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Feb 22nd, 2012
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  1. Tuesday Feb 21
  3. [19:51] <h00k> metasansana: the difference is that this wouldn't require an additional thin client or computer
  4. [19:51] * almoxarife (pidgin-9@unaffiliated/almoxarife) has joined #ubuntu-offtopic
  5. [19:52] <metasansana> hmmm
  6. [19:52] <metasansana> bare with me here
  7. [19:52] <metasansana> so its a whole ubuntu on the phone
  8. [19:52] <h00k> metasansana: Yep.
  9. [19:52] <h00k> metasansana: Also, a phone.
  10. [19:52] <metasansana> ahhh
  11. [19:52] <h00k> metasansana: dock it, 'computer'
  12. [19:52] <h00k> metasansana: undock it, 'phone'
  13. [19:53] <h00k> Cisco has a similar type thing with their CIUS, where their device can dock into a small form factor device like a netbook
  14. [19:53] <h00k> so, it's a phone, dock it, netbook.
  15. [19:54] <h00k> anyway.
  16. [19:55] <metasansana> yeah i get it
  17. [19:55] <[deXter]> For those who can't wait for it, you can already install Ubuntu on your Android.
  18. [19:55] <[deXter]> And use it like a full-fledged computer.
  19. [19:56] <[deXter]> And you can switch between Android and Ubuntu as if Ubuntu was an app.
  20. [19:56] <[deXter]> And wifi, bluetooth, USB host, HDMI out etc works great (atleast it does on my SGS II)
  21. [19:57] <h00k> If you have the ability to root your phone, sure, etc.
  22. [19:57] <[deXter]> But I'm glad Canonical is doing this officially.
  23. [19:57] <Beezow> h00k: do you want to know a sekrit
  24. [19:57] <chelz> i do
  25. [19:57] <Beezow> Because I have one, and it is soooooo good to hear it.
  26. [19:57] <chelz> [deXter]: there a wikio r something for that?
  27. [19:57] <Beezow> chelz: dumbledore dies
  28. [19:57] <chelz> Beezow: noooo
  29. [19:58] <h00k> snape kills him.
  30. [19:58] <[deXter]> chelz, Infact, there's an app for it!
  31. [19:58] <Beezow> h00k: With the help of rick james
  32. [19:58] <Beezow> I lost the game.
  33. [19:58] <chelz> [deXter]: err, that looks a tad sketchy. i mean it's not from canonical at least
  34. [19:59] <[deXter]> chelz, Yes, that's what I said before.
  35. [19:59] <chelz> [deXter]: oh. yeah i'm looking for canonical's code
  36. [19:59] <[deXter]> chelz, The hacker community has been doing this since years now, but finally Canonical has woken up to the potential of running Ubuntu on Android.
  37. [20:00] <Beezow> what
  38. [20:00] <Beezow> I'm going to run windows on OS/2.
  39. [20:00] <chelz> metasansana:
  40. [20:01] <metasansana> thanks chelz
  41. [20:01] <Beezow> Why do people buy smartphones, anyways?
  42. [20:01] <[deXter]> Obvious troll is obvious. :P
  43. [20:01] <chelz> "slick integration in a video"
  44. [20:01] <Beezow> I'm trolling because I can wait an hour to check my email?
  45. [20:02] <chelz> Beezow: no
  46. [20:02] * witeshark ( has joined #ubuntu-offtopic
  47. [20:02] <[deXter]> Beezow, Because you can do more than check email.
  48. [20:02] <Beezow> It's a PHONE. You know what PHONES are for?
  49. [20:02] <[deXter]> It's a*Smart* phone. The emphasis is on the *smart*.
  50. [20:03] * Beezow facepalms.
  51. [20:03] <Beezow> "I want a smartphone because they're smart"
  52. [20:03] <Beezow> Hey look, $10 burner phone. I can use it to call people. :O
  53. [20:03] <chelz> "The desktop can also include Windows applications, using thin client and desktop virtualisation tools. "
  54. [20:03] <chelz> from the press release
  55. [20:03] <[deXter]> If your only requirement is to make phonecalls, then by all means buy/use a regular phone.
  56. [20:03] <Beezow> $400 smartphone "LOL GUYS I PLAY ANGRY BIRDS"
  57. [20:03] <[deXter]> No one is forcing you to buy a smartphone.
  58. [20:04] <chelz> i am pretty curious what tech would be used for x86 ms windows stuff on an arm smartphone
  59. [20:04] <Beezow> If the requirement was not to make phonecalls, I would not buy a phone.
  60. [20:04] * grobda24 (~grobda24-@silentflame/member/grobda24) has joined #ubuntu-offtopic
  61. [20:04] <[deXter]> chelz, That's not x86 windows, they'll release an ARM version.
