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Aug 9th, 2018
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  2. SmileyYesterday at 10:15 AM
  3. Hey, I'm here
  4. My answers might be slightly delayed because I'm at work, though
  5. DragoYesterday at 10:18 AM
  6. alright
  7. Are you ready to start?
  8. ?
  9. SmileyYesterday at 10:25 AM
  10. Right! yup
  11. DragoYesterday at 10:26 AM
  12. Alright, this interview is going to be in two different parts. The first being a part about handling diffrent scenario's and the second being ooc questions. The ability's you have to use during the situations are as follows
  13. 1. Access to ingame logs. This includes ALL attack logs. ALL local and antagonist ooc, including deadchat and admin pm’s. You can also send your own admin pms (bwoink)
  14. 2. The ability to wind players (admin freeze them).
  15. 3. The ability to boot players of a lower rank (regular players basically).
  16. 4. The ability to temporarily ban and temporarily job ban players. Self explanatory.
  17. 5. The ability to apply NOTES to a players’ ckey. This is a system staff use to keep tabs on players behavior and administrative action taken. It’s good practice to note what you’ve talked to a player about. You don’t need to note EVERYTHING. If they didn’t do anything wrong, a note isn’t required.
  18. 6. The ability to warn players. This is like a note, but visible to the players and requires them to acknowledge the warning.
  19. 7. The ability to admin-ghost (like observing, but you can re-enter your body)
  20. 8. Lastly, the ability to use modchat, where you can speak with other moderators and admins about stuff.
  21. Tell me when you are ready to begin
  22. SmileyYesterday at 10:27 AM
  23. Could you explain the third one please?
  24. DragoYesterday at 10:28 AM
  25. Basicly kicking player's
  26. SmileyYesterday at 10:28 AM
  27. Okay^^
  28. Ready
  29. DragoYesterday at 10:30 AM
  30. You are on the server and you see a arrivals notice, it seems we have some new atmos tech's here today! Omar La-odin, Tamahr La-Odin and Demitrious La-Odin all join. As they arrive, they seem harmless and just seem to be doddling around, there characters howebver all have the same hairstyle and theuy seem to be able to telepathicly communicate as they arent talking to each other but are able to communicate. What do you do in this situation?
  31. SmileyYesterday at 10:34 AM
  32. Alright, I will start by PMing one of them, and ask them if they are related to each other, and if they communicate with each other on Discord or another platform while playing.
  33. DragoYesterday at 10:35 AM
  34. Omar tells you he is not communicating via discord and that he doesnt know these guys. The guys begin to wealk towards atmos storage, each grabbing a phoron canister and bringing it upstairs
  35. SmileyYesterday at 10:48 AM
  36. Alright. I will PM the two others, and ask them the same.
  37. DragoYesterday at 10:49 AM
  38. The other's claim the same thing, the guys turn and elave enginering, walking down the hall with the phoron tanks
  39. SmileyYesterday at 10:50 AM
  40. I ask them all what are they doing with those phoron canisters outside engineering. I will inform them they aren't supposed to do so.
  41. DragoYesterday at 10:52 AM
  42. As you pm them, one of them opens his canister up, the others follow suit and place gas masks on and use there emrgency tanks, the area itself floods with phoron.
  43. well
  44. lets change this
  45. SmileyYesterday at 10:52 AM
  46. okay okay
  47. DragoYesterday at 10:52 AM
  48. they look as if they are going to open the tank
  49. what do you do
  50. SmileyYesterday at 10:53 AM
  51. I wind them.
  52. DragoYesterday at 10:54 AM
  53. And then?
  54. SmileyYesterday at 10:54 AM
  55. I warn them that if they open the canister- all will be banned.
  56. (I mean three of them)
  57. DragoYesterday at 10:54 AM
  58. They all agree they will not open the canister
  59. SmileyYesterday at 10:55 AM
  60. I ask them if they are familiar with Aurora and how to play as Atmo Technicians
  61. DragoYesterday at 10:55 AM
  62. They say they have played other server's like TG station and Hippie and plsayed atmos's there
  63. SmileyYesterday at 10:58 AM
  64. Alright. I ask them to place the canisters back to the atmos storage. I will explain them they are supposed to monitor the station's pressure and fix any problem that occurs. I also explain them they could set up the engine in the meantime, if they have nothing to do.
