

Jan 17th, 2012
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  1. pikachu: sup
  2. [12:35 AM] doom: SUP BRO
  3. [12:35 AM] pikachu: nothin
  4. [12:35 AM] pikachu: pt runnin cuz i got nothin better lol
  5. [12:36 AM] doom: its me roc
  6. [12:36 AM] pikachu: roc? i'm guessin from nitto
  7. [12:36 AM] doom: yea lol
  8. [12:36 AM] pikachu: lol whats up
  9. [12:36 AM] doom: your dcomicboy from nittohackers right?
  10. [12:36 AM] pikachu: yeah
  11. [12:37 AM] pikachu: old head admin
  12. [12:37 AM] doom: yea i was VIP there before
  13. [12:37 AM] pikachu: cool
  14. [12:37 AM] doom: i mean BodyVtaK let me use his account there
  15. [12:37 AM] doom: r u cool with him?
  16. [12:38 AM] pikachu: ehhhh lets just say i'll put up with him, i'll let people have there opinions, i dont
  17. [12:38 AM] pikachu: like to judge
  18. [12:38 AM] doom: well my friend brought program with him for 100 bucks then he didnt send the prgram lol
  19. [12:39 AM] doom: so he gave his account on nittohackers
  20. [12:39 AM] pikachu: lol yeah...he's that kinda person
  21. [12:39 AM] doom: so your the maker of elite bro?
  22. [12:39 AM] pikachu: yes
  23. [12:39 AM] doom: so is there any chance they cant detect that?
  24. [12:40 AM] pikachu: as far as i know, its still 100% undetected
  25. [12:40 AM] doom: yea coz i check all the string there there is no way they cant detect it
  26. [12:40 AM] doom: the prgram u made is on java
  27. [12:40 AM] doom: even window class is safe
  28. [12:40 AM] pikachu: yeah the base code its from is NA
  29. [12:41 AM] pikachu: i have the full NA source from the NA creator
  30. [12:41 AM] doom: na is detecable but once u change it they cant detect it
  31. [12:41 AM] pikachu: right
  32. [12:41 AM] pikachu: remove any mention of NA from the source and its 100% undetected
  33. [12:41 AM] doom: i try elite b4 dylan knows it but i dont why i cant run .000 with my cars
  34. [12:42 AM] pikachu: i dont even have it anymore
  35. [12:42 AM] doom: i have i7 and good net but idk lol
  36. [12:42 AM] doom: why what happen?
  37. [12:42 AM] pikachu: reformated hdd, forgot to backup[
  38. [12:42 AM] pikachu: dont care much tho
  39. [12:42 AM] doom: wait you mention you format your HDD lol
  40. [12:42 AM] doom: yea haha
  41. [12:42 AM] doom: but can you make it again?
  42. [12:43 AM] pikachu: mehh if i tried i probably could
  43. [12:43 AM] pikachu: dont really care enough to
  44. [12:44 AM] doom: you know bro its hard to race now lol almost half of nitto have elite
  45. [12:44 AM] doom: and idk why they run so good
  46. [12:44 AM] doom: and ae aswell
  47. [12:44 AM] pikachu: from what i've noticed
  48. [12:44 AM] pikachu: if your computer is TOO GOOD, you run shit
  49. [12:44 AM] pikachu: if your computer is average, u run well
  50. [12:44 AM] doom: wow really?
  51. [12:44 AM] pikachu: if your computer is a single core, u run shit
  52. [12:44 AM] pikachu: yeah
  53. [12:44 AM] doom: how about quad?
