
Rich People Problems

Dec 11th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was waiting inside just kind of pacing around in the entry way , waiting for his dad to show up. "Should we go give her a head's up? No... because then she might bail before he gets here..." He mumbled to himself, going to look out the window next to the door. // Tae was up in Drew's room lounging on his bed. She had some loungey clothes on watching you tube videos on her phone. Anything to keep her mind distracted. She closed the app and sat up, giving a soft sigh.
  2. Tsaaq: Bliss was waiting near the door with Eli. She shook her head. "No..." She whispered with a sigh. "I don't want to start a row prematurely. She might run away." She said a little anxiously. // Drew walked into bedroom from his bathroom and went to lay down beside her on his bed. "Soooo, wanna go again?" He asked, touching Tae's hair.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Neil pulled up the the house in a rush, throwing the black vehicle into park and shoving open his door so he could unfold out of the car. He slammed the door closed behind him, clearly agitated as he stormed up to the front door to jam his index finger into the bell. // Lisa climbed out of the passenger side of the car, rushing after Neil as she attempted to calm him down which she'd been doing the entire trip over here. "Neil... listen to me. Don't you scare my little girl away. Do you hear me? Don't yell at her."-
  4. Covet: He nodded and stepped over to Bliss and wrapped her up in his arms, pressing a kiss to her head. "It's for the best." He said more trying to convince himself, even if he knew it was right. He nearly jumped with the doorbell was rang, and looked out the window to see both his mom and Dad there. "He lookes thrilled..." // Tae looked over at him and gave him an incredulous look, "Again? So soon? I supposed we could." laughing, she watched him and went to press her lips to his. "Thank you for letting me stay. It's been really nice."
  5. Tsaaq: "Oh my goodness." She whispered and went towards the door to open in. "Hello Professor Cohen and Mrs. Cohen. She's up in Drew's wing of the house... If you don't mind climbing some stairs." // Drew smirked at her. "Yeah. But it's okay. Watch." He whispered to her before kissing her. "You can stay here forever for all I care. You're the best." He whispered. He went to kiss along her neck and opened her legs.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Neil set his jaw as he listened to Lisa while waiting for someone to answer the door. "I will yell at her if I damn well please. She's being an idiot and she doesnt deserve to be treated like an adult. That ship has sailed." He didnt even smile at Bliss when she answered the door, stepping inside the house. "Thank you Bliss. Would you mind pointing us in the right direction?" // Lisa frowned and stepped into the house behind Neil, shifting over to step to Eli and dropping her voice to a whisper. "Elijah... he is so angry."-
  7. Covet: "Hey Dad, Mom." He said giving his mom a hug looking at her to judge how angry his dad was, by how concerned his mother was. When she spoke, he nodded. "I wasn't really sure with the messages today." He startedd to walk with Bliss, towards the stairs that headed towards Drew's wing. // "I'm going to sleep amazingly tonight. Maybe, if you let me." She said with a giggle, gasping and moaning softly as he kissed her neck, and moved her legs.
  8. Tsaaq: She inhaled with a frown and nodded her head. "Straight down the hallway the stairs on the left. Take them then make another left turn. You'll pass the bath then it'll be his room." She explained. "Well Grandmother is downstairs sleeping so hopefully this exchange isn't horrible." // He chuckled. "You will, trust me." Drew shifted to put himself between her legs and inserted himself in Tae and made the thursts bro.
