
Apr 11th, 2020
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  1. [assignment ch 8: Compare the journey through the criminal justice system for both β€œTony” and Craig”. What differences do you notice? Why do you think there are difference?]
  3. [test 2: 1: List the 5 common elements of criminal liability and then explain what each element means with examples. Also provide an example for strict liability and explain why strict liability is an exception to the 5 common elements.
  5. 2: Explain the difference between a "stop and frisk" and a search. Include the burden of proof needed for them. Also provide 3 examples of situations when a warrant is not needed for a search. What happens when evidence is obtained illegally? Provide 3 exclusions to what happens if obtained illegally.
  7. 3: What are the 5 types of civil/administrative law that we discussed in class? Define what they are as well as provide an example situation for each of the 5 types.
  9. 4: Explain the difference between juvenile court and adult court. Are all aspects of due process accounted for in both? Explain the due process rights that are provided for juveniles and why as well as the rights that are not provided to juveniles and why. What impact does due process have on the juvenile courts?
  11. Bonus: Select any 15 court cases from these chapters and site them and explain the basic impact each one had on law.
  12. Example - Roe v. Wade (1973) - Dictated that a woman's enumerated Constitutional right to privacy also permits her the freedom of choice as to how to handle a pregnancy which includes an abortion.]
  15. [test 3: 1:Describe the differences between law and social control, the characteristics that are the same, and how one affects the other and vice/versa.
  17. 2: Identify and explain the arguments for religious rights and the arguments against religious rights in regards to discrimination against same-sex marriage.
  19. 3: Describe social change and social movements and then pick a topic discussed in Chapter 9-11 and describe from start to finish how you would create social change.
  21. Bonus: Select any 10 court cases from these chapters and site them and explain the basic impact each one had on law.]
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