails.
  55. >Well, this made things easier.
  57. >You straddled the rail and waited for the thing to come towards you, salivating in anticipation of something to devour.
  58. >Soon enough, the thing got closer and the small horses looked like they were trying to stop what they were pulling.
  59. >Whatever it is, it must weigh a lot because it wasn't stopping.
  60. >More good news for you.
  61. >You dug your claws into the dirt and opened your maw wide.
  62. >As the thing draws ever closer to you, you notice something about it.
  63. >There were several more boxes being pulled behind the front box.
  64. >You definitely bit off more than you could chew.
  65. >But not more than you could eat.
  66. >The four tiny horses are the first to enter your maw followed by the first metal box and half of the second.
  67. >You try swallowing the boxes and eating more, but you were too slow.
  68. >The remaining boxes slammed into you and sent you toppling over.
  69. >Quickly getting back to your feet, you see that there are more tiny horses trying to get out of the boxes.
  70. >Oh good, your diet could use more protein.
  71. >You lumber over and started devouring the boxes and their occupants, heedless of their cries for help.
  72. >If anything, their screams for help only made you hungrier.
  73. >So, you ate faster.
  74. >And faster.
  75. >Until there was only one metal box left.
  76. >Ripping the box apart, you found that there was only two tiny horses in this car.
  77. >It was one larger horse with wings and one smaller horse with wings.
  78. >They were holding each other and staring up at you with looks of terror on their faces.
  79. >You would question why horses had wings, but you were going to eat them anyways, so it didn't matter.
  80. >You lunge at them with your mouth agape and chomp down.
  81. >The fluttering of wings off to your left tells you that you missed.
  82. >You look and see the two winged horses from before flying towards the solitary mountain.
  83. >The chase begins.
  84. >You sprint off after the two flying horses, keeping pace with them.
  85. >It was a long way to the mountain and you were fairly sure the flying horses would get tired before you did.
  87. “Come on Rumble! Keep up! That thing will eat you if you don't hurry!”
  88. >”I'm trying bro! I'm going as fast as I can!”
  89. >You are Thunderlane.
  90. >And you were currently flying for your lives.
  91. >You and your little brother were being chased by a gigantic...something!
  92. >Whatever this thing was, it ate the train you were riding on.
  93. >And it probably ate everypony on it except you two.
  94. >You had to get to the nearest town to warn everypony about this thing.
  95. >It was big and it was fast and it was....BIG!
  96. >“Stop running little ones. I only want to eat you.”
  97. >AND IT CAN TALK!!!
  98. ”Rumble! Hurry up!”
  99. >You didn't hear an answer.
  100. “RUMBLE!”
  101. >You looked behind you and didn't see your little brother.
  102. >”Up here!”
  103. >You look up to see Rumble perched on top of a cloud in the distance.
  104. >Oh right. You could fly up and avoid the monster.
  105. >Why didn't you do that before?
  106. >Flying faster than before, you fly upwards and land on the cloud next to Rumble.
  107. “Haha! Can't get us up here you monst-AAAH!”
  108. >The two of you fly off the cloud just in time to avoid being swallowed whole.
  110. >”Come on! We gotta get to Cloudsdale and warn somepony!”
  111. >The two of you took off towards Cloudsdale to warn somepony about this monster.
  113. >It looks like the two winged horses are flying up to the large group of clouds.
  114. >And apparently they call themselves ponies.
  115. >Interesting.
  116. >What's even more interesting is that the ponies could stand on top of clouds.
  117. >They must be wizards too.
  118. >You liked wizards because they tasted the best.
  119. >Warriors were tough and stringy.
  120. >But wizards were nice and tender.
  121. >And there was a gigantic cloud up there full of them.
  122. >But the trick was getting UP there.
  123. >The cloud mass was relatively low to the ground and not too far away.
  124. >Perhaps if you built a ramp you could launch yourself up there?
  125. >Time to put this idea into action.
  126. >Grabbing some of the leftovers of the metal boxes, you pressed and worked them together to form a scoop of sorts.
  127. >Then you set about making a ramp made from dirt.
  128. >After a few minutes, you had a respectably sized earthen ramp pointed right at the big cloud.
  129. >You even angled the ramp to point above the mass of clouds to account for drop due to gravity.
  130. >Damn you were smart now.
  131. >Lumbering a fair distance away from the start of the ramp, you lined yourself up for your leap.
  132. >Then, you lunge forward with all the speed you can muster as the scenery disappears in a blur of speed.
  133. >When you hit the top of the ramp, you jumped with all your might and soared into the air.
  134. >You looked down and saw that there were buildings made out of clouds on top of the massive cloud.
  135. >So, as you fell, you aimed your massive bulk for one of the larger ones.
  136. >You could already taste the wizard pony flesh.
  139. >Today is just another boring day in the Rainbow Factory.
  140. >All day long, all you did was make sure the mix was right for the vats of the prismatic fluid.
  141. >You glanced at the display to find that, surprise, the mix was the same.
  142. >Such is the boring life of Cloud Kicker.
  143. >Suddenly, something massive crashes through the ceiling of the factory and eats the vat of rainbow fluid.
  144. >You just sat there looking at the hole in the cloud where the vat used to sit.
  145. >Suddenly you wish today was boring again.
  147. >You ate something that tasted like skittles.
  148. >You don't even know what skittles are, but if they taste like this, you want more.
  149. >You sprint back to the ramp and repeat the process, this time aiming for a different building in hopes of getting more of the skittles water.
  150. >No dice.
  151. >Just wizard ponies.
  152. >They tasted really good, but they didn't come close to the skittles water.
  153. >You repeat the process on another building.
  154. >More pony wizards.
  155. >You repeated the process again and again until there was nothing left of the massive cloud.
  156. >You look to the skies and saw a massive swarm of the wizard ponies flying off in every direction.
  157. >Well, you couldn't reach them with the ramp so there was no use worrying about them.
  158. >You shifted your mass back towards the lone mountain and continued lumbering on.
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