  9. Alexithymiaa: (Nooooooooooo Drew noooo)
  10. Alexithymiaa: (Im trying to navigate this fucking house.)
  11. Tsaaq: ((Lmaoooo stahp.))
  12. Alexithymiaa: (Is it the room above the garage?)
  13. Tsaaq: ((yes.))
  14. Alexithymiaa: (Okay cool)
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Neil nodded and turned abruptly to follow Bliss' instructions, taking the stairs and storming down the hallway heading to Drew's room. Stopping outside the closed door, he reached for the doorknob, lingering there a moment before just shoving the door open. He stopped short when he saw what they were doing, gawking for a second before regaining his composure, but not really because he's losing his shit. "What the fuck is going on in here?!" He yelled with a very bass ridden voice, storming further into the room. // "There is no mistaking this..." He said gently to Eli, frowning and beginning to shuffle down after Neil in hopes that he wouldn't murder anyone. When she stepped into the room behind him and saw what was going on, she immediately turned away and shielded her eyes. "Oh, goodness."-
  16. Covet: Eli stopped at the bottom of the stairs, not sure he wanted to go up there to witness the show. "Yeah, we can only hope. At the same time, Prudence might be able to keep my dad from murdering Drew." // Tae arched and was totally getting into his thrusts, already starting to moan, even though they'd done pretty much nothing but the sex all day. She heard the door open ad then her dad's voice made her completely freeze, pulling Drew close because at least his body was blocking the view. "Dad!....Mom?! Uh...It's pretty obvious I think. A serious lack of privacy!" She said embarassed as she scrambled for a blanket, something, anything.
  17. Tsaaq: "But she gets so cranky when she's unwillingly roused." Bliss argued. She covered her mouth with her hands as she heard them making live. She took a few steps back so she would see anything. // Drew went to thrust deeper into Tae. He laughed and leaned forward for a kiss. He looked up, he wasn't trying to stop the thrusting. "Um... Having sex?" He answered very cluelessly.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Get the hell off of her!" Neil screamed at Drew, stepping forward at the bed and waving his hands a bit frantically. "Get dressed! Now~" He screamed before reaching his hand out to grab onto Drew's shoulder, trying to forcibly remove him from Tae. // "Neil! Stop yelling." Lisa spoke harshly, her eyes still shielded from the scene because she didnt want to see any of this shit.-
  19. Covet: Eli cringed as his dad went in, really wishing he didn't have to hear any of this. Clearly he was in the same boat as his mom. "Dad... really... Don't wake up Prudence..." He said pleading up the stairs, not willing to go up there. // Tae's heart was racing, between Drew not stopping and the fact that her parents were here, she was practically mortified. Not that they were here, but that they were caught like this. "Can you get out, so we can please!" Tae yelled back, her hands on her face as she tried to squirm out from under Drew.
  20. Tsaaq: She gasped at Neil. "Professor Cohen!" She said, shushing him because she knew Prudence would stirr any moment. // His thrusts slowed as he shrugged Neil off. "Stop! Get out of my room! I'll call the security gaurd, or whoever is in the house. My uncle!" Drew yelled. "Come on, let's just finish." He tried to soothe Tae but mostly he wanted to fuck.
  21. Alexithymiaa: (DREW.)
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Neil was essentially seeing red at this point, his hands clenching into fists. "Call whoever you want, but you better get off of my teenage daughter NOW. We're not going anywhere and when we do, you're coming with us." He spoke firmly literally comments away from punching Drew in the head. // -Hearing Eli's comments calling up the stairs, she walked over to Neil, putting her hand on his arm. "You have thirty seconds to get dressed and be out of this room. If you're not, I'm letting your father back in here." She tried to push Neil toward the door, but he was standing strong.-
  23. Covet: Eli just put his head in his hands and went to sit down at the bottom of the stairs. "How long do you think we have before your Grandmother gets up here?" He asked Bliss accepting the inevitable at this point. // Tae was trying to push Drew, back. "Drew we can't...Stop... please..." She said essentially just laying there, because she'd lost the mood to sheer embarassment, to the point where she could feel tears starting to run down either side of her face. She didn't want to open her eyes to see the expression on either of her parent's faces and was hoping that if she kept them closed long enough maybe they'd just go away. "I'm not going home with you!"
