
bbb triggers

Jun 11th, 2017
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  1. Trigger 1:
  2. You and your mom have always been close, that is... until she got a new boyfriend. His name is Tim, and he hates your guts. First it starts out as little comments, jabs about your appearance or choices or the way you eat your spaghetti. However, when he marries your mom, it gets worse. He starts hitting you, but only when your mom isn't around. He kicks you out of the house a few times, but you always come back. He can't get rid of you that easily. But then he starts limiting your access to the house, and to food. You can only leave your room for school. Only eat what he gives you. If you try to fight back, he beats you. One day you get home, and it looks like he's not there. So, you decide to sneak into the kitchen and raid the cabinet. Your arms are full of little debbie snacks when Tim comes in and catches you red handed. He beats you so hard that you're bloodied. Trigger from a combination of the beating, and from seeing your mother enter the room and look the other way.
  4. Trigger 2:
  6. You've known you were a girl since you were a kid. You preferred pink and dresses and princesses... but everyone told you that you were a boy. Eventually your family moves to a new town and your parents give in. New place, new start, and you start living your life as the girl you always knew you were. You start hormones early enough that it delays 'male' puberty. You pass well enough. However, your new school has some stupid policy that you can't change for gym in the bathrooms. You try every day to be careful, but one day someone steals your clothes as prank. It wasn't meant to be horribly mean spirited, but you trigger as your deepest secret comes out to everyone.
  8. Trigger 3:
  10. Not gonna bother writing out something good for this one this girl triggered because she had shitty painful awful periods for years and her mom took her to a doctor and the doctor was like "Lol try ibuprofen girls this age are such drama queens." and she triggered because she realized that no one would ever believe her.
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