  65. I warn three of them, both verbally and "physically" (over the logs).
  66. DragoYesterday at 11:01 AM
  67. After warning them and unwinding them, only Tamahr opens his tank, phoron floods the area
  68. SmileyYesterday at 11:01 AM
  69. Are there any admins online?
  70. Also,
  71. I will temporarily ban Tamhr's player, and consult right afterwards with an admin about it.
  72. DragoYesterday at 11:10 AM
  73. Alright. The other guys appear to apologize, another staff member comes on to handle the atmo's situation with phoron
  74. SmileyYesterday at 11:13 AM
  75. Okay, I tell the admin what happened and stuff.
  76. DragoYesterday at 11:31 AM
  77. back sorry
  78. Ready for the next scenario?
  79. SmileyYesterday at 11:31 AM
  80. its okay :D
  81. Yeah sure
  82. DragoYesterday at 11:35 AM
  83. There is a group of mercenary's boarding the station, as they board you notice something. There is a janitor who appeared to of grabbed one of the weapons from the mercenarys. It appear's the janitor is firing sat the mercenarys and seems to be winning. What do you do
  84. SmileyYesterday at 11:40 AM
  85. I bwonik him to stop what he's doing. I ask him if his character knows how to handle weapons and how to combat, and also tell him that if security needs help they will ask the crew for it.
  86. DragoYesterday at 11:40 AM
  87. He tells you he is mid combat and cant talk right now, he contuines to engage the mercs
  88. SmileyYesterday at 11:42 AM
  89. I PM him right away that he shouldn't be engaging the Mercs and will be punished if will keep going.
  90. DragoYesterday at 11:44 AM
  91. The player stops shooting, he replys back to you in a angry tone, the mercs push up while hes typing and gun the janitor down
  92. SmileyYesterday at 11:46 AM
  93. I ask him what was he doing and why.
  94. DragoYesterday at 11:49 AM
  95. The janitoer replys in a quite angry tone. "What the fuck? You just literaly disrupted that fight we had going on and caused me to die!" he types
  96. SmileyYesterday at 11:50 AM
  97. Okay. I tell him that I am sorry, but it's irrelevant now. I ask him one last time what was he doing and why.
  98. DragoYesterday at 11:51 AM
  99. He claims he was defending the crew and his job department, he appears to be quite hostile in his response
  100. SmileyYesterday at 11:55 AM
  101. I warn him. I tell him that he can't do so as a Janitor, and if he does, and his character really know something in combat, he should do it in reasonable way through the ISD.
  102. DragoYesterday at 11:57 AM
  103. Do you do anything else before applying a warning?
  104. SmileyYesterday at 12:16 PM
  105. Hmm, I tell him the reason for warning him and why I am doing this.
  106. and.. that's it, yeah.
  107. Sorry about the delay, I just came home from work
  108. DragoYesterday at 12:22 PM
  109. Hmm. DO you check his ntoes at all?
  110. SmileyYesterday at 12:24 PM
  111. Didn't know that's an option here. Yes, obviously.
  112. DragoYesterday at 12:25 PM
  113. 5. The ability to apply NOTES to a players’ ckey. This is a system staff use to keep tabs on players behavior and administrative action taken. It’s good practice to note what you’ve talked to a player about. You don’t need to note EVERYTHING. If they didn’t do anything wrong, a note isn’t required.
  114. You check his notes and there is zero prior infractions on it, a clear record it seems
  115. SmileyYesterday at 12:26 PM
  116. Could I check his account date too? Is it possible?
  117. DragoYesterday at 12:30 PM
  118. I dont think trials can but we can assume hes been playing since 2016
  119. SmileyYesterday at 12:46 PM
  120. Well yeah, I just warn him and explain him and in the notes what happened.
  121. DragoYesterday at 12:47 PM
  122. Alright. Ready for the next one?
  123. SmileyYesterday at 12:47 PM
  124. Sir yes sir!
  125. DragoYesterday at 12:48 PM
  126. its yes MA'AM,
  127. You are sitting in the lobby working on a character when you notice a flood of attack logs in your chat window. An engineer is stabbing someone with a screwdriver, and said person, a cargo technician, is hitting the engineer with a fire extinguisher. A quick check indicates that neither of them are antagonists. What do you do?