  24. Tsaaq: Bliss glanced down the stairs and went to sit down beside Eli, putting her hand on his knee. "It'll be seconds if anything." // Drew frowned as he saw Tae's expression. "No! Don't be sad." He said, immediately stopping. He pulled his sweats up around his hips and got up from the bed. "Don't be a dick Mr. Cohen! God! I've been making her feel better since last night and you guys are making her cry again!" // Prudence pulled up her sleep mask and grumbled as she got out of bed. She threw on her silk robe and made her way up the stairs. "What is going on?" She called out as she made her way over to Drew's wing to see the commotion.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "You're the reason she needs to cheer up in the first place!" Neil yelled, stepping forward again toward Drew despite Lisa's protests. "I want you and all of your trouble away from my daughter. None of this would have ever happened in the first place if it werent for you." // "Neil, please... stop yelling." Lisa said forcefully to him, keeping her hand on his arm just in case.-
  26. Covet: Eli looked up to see Prudence and took a deep breath. "My mom and Dad are taking their turn at confronting Drew and Tae." He mumbled and scooted over on the stairs in case Prudence wanted to go up there. "I kind of threw them under the bus after we found out yesterday." // Tae scrambled for clothes and pulled them back down as she wiped her eyes, "Dad....Dad stop! It's not like he forced me to do anything...I made my own choices too. I'm not just a teenager, I'm an adult. Sorry to break it to you." She said looking at her Mom, "You guys just continue to treat me like I'm sixteen. I hate it!"
  27. Tsaaq: "Gram gram. I am so sorry. But this has been building over the weeks and I wasn't sure how to tell you." She said as she stood up, trying to not allow Prudence to release her wrath. // He shook his head. "You can't keep me away from her. Even if you tried. Obvs." Drew scoffed. "Everybody is such a player hater!" He said in a loud voice. "Bliss is allowed to have a stupid boyfriend she always has over here. I bring one teenage girl and bang her on a regular basis and all of the sudden I'm Mufasa... Scar. Whoever the bad guy was in that movie!" // Prudence inhaled deeply and went up the stairs angrily. "Andrew and Tae are still seeing each other?" He asked in a husky tone. She went into Drew's room and shook her head. "What manner of nonsense is this Andrew! She's a little girl. You can't copulate with a woman your own age?" She began to berate him as well.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "We treat you the age you act, Tae. You live under our roof, we pay your bills, and claim you on our taxes and therefore you follow our rules. You want to go do whatever you want? Then you get to pay your own way and that includes buying your own cell phone and paying for your own transportation." He turned to look at Prudence when she came into the room, happy to have a bit of back up since Lisa just wanted everyone to stop yelling. // Lisa sighed and covered her eyes, shaking her head and mumbling. "Do not push my baby away..."-
  29. Covet: Eli looked up the stairs listening to the agruement play out, now that Prudence was in the mix as well. "Is it a terrible time to make the comment that I'm glad we're the good ones?" He asked Bliss. // "I'm not a little girl! I'm not a baby, I'm not a child!" Tae yelled back at Neil as she put some bottoms on that were probably Drew's because she didn't really know where all her clothes were at the moment. She frowned at Drew, because just yesterday he'd said she was more than that. There was too much anger and emotion right now for her. "Fine. If I can't stay here, and I can't go home. I'll find somewhere else to live and figure it out on my own!" She leaned over the bed, grabbing her phone so she could at least text someone to find a place to sleep for the night, and walked past her parents and out the door that lead to the stairs outside.
  30. Tsaaq: Bliss inhaled deeply and frowned. "It vexes me whenever there's any problem though." She said before lowering her head. // "Tae wait! You can't go! It's not safe. You can't just go anywhere!" He tried to call out to her. "Gram, stop it! Mind your business! I'm an adult." Drew attempted to run after Tae. // "Mind my business? I'm sorry. Who bought this house? And all of your things? OH wait. It was me!" Prudence shouted before going to pull him back. "You lowly wretch! Taking advantage of a girl like this! With your past!"