  54. [12:45 AM] pikachu: i run like shit, i'm a dual AMD 2.25GHz 4gig DDR3 Win 7 Extreme
  55. [12:45 AM] pikachu: my Pentium 4 Win XP OS X Edition runs Amazing
  56. [12:45 AM] doom: i see
  57. [12:45 AM] doom: wtf haha
  58. [12:45 AM] pikachu: thats 4 ghz
  59. [12:45 AM] doom: P4 runs good on elite
  60. [12:46 AM] pikachu: hell i run better on my Dual processor Pentium 3 800HMz server
  61. [12:46 AM] doom: bro can i ask you something
  62. [12:46 AM] pikachu: whats up
  63. [12:46 AM] doom: some guy send me the link before he said there is a new elite name 3.0
  64. [12:46 AM] doom: i try to download it but i saw the extension name .exe
  65. [12:46 AM] doom: so i didnt open
  66. [12:46 AM] pikachu: not real
  67. [12:47 AM] pikachu: i released 1 elite 6, and it was .jar
  68. [12:47 AM] doom: i feel its a keylogg or something
  69. [12:47 AM] pikachu: idk how to make a EXE java file lol
  70. [12:47 AM] doom: yea thats what i saw on site
  71. [12:47 AM] doom: but can you enchance elite 6 now
  72. [12:47 AM] pikachu: probably not
  73. [12:47 AM] doom: i need to try again if i run good
  74. [12:48 AM] pikachu: last time i tried, i couldn't even get it to compile again
  75. [12:48 AM] doom: dang
  76. [12:48 AM] doom: i need elite that i dont need to change it on window title
  77. [12:49 AM] pikachu: lol
  78. [12:49 AM] doom: and more consistent
  79. [12:49 AM] pikachu: i have another bot i'm slowly working on
  80. [12:49 AM] pikachu: its not even PC based
  81. [12:49 AM] doom: yea beofre i forgot why u didnt release VIP bot?
  82. [12:49 AM] pikachu: cuz i didn't have one
  83. [12:49 AM] doom: before our site down
  84. [12:50 AM] pikachu: my buddy was converting NA to C#, he couldn't finish, so i never had a vip bot
  85. [12:50 AM] pikachu: elite 6 was it
  86. [12:50 AM] doom: i see
  87. [12:51 AM] doom: so your not plaanin to rebuilt site again?
  88. [12:51 AM] pikachu: i will eventually if i find a reason to
  89. [12:51 AM] pikachu: like a super hacked version of nitto or somethin
  90. [12:51 AM] doom: like nitto revolution
  91. [12:51 AM] pikachu: i mean i ahve the Nitto Source code
  92. [12:52 AM] pikachu: there will never be another Nitto Revo...just sayin, but yeah somethin like it
  93. [12:52 AM] doom: apoc lol
  94. [12:52 AM] pikachu: lol apoc and revo died with v1
  95. [12:52 AM] pikachu: new name
  96. [12:52 AM] pikachu: new game
  97. [12:52 AM] doom: so u making a new bot bro?
  98. [12:53 AM] pikachu: yeah
  99. [12:53 AM] pikachu: its not PC based
  100. [12:53 AM] doom: server based it good bro
  101. [12:53 AM] doom: so you can check ip whos using it
  102. [12:53 AM] doom: like AE
  103. [12:53 AM] pikachu: hook your Android phone up either over Wifi Tether, or USB, and control the computer from
  104. [12:53 AM] pikachu: there
  105. [12:54 AM] doom: i have samsung galaxy lol
  106. [12:54 AM] pikachu: lol as long as its android and usb/wifi capable it should work
  107. [12:54 AM] pikachu: so far it works on my Droid X just fine with some bugs
  108. [12:55 AM] pikachu: i'm having trouble with different screen resolutions and overall timing
  109. [12:55 AM] pikachu: like shift timers
  110. [12:55 AM] doom: shift timers is hard
  111. [12:55 AM] pikachu: especially when your runnin commands through USB
  112. [12:55 AM] doom: dam if u can make shift like you just entering wer to shift thats great lol
  113. [12:56 AM] pikachu: lol
  114. [12:56 AM] pikachu: i already finished a beta test
  115. [12:56 AM] pikachu: i made it so the touch screen was the up arrow
  116. [12:56 AM] pikachu: every time i touch the screen, it shifted
  117. [12:56 AM] doom: lol
  118. [12:56 AM] pikachu: working on making it so that top of the screen is shift up, bottom is shift down
  119. [12:57 AM] pikachu: camera button is nos
  120. [12:57 AM] doom: what program language u use c++?
