
Flare Pocket

Mar 18th, 2013
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  1. [04:18] <kokoloko> n ruiners are
  2. [04:18] <kokoloko> my brothers
  3. [04:18] <kokoloko> except pocket
  4. [04:18] <kokoloko> fuck pocket
  5. [04:19] <McMeghan> pocket rules :|
  6. [04:19] <kokoloko> ^dark
  7. [04:19] <RT> why isnt he banne dyet
  8. [04:19] <McMeghan> omg
  9. [04:19] <McMeghan> the salt
  10. [04:19] <kokoloko> cause mod
  11. [04:19] <McMeghan> everyone hate pocket :(
  12. [04:19] <FlareBlitz> I like pocket
  13. [04:19] <FlareBlitz> He just
  14. [04:19] <FlareBlitz> Talks a little too much
  15. [04:19] <kokoloko> i'd probably have banned him already with just "go lurk" infractions
  16. [04:19] <FlareBlitz> Sometimes
  17. [04:19] <FlareBlitz> But guys come on
  18. [04:19] <FlareBlitz> He's like 15
  19. [04:19] <McMeghan> he's 25
  20. [04:19] <FlareBlitz> I was stupid when I was 15
  21. [04:19] <McMeghan> no joke
  22. [04:20] <RT> lol
  23. [04:20] <FlareBlitz> Oh
  24. [04:20] <kokoloko> lol
  25. [04:20] <fatty> go lurk, rofl hes been here 8 years
  26. [04:20] <RT> he woulda been 5
  27. [04:20] <kokoloko> gj flare
  28. [04:20] <RT> when he joiend smogon
  29. [04:20] <FlareBlitz> ._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
  30. [04:20] <kokoloko> yeah fatty isnt that sad
  31. [04:20] <fatty> it was 2004
  32. [04:20] <RT> or 6
  33. [04:20] <McMeghan> ahahahaah flare
  34. [04:20] <fatty> when he joined
  35. [04:20] <fatty> its incredibly sad im sorry lol
  36. [04:20] <FlareBlitz> Awwww.
  37. [04:20] <FlareBlitz> Well I don't want to make fun of people behind their backs.
  38. [04:20] <FlareBlitz> So let's call koko a testicle bandit
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