  62. [20:04] <metasansana> h00k: I agree this could be really cool
  63. [20:04] <chelz> [deXter]: is that what canonical is referring to in the press release?
  64. [20:04] <sinedeviance> ugh i dread ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  65. [20:05] <[deXter]> chelz, That video you linked to? Yes.
  66. [20:05] <chelz> Feb 17, 2012 is when that youtube vid was posted btw
  67. [20:05] <chelz> [deXter]: er,
  68. [20:05] <metasansana> I am definitely ditching my blackberry
  69. [20:05] <chelz> [deXter]:
  70. [20:05] <Beezow> Another interesting fun fact. "I pay $80/month for my phone contract to play angrybirds"
  71. [20:05] * kkb110 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  72. [20:05] <chelz> i don't think they mention ms windows stuff in the video
  73. [20:05] <chelz> but in that press release they do
  74. [20:06] <[deXter]> Beezow, Really, stop trolling please.
  75. [20:06] <sinedeviance> Beezow: lol
  76. [20:06] <Beezow> Again with the acusations.
  77. [20:06] <chelz> kind of ironic that canonical will bring desktop Windows stuff to latest gen phones, rather than MS
  78. [20:06] <Beezow> accusations, also.
  79. [20:06] <Beezow> [deXter]: If you can't carry on a conversation without namecalling, please don't highlight me.
  80. [20:07] <chelz> Beezow: you stuck at conversations
  81. [20:07] <Beezow> what
  82. [20:07] <[deXter]> Beezow, If you can't carry a conversation without assuming that every smartphone user only buys it to play Angry Birds, then stop right now.
  83. [20:07] <chelz> Beezow: stuck on troll. like a tool
  84. [20:07] <Beezow> [deXter]: This is a public channel. If you do not wish to see my text, please ignore me. I have broken no rules.
  85. [20:08] <chelz> !ops
  86. [20:08] <ubottu> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, tritium, Madpilot, gnomefreak, elky, mneptok, Pici, Gary, Myrtti, PriceChild, topyli, jussi, genii, ikonia, Flannel, lhavelund, gord, h00k, funkyHat, nhandler, Tm_T, hypatia, maco or ldunn!
  87. [20:08] <chelz> please ban Beezow
  88. [20:09] <h00k> chelz: that was not necessary
  89. [20:09] <tjiggi_fo> can't ban him - he's the teachers' pet
  90. [20:09] <chelz> h00k: they weren't dealing with it, so, i'm not sure about that
  91. [20:09] <Beezow> Who is the teacher?
  92. [20:10] <chelz> "polite, respectful, intelligent, non-support chatter in the spirit of Ubuntu"
  93. [20:10] <chelz> opposite of what Beezow is doing
  94. [20:10] <chelz> a ban is in order
  95. [20:10] <Beezow> what
  96. [20:10] <h00k> chelz: I don't see a bannable offense, let
  97. [20:10] <h00k> s please move on
  98. [20:11] <chelz> Beezow: it's a channel topic. you type "/topic"
  99. [20:11] <Beezow> Asking why people buy smartphones that cost over twice as much is impolite?
  100. [20:11] <h00k> all of yas.
  101. [20:11] <chelz> !ops
  102. [20:11] <h00k> chelz: Do not do that.
  103. [20:11] <h00k> chelz: it is not necessary.
  104. [20:11] * Beezow feeds h00k a pork rhind
  105. [20:11] <Beezow> rhine
  106. [20:11] <chelz> srsly there are no ops on right now
  107. [20:11] <dubellz> chelz: please stop using that trigger
  108. [20:11] * chelz pokes ubottu
  109. [20:11] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to h00k
  110. [20:11] <h00k> chelz: please do not do that. I'm watching this. People are allowed to disagree in here, that's okay.
  111. [20:11] <Beezow> Hm. I don't know how to spell rhine properly. :|
  112. [20:12] <h00k> Beezow, chelz: play nice.
  113. [20:12] <h00k> that is all.
  114. [20:12] * Beezow hugs chelz.
  115. [20:12] <tjiggi_fo> like I said - teachers pet
  116. [20:12] <Beezow> h00k: They're rinds.
  117. [20:12] <h00k> If you can't, change the subject, !stop, etc.
  118. [20:12] <h00k> tjiggi_fo: you also.
  119. [20:12] <Beezow> I like BBQ rinds.
  120. [20:12] <Beezow> The powdery ones.
  121. [20:12] <h00k> are we okay?
  122. [20:12] <Beezow> No, I ate my last peanut butter sammich.
  123. [20:13] <h00k> let's all move on. that is all.
  124. [20:13] * ChanServ removes channel operator status from h00k
  125. [20:13] <Beezow> But I want peanut butter.
  126. [20:13] * h00k sets mode +q Beezow
  127. [20:13] <Beezow> NOU
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