

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. host_writeconfig
  2. echo ""
  3. echo "-----"
  4. echo "Executing autoexec.cfg"
  5. echo "-----"
  6. echo ""
  7. // \dota\cfg\autoexec.cfg
  8. // Use launch conditions: -console -novid -high
  9. // "-console" enables console, "-novid" disables intro video and "-high" puts the Dota 2 process on high priority
  10. // My parameters:
  11. // -sw -noborder -w 1920 -h 1080 -novid -console -freq 120 -high -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -nojoy -override_vpk +exec autoexec.cfg
  12. //
  13. // CHAT
  14. // `Useful' console commands:
  15. // dota_apm Retrieve average APM for last game
  16. // net_graph # # = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
  17. // cl_showfps check frame rate
  18. //
  19. // // = List of channels you want to be added to by default OR disabled command.
  20. //
  21. // Protecting old settings/Removal instructions
  22. // To protect your old config.cfg from being written to, right click config.cfg in that folder and set properties to "read only" (note, most settings will never save other then the GUI binds in game those are stored in the .lst file).
  23. // If you did not do that initially you can remove them by deleting the autoexec.cfg/config.cfg from CFG folder and delete config.cfg from Steam\userdata\####\570\remote\cfg folder so it does not restore from steam cloud, a new config.cfg should be made on next launch with default values.
  24. // If you added other config files from the zip file it does not matter if they stay or not, only autoexec/config.cfg are executed on launch (others do but are not modified or anything)
  25. // If its too hard to figure out that's a shame, learn to use Google.
  27. host_writeconfig
  28. echo "Initial"
  30. con_enable "1" // Enables the console (default 0)
  31. developer "0" // Developer mode (default 0)
  32. cl_forcepreload "1" // Preloads some resources on game start rather then when map loads (Default "0" Enabled "1")
  33. sv_cheats "1" // Just to force some stuff at launch, this will be disabled at the end of the cfg
  35. host_writeconfig
  36. echo "Console"
  38. // CONSOLE OUTPUT - Easier to use, looks and performs like older Source engine console interfaces
  39. con_filter_enable "1" // Enable filters
  40. con_filter_text "!!!" // Write filter settings
  41. con_notifytime "1" // How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window
  42. con_nprint_bgalpha "50" // Con_NPrint background alpha
  43. con_nprint_bgborder "5" // Con_NPrint border size
  44. contimes "4" // Number of console lines to overlay for debugging
  46. host_writeconfig
  47. echo "Gameplay"
  49. // GAMEPLAY
  51. dota_ability_quick_cast "1" // Double tapping item/ability applies it to yourself (default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  52. dota_damage_flash "0" // Flash when enemies take damage from the player (default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  53. dota_disable_range_finder "0" // If set to 0, when a spell is selected, range finder is shown (default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  54. dota_disable_unit_ring "0" // Unit ring around units (default "0" "1" Disables "0" Enabled)
  55. dota_force_right_click_attack "1" // Can now right-click to deny (default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  56. dota_hero_tooltip "1" // Style of the hero tool tip (default "1" "0" Corner "1" Overhead "2" Inline overhead)
  57. dota_minimap_misclick_time "0" // Threshold delay to accept minimap clicks (default "0.2")
  58. dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection "0" // Selects summons on spawn (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  59. dota_player_multipler_orders "1" // Hold ctrl to give order to all units (default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  60. dota_player_units_auto_attack "0" // Hero auto attack stance (Default "1" "0" Passive "1" Aggressive)
  61. dota_reset_camera_on_spawn "0" // Center camera on player hero on any re-spawn (default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  62. dota_remap_alt_key "" // Remap ALT key to another (default "" "" Disables "ANYKEY" Enabled)
  63. dota_screen_shake "0" // Screen will no longer shake when certain are cast (default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  64. dota_sf_game_end_delay "0" // Make results appear immediately after game ends (default "1" "0" Appear instantly "1" Enables delay)
  65. dota_unit_fly_bonus_height "0" // Decreases height of flying units significantly (default "150" "0" Disables)
  66. dota_unit_use_player_color "1" // Unit uses player colours (Default "1" "1" Individual colors "0" Team colors)
  67. //
  68. // SHOP
  69. dota_shop_recommended_open "1" // Recommended items for hero when open shop menu (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  70. dota_shop_force_hotkeys "1" // Force using shop hotkeys when buying from shops (default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  71. hud_sticky_item_name "item_tpscroll" // Default item to be in the stick buy slot (default "item_tpscroll" Any item string works here)
  72. dota_player_auto_purchase_items "0" // Autobuys items from shop (default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  73. //
  75. dota_selector_fulldeck_mode "1" // Defaults to Grid when selecting heroes