  121. [12:57 AM] pikachu: Java
  122. [12:57 AM] pikachu: 95% of Android apps are Java based
  123. [12:57 AM] doom: and less lagg
  124. [12:57 AM] doom: how about autoit?
  125. [12:57 AM] pikachu: i despise auto it
  126. [12:57 AM] pikachu: and any bot ever coded in auto it will be 100% detected instantly
  127. [12:57 AM] doom: and autoit is detectable now
  128. [12:58 AM] doom: yup
  129. [12:58 AM] doom: but if u change window class its safe but i ts hard
  130. [12:58 AM] doom: i try to change window class of cpuid before but hard
  131. [12:58 AM] pikachu: its not that
  132. [12:59 AM] pikachu: Auto it will ALWAYS have a process running by the title of AutoIT.exe
  133. [12:59 AM] pikachu: so its easy to detect
  134. [12:59 AM] doom: not like elite
  135. [12:59 AM] pikachu: which has javaw.exe running
  136. [12:59 AM] pikachu: but everyone and their dead grandmother is running javaw.exe on their machine
  137. [12:59 AM] doom: so you mean elite will be forever its like elite vs elite you win depend on your pc spec
  138. [1:00 AM] pikachu: yeah
  139. [1:00 AM] doom: i see thats why they failed to detect elite lol
  140. [1:00 AM] pikachu: unless they get a copy of E6, and start doing md5 detection
  141. [1:00 AM] doom: so they only can do is to look on race logg
  142. [1:00 AM] doom: how?
  143. [1:01 AM] doom: but i check all the code and string of elite and its real java
  144. [1:01 AM] pikachu: i know
  145. [1:01 AM] doom: if they going to detect a lot of ppl will bann
  146. [1:01 AM] pikachu: md5 is something EVERY file has
  147. [1:01 AM] pikachu: every file is 100% different
  148. [1:01 AM] doom: cos all computers runnin with java
  149. [1:01 AM] doom: but what if they change window title?
  150. [1:02 AM] doom: not only the name elite
  151. [1:02 AM] pikachu: mehh
  152. [1:02 AM] doom: ppl change all the names there
  153. [1:02 AM] pikachu: if its md5 search
  154. [1:02 AM] pikachu: u can't get around it
  155. [1:02 AM] doom: yea only thing if they have the hard copy of elite 6
  156. [1:02 AM] pikachu: they probably do
  157. [1:03 AM] pikachu: blahh i'm nitto broke XD
  158. [1:03 AM] doom: but till now ppl using elite lol
  159. [1:03 AM] pikachu: right
  160. [1:03 AM] pikachu: my bad :P
  161. [1:03 AM] doom: wats your bank there now
  162. [1:03 AM] pikachu: 4,166
  163. [1:03 AM] doom: damm lol
  164. [1:03 AM] pikachu: but my garage adds up to like 2mill LOL
  165. [1:04 AM] doom: we can do buisness from here haha
  166. [1:04 AM] doom: like jon haha
  167. [1:04 AM] pikachu: TRD Muffler tC with 903.75HP H2H, c6 max hp 6.8s with vtw rims, full le viper vtw
  168. [1:04 AM] pikachu: lol
  169. [1:04 AM] pikachu: expensive account is expensive
  170. [1:05 AM] doom: the question is wer admin can gewt the HARD copy of elite since you reformated your HDD lo
  171. [1:05 AM] pikachu: someone can send it to em
  172. [1:05 AM] pikachu: i already did actually now that i think about it LOL but its still undetected so i dont
  173. [1:05 AM] pikachu: think they got it
  174. [1:06 AM] doom: well looks like there kung fu is not enough haha
  175. [1:06 AM] pikachu: lol
  176. [1:06 AM] pikachu: you know java?