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Where do you think you're going with that phone?" Neil asked, because now he was going to twist the knife to make his point. "We pay for your phone so if you're going off on your own to do whatever you want, that includes giving the phone back. And that also includes getting some type of job to pay rent somewhere." He said, holding his hand out for the phone as he followed her. // "Neil!" Lisa yelled at his back because he was doing the exact opposite of what she had said. Bringing her hands up through her hair, all she wanted was a bottle of wine.-
  32. Covet: Eli took a deep breath, " I know. But...there isn't anything we can do for this problem. It's out of our hands." He told her softly resting his head against hers. // "I'll be fine!" She said then finished her messages, then threw the phone at her Dad's feet. "Then take it. But don't expect me to give you my new number when I get one. And good luck trying to check in with me without it." She said. Then looked at her mom, Drew and Prudence. Unable to say anything she turned and headed down the stairs towards the driveway, in nothing more than a t-shirt and some too big pajama bottoms. Way to think that one out Tae, how are you going to get a job like that?
  33. Alexithymiaa: (Also its fucking December.)
  34. Tsaaq: "I know. But being helpless on the matter feels even worse. Doesn't it feel like this was our fault somehow?" She asked Eli. // Drew fought from Prudence's frap. "Whatever! I didn't get her pregnant like the other girls! And she's nice to me! Everyone else treats me like I'm stupid." He went to try and rush down the stairs after her.
  35. Alexithymiaa: -Neil leaned down and picked up the phone, instantly turning if off and shoving it down into his pocket becase he was mad and his emotions were getting the best of him. He stepped out the door, raising his voice to call down to her. "We'll be home waiting for you when you realize you still need your parents!" He turned back to the room, looking at Lisa. "We need to go home." // Lisa's eyes went wide when Neil just let that chick run off, throwing her hands up into the air. "What the hell are you doing, Neil?"-
  36. Covet: "Sort of? Not so much your fault, but mine. I'm the one who told him. Even after we said that they needed to tell them." He said in reference to his parents. Hearing his dad say they needed to go home he looked up the stairs, "I don't think that went well at all..." // Tae turned to see Drew coming down the stairs as she got to the gate. She bit the inside of her cheek and mumbled a quick goodbye to Pauly, heading down the street towards the direction of the OCH, pulling her arms around herself as she cried and walked.
  37. Tsaaq: "It went horribly! Are you kidding me?" She replied hurriedly before running up the stairs. "Don't just let her leave! It's winter. She'll be cold!" Bliss began to try and butt in. // Drew reached the bottom of the stairs and sighed. "Wait! We can run away to the Bahamas!" He shouted to Tae. // Prudence's eyes widened as she went to walk down the stairs after Drew. "You're not running away anywhere! You're going to get back in this house and stay there."
  38. Alexithymiaa: "Exactly what needs to be done. Let's go." He spoke and put his hand on the small of Lisa's back, pushing her toward the door. "She's an adult. She can figure out what to do if she's cold." He retorted to Bliss as the two stepped outside to descend the staircase on their way to the car. // Lisa broke into tears as she walked out of the house, her hands covering her face as she sobbed.-
  39. Covet: Eli got up and was going to tell his parents goodbye at least, but Neil just walked past him, with his mother in tow. "Goodnight?....Get" He said with a sigh then went upstairs to mee Bliss, "Sorry he snapped at you like that." He said sheepishly, knowing his Dad had completely gone off. He'd only seen him like this on a rare occasion, himself. // Tae had heard Drew, then just sort of felt annoyed because that sounded warm, which only made her feel colder on her walk.
  40. Tsaaq: Bliss looked extremely defeated as she turned to Eli. "I feel so awful." She said with a frown. "We need to get to the apartment... I can't be here." Bliss said hurriedly, trying to make her own exit. // Drew was pissed, beyond pissed, royally pissed. He went into his room and destroyed his PS4 which is totally a big deal.
  41. Alexithymiaa: (WHAT. ASSHOLE!)
  42. Tsaaq: ((He can just buy a new one.))
  43. Alexithymiaa: (I dont care. Now Im mad.)
  44. Tsaaq: ((Calm down!))
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