  76. dota_keybind_hero "0" // Hotkey when choosing a hero (default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  77. sf_fulldeck_hide_unavailable "0" // Shows heros in pool even if unavailable to be picked (default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  78. //
  80. dota_always_show_player_names "0" // Always show player names
  81. dota_embers "0" // Dashboard background flames ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  82. dota_killcam_show "0" // Enables information updon death (default "0")
  83. dota_hud_show_overhead_events "1" // Overhead display of CK/CD/Crits/Othe various overhead information (default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  84. dota_map_ping_multi_key_press "1" // Able to ping while you're pressing down multiple keys
  85. dota_minimap_hero_size "580" // Increases the size of heroes on the minimap
  86. dota_minimap_ping_duration "5" // Default 3 - Leaves ping marks on the map for longer
  87. dota_minimap_ping_tag_duration "5" // Duration of shield/attack pings on structures
  88. dota_friendly_color_b "0.8" // Changes friendly colours
  89. dota_friendly_color_g "0.7" // Changes friendly colours
  90. dota_friendly_color_r "0.3" // Changes friendly colours
  91. dota_enemy_color_b "0.4" // Changes enemy colours
  92. dota_enemy_color_g "0.4" // Changes friendly colours
  93. dota_enemy_color_r "0.8" // Changes friendly colours
  94. dota_minimap_simple_colors "0” // Makes minimap colour scheme similar to WC3/Dota 1 (to turn off, set to 0)
  95. dota_minimap_tower_defend_distance "250" // Distance from tower to initiate ping tower instead of ping map
  96. dota_sf_hud_channelbar "1" // Displays the channelling bar on certain spells (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  97. dota_sf_hud_error_msg "0" // Displays error msgs on hud EX.spell is on cool down
  98. dota_sf_hud_voicechat "1" // Displays who is talking on hud when they talk (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  99. dota_show_hero_finder "1" // Show hero indicator when alt is held down
  101. host_writeconfig
  102. echo "HPBar"
  104. // HEALTH BAR - Makes hp changes instantaneous if set to 0 without quotations
  105. dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max "0.1" // (default 0.8)
  106. dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min "0.1" // (default 0.3)
  107. dota_health_hurt_delay "0.05" // (default 0.1)
  108. dota_health_marker_major_alpha "255" // Opacity major healthbar divider (default 255, 0=invisible 255=opaque)
  109. dota_health_marker_minor_alpha "128" // Opacity minor healthbar divider (default 128, 0=invisible 255=opaque)
  110. dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250" // Health segmenting in the lifebar (default 250)
  111. dota_hud_healthbar_number "1" // Health number above the lifebar on (default 1)
  112. dota_pain_decay "0.2" // (default 0.8)
  113. dota_pain_factor "0.5" // (default 3)
  114. dota_pain_fade_rate "0.5" // (default 3)
  115. dota_pain_multiplier "0.2" // (default 0.8)
  117. host_writeconfig
  118. echo "NetGraph"
  120. // NETGRAPH OVERLAY - Appears top right of the client
  121. net_graph "1" // Show the network graph overlay
  122. net_graphinsetbottom "437" // 100 to place below scoreboard
  123. net_graphinsetright "-80” // 600 to place below scoreboard
  124. net_graphproportionalfont "0" // Resize font
  126. host_writeconfig
  127. echo "Performance"
  131. engine_no_focus_sleep "0" // Reduces resources consumed when dota 2 loses focus. Adjust to reach optimal FPS when alt tabbed if you're spectating. (default "20" disabled "0" range "1-2000")
  133. host_writeconfig
  134. echo "Audio"
  136. // AUDIO
  138. snd_musicvolume "0.00" // Ingame music volume (Min "0.00" Max "1.0")
  139. voice_enable "1" // Voice chat ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  140. //
  141. // EVENT AUDIO
  142. cl_dota_speech_spec_ancientattack "1" // Your ancient is under attack lines ("0" Disables "1" Enables)
  143. cl_dota_speech_spec_barracksattack "1" // Your rax is under attack lines ("0" Disables "1" Enables)
  144. cl_dota_speech_spec_barracksfalls "1" // Your rax has fallen lines ("0" Disables "1" Enables)
  145. cl_dota_speech_spec_enemybasefalls "1" // Enemy's tower/rax has fallen lines ("0" Disables "1" Enables)
  146. cl_dota_speech_spec_idles "1" // Announcers' idle lines ("0" Disables "1" Enables)
  147. cl_dota_speech_spec_towerattack "1" // Your tower is under attack lines ("0" Disables "1" Enables)
  148. cl_dota_speech_spec_towerfalls "1" // Your tower has fallen lines ("0" Disables "1" Enables)
  149. //
  150. // AUDIO MISC
  151. cc_subtitles "0" // Subtitles ("0" Subtitles and effects "1" Subtitles)
  152. closecaption "0" // Controls subtitles ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  153. dota_mute_cobroadcasters "0" // Mutes co-broadcasters ("0" Disables "1" Enables)
  154. dota_speech_level "1" // Amount of verbal events from heroes ("0" Disables "1" Events "2" On)
  155. snd_mix_async "0" // Multicore sound rendering (default "0" Enabled "1")
  156. snd_mute_losefocus "0" // Background sound when minimized ("0" On "1" Off)
  158. host_writeconfig
  159. echo "Video"
  161. // VIDEO
  162. mat_viewportscale "1.0" // Render Quality ("1" 100% "0.6" 0%)
  165. host_writeconfig
  166. echo "Mouse"
  168. //MOUSE
  169. //sensitivity "2.5" // Disabled - eh I'm unsure what I should be using for my DPI settings.