  177. [1:06 AM] doom: you already give them but why till now they cant detect lol
  178. [1:06 AM] doom: a bit
  179. [1:06 AM] doom: im a computer programming
  180. [1:06 AM] doom: but my work here is cad operator lol
  181. [1:06 AM] pikachu: sell you elite 6 source LOL
  182. [1:07 AM] pikachu: i used to do CAD operation, i got bored of it
  183. [1:07 AM] pikachu: lol
  184. [1:07 AM] doom: if you can make me a new elite i pay you bro lol
  185. [1:07 AM] doom: yea same but lot of money
  186. [1:07 AM] doom: i earn a lot on this job but super boring
  187. [1:07 AM] pikachu: meh i only take nitto cash lol
  188. [1:08 AM] doom: not like gfx designing
  189. [1:08 AM] doom: i pay u nitto cash dont worry
  190. [1:08 AM] doom: ;)
  191. [1:08 AM] doom: make me a private bot
  192. [1:08 AM] doom: like elite but more consistent
  193. [1:08 AM] pikachu: i do a little bit of everything...i know a bit of programming, i'm a head cook lol
  194. [1:08 AM] pikachu: and i can't make it more consistent, thats Java's fault
  195. [1:09 AM] doom: i see but can you change the name elite 6?
  196. [1:09 AM] doom: to svchost.exe?
  197. [1:09 AM] pikachu: nope :/
  198. [1:09 AM] doom: so i dont need to change it on WTC eveytime lol
  199. [1:09 AM] doom: why?
  200. [1:10 AM] pikachu: cuz i haven't touched it in so long, i can't remake it, i've tried
  201. [1:10 AM] doom: or new bot?
  202. [1:10 AM] doom: made on java
  203. [1:10 AM] doom: you know delay box?
  204. [1:10 AM] doom: BodyVtaK made
  205. [1:11 AM] doom: its good but its autoit lol
  206. [1:11 AM] pikachu: i hated delay box lol
  207. [1:12 AM] doom: cpuid its better but risk haha
  208. [1:12 AM] pikachu: yeah
  209. [1:13 AM] doom: i have ce undetected before but idk i havent use it again
  210. [1:13 AM] pikachu: less code behind it
  211. [1:13 AM] pikachu: CE is easy to make undetected
  212. [1:13 AM] doom: how?
  213. [1:13 AM] pikachu: well...easy if u are good with hex editors lol
  214. [1:13 AM] doom: dang haha
  215. [1:13 AM] doom: im not good on that
  216. [1:13 AM] doom: i forgot c++ even visual basic lol
  217. [1:14 AM] pikachu: i've been hex editing files for years...i mod CA like hell
  218. [1:14 AM] pikachu: lol
  219. [1:14 AM] pikachu: and original CA modding was nothin but Hex editing
  220. [1:14 AM] pikachu: now i've found the physical Game Engine tools so CA is dead XD
  221. [1:15 AM] doom: bro u play tetris battle?
  222. [1:16 AM] doom: on fB
  223. [1:16 AM] pikachu: nope
  224. [1:16 AM] pikachu: i dont do anything on fb except chat
  225. [1:16 AM] doom: but bro can u make me a new bot like private?
  226. [1:16 AM] pikachu: i can try
  227. [1:17 AM] pikachu: buy my viper XD
  228. [1:17 AM] pikachu: 11430964
  229. [1:17 AM] doom: lol
  230. [1:17 AM] doom: wtf hahah 15m
  231. [1:17 AM] pikachu: cuz i can
  232. [1:18 AM] pikachu: normal price on that viper is still 1mill lol
  233. [1:19 AM] doom: make me new bot bro
  234. [1:20 AM] doom: i pay u nitto cash ;)
  235. [1:20 AM] pikachu: lol
  236. [1:20 AM] pikachu: i'll give it a shot
  237. [1:21 AM] doom: ok let me know bro
  238. [1:21 AM] doom: add me on p3bbl3s
  239. [1:21 AM] doom: btw my AEM is banned haha
  240. [1:22 AM] pikachu: lol
  241. [1:22 AM] doom: coz i run like .50x 20x in a row
  242. [1:22 AM] pikachu: get me a furai XD jk
  243. [1:22 AM] doom: all legit bro
  244. [1:22 AM] doom: if u made me good bot bro i will
  245. [1:22 AM] doom: :)
  246. pikachu: lol hell trade u my viper for one XD
  247. [1:23 AM] doom: u going to make me a new bot made on java?
  248. [1:24 AM] pikachu: i'll give it my all, i'll probably have it done in a week if i get it working
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