  128. SmileyYesterday at 12:53 PM
  129. I check the round type, is that possible?
  130. DragoYesterday at 12:53 PM
  131. It appears to be extended
  132. SmileyYesterday at 12:54 PM
  133. I wind them both, and PM them two for what's going on.
  134. DragoYesterday at 12:55 PM
  135. Both of them claim they were defending themself and that one of them shoved the other. Its apparent none can agree on why the fight started
  136. SmileyYesterday at 12:56 PM
  137. Is there anyone around them?
  138. DragoYesterday at 12:57 PM
  139. No
  140. SmileyYesterday at 12:58 PM
  141. Okay. Any notes?
  142. DragoYesterday at 1:25 PM
  143. One has notes, but its for unrelated incidents like ssding in puiblic area's. The cargo tech however has a history of trying to incite conflict at times. However it appears the enginer threw the first attack
  144. SmileyYesterday at 2:29 PM
  145. I ask the Engineer why he began attacking the Tech.
  146. DragoYesterday at 3:18 PM
  147. back sorry
  148. When asked, he claims the cargo tech called him a mean word and then shoved him
  149. SmileyYesterday at 4:31 PM
  150. uergh im so sorry.. could we continue this tomorrow? its 3 AM :sweat_smile:
  151. DragoYesterday at 5:01 PM
  152. sure
  153. SmileyToday at 4:36 AM
  154. Good morning! sorry I really tried to keep myself awake yesterday but it didn't work
  155. DragoToday at 10:41 AM
  156. its okie
  157. ready to contuine?
  159. I ask the cargo tech why he did that
  160. AAA drago i will smack a bitch its 3AM soon
  161. DragoToday at 4:36 PM
  162. thats finee
  163. SmileyToday at 4:39 PM
  164. NO THATS NOT FINE aaa :(
  165. DragoToday at 4:40 PM
  166. if you gotta sleep you can sleep tbh
  167. SmileyToday at 4:48 PM
  168. erg
  169. but
  170. i feel like i should have done this interview a way faster and and
  171. DragoToday at 4:55 PM
  172. well i can make the rest of it quick if you qant
  173. SmileyToday at 4:55 PM
  174. im here its okay
  175. let's do this >:3
  176. DragoToday at 4:56 PM
  177. One has notes, but its for unrelated incidents like ssding in puiblic area's. The cargo tech however has a history of trying to incite conflict at times. However it appears the enginer threw the first attack
  178. SmileyYesterday at 2:29 PM
  179. I ask the Engineer why he began attacking the Tech.
  180. DragoYesterday at 3:18 PM
  181. back sorry
  182. When asked, he claims the cargo tech called him a mean word and then shoved him
  183. we left off here
  184. SmileyToday at 4:56 PM
  185. I ask the tech why he did that.
  186. DragoToday at 4:57 PM
  187. The tech claims he was joking around with the guy and was just playing around
  188. SmileyToday at 5:00 PM
  189. I tell the Tech he has many cases of inciting conflicts at times, and explain him it could cause many IC issues, such as this one. I warn him and tell him to act more realisticly in game, and not to shove off random peoples to the ground. I ask them both to cease the fight and leave the area back to their work.
  190. DragoToday at 5:01 PM
  191. Both seem to agree to this and head off. Would you wanna add anything else to this situation?
  192. SmileyToday at 5:02 PM
  193. Hm, I would add a note to the engineer about stabbing the tech with a screwdriver, and explain to him the same as well.
  194. DragoToday at 5:03 PM
  195. Alright, next question
  196. You have been moderating for a few weeks now, and you’ve noticed a staff member who consistently goes out of their way to obtain the best weapons, even going so far as to spawn themselves weapons when alone. They also sometimes edit their var’s to be stronger than average. What would you do with this information?
  197. SmileyToday at 5:16 PM
  198. What's Var?
  199. DragoToday at 5:16 PM
  200. Uhmm
  201. like
  202. statistics and such for a char or obect, all the code and variables behind it
  203. SmileyToday at 5:17 PM
  204. ooooh
  205. I would ask them why would they use their power for bad >:(
  206. DragoToday at 5:18 PM
  207. The admin tells you off, claiming they are doing this for the purpose of event making
  208. SmileyToday at 5:19 PM
  209. do they use those in game? next to other players?