  170. m_customaccel "0" //
  171. m_mouseaccel1 "0" //
  172. m_mouseaccel2 "0" //
  173. //m_rawinput "1" // Invalid in the Dota 2 engine but keeping it here incase they try to force dumb acceleration one day.
  175. host_writeconfig
  176. echo "PlayerCameraControl"
  179. dota_camera_accelerate "50" // Decelerating map scroll (Default "49" "49" Instant stop "1" Smooth slowdown. Not sure but I think "50" is actually right.)
  180. dota_camera_disable_zoom "1" // Control mouse scroll for zooming in and out (Default "0" "1" Disables "0" Enables)
  181. dota_camera_edgemove "1" // Moves camera when cursor hits edge of screen (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  182. dota_camera_follow_doublepress_time "1" // Time frame to lock onto hero when double tapped (default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enables)
  183. dota_camera_reverse "0" // Inverted movements when gripping camera (default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
  184. dota_camera_speed "6500" // Scrolling speed (Default "3000", Vanilla DotA-like is 6500, default 3000, prefer 6500 or 3682)
  185. //
  186. // MISC VALUES
  187. dota_camera_disable_yaw "1"
  188. dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag "1"
  189. dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag_drag "0.075"
  190. dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag_inverse "0"
  191. dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag_max_speed "25"
  192. dota_camera_drag_speed "1"
  193. dota_camera_heightmap "1"
  194. dota_camera_lerp_duration "2"
  195. dota_camera_listening_offset "0"
  196. dota_camera_lock "0"
  197. dota_camera_lock_mouse_lead "220"
  198. dota_camera_lock_view_helper "1"
  199. dota_camera_lock_view_helper_ratio "0.45"
  200. dota_camera_sixense_center_on_hero "0"
  201. dota_camera_sixense_grab_speed "3"
  202. dota_camera_sixense_invert_grab "1"
  203. dota_camera_sixense_invert_pan "0"
  204. dota_camera_sixense_pan_expo "1.5"
  205. dota_camera_sixense_pan_speed "4000"
  206. dota_camera_smart_follow_drag_distance "500"
  207. dota_camera_smart_follow_edge_distance "500"
  208. dota_camera_smart_follow_offset_reset "8"
  209. dota_camera_smart_follow_offset_time "1"
  210. dota_camera_smooth_count "8"
  211. dota_camera_smooth_distance "96"
  212. dota_camera_smooth_enable "1"
  213. dota_camera_smooth_sample_timer "0.1"
  214. dota_camera_smooth_time "0.25"
  215. dota_camera_stage_fov "15"
  216. dota_camera_stage_pitch "0"
  217. dota_camera_stage_rotate "0"
  218. dota_camera_stage_x "25"
  219. dota_camera_stage_y "-600"
  220. dota_camera_stage_yaw "90"
  221. dota_camera_stage_z "225"
  222. dota_camera_yaw_rotate_hold_time "1"
  223. dota_camera_yaw_rotate_speed "0.2"
  225. host_writeconfig
  226. echo "Spectator"
  228. // SPECTATOR
  230. cl_spectator_cmdrate_factor "1" //Multiplier for CMD rate while spectating (default "0.5", Min/Max "0-?")
  231. cl_spectator_interp_ratio "3" //Multiplier for interp while spectating (default "2", Min/Max "0-?")
