
[IMPLEMENTED] Obtaining Ornate Chest Rewrite

Nov 29th, 2018
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  1. While trudging forth through the seemingly infinite-stretching white, you notice something of interest after a gust of wind kicks up a now noticeable bump of snow. As you get closer to the object, you make it out to be a ornately decorated chest halfway buried in the snow and underlying layer. After hacking away at the permanently frozen soil, you free the chest and shatter the ice on the hinges to open it. Inside of it you find several pouches filled with gems, a nice [400-799 according to wiki] in total. Deciding that besides the gems, the chest can also be of use, [0-50 strength +80 fatigue, +6 hours(you begin dragging the chest through the tiring snow—with more effort than your pride would admit—back to your camp), 50-80 strength +40 fatigue, +4 hours(you begin the trek home with some effort and the chest in tow.), 80-100 strength, +10 fatigue, +2 hour(you begin to haul the chest home with little effort.)]"
  3. ———————————————
  5. Original:
  6. While you’re minding your own business, you spot an ornately-decorated chest somewhat buried in the snow. You walk on the snowy grounds you finally reach the chest. As you open the chest, you find 629 gems inside the chest! You pocket the gems and haul the chest home. It looks nice and would make a good storage.
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