  210. DragoToday at 5:20 PM
  211. They walk off with the weapon, abit later they seem to be using it to there advantage against a antag
  212. SmileyToday at 5:21 PM
  213. I tell them they could test those with me in the test server or in that weird battledown area at the ODIN.
  214. DragoToday at 5:21 PM
  215. You are told "Go back to handling tickets and they ignore you"
  216. SmileyToday at 5:22 PM
  217. I ask another admin if it's ok to do such a thing for purpose of event making.
  218. DragoToday at 5:22 PM
  219. Theres no other staff online it seems
  220. SmileyToday at 5:23 PM
  221. Even on discord? ;_;
  222. DragoToday at 5:24 PM
  223. were going to assume right now, no
  224. SmileyToday at 5:25 PM
  225. Okay. So how badly strong is the weapon? Is the admin on the security team?
  226. DragoToday at 5:25 PM
  227. they gave themself a lawgiver and yes
  228. SmileyToday at 5:26 PM
  229. Well, I let him off and wait until an admin comes.
  230. AA DRAGO :c
  231. DragoToday at 5:34 PM
  232. hai
  233. ok so
  234. ready for the ooc part?
  235. SmileyToday at 5:35 PM
  236. yes
  237. :eyes: :ok_hand:
  238. DragoToday at 5:35 PM
  239. what do you think the role of a moderator is on Aurora?
  240. SmileyToday at 5:36 PM
  241. I think it's a super important role for keeping order and peace among the server players.
  242. DragoToday at 5:37 PM
  243. Anything else to add to this question?
  244. SmileyToday at 5:38 PM
  245. Sometines not all admins are present and available for questions, problems, and tickets, and that's where the moderators come in.
  246. DragoToday at 5:39 PM
  247. Alright, ready for the next one?
  248. SmileyToday at 5:39 PM
  249. yesmam
  250. DragoToday at 5:40 PM
  251. You have a not horrible note history but quite a few, aswell as some job bans. You didnt listthis on your applicatuion but besides the ERT ban you had a security ban. How do you think this will affect your ability to moderate, as well as your image both among the staff team, as well as in the greater community?
  252. SmileyToday at 5:46 PM
  253. Right so, as I've stated in my un-ban appeal, Aurora was the first and only server of SS13 to play.
  254. I joined the game around an year ago, and it was kind of like.. Jumping right to the deep water, since it's a well maintained and strict HRP server.
  255. I tried my best learning the game at the few first months, and mostly learned from all the mistakes I did.
  256. After an year of cramming and playing in the server, I believe I am way more responsible and capable of this job than I was than when I started playing.
  257. DragoToday at 5:46 PM
  258. Alright, anything else to add?
  259. SmileyToday at 5:46 PM
  260. Hm, I dont believe so.
  261. DragoToday at 5:47 PM
  262. Alright
  263. sometimes you need to make unsavory or difficult decisions as staff. For example, banning someone who you consider a friend, or explaining rule violations to them. How do you think you would handle such a task?
  264. SmileyToday at 5:49 PM
  265. Right, so I believe it could be hard to do so.
  266. But as a moderator I will have to get my shit together, and act like one. Even if it means this guy is my friend.
  267. When someone violates the rule - its my job at first to act against that violation and to do as needed.
  268. DragoToday at 5:50 PM
  269. next question
  270. How do you feel about the current state of the server? Do you hold any concerns over the way things are run right now? If you could change one thing about it, anything, what would it be?
  271. SmileyToday at 5:54 PM
  272. Hmmmm. I believe the server is doing great. I don't have any concerns about the way it runs right now and believe the staff handle it well.
  273. If I could change something? It would be.. To have our community more unified and brought together, even more than the way it is right now, by all means. :)
  274. How long is it going to be drag? its 4 and I gotta wake up at 9
  275. DragoToday at 5:57 PM
  276. One more question
  277. Theres concern about you not knowing certain game mechanics and such. Do you have a plan for how to become more familer with them?
  278. SmileyToday at 5:59 PM
  279. Yeah, I need to catch up with RnD and Engineering which I have already begun working on.
  280. I believe I know everything else.
  281. DragoToday at 5:59 PM
  282. Alright. Do you got any other questions or concerns you would like tio bring up?
  283. SmileyToday at 6:00 PM
  284. Nope, not really :)
  285. DragoToday at 6:00 PM
  286. Alright. This concludes your interview. I will ciomplie it together and post it
  287. Good luck!
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