  232. tv_nochat "1" //Spectator chat in dota tv (default: "0", "1" Disables "0" Enables)
  233. //
  235. dota_spectator_auto_spectate_games "0"
  236. dota_spectator_autospeed "0"
  237. dota_spectator_autospeed_fast "2"
  238. dota_spectator_autospeed_fastest "4"
  239. dota_spectator_autospeed_slowmo "1"
  240. dota_spectator_autospeed_slowmo_slow "0.4"
  241. dota_spectator_autospeed_slowmo_slowest "0.2"
  242. dota_spectator_debug "0"
  243. dota_spectator_directed_bonusz "75"
  244. dota_spectator_directed_hero_timer "2"
  245. dota_spectator_directed_maxdistance "820"
  246. dota_spectator_directed_mouse_bias "400"
  247. dota_spectator_directed_mouse_control "0"
  248. dota_spectator_directed_spline_time "1"
  249. dota_spectator_fog_of_war "-1"
  250. dota_spectator_hero_index ""
  251. dota_spectator_mode "0"
  252. dota_spectator_shoulder_view "0"
  253. dota_spectator_shoulder_view_forward "-300"
  254. dota_spectator_shoulder_view_override_angles_pitch "25"
  255. dota_spectator_shoulder_view_right "0"
  256. dota_spectator_shoulder_view_up "75"
  257. dota_spectator_stats_panel "0"
  258. dota_spectator_test_spectator_view "0"
  259. dota_spectator_watching_broadcaster "0"
  261. host_writeconfig
  262. echo "Scripts"
  265. // SCRIPT ALIAS - Some are found at earlier instances in this cfg file
  266. // Hide or show network graph
  267. alias "showgraph" "showgraph_off"
  268. alias "showgraph_off" "net_graph 0; alias showgraph showgraph_on"
  269. alias "showgraph_on" "net_graph 1; alias showgraph showgraph_off"
  270. // This shows scoreboard and APM in console
  271. alias "+showboard" "+showscores;dota_apm"
  272. alias "-showboard" "-showscores;"
  273. alias "smokerange" "smokerange1"
  274. // Rune Camera - Cycles through spots
  275. alias rune1 "dota_camera_set_lookatpos -2273 1800;bind f1 rune2" // Top Rune
  276. alias rune2 "dota_camera_set_lookatpos 3035 -2350;bind f1 backtome" // Bot Rune
  277. alias backtome "+dota_camera_follow;-dota_camera_follow;+dota_camera_follow;-dota_camera_follow;bind f1 rune1"
  278. // Range binds
  279. // Toggle to shows 1025 range units, the proximity range to be revealed while smoked
  280. alias "smokerange1" "dota_range_display 1025;alias smokerange smokerange2"
  281. alias "smokerange2" "dota_range_display 0;alias smokerange smokerange1"
  282. // Toggle to show 1200 range units, the proximity range to gain XP
  283. alias "xprange" "xprange1"
  284. alias "xprange1" "dota_range_display 1200;alias xprange xprange2"
  285. alias "xprange2" "dota_range_display 0;alias xprange xprange1"
  286. // This script will grab items straight from stash, unlike the normal "courier deliver items" keybinding.
  287. alias "efficientCourier" "dota_select_courier; stash_grab_all;dota_courier_deliver;+dota_camera_follow;+dota_camera_follow"
  289. host_writeconfig
  290. echo "Binds"
  292. // BINDINGS
  293. //bind "[" "xprange" // (Broken as command now seen as cheat) Show XP range radius
  294. //bind "]" "smokerange" // (Broken as command now seen as cheat) Show smoke range radius
  295. //bind "j" "efficientCourier"
  296. bind "`" "toggleconsole" // Open Console
  297. bind "F1" "rune1" // Checks rune spots, cycles upon consecutive presses
  298. bind "F10" "showgraph" // Hide or show network graph
  300. // CHEAT CVARS - ALL DISABLED BY DEFAULT - Just for experimentation
  301. //dota_range_display "" // Range indicator around hero showing that specific range (Default "0" "0" Disables)
  302. //dota_camera_distance "1134" // Cam distance (Default "1134")
  303. //dota_camera_spectate_distance "1600" // Cam distance when spectating (Default "1600")
  304. //cl_clock_correction "1" // Related to netcode (Default "1")
  305. //dota_music_spectator_battle_average "0" // (Default "20")
  306. //dota_music_spectator_battle_min "0" // (Default "10")
  307. //dota_hero_selection_announcer_use_rr "0" // (Default "0")
  308. //dota_magic_stick_enabled "0" // (Default "0")
  309. //dota_new_user_keybind "0" // (Default "0")
  310. //dota_powerbar_baseline "0.25" // (Default "0.25")
  311. //dota_query_inhibit_time "0.5" // (Default "0.5")
  312. //dota_rare_line_click_count "5" // (Default "5")
  313. //dota_scoreboard_buyback_border "0" // (Default "0")
  314. //dota_topbar_buyback_time "10" // (Default "10" Min 0.0 Max 30)
  315. //dota_full_ui "1" // (Default "0")
  317. //END OF CFG - Shutting off variables that should be disabled after the cfg has finished executing and with an echo phrase to make sure it launched properly
  318. sv_cheats "0" // Disabling cheats
  319. host_writeconfig
  320. echo ""
  321. echo "-----"
  322. echo "autoexec.cfg executed"
  323. echo "Last updated 06/11/2014"
  324. echo "-----"
  325. echo ""
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