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Dec 14th, 2018
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  1. [autodeploy@spark4 fpspark]$ make run_api_1a
  2. docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml run focal_point bash -c "cd /FocalPointAttribution && sh ./"
  3. Starting postgresql_fp_milestone03 ... done
  4. #################################################################################
  5. Environment: Payer2
  6. Data Source: MarketScan
  7. Using Python at: /usr/local/bin/python
  8. #################################################################################
  9. INFO: Start: Pull and check data from database, derive additional features, aggregate claim lines, save as DataFrames
  10. INFO: Parameter file is src/focalpoint/params/Payer2/MarketScan/data_curation.params
  11. INFO: Metadata file is src/focalpoint/params/Payer2/MarketScan/MarketScan_Comm_Metadata.csv
  12. INFO: Time period for pulling claim & enrollment data: 2012-01 to 2016-12
  13. INFO: Using 3 processes
  14. INFO: Checking database connection and verifying schema against metadata file
  15. /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/ UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <>.
  16. """)
  17. INFO: Directory data/ already exists
  18. INFO: Start: Pull, process, and save claims data
  19. /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/ UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <>.
  20. """)
  21. /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/ UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <>.
  22. """)
  23. /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/ UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <>.
  24. """)
  25. INFO: Start: Execute claims SQL query for 2012-06
  26. INFO: Start: Execute claims SQL query for 2012-01
  27. INFO: Start: Execute claims SQL query for 2012-11
  28. /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/ UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <>.
  29. """)
  30. Traceback (most recent call last):
  31. File "src/focalpoint/nonspark/data_curation/", line 501, in <module>
  32. sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
  33. File "src/focalpoint/nonspark/data_curation/", line 456, in main
  34., argList)
  35. File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 253, in map
  36. return self.map_async(func, iterable, chunksize).get()
  37. File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 572, in get
  38. raise self._value
  39. sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (psycopg2.OperationalError) could not resize shared memory segment "/PostgreSQL.45056658" to 4194304 bytes: No space left on device
  40. [SQL: 'SELECT sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.member_id, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.claim_id, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.svc_date, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.paid_date, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.allowed_amt, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.coinsurance, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.copay, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.deductible, sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.gender, sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.state, sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.msa, sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.age, sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.age_category, sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.prod_type, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.claim_type, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.place_of_svc, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.ndc, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.proc_code, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.proc_code_type, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.svcscat, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.dx1, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.dx2, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.dx3, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.dx4, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.icd10_yes, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.svc_prov_specialty, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.network_provider_yes, sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.table_type \nFROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m LEFT OUTER JOIN sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m ON sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.member_id = sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.member_id AND EXTRACT(year FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.svc_date) = EXTRACT(year FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.elig_date) AND EXTRACT(month FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.svc_date) = EXTRACT(month FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.elig_date) \nWHERE EXTRACT(year FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.paid_date) = %(param_1)s AND EXTRACT(month FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.paid_date) = %(param_2)s AND (%(param_3)s * (EXTRACT(year FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.paid_date) - EXTRACT(year FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.svc_date)) + EXTRACT(month FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.paid_date)) - EXTRACT(month FROM sample_commercial.focalpoint_claims_1m.svc_date) <= %(param_4)s AND sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.pharmben_yes = %(pharmben_yes_1)s AND sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.prod_type NOT IN (%(prod_type_1)s, %(prod_type_2)s, %(prod_type_3)s) AND sample_commercial.focalpoint_membership_1m.hlthplan_yes = %(hlthplan_yes_1)s'] [parameters: {'prod_type_1': 'HMO', 'prod_type_2': 'POS with capitation', 'prod_type_3': 'POS with Capitation', 'param_4': 11, 'param_1': 2012, 'param_3': 12, 'param_2': 11, 'hlthplan_yes_1': 0, 'pharmben_yes_1': 1}] (Background on this error at:
  41. INFO: Start: Execute claims SQL query for 2013-04
  42. INFO: Start: Aggregate monthly data into time periods
  43. INFO: Data curation parameter file is src/focalpoint/params/Payer2/MarketScan/data_curation.params
  44. INFO: Experiment parameter file is src/focalpoint/params/Payer2/MarketScan/experiment.params
  45. INFO: Period 4: Incurred 2016-01 to 2016-12, paid 2016-01 to 2016-12
  46. INFO: Period 3: Incurred 2015-01 to 2015-12, paid 2015-01 to 2015-12
  47. INFO: Period 2: Incurred 2014-01 to 2014-12, paid 2014-01 to 2014-12
  48. INFO: Period 1: Incurred 2013-01 to 2013-12, paid 2013-01 to 2013-12
  49. INFO: Period 0: Incurred 2012-01 to 2012-12, paid 2012-01 to 2012-12
  50. INFO: Directory expts/ already exists
  51. INFO: Start: Process claims data for period 0
  52. INFO: Processing claims paid in 2012-01
  53. Traceback (most recent call last):
  54. File "src/focalpoint/nonspark/data_curation/", line 127, in <module>
  55. sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
  56. File "src/focalpoint/nonspark/data_curation/", line 84, in main
  57. dfClaims = aggreg_monthly_claims(dfClaims, idx, params)
  58. File "/FocalPointAttribution/src/focalpoint/nonspark/helper/", line 21, in aggreg_monthly_claims
  59. dfClaimsNew = cPickle.load(open(os.path.join(params['dir']['data'], 'dfClaims'+str(month)+'.cpkl'), 'rb'))
  60. IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'data/dfClaims2012-01.cpkl'
  61. make: *** [run_api_1a] Error 1
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